
#Chapter 38

*Rose's POV*

The holidays.

Best part of the year. No waking up early, not having to go to lessons, no teachers there to boss you around. Just peace and quiet.

It has been one week into the holidays, and all I had done was stay in my room making songs.

The was a small knock on my door. I stood up from my bed to see who it was.

"Master Severus has told Kinky to inform Miss that he dance classes with the muggles are starting tomorrow."

It was the first thing I had heard when I had swung my door open.

I just nodded at Kinky who did a quick cursty and rushed off.

I closed the door and grabbed my parchment and quill that was on my bed.

Dear Roseline,

Remember how I told you about those singing and dancing classes? I was hoping if you would like to join us tomorrow.


I sealed the letter, and I gave it to Sev's Owl. Soon after, I got a letter back saying:

Hi Rose,

I would have love to join you guys tomorrow, but I have my own singing classes to go to. I am so sorry.


I sighed, sad that she couldn't join Draco, Erin and, but also happy at the same time that she had her own singing classes to attend to.


It was the next day, and I got ready.

I tied my hair into a ponytail and wore some casual clothes.

Sev flood me back to the wizarding restaurant then left me. I walked to the studio to find Draco and Erin already there, waiting for me.

"Hey Guys!" I shouted to them to get their attention.

They smiled to me and waved.

"Thanks for waiting for me," I said.

"No problem," Erin said,"I heard that you had gotten petrified, right?"

I nodded.

"How did it feel?" She asked me.

"To be honest, I don't really remember."

"Should we get going inside?" Draco cut in.

The both of us nodded.

We went into the studio and sat on the carpet. Just then, from the corner of my eye I noticed someone horribly familiar.

It was Madelyn.

"Draco," I hissed.


"Look, Madelyn," I told him, indicating to where she was. Madelyn was with her friend, Diana.

Draco buried his face in his arms,"Why does she have to be here!"

"Who is Madelyn?" Erin questioned.

"You don't know?" I replied, confused.


"Madelyn Greenwood is the Slytherin git," I said.

"Really?" Erin asked,"I thought it was Draco-"

"Hey!" Draco exclaimed.

"No offense. Though before we met, you were really mean to us," Erin said.

I smirked,"You let an eleven year old bully you?"

She blushed and ignored my comment, turning away. I high-fived Draco.

Daisy entered the studio.

"Hey guys! Its awesome to see you again!" She said,"This lesson we are just going to have some fun. In groups of three, choose another group to battle against!"

Of course, Draco, Erin and I went into a group together.

We watched as everyone rushed into their groups and decide which one to battle against.

I slammed my head to the wall as I saw Madelyn and her group came towards us.

Why in the Merlin's name would she come to us!

"Scared Rose?" She asked smirking.

"You wish," I hissed.

The three of danced as hard as we could, trying to come up with new moves.

"Remember everyone," Daisy said,"We are only doing this for fun!"

Draco scoffed,"She sounds like Lockhart."

"Disarm only!" Draco said trying to mimick Lockhart.

I burst into uncontrollable giggles.


Dance class has finished and Daisy said that all groups had won. I changed out of my sweaty clothes to go to singing classes.

When I walked into the room, there were chairs and tables, as if we were in a classroom.

"Hello everyone! Today you will partner up and create a song, then perform it to everyone at the end of the class."

I looked around to see who I could pair up with. I wasn't really friends with anyone.

The was a blonde girl sitting on one of the chairs with her back facing me. There was no one with her, so I decided to ask her.

"Hello," I said,"Would you like to- Rosie?!"

The Blonde girl had turned around and it turned out that she was Roseline.


"Its so good to see you!" I exclaimed happily,"I never knew we went to the same singing classes."

"Me neither, want to pair up?" She asked.

"I was just about to ask you the same thing," I replied smiling at her.


After we had made our song, we listened to everyone else's.

Then soon enough, it was our turn. I was so nervous. Roseline nodded in encouragement to me. I smiled back at her.


I'm not a stranger to the dark

Hide away, they say

'Cause we don't want your broken parts


I've learned to be ashamed of all my scars

Run away, they say

No one will love you as you are

But I won't let them break me down to dust

I know that there's a place for us

For we are glorious


When the sharpest words wanna cut me down

I'm gonna send a flood

Gonna drown them out

I am Brave

I am Proof

I am who I'm meant to be

This is me.


Look out cause here I come

And I'm marching on to the beat I drum

I'm not scared

To be seen

I make no apologies

This is me.


Oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh

Oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh

Oh-oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh, oh, oh


Another round of bullets hit my skin

Well fire away

'Cause today

I won't let the shame sink in

We are bursting through the barricades

And reach above the sun

(Rose:we are warriors)

Yeah that's what we've become


But I won't let them break me down to dust

I know that there's a place for us

For we are glorious


When the sharpest words wanna cut me down

I'm gonna send a flood

Gonna drown them out

I am Brave

I am Proof

I am who I'm meant to be

This is me.


Look out cause here I come

And I'm marching on to the beat I drum

I'm not scared

To be seen

I make no apologies

This is me.


Oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh

Oh-oh-oh-oh, Oh-oh-oh-oh

Oh-oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh, oh, oh

This is me.



(Rose: And I know that I deserve your love)


(Rose: There's nothing I'm not worthy of)

Oh-oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh,Oh-oh-oh, oh, oh


When the sharpest words wanna cut me down

I'm gonna send a flood

Gonna drown them out

I am Brave

I am Proof

I am who I'm meant to be

This is me.


Look out cause here I come

(Roseline: Look out 'cause here I come)

And I'm marching on to the beat I drum

(Roseline: And I'm marching on the beat I drum)

I'm not scared

To be seen

I make no apologies

This is me



(Rose: I'm gonna send a flood, gonna drown hem out)



This is me.

I opened my eyes as well stopped singing. Everyone clapped for us, some of them whistled. I gave Rosie a high-five.

"Can't wait for the next lesson," I said, waving goodbye to her and flooing my way back to Sev.


It was the next day, next lesson.

Draco and Erin were creating some new dance moves while I was positioned to select a song from the playlist.

"Hey Rose, didn't know you went to this dance class."

It was Rosie (Roseline).

"Oh. My. Gosh." I stood up and hugged. She was now something like my best friend.

"Rose we've got t-" Draco came towards me,"Roseline?"

"Oh hey Draco," Rosie said waving to him.

"I didn't know you went here," said Draco.

"I used to, but I just came back today," Rosie replied. After saying this, she was nudged by and unknown boy.

"Ow," she groaned.

"I'm Aaron and she talks too much!" A brown-haired boy exclaimed.

"I am Connor, and he isn't lying," the other boy said.

He had red hair like me, and the Weasleys. Anyone could mistake him as my twin.

"I am Rose, and this is Draco," I said introducing ourselves.

"We'll see you guys later, we need to get back to work," the two boys said before dragging Rosie away.


After some time in practicing, I heard a screech of terror.

I turned around to see Diana, Madelyn's best friend, covered in yellow paint. I smirked and went towards Aaron, Connor and Rosie who had burst out laughing.

"You did this?" I asked them.

"Yes," Aaron replied.

"All on us," said Connor.

"You guys are awesome," Draco said joining in the conversation.

"Thanks dude," Connor and Aaron said in unison.

"Seems like everyone HATES Madelyn and Diana," Erin stated,"Oh, and I am Erin."

Then she shook hands with the others.




We soon were done with dance class, and we left the building.