Mr Bee having tea and Officer arrives in the main office room:
<Officer Swan sitting with a letter in his hand handing over to Mr Bee>
<Mr Bee opens it form one hand holding the mug in other reading it>
"Men In Grey! We with due respect invite you to come and join us in the party tonight at have killed our enormous amounts of men…vampires and werewolfs we both are ready for our revenge….come and face us at the same club you have been the last night…we'll be waiting and in the last we are going to kill you anyways so.…yeah! Be there….regards!"
<Officer Swan making a face like they are not professionals>
"Not so good criminals right..…I mean why would anyone write in the last of the letter when threatening anyone…come to us so we kill you…..I mean they are telling you that they'll kill you know what's going to happen…I mean we are not that stupid to go for this party…right?"
<Mr Bee with a bit curiousness on his face>
"Why Not?!"