
We Are One In A Million

After The End Of The World Ever Survivor Is Blessed With A Power Of Sorts And Casual Gamer Ryuk Ji Is Blessed With The Power Of His Favorite MMORPG Great-Save MMO And Uses His New Found Power To Strive In This New World

BuddhaTheWriter · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Who Is Seon Mun-Hee?

I hear the girl chatting to Bean as I approach the entrance to the room, and all I could make out was.

"That guy is so rude"

"Trying to run from me I'm just a helpless child"

Parents must teach manners to their children. I walk over to the two after I open the door. The girl is looking at the food with a smirk running down her lips. I take out a little piece of bread for her and as she eats it, I make the decision to ask her some questions.

"So what's your name"

I ask, and she gives me a puzzled look before finally finishing chewing and responding, "It's Seon Mun-Hee." I was indeed correct in thinking that she is Korean "What's With The school uniform?" I ask "I needed a change of clothes and my old school uniform from Korea was sitting there I put it on" She replies straightforward answer.

After some consideration, we decided that the best course of action would be to locate a group of survivors and join forces with them. As a result, we both made the decision to leave when all of our food has been consumed, and I return to my room for some alone time. I looked at my status to see if anything else had happened and found three significant changes. I acquired a new talent.

[Finishing Stomp]- When an enemy is on the ground you can use this skill to finish them off no matter the circumstance

The biggest change was my insane level up; the last time I checked, I was level 7, but now I'm level 19, with 12 more points. I also had a two-point increase in strength, making my Strength and Health Stats equal at five. I may be being cowardly, but I chose to allocate 10 stat points to movement speed and the final two to health.

[Current Stats]




Movement Speed:13



Appearing to be good I decide to get up and see if I can check other people's stats because Mun-Hee couldn't see my menu screen yesterday, so I must be the only one with this ability. I look directly at Bean and think about checking his stats.

[Bean The Dog]




Movement Speed:19



Why is it that Bean has more stats than I do? This is depressing, so I turn to look at Mun-Hee, but she was already giving me a creepy look. Nonetheless, I keep looking at her and consider checking her stats.

[The Anti-social Seon Mun-Hee]




Movement Speed:10



Wait How is she that strong why I quickly retreat back to my room to deal with this realization but I still wonder what was that (+3) right next to her health was it due to her clothes or something I move toward my closet and start changing close until a similar effect occurs and then when I reach my final outfit my black hoodie and jeans and put them on.

'Health Stat Increased'

This was my new outfit until I find something better, which is unlikely, so I checked my stats to see how much, and I saw a (+10) next to my health. This was an absurd boost and I felt unstoppable.

Around a week has passed since Mun-Hee moved in with me, and we are about halfway through our food. I decided Mun-Hee and I should work on strengthening ourselves, so we planned to leave the apartments once a day to hunt down at least one monster. I wanted to hone my skills more, so we planned and packed for today. We debated whether or not to leave Bean, but we decided to do so just in case he gets hurt. The two of us then left the apartments to find one of the monsters we decided to call Tesa because it's a shortened version of teol-i sang-eo and that meant shark in Korean after 30 minutes of looking we found a Tesa alone and decided to rush it.

"Mun-Hee make sure you're careful"

The Tesa turns to attack, and I move back to avoid the attack while Mun-Hee goes for another hit to the shoulder and it lands impeding the Tesa's movement, and then I go in and stabbed it. As I turn to look at a worn-out Mun-Hee, we both run towards it from behind and I slash the bottom of his heels while she smashed his back with the metal bat.

"Good Job!"

I put up a thumbs up toward Mun-Hee

'New Skill Learned'

[Knife Mastery]

'Skill [Knife Mastery] level up'

'Skill [Knife Mastery] level up'

This ability will be really useful in the future I should try and level it up more.

'Level increased LVL.19 - LVL. 25'

I'm starting to understand this, and it's getting more enjoyable. As soon as Mun-Hee and I entered the apartment, Mun-Hee interrupts me to present a question

"Mister Ji serious question"

I look at her.

"Drop the Mister and ill answer Seriously"

She sighs.

"Lately I've been able to absorb the stuff around me"

What is she talking about?

"Like look at this"

She turns towards a wall and punches it and moves her hand quickly back and shakes off the pain before extending her hand and causing it to glow. She then turns to face the wall again and punches it, this time creating a hole in it.

"You see?"

She questions.

"So you just tell me?"

She looks at me confused.

"You could've told me earlier and it would have been better!"

She looks at me even more confused.

"I should've never told you in the first place"

She Scoffs.

"I should have left you"

I mumble under my breath.

"Speak up"

She says.

"I said I'm glad to have you"

She smiles.

"That's what I thought"

We chuckle together as we move toward my apartment room.

{Chapter 3} End

hope you all enjoy the constant release of chapters

BuddhaTheWritercreators' thoughts