
We fix dragons too

This is a spin-off from Lets fix the multiverse series. It starts at the end of Lets fix the tournament. Harry gets to visit Alageasia, with the wives, all kinds of opportunities will appear, Dragons, Elves, Dwarves, even Urgals. Nothing is safe for the Master of Death. This can be read as a stand-alone... Meh, stand-multi. Harry/Multi, if Eragon behaves, he can have some too. Another book from fvdv123

Jazper_Hemsath · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


The next morning we gathered at breakfast, respecting the elf customs, we skipped the meat and fish. Imira told us she had permission to escort and guide us to Ellesmera, along with four others.

Ginny smiled at Imira: "We need no guides, we know the way, just show us a nearby meadow with some open space, while Harry takes us there can you help Eragon with the ancient language? We could do it ourselves but we are missing the finer details."

Belladonna added: "He is young but eager to learn, please, inform him of the main customs of your people. We arrive at Ellesmera before dinner." That statement raised their eyebrows.

Imira could not believe what she heard: "That will require an impossible speed, even a dragon needs five times more at top speed, without stopping to reach Ellesmera."

Parvati could not help to brag a bit: "We are not using dragons, we are using man-made devices combined with magic. We are approaching the speed of sound with it. Harry with that constant speed of sound, we can calibrate our measuring units." That comment got the elves whispering among each other, I bet they were imagining some wooden bird-shaped constructs, with me on top yelling spells at it.

"You will see for yourself at the meadow, although in the manor, the view outside will be limited. Let us finish breakfast first, Dobby and Winky did a splendid job preparing it."


Dinner refused to come to me, she had to be saddled by Pansy, that bloody horse looked more and more appetizing. Pansy slapped my arm: "Be nice to Dinah, it is your fault she is scared of you. The predator is oozing from you, now, stop looking at her as if you want to eat her." Hey, I was only thinking of that, but Pansy was right, unconsciously the dragon mentality seeped through. Hunting in my mindscape as a dragon was fun, especially in a group. I retracted my animal instincts and got on Dinner, asking her to follow the rest.

A half-hour later we reached an open space in the forest, we cleared some obstacles and took a spitfire outside. The elves were inspecting the plane, asking countless questions to the girls.

Parvati, after answering everything told me: "Harry, there is a two-seater in the hangar, it will be slower, but a guide can fly along with you." Imira had stars in her eyes with the opportunity to fly along.

"Thank you for reminding me honey, Imira, I guess you will be flying with me? These were used as training airplanes." Imira smiled and nodded at me, eager to experience the flight. We changed planes, put the horses inside, put the elves inside… Imira watched with amazement how I shrunk the trunk and hung it on my neck.

"Don't worry, the space inside does not change, I only shrunk the door to it. You may take the front seat." I helped her strap in, with the silencing runes on the engine and propeller, we could just have a normal conversation in the cockpit. We took off, I just grazed the treetops to keep it exciting, after setting course to Ellesmera, I raised the altitude to forty thousand feet, so she could have a good view of the world beneath.

Imira: "Incredible, we are flying so high that we can see the curb of the horizon. I could stay up here for the rest of my life. I often envied the dragon riders for their ability to fly. You have my gratitude for this experience." She pointed Osilon out when we passed it. After an hour, the novelty of flying had calmed down, and we started to talk about the mechanics of the plane and the science to get it in the air.

"It will take a few centuries to get at that level of technology in this world, The metalworking alone needs to be industrialized, the engine on this plane had an evolution of more than sixty years. having magic in this world will slow down the development of new technologies."

Imira looked puzzled: "Why would magic slow that down? I think we rather speed the process up."

I shake my head: "Necessity, is the reason for new technologies, why invent new things when you can easily do the same with magic? In our world, the magic users were persecuted and went into hiding their presence. Without magic solutions, people had to invent their own technology to get things done. It saddens me to tell you that the wars in our world were also a cause for new inventions. This airplane is a result of such a war."

Imira was mulling over my statement: "So you say this is a device meant to fight in a war?"

"Yes, it played a crucial part in defending my country, this was the reason my grandfather collected twenty of them. He was serving in one during that war." Am I spilling too many secrets? Meh, I have to impress the natives, dealing with elves older than a thousand years, needs some serious leverage. Although telling them we have bombs that can level our world three times over would be a bit too much.


Imira guided me to the border of the city, apparently, she had instructions to guide us to the place we needed to land. With a slow approach, I put the plane on the ground. The welcoming comity was on edge, with the strange vehicle that landed without a sound.

"You better get out first, that reduces the chance to get an arrow in my body." Imira laughed at that comment, although she could see them with arrows ready on their bows. We got out of the plane, I expanded the trunk doors, to park the plane back in the hangar.

Brom was the first to come out with Eragon on his side, who was holding the egg. Both did the traditional elf greetings to the leading elf, Lord Dathedr. My wives and I had decided not to do those ritual greetings, a bow of the head or a handshake was all we want to abide by. Maybe it was also that you had to twist your hand in strange poses. Meh… We are allowed to be a bit eccentric. After a few sentences Brom led Lord Dathedr to us, he started to introduce us.

Brom: "Lord Dathedr, may I introduce you to Lord Harry Potter, a visitor from another world with his wives Daphne, Tracey, Fleur, Luna, Flora, Fauna, Padma, Parvati, Belladonna, Ginny, Katie, Pansy, and Millicent." I bet that old dude had practiced those names for a few hours, I saw him secretly count on his fingers when he was reciting them. We graciously bowed our heads.

Brom: "Lord Harry, May I present you Lord Dathedr, one of the queen's trusted council. And his guards."

"Well met, Lord Dathedr, we were looking forwards to visiting your city. We have some things to tell, some things to do, and some things to ask. We don't need lodgings, just a place to put the entrance, I hope I did not overstep some boundaries with this."

Lord Dathedr nodded: "Lord Potter, the fact that you brought the dragon and her future rider here, merits our hospitality and gratitude. If you will follow us to the palace, our queen is eager to hear your tale." We mounted our horses, the girls without a horse were provided one, I felt Dinner checking a white stallion out. I gave her a mental picture of her getting pounded by the white one if she was nice. Although the stallion in Therinsford was better looking. That bloody animal got in heat in an instant, chasing after that stallion. Dinner lost her dignity completely and rubbed up against her man.

Parvati, who was riding it looked at me: "What in Morgana's name are you doing?"

I shrugged: "I told her if she was nice, she can have him for a few spins. The bitch got herself in heat and is now sucking up at prince charming here. She has yet to start being nice, only responding to things she wants to hear, and ignoring the rest of my commands. I am thinking of getting her on the menu of the green guy." I tell it again, the only good part of a horse is when it is served to me on a plate.

Parvati grinned at me: "Poor Lord Harry, every girl falls for your charms, except the mares." We shifted our attention to our surroundings, the trees are huge, easily dwarfing earth redwood trees, elves were watching us, I think they were watching us or watching Dinner sniffing her stallion's but. The houses were growing out of the trees as a sort of tumor. The elves spotted Eragon with the egg and started singing and dancing, the mood turned festive in an instant.

Parvati: "We are going to have a party tonight hubby. Make sure to stay sober, or we have another orgy."

"Hey, that was not my fault! Someone spiked my drinks. I still need to see someone's memory of it, I can't remember a thing of that night." Better not hubby, Parvati thought by herself.


We arrived at the center, the palace was a sight to see, I enlarged the trunk and our horses were sent in, I put a mental picture into the stallion that he was free to follow Dinner for some quality time. He looked at Parvati, who nodded, and he went after Dinner, with his fifth leg hanging out.

"Dobby, Winky, can you accompany us inside please, you are a part of the family." Two pops and they were following behind me, observing the strange surroundings. Dobby's clothes were… let us keep it at interesting, his fashion style was a mix of a colorblind mole and Dumbledore's. The trunk was already hanging back on my neck, while we were led inside to the throne room, Islanzadi was on the head of a big table, twenty-four old elves were on her side at the table. After the introductions, we had to report.

We let the important people talk first, Brom's ego was satisfied with the face we were giving him. Anyway, his story was a short one, his description of our magic and technology was hilarious. Yep, imagine me explaining the devices in Star Trek, it got the elves curious though.

Islanzadi: "That is some tale Brom. Now, Lord and Ladies Potter, what can you tell us? You seem to know a lot about us, but we never heard of you before." I motioned my wives to do the talking, I have the habit of insulting authority figures. At that moment Blagden flew from the backrest of Islanzadi's chair and landed in front of me… on my plate. Bloody hell, he better shut up, I am not in the mood for another prophecy.

Blagden cawed: "Wyrda! Destiny! The walker of planes has arrived, master of dragons, master of death, not a master of his own destiny. The walker of planes has arrived."

I looked at the bird: "You better haven't got any fleas or lice, because you are standing in my dinner. Get back to your place and stop spouting nonsense." With a move of my hand, the bird was back in his place and my plate was cleaned. I nodded at my wives to continue.

Daphne took the lead: "It is right, we are from another world. Another dimension or an alternative universe, we can not say, but this is definitely not our planet. We came here through a portal that needed a large amount of magic, the portals we came through are only one way. There are two portals to get here, and two to get back. The portal to get back to our world is supposed to be in Ellesmera. The portal we came through here, is in a secret place, the moment we left that place, we forgot where it is. In our world there are spells that can do the same, so we are not that surprised at that."

Fleur took over: "That portal was in a vault of our Lord's ancestors, he had to fulfill certain requirements to be allowed the Lordship and vault. Some days ago he claimed the vault and got inside, there he found a blue egg, and a Grimoire with instructions to get here, also with the location of the portal to get back. The Grimoire also told us what we need to do here. We suspect some divine intervention because our husband has knowledge of this world's future imprinted in him in the shape of books that he read in another plane."

Luna took the next part: "We are here to solve your problems and search for a place for us to live, so we can fly freely through the sky." That last comment got my wives smiling and the elves confused.

Islanzadi: "You have knowledge of the future? What does it say? Will we get rid of the mad king?"

Padma: "Not exactly knowledge, in the story your daughter was the guardian of the egg, so that is different, also the timeline is different, we are a year early than the happenings in the book, giving us an edge."

Ginny: "Now we have something to do first before we deal with your problems, starting with the location of the portal. Do you have any knowledge of such a portal?" The queen and her council started whispering to each other. Finally, Islanzadi responded that they did not know, but will consult with the oldest of their kind.

Katie: "There are several points you need to know. First, the mad king is close to, or already has discovered the true name of your language, giving power over it. Second, he has this region spelled, so you will get wrong information about troop movements, and the location of his armies. Third, there are traitors at the Varden in high places. Fourth, the mad king has a shade working for him, the shade has started to spell the Urgals to unite, with promises of new land to settle on. They will move to an abandoned dwarven city, that has a ceiling collapsed of the cave and is accessible from the outside. Fifth, the supply lines to the Varden will be sabotaged, because of the traitors."

Milli took the last part: "We came here to perform a ritual for some friends of us. To do that we need to have your measuring standards of distance, time, and elements. For maximum results, it needs to be done on the spring equinox, or the fall equinox. So we only have roughly two weeks before the spring equinox. In no way is the ritual a danger for your people."

Islanzadi: "Tomorrow we will look into these topics, tonight is a celebration, we celebrate the return of the dragons, and the new friends that came along with them."


Alright… those elves know how to party, the food was good and the drinks… yeah, I still can't hold my liqueur in a dignified way. I need to find that spell that neutralized the alcohol in drinks. When I woke up, I was counting fifteen girls in my bed. Huh? How did that happen? A silver blond and a raven black elf were spooning me. Dammed, I need to find a way to remember this. Having sex with elves for the first time and not remember it? That is sacrilege of the highest grade. I am so going to pester my wives for their memory.

Luna was smiling at me: "Hubby, last night was great, they will do great in our family." Crap, it is starting again. Although Little Harry was having a good time at silver Blond's pussy, slowly entering her from behind, while my fingers were going to the pleasure nob, my magic was wrapping around everyone, letting them all share in the fun. We were moving slowly, silver blond was starting to moan, her hands, looking for something to do, found Ginny close by, grabbed her at the hips, and pulled her body to her, and started kissing and fingering at the pace I was setting. My magic was exploring the elf's body, learning the differences from the bodies the Eldunari created in my mindscape.

Luna: "Pull us in, hubby, they are allowed to know." Well… Luna is yet to be proven wrong, so I pulled them into my mindscape, Daphne and Tracey were guiding the raven black, while Padma and Parvati guided the silver blond, Ginny was still riding the buzz she received from the silver blond. I created a big field with several beds in a row. Blond and black were looking around, wondering where they are. Ophelia, Miramar, and Lenora joined us, Leona jumped into my arms stark naked.

Lenora: "Harry, it is no fun when you are drunk, we could not get in for hours… Hi, who are you, girls? Did you experience his magic too?" The blond name was Lineria, the black-haired elf was Fiona, hey, did she play in Shrek?

Fiona: "Where are we? I was following the magic, as I was told by your wives, this feels familiar and strange at the same time."

Fleur: "You are in the mindscape of our husband, it is a world that he created, first as a defense against mind probes, but it became so much more. We learn and play here, we mix our magic here. Our very souls are here exposed to each other, everyone can see our deepest feelings, the good and the bad. We love and accept our sisters because of that. We share our husband without jealousy, with every girl that got entrance into his mindscape. It means we are compatible with each other. Harry, mon amour, clones please, your show last night and this morning made me want for a good shagging."

Who am I to refuse such a request, soon, eighteen clones appeared next to the girls. Lenora grabbed hers, went to the first free bed, and pulled her Harry on top of her.

Lineria: "Is this real? You feel the same." I grabbed her by the ass and pulled her closer.

"It is real and not at the same time. I pulled your mind into my mindscape, so for your mind, this is reality. I am still fucking your real body, by the way. Time flows faster in here, only a few seconds will pass on the outside when in here, it lasts for hours. The magic is real, and we can see to the very soul of you. Fiona and you are beautiful inside and out, and are the first elves to learn our secrets."

Lineria was puzzled: "And those three? They are elves too, don't they know your secrets?" At that moment Miramar and her Harry changed into dragons and took roaring to the sky. Accompanied by the screams of Fiona and Lineria.

"That is one of our secrets, Miramar Ophelia and Lenora are dragons… were dragons, now they are Eldunari, a closely guarded secret from the dragon riders. Dragons can put their personality and essence into a jewel kind of stone, and eject it from their body. Even when the real dragon dies, The Eldunari can survive. Although the younger ones can go crazy or depressed, because of the impact it has not been able to fly anymore. In my mindscape, they can take their original form again, and even change into an elf. We are studying a ritual that will allow the Eldunari to change into an elf." At that moment, several dragons took to the sky.

"We come from another world, some of our kind can change into an animal. It is a difficult and complicated piece of magic. Very rare it happens when some of us can change into a magical animals. I could change into a dragon. Because my wives bonded with me and didn't find their animal, I helped them in here to get a dragon form too. We discovered a ritual that makes our animal form hereditary, so now our children can change into a dragon too. We are studying the ritual to change the Eldunari into an elf."

Fiona was watching the dragons in the sky: "It must be amazing to become a dragon and fly into the sky."

"Yes, it is. I can offer you the next best thing, do you want a ride on my back?" I changed into a dragon, putting the saddle on that Winky designed, waited for Fiona to hop on, and strapped in. Another Harry did the same with Lineria, and we took to the sky, circling the coupling dragons in their mating flight. Soon everyone was in the air, I tried the trick Saphira did with Eragon, and let Fiona look through my eyes, and feel what I was feeling. Lineria's Harry noticed it and did the same with her. An hour later we landed, we changed back to humans and elves.

Lineria: "That was the best experience I ever had! This tops even what we did last night, not by a lot, but still. Thank you so much, Harry, you too ladies, thank you for sharing your husband with us." The girls got to see, and experience elf action, so no complaints from them.

Fiona: "How did you change the Eldunari into an elf? They look and feel like real elves. Is there a secret to it?"

Padma thought a bit and answered: "We told them to concentrate on their riders or their rider's mother, sister, or daughter if it was a male. With that knowledge and the years of training as riders, they could take the shape of an elf. They are still fine-tuning it." Both elves were processing this information.

Fiona: "Is it possible for me to change into a dragon here? If Eldunari can do it, maybe we can too." We looked at each other.

Daphne: "You need to know the dragon inside out, every aspect of it, sleeping, eating, flying, hunting, and even mating. Harry has let you experience flight, if you want a permanent solution, it will come at a cost. You will be bonded to us for life, a soul bond. We already accepted you both, but we don't know our lifespan, being partial dragons, maybe it can increase our lifespan to that of an elf. If not, usually wizards live for a hundred-twenty or thirty years. You can have a dragon form in here after some practice, but not in the real world without a ritual."

Lineria: "Just in here is already fantastic, we have to consult our parents and the queen before a decision can be made. We still are very young, not even a hundred years."

Luna: "There is time, the fall equinox, or next year. No need to hurry, we can practice now, Fleur can you take Lineria? I suspect she will be a silver one, Daphne can you take Fiona? She will be a blue one. Do as Harry did and pull them inside your mind, Harry? Fuck them silly." The dragons went up in record time, chased by two green dragons.

Lenora: "Luna, why didn't you ask one of us to do that?"

Luna: "Our dragon form and the real dragon is a little different. We wizards have an inner animal, we can be cats, dogs, or any other wild animal. When we change we keep our human mind. If we change into a real wild animal, then our minds would change too, probably never able to change back into a human. Now, the dragons are sentient beings, but we can't take the risk. So we play it safe and take the path that we know will work."

Up in the air, the elves got their first dragon shagging. After that, the hunt, stalking the prey, going for the kill, and eating it were all things normal elves would not do. Back on the ground, both gave me a hug, thanking me for a good shag, and wanted to try changing. We coached them into meditation, focusing on their inner dragon. Daphne and Fleur stayed in their dragon form and connected to their elves. An hour later I was able to guide Fiona into a blue dragon, twenty minutes later Lineria was a beautiful silver one.

"Stay in your dragon form, examine it, feel everything around you, then try to fly." Well… learning how to fly was still hilarious, I had to vanish the ground or Fiona would have put some dents in it. The girls were coached by the Eldunari, slowly they were getting better, I got the grounds back and put some prey animals in. We hunted in a pack, even the Eldunari were enjoying themselves. After the meal, I coached them back into their original shape.

"Now, practice changing back and fore, until it feels natural. You will get it faster and faster." They got it under twenty seconds when we called the session done.

We left my mindscape, I was still inside Lineria, who was hugging Ginny. Everyone started the next round, while I was finishing Lineria and Ginny. Cheating with my magic, I gave them all a happy ending. Reluctantly we prepared for our day. We had to meet Oromis and Glaedr.