
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

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145 Chs

Chapter 13: Place of retreat

"Where is it?" Kelrian asked himself as he looked at the map in his hands, figuring out where he was. He knew his place of destination and he knew how to get there but had managed to get lost somehow and had ended up somewhere. He wasn't even sure if he was close to the place he was looking for. Sylvanas had told him to go to a certain place. She had shown him on the map where this place was, assuming he would reach it without a problem.

The truth was that he had been lost in thoughts so he had missed the turn-off he was supposed to take. He had walked back and but then he had taken the wrong turn-off.

He had no clue how to get back to the road he was supposed to follow. He was in the middle of a forest somewhere in the east of Quel'Thalas. He knew that he would be too far in the east if he would reach the cost. He would be too far in the west if he would reach the foot of the long and tall mountain range. This meant that the place he was looking for had to be somewhere between the mountains and the ocean.

He found the road again, he had been looking for, after walking for half an hour. He followed the road, taking the right path this time. He walked through another forest in which different kinds of trees were standing. He didn't regard them nor did he take a closer look at his surroundings. His eyes rested on the path he was following. He had never been in this area before so he was hoping that this path would lead him to the place he was looking for.

He came to a wooden hut after half an hour. The hut was not small but it wasn't gigantic either. The hut wasn't made out of the best wood in Quel'Thalas. It seemed that trees from this forest had been used to build it. Kelrian spotted lots of young trees which were a lot smaller than other, older looking trees. Kelrian assumed that this hut had been built a few years ago. He also assumed that the tree seeds had been manipulated by magic so the trees would grow faster.

He couldn't see it because the mages had made sure that there was no visual difference between the trees which had grown out of normal seeds and those who had grown out of the manipulated seeds. But he could feel it. He was a high elf so he had a very close connection to nature. He could interpret by the way an animal looked at him how it felt at the moment. He also knew when a tree was sick or infected by vermin without needing to take a closer look at it. He only needed to put his hand on the tree's bark, sometimes he just had to be in the tree's near. He was not the only member of his race which had a similar connection to the plants and the wildlife. Most citizens of Quel'Thalas had such a close connection to nature. He didn't know about any ranger who hadn't such a strong connection.

Kelrian got close to a few trees, touching them to find out how they were feeling. The trees seemed to be alright. None of them was infected or sick. Sometimes, Kelrian heard the trees of the Eversong Forest whisper words or even entire sentences to him.

But today, the trees were silent in this part of the Eversong Forest. He was wondering why they didn't speak to him today. It was impossible to have a conversation with a tree, not to mention members of other races would call him insane if they would see him speaking to a tree. Every creature which wasn't an elf would believe that. Other elves wouldn't think that he would be insane. They would understand him because they were also connected to nature.

Kelrian regarded a tree which had grown out of a manipulated seed. Kelrian didn't know much about forestry but he assumed that such trees would become older than normal trees, also they would grow faster. He removed one of the tree's leaves, wondering if that would make the tree angry. But the tree didn't communicate with him, so ´didn't get an answer to his unspoken question. Kelrian regarded the leaf, noticing that its shape was not different from the shapes of the leaves of the natural trees. He dropped the leaf and walked over to the hut, knocking at the simple wooden door.

The door was opened a few moments later. Sylvanas stepped out of it, her lips formed a wide smile as her eyes spotted the young man she had been waiting for. Kelrian returned her smile, regarding her from head to toe.

She was not wearing her Ranger-General uniform she was usually wearing. Instead, she wore a blue dress. It was not an extraordinary dress, so it wasn't adorned by jewels or other decorations. Instead, it was a normal looking dress which didn't seem to be very expensive. The dress may not be extraordinary but Sylvanas still looked gorgeous in it. She looked stunningly beautiful in such a normal dress, so Kelrian was wondering how gorgeous she must look in an expensive dress.

Kelrian found himself staring at her, even drooling a little. He wiped it away, hoping Sylvanas hadn't seen this. The big grin on her lips confirmed that she had seen it. Her grin became wider when she noticed that his gaze wandered to the low neckline of her dress. She didn't mind that he was ogling her breasts because that was the neckline's purpose.

She loved to make him speechless with her looks. She knew she was gorgeous and she knew exactly how to use her beauty to get an advantage. In this scenario, there was no advantage she could get. What she got instead was a stunned Kelrian who was looking at her as if she was a goddess.

Sylvanas chuckled, waving her hand in front of his eyes. Nothing happened. She snapped her fingers in front of his eyes. Still no reaction. She put her hand on his cheek, caressing it carefully. At least this worked causing that he was brought back from the dreamland, he had been in, to the cheeks became dark red as he realized that he had been lost in thoughts. He wanted to look away ashamed but Sylvanas held his chin in her hands and prevented that he could turn his head.

"You look gorgeous" he complimented.

Sylvanas chuckled. "Thank you" she said, regarding Kelrian. "I really like your look" she said as she pointed at his blue jacket and his brown trousers.

"Thank you"

"It's the perfect choice of clothing for our first rendezvous" statemented Sylvanas.

Kelrian's eyes widened and his lower jaw dropped. "R...Rendezvous?" he stuttered. "I thought that we are having a surprise birthday party for Zetai"

"Where did you get that idea?" she asked with a teasing smile on her face.

Kelrian pulled an envelope out of his pocket, taking a letter out. He unfolded it, read it quickly and handed it over to Sylvanas. She took it and read it even though she knew what was written in it because she was the author of the letter.

"There is nothing wrong about this letter"

"You told me that I have to come to this hut and help you prepare everything with the others"

"This was just a pretext, an excuse to lure you to this place"

Kelrian regarded Sylvanas once again, his gaze rested long on her breasts and on her beautiful face. He noticed for the first time that she wasn't wearing a hood, so her golden-blonde hair was loose. It looked far better than he had expected. It looked magnificent like the rest of Sylvanas' body. There was nothing about Sylvanas' body that didn't look beautiful. She was perfect. Not too perfect but too good for Kelrian. At least he was believing that. He thought that he didn't deserve her but Sylvanas saw things differently. In her opinion, he deserved her.

"Well, to be honest, you wouldn't wear a dress to a private birthday party, so I should have known that no birthday party is happening in this hut. What is going on?" asked Kelrian, signalizing her that he wanted answers.

She chuckled. "I already told you why I have invited you to this place"

"You invited me for a date?"

"I did. If you consider everything, it all makes sense. The remote hut which is not easy to find if you don't know where it is exactly, the dress and the fact that I have forbidden you to mention anything to anyone. You are the only one who received such a letter, so I didn't want that you get confused when you find out that the others aren't invited to a surprise birthday" explained Sylvanas, smiling at him.

"You planned everything just for me? "

"Of course I did. We are unofficially dating for half a year, so I finally want to spend some time with you"

"Don't we see each other every day?" asked a still confused Kelrian.

Sylvanas rolled her eyes. "Yes, we see each other every day but we don't have much time for us. We can't really spend time together when the others are around. Seeing you every day during the training is not enough for me. I want to do so many things with you but I can't. Mainly because I'm very busy but also because we want to keep our relationship secret to prevent that we get unnecessary attention. You know there are a lot of jealous admires who would do things to you once they are alone with you. This is the best way to protect you"

"I don't need your protection, Sylvanas. I'm a big boy. I can take care of myself"

She chuckled. "I know. But is it wrong for me to worry about you?".She put her hands on his cheeks, caressing them carefully as she stared into his blue eyes. He returned the staring, smiling at her. She closed the distance between their faces, pressing her lips on his. He didn't hesitate to return the kiss, wrapping his arms around the smaller elf. Years ago, Sylvanas had been one head taller than him but Kelrian had grown over the years. Sylvanas was taller than most high elf females, she was even as tall as the most males she knew. But she was not as tall as Kelrian who had become one head taller than her.

Kelrian pulled the quel'dorei woman closer to him, deepening the kiss. He inserted his tongue in her mouth, smiling into the kiss as he felt her doing the same. Their tongue's wrestled but Sylvanas' tongue won the fight for dominance. She was the first who could explore the mouth for her partner. They breathed heavily as they parted after a few minutes. None of them denied that this kiss had felt everything but wrong. Both of them had really enjoyed this awesome kiss. They couldn't kiss very often, because they were always afraid someone may see them. But when they did it, the kisses they shared were full of passion and desire.

Sometimes, they couldn't kiss for a few weeks because both of them were very busy. So, whenever they had the opportunity, they made the most of it. And they did it at this very moment. Sylvanas put one of her hands on the back of Kelrian's head, pulling him in again to seal her lips to his. Their tongues danced, their hands roamed over their bodies, their eyes were closed as they held the most passionate kiss they had ever shared. They pulled away eventually, both of them were out of their breaths. They stared at each other, not saying anything because they didn't want to ruin this moment.

They remained silent for a few minutes, wondering who will break the silence first. It was Kelrian who broke the pleasant silence as he ran his fingers through her hair. "Your hair is gorgeous, it's a real shame that you hide it beneath your hood all the time"

"The more of my hair I hide under the hood, the smaller the chance is that an enemy will manage to grab it and pull on it. Pulling one's hair can really hurt. I know I'm good but that doesn't mean that I have to give my opponents an unfair advantage"

"You are right as always" statemented Kelrian.

"I know" said Sylvanas, returning his smile.

"Do you want to come in? Only because nobody will find us in this place doesn't mean we have to stay in front of the hut all day and all night"

"You are right. I'm sorry"

"There is nothing to apologize for"spoke Sylvanas, patting his back softly.

"You are right. Let's go inside, I'm curious what you have prepared for me"

"Why are you so sure that I have prepared something?" teased Sylvanas.

You wouldn't have tried so hard to lure me to this place if you wouldn't have prepared something" statemented Kelrian.

"You are a smart guy" responded Sylvanas as she opened the door and led Kelrian in. The first thing he did was to let his eyes roam from corner to corner, scrutinizing the hut's inside closely. The furniture seemed to be made out of the same wood which had been used to build this hut. There was a table in the middle of the room around which four chairs were standing. On the left side of the room was a small wardrobe, a closet and a shelf. On the right side was a chimney made out of stones. There was a fire burning in it, which warmed up the room. The floor was covered by bear rugs. All in all, the room looked comfortable.

"This place seems nice"

"Thank you" said Sylvanas, guiding him to the table.

"Did you build it yourself?"

"I did"

Kelrian didn't hide how impressed he was when he looked at her. "What was the reason for that?"

"I wanted to have a place where I could withdraw and relax after a stressful week. Also, I wanted to try something new so I decided to build it" Sylvanas responded, offering him to take a seat. Kelrian did as he was told, leaning against the back of the chair which was more comfortable than he had expected.

"Why did you choose this area?" he asked curiously.

"It's a rarely visited place, so the chance is pretty low that someone will find out that this is my place of retreat"

"What if someone follows you? Wouldn't someone find it out sooner or later? You are a very popular person which means you have a lot of admirers. Aren't you afraid that a person will stalk you one day and find out where your place of retreat is?"

"Don't worry" said Sylvanas, walking over to the right corner of the hut which was furnished like a small opened one of the little cupboards, pulling two glasses and a bottle of wine out of it. She walked back to Kelrian, putting one glass in front of him and the other in front of her. She opened the bottle, pouring wine in their glasses, then she put the bottle in the middle of the table.

"I always make sure nobody follows me. I would notice soon enough if someone would follow me. Only a few rangers are able to make no noises while moving. Most of my best rangers make quiet, almost unrecognizable noises. Only an experienced elf with excellent hearing can recognize such noises. I am experienced enough, not to mention that I am able to find out if someone follows me without needing to listen to the noises they make. I recognize even those who don't make any noises"

"So, you are one of the few whose ears hear excellent enough" concluded Kelrian.

"That's right"

"I have to say that you impress me more from day to day" complimented Kelrian. Sylvanas smiled at him, putting her hand on his. She caressed the back of his hand while she stared into his handsome eyes.

Kelrian returned the staring, not noticing that he became addicted to the shining of her eyes. He was drawn to them like a moth to a very bright source of light. He couldn't stop himself from staring into her beautiful blue orbs. Only when Sylvanas cleared her throat, he was brought back to the presence. "Sorry" he muttered, looking ashamed at his hands. Sylvanas put her hand under his chin, lifting it up. She gave him a teasing grin, caressing his chin softly. "There is nothing you have to apologize for"

"Why did you request me to come to this hut? I thought you want to relax here alone"

"I would rather relax together with you here than relaxing alone"

"I can't blame you for that" he said and scrutinized the hut's inner once again. "This is a really loveable place"

"I'm glad you like it" responded Sylvanas, smiling at him before she took a sip of wine. Kelrian did the same, his eyes widened when he noticed that this wine tasted much better than every other wine or alcoholic drink, he had ever consumed in his life so far. Sylvanas chuckled when she saw the expression he made. It was clear that she was pleased that Kelrian enjoyed the drink.

Sylvanas emptied half of her glass, then she stood up and walked to the left corner of the room where a record player was standing. She took one of the many record disks, placing it on top of the record player. She walked back to the table as the music started to play. The music was slow and harmonious, making it ideal for a romantic date.

Kelrian was about to say something but Sylvanas put her index finger on his lips, silencing him. Kelrian raised an eyebrow and gave her a confused look but Sylvanas just giggled and signalized him to enjoy the moment. Kelrian nodded to her, taking another sip of his drink before he leaned back and looked into Sylvanas' gorgeous face. She looked back at him, put her hand on his and intertwined their fingers. She caressed the back of his hand, smiling when she noticed the barely visible blush on his cheeks.

"You don't need to be ashamed" she said after a while.

"I'm not ashamed, I'm just a bit nervous" he admitted.

"You don't need to be nervous either"

"Well, I'm having a date with the most beautiful woman on Azeroth so that is reason enough to be nervous"

"Don't exaggerate, I'm not that beautiful. There are many other women who are as beautiful as I" Sylvanas spoke.

Kelrian raised an eyebrow, tilting his head a little. He leaned forward and pulled her hands closer to his body, putting his hands on hers. "That's not the truth. You are by far the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. There is no one who is a match for you, not even your sisters"

"You are exaggerating again"

A faked sigh escaped Kelrian's lips. "Fine, your sisters are gorgeous as well but they aren't as gorgeous as you are"

"Thank you" she responded, smiling at him. She was very happy at this moment. On a usual day, she gets countless compliments from others but she didn't care about any of these compliments. They meant nothing to her. The only compliments which mattered for her where those Kelrian said to her whenever they were alone. She was deeply in love with him, so she highly valued every compliment he said to her.

"You don't need to thank me for speaking out what everyone thinks"

"I don't care what everyone thinks. I only care about what you think" she said.

He didn't say anything in response. Instead, he brought one of her hands to his lips, kissing it softly. He had to admit that he really liked touching her. Her skin was so smooth, her hands were so warm and soft. He loved to hold them and intertwine their was really lucky to have her. He was lucky that he was the one she had fallen in love with.

There were so many other good-looking men, some of them looked by far better than him. There were so many other men who were more popular than him and had a greater influence than him. Nevertheless, Sylvanas had chosen him to be her boyfriend. He still found it weird to regard himself as her boyfriend and Sylvanas as his girlfriend. It sounded so surreal to him. Sometimes he didn't believe that it was real. But it was real, luckily for him.

Kelrian and Sylvanas held hands but other than that they didn't do anything in the next thirty minutes. Sylvanas pulled her hands away eventually. She didn't do that because she had got tired of holding hands with him. On the contrary, she loved it. She only let go of his hands so she could refill their glasses.

They emptied their glasses while speaking about casual topics and flirting from time to time. Kelrian became a bit tipsy after the third glass but he was still able to behave as if nothing had changed. The only difference Sylvanas noticed was that he wasn't afraid anymore to let his gaze wander to her breasts even though he knew she would notice that.

Sylvanas didn't mind at all. She didn't even complain about the lack of exposed skin on Kelrian's side. She remembered the day where she had found herself ogling Kelrian's exposed upper body. She had done that on the day of the second exam Kelrian had attended. The candidates had shown the examiners back then how good they were at swimming. She had shamelessly scrutinized his muscular upper body back then and she wouldn't mind doing it again these days.

Unfortunately for her, he was wearing his jacket and probably an undershirt beneath it. She couldn't ogle him in return, she could only regard his handsome face. But she didn't mind that because she found his face really attractive. He was really attractive in general, not only to her. She knew that lots of women wererhapsodizing about him. Those women really liked his appearance as well and they found him sympathetic. Sylvanas had found out that she became jealous whenever another woman was talking about Kelrian like this. But her jealousy had vanished when she had asked Kelrian out and convinced him to start a secret relationship with him.

Nobody except for them knew about their relationship so nobody talked about them. Men and women were still admiring Sylvanas and lots of women rhapsodized about Kelrian. It seemed that his fanbase was almost as large as Zetai's, who was by far the most attractive and popular man among the newest generation of recruits. Unlike Zetai, Kelrian wasn't aware that so many women liked him. Nobody had told him what an effect he had on other women. He hadn't done much to cause that the best and the most beautiful ranger of Quel'Thalas had fallen in love with him.

Of course, Sylvanas would never tell him that so many women liked him. She trusted him and she was pretty sure that he wouldn't choose another woman over her, still, she didn't want to risk anything. Nor did she wanted to risk that he might turn into a playboy.

She loved him for who he was. She wouldn't like it if he would change completely. He was such a loveable man and Sylvanas would never replace him with someone else. There was no one who was like Kelrian. There was no one else who didn't only like her because of her look or her fame. Unlike most men and some women she knew, he hadn't thrown himself at her. Sylvanas had come to him and confessed her feelings to him. Kelrian had needed some time but then he had told her that he felt the same. This convinced Sylvanas that he wasn't just dating her because he was hoping to get a better reputation.

Sylvanas insisted that he would lean back and relax while she would prepare the food. But Kelrian had other plans. He didn't stop talking to her until she allowed him to help her. Together they roasted the boar, Sylvanas had hunted hours ago, peeled and prepared the potatoes and cut the vegetables in small pieces. Sylvanas prepared a sweet sauce while he cut mushrooms which Sylvanas had found in the hut's near. Kelrian didn't know much about mushrooms so he had been worried at first that these mushrooms were poisonous. She had assured him that these were eatable mushrooms, so he had used them for a mushroom soup.

He had to admit that he had really enjoyed cooking with her. There was only one thing he enjoyed more than doing that: Holding her hand while eating with her. They didn't dare to look at something else than each other as they eat the soup which tasted better than expected. They only pulled their hands away as they started to eat the main course for which they needed both of their hands. In Kelrian's opinion, the meat was the best meat he had ever eaten. Sylvanas really liked it as well but she had eaten other types of meat which had been even more delicious than this one. It was not her favourite type of meatbut it was definitely recommendable in her opinion.

"We should do this more often" spoke Kelrian as soon as they had finished eating.

"I would love to, but you know as well that we don't have many opportunities where we can be alone for a few hours. We are both very busy usually. I will try to give you and your team a day off from time to time so we can meet and spend time together" responded Sylvanas.

"What about the weekends?"

"Usually, I'm very busy as well at the weekends. I'm visiting my family every weekend, not to mention that I give private lessons to my younger siblings. My little brother wants to be a ranger one day, as my sisters and I. I want that as well so I train him whenever I can"

"Too bad"

Sylvanas put a hand on his cheek, caressing it carefully. "Don't worry, I will find excuses so I don't have to go to Windrunner Spire every weekend. This could mean that we can see us on some weekends but we have to be careful as always"

"It's better than nothing, I guess" Kelrian said, smiling at her.

Sylvanas returned the smile. "Indeed, it is". He stared into her beautiful eyes, not realizing that the time was passing by quickly when he did so. He turned his head after a while, not knowing how much time had passed as he looked out of the only window. His eyes widened in surprise as he noticed that night had already fallen. He realized that they had spent the entire day in the hut.

He looked back at Sylvanas, noticing the many candles which were placed on different spots in the room. Their flames enlighten the room enough so the couple was able to see each other clearly.

"When did you..." he started but stopped speaking for the moment as he saw the desserts in front of them. "I didn't notice you enlightening the candles and serving the desserts"

Sylvanas chuckled. "You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn't notice anything. I could have undressed in front of you and you wouldn't have noticed it"

"Was I really that absent?"

Sylvanas nodded.

"Why didn't you paw me slightly?"

"I don't know, to be honest. I found the face, you were making, cute. What were you thinking about?"

Kelrian blushed, looking away in embarrassment. Sylvanas chuckled softly, standing up from her seat. She walked over to her boyfriend, putting her hand beneath his chin, turning it so that he had no other choice than looking at her. "You don't need to tell me everything but it would be rude if you wouldn't tell your girlfriend about the 'inappropriate thoughts' you have about her"

Kelrian blushed deeply but didn't avoid eye contact. Girlfriend.

Sylvanas was his girlfriend. That was the truth but it still sounded so surreal to him. He would have never believed that he, of all men in Quel'Thalas, would be allowed to date Sylvanas Windrunner. THE Sylvanas Windrunner who was the most beautiful and popular woman in Quel'Thalas.

He considered himself as an ordinary recruit and almost everyone thought the same. Sylvanas belonged to the few who knew that he was different than the others. Sylvanas was pretty sure he will become very successful as a ranger. She was sure that he will belong to the best rangers one day and she expected that sooner or later he will join her main unit, which consisted of the best rangers in Quel'Thalas.

"Is something wrong?" asked Sylvanas, regarding Kelrian with a raised eyebrow.

"Well... Not really... It's just still strange to me to consider you as my girlfriend. I mean you are Sylvanas Windrunner, the most beautiful woman in the world and the best ranger of Quel'Thalas. I, on the other hand..."

"You are one of the best recruits I have. You are a very smart man, not to mention that you have a strong will and you wouldn't shrink back from risking your life to save others. You have a big heart. But these are not the only reasons why I love you. I love to spend time with you, to talk to you and be silly when only you are around me. You help me forget how stressful life is as Ranger-General. You help me to relax after a stressful day.

There is so much more I love about you, which I'm not aware of, which doesn't want to come in my mind at the moment. I love you for who you are, for the whole package and I'm glad that you love me as well" told Sylvanas, smiling as she noticed that Kelrian was speechless. He could only stare at her. Sylvanas put her hands on his cheeks, rubbing them softly. She lowered her head, closing the distance between their faces so she could press her lips against his.

He hesitated at first but then he gave himself to her, returning the kiss. He couldn't stop her from inserting her tongue in his mouth nor could he stop her from sitting down on his lap, straddling him. She pressed her body against his, putting one of her hands on the back of his head. Her other hand continued to caress his left cheek.

Kelrian ran his fingers through her soft hair, toying with a few strands he deepened the kiss by inserting his tongue into Sylvanas' mouth. He could taste the alcohol on her lips whenever their lips met but he didn't mind. He was tipsy as well so he didn't mind that Sylvanas might have emptied too many glasses. He couldn't remember how many she had drunken but he didn't care. What mattered to him was that Sylvanas sat on his lap and kissed him hungrily.

They pulled away after a while, breathing heavily as they stared into the eyes of the other. They needed a few moments to relax a noticed the lust in Sylvanas' eyes nor did he miss that she wanted to do the next step but hesitated because she was afraid that she could ruin everything by rushing things. He was unsure if he wanted to do it with Sylvanas at this very moment. Of course, he would do it with her one day but he wasn't sure if this day was the currentday. He would prefer to not rush things and wait longer. Probably as long as necessary. He wanted to wait until he was ready for everything and he was pretty sure Sylvanas would understand that.

Sylvanas stared into his gorgeous eyes, wondering what was going on in his mind. She wanted him so badly. She knew he was the man she had been looking for overseventy years. She hadn't slept with a man since this period of time, so it was only understandable that she longed for direct body contact. Pleasuring herself from time to time was not a permanent solution. She needed a man and this man was Kelrian but she didn't want to ruin everything so she had decided to let him do the first move.

She could undress in front of him and seduce him. With her beauty, it would be too easy. Kelrian wouldn't be able to resist her as soon as he would see her naked form. Sylvanas was sure about this because this trick had worked so often on men and women. But Kelrian was not just a meaningless love affair for her. He was the one for her. He was the man she had been looking for a long time. And she would give him all the time he needed in the world. She had survived seventy years without sex, so she could survive longer if necessary.

"What about the desserts?" Kelrian asked after a few minutes of pleasant silence. Sylvanas chuckled. She would love to respond 'I am your dessert' but she didn't because she didn't want to push him. Instead of responding verbally to him, she turned around and took the creamy yoghurt from the table.

She turned back to Kelrian, starting to feed him with a spoon. From time to time, she also tried a few spoons of the yoghurt but she fed most of the delicious dessert to the man on which lap she was still sitting. Sylvanas didn't stop until she had fed both desserts to her boyfriend. She used the back of her hand to wipe the amount of yoghurt away, which stuck on his lips.

She smiled at him and he smiled back at her, staring into her blue orbs. They kissed again, holding it as long as possible. They pulled away eventually, breathing heavily. Sylvanas caressed his cheeks, smiling as Kelrian did the same. The young couple sat there for a while, enjoying each other's presence.

Kelrian yawned, noticing that he was really tired. He looked at the bed, then at the couch on the other side of the room. "It's already late"

"You can spend the night here if you want"

"I have to sleep on the couch then, right?"

"Unless you want to sleep in the same bed as I" spoke Sylvanas, smirking at him.

"I would love to but I think that would be too soon. Remember, this is our first real date"

"I know, it was meant as a joke" responded Sylvanas, hiding her disappointment as best as possible. She wished she could have cuddled with him at least but she understood his hesitation. She didn't take offence at his behaviour, she could understand that he didn't want to rush things.

"Fine" spoke Kelrian, walking over to the couch. Sylvanas walked to the closet next to her wardrobe, pulling a blanket and a pillow out of it. She walked over to Kelrian, handing him these items.

He nodded at her. "Thank you, Sylvanas"

"You are welcome, my dear" she said, regarding him closely. You don't have a pyjama with you, right?"

Kelrian nodded his head.

"I expected this so I bought you one" she said as she walked back to the closet and pulled a blue pyjama out of it. She returned to him and gave him the pyjama. "I hope it fits you"

"Let's find it out" responded Kelrian, staring at her for a few moments. He cleared his throat after an entire minute had passed, then he asked Sylvanas to turn around. She rolled her eyes playfully but she listened to him, turning away until he told her that she was allowed to look again. She regarded him, finding out that the pyjama fit perfectly. "It suits you"

"Thank you"

"Now, it's my turn but you don't need to look away"

"It would be indecent if I would watch a lady changing her clothes"

"I wouldn't mind" teased Sylvanas.

Soft laughter escaped his lips. "I believe that, but I'm a gentleman so I insist. Sorry to disappoint you"

"It's fine" responded Sylvanas. She waited until Kelrian had turned around, then she removed her dress and put it back in the wardrobe. She debated for a second if she should remove her underwear as well or if she should leave it on. She remembered that nothing will happen between them during this night so decided to keep it on. She put on her pyjama and walked over to the couch, telling Kelrian to turn around.

The first thing he did when he turned around was to scrutinize her from head to toe. The pyjama didn't reveal skin nor did it accentuate her curves. Still, Kelrian had to admit that she looked gorgeous in it. He was pretty sure that she would even look gorgeous if she would wear a potato sack. He believed that there was nothing in which Sylvanas wouldn't look good. He didn't dare to imagine how she would look like if she would wear nothing. He was pretty sure his mind wouldn't be able to cope with that.

He tilted his head a bit when he noticed that Sylvanas was standing right in front of him. She didn't say anything, she just stared into his eyes and he did the same. She put her hand under his chin, pulling him closer so she was able to press her lips against his. The kiss was quick but passionate. She licked her lips as she pulled away, staring at Kelrian for a few moments before she turned around and walked to her bed.

"Goodnight, my love" she whispered.

"Goodnight, Sylvanas" responded Kelrian. He waited until Sylvanas laid in her bed and covered herself with her blanket. He laid down on the couch, wrapping the blanket around his body. He put his head on the pillow and closed his eyes, then he listened to Sylvanas' quiet breaths until he fell asleep eventually.