
Weakest Demon GOD

Tom was a normal human, in a world that wasn’t special. If there was something special about him was how he could always keep calm , and how he had an aura that made people see him as a dignified person to the point of not approaching him. This ended up making him a loner who only had studying and fiction on his mind. One day a rift in space opened releasing a dying demonic and angelic being on him. Thus killing him but is that the end for our mc. Ps:(; no , reborn as a super weak demonic god with the power of creation. You wanna know why, go read my novel

1_WHAT_AM_I_DOING_ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


Tom was a normal human, in a world that wasn't special, no fantasy or sci-if like events.

He was an orphan since birth and only found out about his parents at the age of 6 with the help of the lawyer that gave him his inheritance.

If there was something special about him it would probably be his calmness in dangerous scenarios, and his blank aura making him easily go unnoticed.

This ended up making him a loner throughout his entire life , this left him with only studying and fiction as his solace.

But one day his destiny changed , a rift in space opened out of nowhere releasing 2 dying demonic and angelic beings on him.


Thus he died with them ,BUT was it the end.

NO , for this was his FISRT life , in an EMPTY life , and in world with no special energy.

HIS SOUL WAS BLANK!!! And next to him were two special souls that were too weak too protect themselves.

Tom on the tip of unconsciousness:( FUCK! not now...not yet ,I wanna live).

With his determination to live he subconsciously connected with the two other souls.....


I would love if you could share this with your friends or give me some suggestions on what to to next.

And as always WHAT AM I DOING!!!!

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