
We Had No Choice (dlm)

Helena Lestrange, the daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange, is attending her third year at Hogwarts. Draco Malfoy is her best friend, along with the golden trio and many others. But will happen when Draco and Helena realize their fate is very similar? Will they find each other and stand up before it's too late?

mayamalfoy · Fantasia
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9 Chs


Hi everyone!!💕✨

Before you start reading, I want to point out a few things and give a background of Helena Lestrange so you understand the story more. Let me also point out that in this story, Bellatrix and Narcissa are best friends and NOT sisters (cause that would be weird).


Moving on, the characters featured in this story include: Helena Lestrange, Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Fred and George Weasley, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, and much more but those are the more main characters this story focuses on.


Helena is very like her mother: witty, determined to finish what she starts, talks back whenever she pleases, and has a thirst to prove herself. Unlike her mother, Helena has a sweet side. She can be kind, caring, humorous, and loving. Although, the only people who have seen that side of her are her close friends: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Pansy, and Draco.

Helena has hazel eyes, long, black hair that is straight at the top and curls at the end, and has the face shape of her mother.  El is also very gifted at singing, but tells no one about it.

Helena met the golden trio back in first year. This was obviously before any of them had known how dangerous Bellatrix was, even Helena didn't know. She had gotten so close with the golden trio that when she told them who her mother was, they didn't care because they knew and loved Helena despite her family. Fred and George Weasley are no strangers to Helena, in fact, they love her (in a brotherly kind of way). Helena, Fred, and George's love for pulling pranks is what got them so close. Their favorite person to prank? Filch, of course. Helena also got very close with Pansy her first year at Hogwarts. The girls were assigned to be roommates together, and ever since then, you cannot separate them. They have so much in common, you'd think they're the same person. But no one knows Helena better than Draco Malfoy. When Helena and Draco were young, Bellatrix would bring Helena over to the Malfoy Manor to have meetings with the other death eaters. While the parents were downstairs, Helena and Draco would be in his room or outside playing and having fun.  Helena came over to the Malfoy Manor a lot, but she didn't mind.  She loved hanging out with Draco and knew everything about him.  She knew he had a sweet side that he hated showing, she knew his hate for the golden trio, she knew he hated crying or being vulnerable, and that's just the beginning.  Draco also knows everything about Helena, but he acts like he doesn't.  He knows she also hates crying or showing any kind of emotion, he knows that when she gets mad, she gets scary, and you don't want to mess with her when she's scary, he knows about her sweet side and how she doesn't show that side to just anyone, and much, much more.  You'd think those two were siblings the way they acted.

Now, Helena is starting her third year at Hogwarts and the adventures with Draco and the golden trio are just getting started...

Sorry this author's note is pretty long, but I wanted for it to be detailed in order for you guys to comprehend the story more!  Remember to vote, comment, and share this story with others.  I can't wait for this story because I have so much planned for it (and because it's my first one)!  Along the way, I'll be putting up shorter a/n's to see what you guys liked, what you didn't, what I should improve on, etc.  Thanks so much and enjoy,

We Had No Choice.
