
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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145 Chs

Chapter 35: Truth

Tyrande was breathing heavily. She was exhausted. She had done something she had not expected to do. Not so early at least. Months ago, she had never expected to do this with him. But it still had happened. She had just wanted to talk. They had talked but then everything had gotten out of hand. It had happened so fast.

It had been good at least. She had no idea if she should regret it or not. She had just wanted to talk to Illidan and find out if she had romantical feelings for him. She knew he loved her but she still had no idea if she felt the same way. She was still uncertain about her feelings.

"I didn't expect this," said Illidan and sat up, looking at her. "It was surprising enough that you came to Outland to see me and talk to me. And now this... I mean, I don't mind of course. You know for ten thousand years that I love you. I never stopped loving you, Tyrande. I hope you know that." Illidan put a hand on her bare right shoulder, squeezing it gently.

Tyrande turned her head and looked at Illidan, examining his handsome facial features. She stared into his green glowing eyes which had once been amber before the titan Sargeras had burned them out. "I know Illidan. Despite what just happened I still don't know how I feel about you. I need to spend more time with you. As I already said, I feel something for you and I doubt it's just friendship. I'm certain it's more than that. I have to find out what I feel exactly."

"You were the one who initiated the kiss, so it can't be just friendship," Illidan said and put a hand on her cheek, caressing it. Tyrande allowed him to touch her face and even to run his other hand down her exposed back. Months ago, she would have never allowed him to touch her. She would have never kissed him and never allowed him to kiss her. She had despised him. But these days, she no longer despised him. She no longer hated him. Looking at him no longer filled her with anger.

At this moment, looking at him calmed her down and comforted her. She no longer regarded him as the twisted demon he was. For her, he was a night elf who chose a darker path for the greater good. He was a determined leader who would do anything to protect Azeroth. He had dedicated his life to destroy the Burning Legion and he had found hundreds of creatures who wanted to do the same. He was not the bad person she had always thought he was. Deep down, he was a good man. He just didn't show it, at least when others were around. Only when she was alone with him, she could see that he was not a bad person. He was not a villain. His methods might be questionable but he was not evil. He was just misunderstood.

Tyrande said nothing as Illidan's hand wandered to her butt cheeks and squeezed them. He was only able to see her outlines due to his spectral sight. He couldn't see the details of her gorgeous face but he still remembered how beautiful she had looked like in her youth. He always imagined how she had looked like back then when he looked at her. He couldn't know that she had become much prettier over the past ten thousand years.

He could see the outlines of her breasts which had always been a feast to his eyes before he had lost his normal sight. He was sure they were larger than the last time he had truly seen them. At least they had felt pretty large when he had touched them not so long ago.

"And Malfurion is okay with this?" Illidan asked after a while. Tyrande noticed the insecurity in his voice. She put a hand on his cheek and caressed it, smiling at him. "He is. Our love for each other has changed over the years. We still love each other but not in the same way we did ten thousand years ago. We are still fond of each other but in the past hundred years, we have behaved more like good friends than lovers. We only stayed together for the public eye."

"I have always been envious of him. He had always been better at everything. He was Cenarius' favourite and yours too. It pained me back then when you chose him over me. It broke my heart but I accepted your decision. Now, I'm just relieved you do feel something for me."

"As I said, I'm not sure if it's love or..." She blushed and paused for a few moments. She cleared her throat and continued. "Or sexual desire..."

Illidan chuckled. "I would be fine with both results. Just you know."

Tyrande nodded and stared at her smooth exposed legs for a few minutes before she looked up again. "What are you going to do on Outland?"

"There is a demon with the name Magtheridon who rules over Outland. We need to take him down. I'm sure we will defeat him with your support, the support of the naga and of the blood elves. We will claim Outland as ours and close every of the Legion's dimensional gates. There are four gates scattered all over Outland. Orcs are coming through them every day. Too many orcs. They are serving the Legion and we need to deal with them too."

"What about the Scourge on Azeroth?" Tyrande asked.

"We will deal with them as soon as we control Outland. I promise that I will help you dealing with the undead that are trying to take over Azeroth. I didn't fight the Legion for thousands of years to allow these wretched creatures to take our home. Azeroth must be saved by every means."

"I agree with you, Illidan," Tyrande said and kissed his cheek. "We should go back to the others. In their eyes, we are still talking for hours. I don't want them to come to any wrong conclusions."

"But the conclusion to which they might come wouldn't be wrong then, Tyrande."

"I know, Illidan, but... You know what I mean. I don't want them to think that about us. I want to keep what we just did a secret. Nobody needs to know that we had sex."

"You're right, Tyrande."

The high priestess didn't say anything in return. She got up from Illidan's bed and walked over to the armchair on which her clothes laid. She put on her underwear, not minding that Illidan's gaze still rested on her. She put on her armour and picked up Illidan's underwear and his brown pair of trousers, throwing them at him. The half-demon caught them and got dressed, getting up from his bed.

"Do you have a mirror?"

Illidan shook his head. "No. I can't see my reflection in a mirror so I don't have one."

Tyrande ran her fingers through her hair, trying to fix it without being able to see herself. "Let's hope that's good enough," she muttered.

"I will ask one of my naga to bring you a hand mirror, then I will go to Kael'thas and his brethren. Join me once you are ready."

Tyrande walked to Illidan and stepped on her tiptoes, putting a quick kiss on his lips. "See you later," she said.

Illidan gave her a smile and walked out of the tent a few seconds later.


I am your father.





These four words echoed through Kelrian's mind. They didn't want to leave his head since Kael'thas had said them. Kelrian couldn't believe it but he saw no reason why the king would lie to him. Kael'thas was an honest person. He was his king, his mentor and the person he trusted the most. He was his role model. He was the man he looked up to. There was no reason to not believe him.

If he was honest with himself, he was glad that Kael'thas was his father. He knew for seventeen years that Xenarion was not his father but he hadn't known who his real father was. He hadn't known it until this day. Kelrian had no idea what to make of it. Numerous thoughts crossed his mind. He had so many questions he wanted to ask. So many questions he wanted answers to.

He was wondering since when Kael'thas knew it. He wanted to know why his mother and Kael'thas had kept it secret. He was wondering what kind of a relationship they had. He was asking himself if they had a one-night-stand or if they were having an affair. Why had his mother never told him anything? Had she done it to protect him? Or had she done it to protect herself?

Questions over questions.

"Take your time," said Kael'thas. His voice was warm and soft, his facial expression reflected comfort and understanding. "I know it's too much for the moment, so take all the time you need before you answer."

"I'm not confused or overtaxed. It's just... I have so many questions..."

Kael'thas smiled. "You can ask me anything."

Kelrian took a deep breath, ordering his thoughts. "You and my mother..." He didn't speak any further.

"We loved each other. It was not a one-night-stand. We had an affair. A secret relationship."

Kelrian's eyes widened in surprise. "For how long?"

"Nearly two hundred years," the king replied.

Kelrian was surprised but silent.

"We agreed to keep it secret and we agreed that we are allowed to date others. We had an open relationship," Kael'thas explained.

"Did you love her?" Kelrian asked, looking at his fingers.

"I did. I loved her the same way I loved Alina. I loved both of them but I couldn't choose between them, so I kept our affair secret."

"Your wife didn't know this, did she?"

Kael'thas shook his head. "No, but she had also an affair with someone else so it was fine. I found it out but I never approached her about it. Especially because it was a woman and not a man but even if it would have been a man, I wouldn't have cared."

"May I know who that woman was?"

"Why do you want to know?" Kael'thas asked amused.

Kelrian looked up at him and blushed. "I have no idea. I mean it's none of my business who sleeps with who but I'm still curious. Especially if it involved two women."

Kael'thas grinned. "My son is a little pervert, I see. I can't hold that against you. Seeing two women kissing each other... There is nothing better than that..." He cleared his throat, his face became serious again. "It was my step-mother."

"We are a strange family," commented Kelrian.

"A strange but also a special family. Sunsinger, Sunstrider, Windrunner. All these popular families are connected through your children. Your children have the gens of all three families. They will be pretty powerful if they train hard."

"Raesh will be pretty powerful. I haven't heard of Sylvera since the fall of Quel'Danas. I doubt she made it..." Sadness was reflected by Kelrian's face. It was not easy but he was able to hold tears back. He looked at Kael'thas, noticing that he looked conflicted. Something must be going through his mind. It was not unlikely that he was considering if he should say or do something. But Kelrian didn't want to force him to say or do anything. He waited patiently until Kael'thas relaxed and looked less conflicted.

"We lost so many people who are important to us... So many innocent people died because of one man... All we can do is to canalize our anger and strike at the man responsible for everything," spoke Kael'thas.

"You are right, my king...Dad..."

"You can call me however you want. It's up to you. You can keep everything secret or you just tell your family that you are my son. It's up to you. It's up to you if you want to make it official or not. I doubt there are any negative aspects. Being the son of the king is never a bad thing but it brings lots of responsibilities with it. Keep that in mind, my son."

Kelrian nodded and was silent for a few minutes. "Arthas will pay for his crimes," he said eventually.

His father agreed. "We will meet him one day and then we will kill him."

Kelrian nodded again.

"Do you have any other questions?"

Kelrian thought about it. "Well... Did you know how badly Xenarion treated my mother?"

Kael'thas shook his head, pity and sadness could be seen in his eyes. "Your mother never told me that Xenarion was an abusive bastard. She never told me how he treated her. I would have helped her but I didn't know anything about her life in Xenarion's household. I never got the impression that she was abused. If she would have said something, I would have made sure that this bastard would have never touched her again."

"My mother told me she was too afraid of Xenarion. That was the reason she never said anything. I didn't notice that he was abusing her. Xenarion always pretended to be the loving and caring husband when I was around. In truth, he was the entire opposite."

Kael'thas was silent for a while but then he finally spoke. "I loved your mother, I really did. I loved her smile, her soft nature, I loved every aspect of her." A sad sigh escaped his lips. "We haven't heard of her since the fall of Silvermoon... I doubt she made it..." Sadness and grief were reflected in his eyes. Kelrian understood perfectly how he must feel. Like him, Kael'thas lost his wife, but not only that. He also lost the other woman he loved the same way as his wife.

Kael'thas had lost the two women he had loved more than anyone else. He had also lost his father and his mother-in-law. He had lost his real mother centuries ago. Kelrian realized that he was the only family member Kael'thas had left. He and Raesh. The rest of Kael'thas' family was either dead or presumed to be dead.

"All we can do is to honour and avenge the ones we lost. Arthas Menethil and Kel'Thuzad have to die so that the fallen can finally find peace," said Kael'thas.

"At least destiny is just to those who deserve it. Evil creatures like Zul'jin and Orgrim Doomhammer got what they deserve. They're dead and Arthas will be dead too, sooner or later.

Kael'thas was about to say something as he saw Elena walking over to them. She stopped in front of them and looked at them expectantly. "What can I do for you, Lieutenant Bloodvein?"

"Lord Illidan wants to see you. Both of you."

Kael'thas looked at Kelrian. "Let's go then. We don't want to keep our new master waiting any longer than necessary."

Together they walked back to the middle of the base. A tent, that was only a little smaller than Illidan's, had just been erected there. Elena signalized them to go into the tent and they did that without hesitation. In the middle of the tent was a large table on which a map was spread out. Illidan and Lady Vashj stood on the left side of the table while Tyrande stood opposite to them. Kelrian walked to Tyrande while Kael'thas chose to stand next to Lady Vashj who gave him a small smile.

Lady Vashj pointed at a spot on the map. "Our base is here." She moved her finger a little to the left. "There is a mine controlled by Magtheridon. His minions mine these felstones there. It's a very important source of power for his minions and we can make it to our own. We will hit him hard and guarantee a constant supply of these felstones if we manage to conquer it."

"That sounds good," commented Kael'thas.

Illidan nodded. "There are also dimensional gates scattered all over Outland. Orcs come through them every day to serve Magtheridon. We have to close all four of them if we want to defeat Magtheridon and claim Outland as ours."

"How do we do that?" asked Kelrian.

"I can close them. You just have to protect me and buy me as much time as necessary."

"That shouldn't be a problem."

"We will move out tonight." His gaze fell on Tyrande. "It's up to you if you want to join us, stay here or return to Azeroth."

Tyrande didn't need to think about it twice. "I will come with you," she responded immediately.

The corners of Illidan's lips formed a smile. "Good."


Sylvanas was lazily sitting on her throne, one of her legs was crossed over the other and she propped her head on her fist. There was not much to do on this day. For a few hours, she had listened to some of her people and helped them whenever she could. Now, around midday, no citizen of Undercity was in the throne room. Only the guards, her bodyguards and Varimathras were in the room.

Normally at this time, Sylvanas had all hands full but not on this day. She finally had some free time but she had no idea what she should do. When she had been alive, she had spent most of her free time with her family. But she was no longer alive and she had no longer contact with her family. She had no intention to spent time with her uncle and Lyndia was not in Undercity. She had left Undercity three weeks ago to join the attack on the Scourge base near Agamand Mills. Sylvanas had no idea when she would return. If she would return.

One of her children was still a member of the Scourge and the other one was at least still alive. She knew he lived with his aunts while his father was somewhere with the king and the others who had been captured by Garithos. She was wondering what they were doing. She was wondering what Alleria, Vereesa and their children were doing. She hoped they were alright and had gotten over her death somehow.

She was wondering where Kael'thas had led Kelrian and the other sin'dorei. She was wondering how he was doing. In the past weeks, she had often caught herself thinking about him. She had remembered the good moments they had shared. The memory of her family, especially of Kelrian, helped her to survive the curse she called life. Knowing that he was still alive gave her strength but on the other hand, she felt sad. If he would have died and would have been raised too, they could have been together these days. They wouldn't be separated.

But he didn't die and she was glad about that. She didn't want him to suffer the same way she was suffering. She was glad that he didn't have to go through what she went through. She was glad he was spared from that horrible fate. He had not been forced to serve Arthas Menethil. He had not been forced to kill his own mother. He had not been forced to kill many of his people, his rangers, his friends or members of his family. He had not been turned into a killing machine and she was glad about that.

She was wondering if she would ever see him again. When she had broken free from the Scourge, she had decided that she didn't want him to see her like this. She had decided that she didn't want him to see what she had become. Her opinion had changed in the past weeks.

At first, she had been glad that Kelrian had already gone through the portal when she had met Kael'thas. But now, she was unhappy that she hadn't been able to see him. She wished she could have seen him. But now it was too late. He went somewhere and she had no idea when he will return. She couldn't even know if he would return. There was no guarantee that he would survive whatever Kael'thas and the naga were doing. Everything was possible in these dark times.

She had never imagined that Arthas would betray everyone and almost extinguish two kingdoms. She had never imagined that her brother would die because of the betrayal of one of her people. She had never thought it possible that Dar'Khan Drathir would betray their people to gain power.

So many unlikely things had happened in the past. The enslavement of the Red Dragonflight by the orcs, Doomhammer's escape out of the dungeon of Lordaeron, Zul'jin's escape during the Second War and the corruption of Arthas Menethil were only a few examples. There was much more no one had ever expected to happen.

She would have never imagined that the sin'dorei would ally themselves with the naga. She had also heard rumours about an alliance between the blood elves and the night elves but she had no proves for that.

Sylvanas was brought out of her thoughts by Varimathras who cleared his throat for the fifth time. "Milady? Are you there?"

Sylvanas sat upright and turned her head, looking at him. "What is it?"

"Zetai and your niece returned."

Sylvanas looked around. "Where are they?"

"They are waiting outside the throne room," responded the demon.

"Tell them to come in."

Varimathras gave the guards a signal. A few moments later, Zetai and Lyndia entered the room. The half-elf carried ablood-soaked sack in her hands. They came to the throne and bowed in front of her. "Greetings, Lady Sylvanas," they said in unison.

A pleased smile appeared on Sylvanas' lips. "You are allowed to get up."

They stood up.

"What's in the sack?"

Lyndia handed it over to her. "Find it out yourself, aunt."

Sylvanas took it and opened it a little, spotting a tuft of grey hair. She opened the sack further, spotting a head. She pulled the head out, a satisfied smile appeared on her lips as she recognized the familiar face.

The head was Xenarion's. His ice-blue eyes were widened in fear, his mouth was wide open as if he had screamed loudly before his head had been chopped off. His skin was white as chalk. Death didn't do him any favour. He had been handsome in life but he had become ugly in death.

A sadistic smile could be seen on Sylvanas' lips as she regarded the head. She was happy that the traitor had finally gotten what he deserved. He had betrayed her former people two times. He had told the orcish Horde to attack Windrunner Village and Windrunner Spire, then he had let her brother die. That had been his first betrayal. He had betrayed his people again when he had voluntarily joined Arthas and his undead army. Sylvanas wished she could have killed him herself but to know that Lyndia had killed him was satisfying enough. Xenarion was responsible for the deaths of Lyndia and her father Lirath. Lyndia had had every right to kill him. She had avenged her father.

Sylvanas' gaze fell on Zetai. "How was she?"

"She fought well. Her combat skills are impressive. Her movements were smoother than those of most of our soldiers and she was almost as fast as a dark ranger. Her fighting style reminded me of yours and Kelrian's. It was a combination of both styles basically. She killed dozens of Scourge members with her arrows and her swords."

Sylvanas' gaze fell on her niece who gave her an expecting look. "Seems years of training under my guidance have paid off."

Lyndia didn't respond verbally. She just nodded at her aunt and continued to regard her.

"Did you kill him alone or did someone help you?"

"I killed him alone. He was pretty strong but I tricked him and beheaded him before he could have cast more wicked spells."

"Well done." Sylvanas' gaze fell on Zetai. "How many soldiers did we lose?"

"Twelve of the two hundred men you gave me and thirty-four of the nearly one hundred newcomers. We killed four hundred Scourge minions during the assault. Fire consumed the base and the bodies of the fallen."

"What about Xenarion's corpse?"

"I defiled it before a mage burned it," said Lyndia.

"Defiled? How?"

"I cut it in little pieces with my sword."

Sylvanas chuckled. "He deserved that. Anyway, you earned my trust, Lyndia. Congratulations."

Lyndia bowed to her. "I swear to serve you loyally and do anything you want from me. I promise you that I will never disappoint you, aunt."

Sylvanas smiled. "Good."

"Do you have a new task for me, aunt?"

Sylvanas thought about it for a moment. "I have one but I want to ask you something first before I tell you what I want you to do."

"Okay. Go ahead."

"Have you heard anything from your cousin?"

"I think she went with Arthas to Northrend. She is still under his control."

Sylvanas sighed. "Damn. Seems we won't manage to free her any soon."

"One day, we will free her from his control."

"I hope so."

"Have you heard anything from my mother?" Lyndia asked.

Sylvanas shook her head. "I know she survived but that's it."


"About your new task..."

"I'm listening, aunt."

"I want you to bring Xenarion's head and this letter to Silvermoon. I will send a raven to Silvermoon and inform them about your arrival."

"I doubt they allow me to enter the city," responded Lyndia.

"You don't have to enter it. Just give it to a soldier and tell him to bring it to the king or to any other high ranked member."

"What's in the letter?"

"That's none of your business," hissed Varimathras.

Sylvanas looked at Varimathras, signalizing to be quiet. She looked back at Lyndia who was giving her an expecting look. "King Kael'thas told me that he is looking forward to fighting with us against the Scourge. I have to find out if he still wants to do that. There are still too many Scourge minions in Tirisfal Glades, in the Plaguelands and in Quel'Thalas. We could get rid of them together. If the sin'dorei join us, so will the naga.

The night elves and the sin'dorei also fought together against the undead. They might want to work with us too but I'm not sure about that. We shall see. We need more allies in these dark times. I don't want to ask the Horde to ally with us. I have not forgotten what the orcs and trolls did to our people during the Second War.

Your father died from wounds inflicted on him by an orc. I would spit on his memory if I ally myself with those who inflicted so much pain to our family and to our people. I hope the sin'dorei and the night elves are reasonable and recognize that we are not their enemies. I only write to the Horde if we have no other option. We cannot win against the Lich King without allies. I hope you understand that."

Lyndia nodded. "I don't like the idea of allying ourselves with these green monsters."

Sylvanas smirked. "Neither do I." She paused for a few moments. "Go now, Lyndia. Hand over the head as a gift to the sin'dorei. Tell them that we are no longer on the side of the Scourge and that we want to get rid of them. Tell them to regard the gift as a sign of trust."

Lyndia took the head and put it back in the sack, then she took the enclosed envelope out of the Banshee Queen's hands. "I will not disappoint you, aunt."

"Safe travels, Lyndia."