
What's Happening To Me

Mr Bee and Officer Swan just woke up having a tea at their main office around 7:00 on same black sofas:

<Mr Bee thinking while drinking>

<Officer Swan asks chillingly>

"You okay?"

<Mr Bee takes a sign of relief>

"The tea is fantastic! I've been thinking about the lost prisoners….we need to see today's report immediately."

Mr Bee takes his watch out from his pocket wears and begins to press the button of the watch to see the holographic footage of what's up in the city. They both saw some locations as vampires or werewolfs were making trouble at the movement at these places.

<Mr Bee making a hand sign>

"Well let's get them on my car!"

The car came running at very high speed and stopped just near them. Officer Swan putting both cups on a side table, "Let's go!"

<Mr Bee happy to see officer wanting to come earlier this time>


They both reached at their first location of operation which was a beech and no one was there at the time but a man with a long cape and long teeth cathing fish with bare hands in the ocean and eating them.

<Officer Swan with a bit sarcasm>

"Is he making a trouble?"

<Mr Bee opens his arms passing the vibe>

"Well! What do you think? Should we wait for him to make a trouble?"

They both went near him and he also came a little near to them as he saw them. The Vampire in a dark voice looking at them, "Food!"

<Officer Swan took his gun out>

"Don't be rude!"

<Mr Bee putting his hand on his shoulder>

"Look! Just come with us gently! You'll be safe."

<Vampire tried to bite his arm>

<Mr Bee removed it real quick and used the spray on him with attaching the tech on his shoulder>

"They never understand the love language."

Both of them got themselves in the car again and went on to their next haunt soon they reached a big auditorium where a werewolf was detected they got in and saw him on the stage presenting his speech while all the other werewolf which he must have gathered and made by bitting them were standing to hear his political speech.

<Mr Bee watching him go and also listening him quite with Officer Swan behind the all audience>


<Officer Swan with a little spark of disappointment>

"Looks like they have grown alot since two days only....surprising it is.…really surprising."

<The Werewolf in his normal form like everyone else>

"So! Gentle wolfs I just want you to make some noise….some noise….for our freedom, some noise for our leadership all over the world!"

The Audience applause. Mr Bee took out two sprays for himself from his pocket and too from his other pocket for Officer Swan, "Enough…now let's do it!"

Both men went spraying silently and also putting the tech on their bodies many of them were teleported in the chambers of prison only one was left who was doing the speech as he was gone so deep in the speech he didn't even notice all his audience disappeared and then finally Officer and Mr Bee got themselves on the stage.

<Mr Bee putting his hand on the mike to the werewolf>

"Hey! Mister...."

<The Werewolf surprised>


Officer Swan soon punched him in the face and sprayed as quickly as he can on his face the chemical.

<The werewolf blackout>

<Mr Bee attaching tech on his back>

"You didn't let me talk!"

<Officer Swan with quirky expressions>

"And giving him the time to shift….no! I don't see it as a good idea!"

Suddenly officer saw a werewolf out of the glass mirror window of the auditorium which was just about to hurt or kill a young man as he saw that Officer Swan took his gun out and shooted and the bullet went through the window and the werewolf was killed.

<Mr Bee surprised>

"What was that? Did you kill a werewolf?"

<Officer Swan justifying his act>

"He was just about to hurt someone."

<Mr Bee being careless as he was really tired now>

"Hmm.…I think they'll take care of the body….I mean some agency would….it is of no use for us at least so.…let's go!"

Officer Swan and Mr Bee between a crowd got themselves out of the area and as they were heading towards there office Mr Bee's watch started binging "Beep! Beep! Beep.....!"

<Officer Swan with a frown>

"What's that?"

<Mr Bee while driving the car moving towards a mountainous area looking at his watch>

"It is indicating a werewolf very much near!"

<Officer Swan quirky expressions>


Suddenly from a high mountainous range a werewolf fell on their car as they have to stop the car quickly and got themselves out to face it. Mr Bee the car had the shockwave, "Ahh! I think we got the answer for your question!"

<Officer Swan took his gun out>

"F*cking hell!"

<Mr Bee pointing towards him to put the gun back>

"No! No! Not the gun!"

<Officer Swan's never ending swag>

"Sprays are over....no time to negotiate!"

Werewolf slowly moving towards Mr Bee as both were standing opposite sides of the car and the werewolf was on the car.

<Mr Bee breathing heavily>

<Officer Swan aiming his target he finally shot it>

<Mr Bee taking a sign of relief>


<Officer Swan putting his gun in his coat pocket>

"What were you doing! If you are a snack to him then it should be a target to you!"

<Mr Bee again taking a sign of relief>

"It's okay! Bee! Everything is fine!"

<Suddenly the body disappeared>

<Officer Swan surprised>

"Wow! Look! It disappears now it means killing these is more easier then using the spray."

<Mr Bee stunned of the situation>

Both finally got themselves in the car and went to their officer and then main office room and sitting on the sofas they began to talk. Officer Swan sitting at left, "You sure your okay? I mean you didn't even said anything till now! From the incident!"

<Mr Bee looking at him confidently>

"Hmmm..…all these deaths it seems strange only if we had someone who could cure these!"

<Officer Swan understood exactly what he mean't>

"What? No! Are you talking about Sofia?"

<Mr Bee with a pretty proud face>

"Yeah! Of course she was my therapist and the only science freak we know! Let's bring her into this man just to cure these patients and nothing else, she will not be involved in the violence."

<Officer Swan caring too much>

"Well! Nah....still a big risk!"

<Mr Bee trying to make a way for all to be at peace>

"Oh! Come-on at least we shall try and I will man anyways! I have to do something about these patients! And I will! Tomorrow morning we are going!"

<Mr Bee stood up and went on to his bedroom>

<Officer Swan while thinking alone in the room>

"Wondering am I....do all the staff sleep and live here with no money or salary at all.…it's really strange...."

Shrugged his shoulders and went on to the bedroom to finally sleep and have some rest.