The story about a man wanting to become the best Magic Knight, but will face the most odd obstacle of his life. He gained a second body! What's more, it's a girl! But the real obstacles are the things happening behind his back! Will he ever figure out what they are before it's too late?
I don't exactly know how it started, but I know when it did.
Despite being a commoner, Red has stood up for me since we were kids against other noble kids. He had been fighting for me like a personal knight and never once left me feeling alone and lonely.
I can still vividly remember that one time when I was little where kids from another household tried to attack me with knives just because they thought I was taking up the spotlight with my face.
They wanted to ruin my face out of jealousy.
That was also the day my fear of crowds was born.
I thought that day was the day I was going to die, but instead it turned into the day where I found my brother.
Despite being a commoner and a child, he had no fear and jumped in front of a blade just to protect me. He fought off countless other children just to protect me and was even badly wounded from it.