
We Are One In A Million

After The End Of The World Ever Survivor Is Blessed With A Power Of Sorts And Casual Gamer Ryuk Ji Is Blessed With The Power Of His Favorite MMORPG Great-Save MMO And Uses His New Found Power To Strive In This New World

BuddhaTheWriter · Fantasia
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5 Chs

Live Now Die Later Part 2

"My head hurts," I mumble to myself. I check around and see we aren't in the hospital anymore. This is a tent. I quickly stumble to my feet. The second I stand up, I can see Mun-Hee across the tent sleeping with Bean beside her.

"Hey Mun-Hee Wake Up"

I nudge her a little bit and she starts lifting her body up and letting out a yawn. She looks around.

"This isn't the hospital?"

She whispers I reach for her hand to pull her up and we proceed out of the tent.


I say to myself as we view the amazing sight in front of us; it was lights and hundreds, maybe thousands, of tents and people everywhere socializing and just being happy. It was a grand sight. It has been around a month since the alien invasion and I haven't seen this many people in one spot.

"So are we going to explore or what?"

Mun-Hee excitedly says as she and Bean walk off into the crowd of people, "I shouldn't worry about it. I'll look around and gather all my stuff. Then I went off to see what was. I saw a whole bunch of strange faces, people with scars, people with medieval armor, and some with horns. Is this some type of cosplay convention like novel characters? Till I saw someone. He was tall around 6'3 with brown hair, in-depth facial features, and two lazy black eyes, wearing an unbuttoned suit with a gun in hand.

"Is that You Ryuk Ji?"

He says after he rushes toward me, I confirm his suspicions and we start to walk around together and talk together. I ask him questions about this place and we met each other when I first moved in. He offered to buy me a drink, but I was only 18 at the time, so he snuck some in for us and we had a good time and he would come by like twice a week. We were good friends.

"So Ji what brings you to the Demon District?"

He asked I look at him with a confused look in my eye.

"Whats The Demon District?"

He laughs and goes in-depth about this place. It was made by the great demon lord Russ Lucas. That's not the menacing name. I was thinking, oh wait, I should introduce my friend Marc Silva. He is around 30 years old, divorced, and his favorite food is baked potatoes. He's probably my best friend that I've met in real life.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Ji, but before we part, I have a question."

He stares directly at me with a cold gaze.

"What's your power"

He questions I look at him and slowly open my mouth, thinking about what I should say.

"What's That?"

He closes his eyes and starts to laugh.

"I should've known you'd say that."

He explains what a power is. After the monsters descended on Earth, people began mutating and gaining superhuman abilities. This mutation not only gives you a special power, but it also removes your limiter, allowing you to become strong enough to destroy mountains with your bare hands. He tells me what his power is. He can shoot special types of bullets that can do many things, like heal poison and control others. He barely got to use it because he was never sent out for training. This gun will not break no matter how hard you try. He found this gun while sitting in his room after everything was happening.

"Very soon you'll get your own power, Ji. I wish you luck."

We shake hands and go in separate directions. After a while, I got bored, so I tried looking for Bean and Mun-Hee. After 30 minutes, I caved and stopped looking for the duo and just sat down next to the tent we were at and decided to open the menu.


I continue to look at the menu and notice a huge increase in my level. Is it because I killed the archer guy and my stats normal increased my health by 10 (+10), so 20 in health and my strength has also reached 13, my stamina has increased to 7, and my vision and detection have also increased, leaving my stats looking like this.

[Current Stats]




Movement Speed:13



I'm starting to look like a strong character. I get up and continue to walk around out of sheer boredom. As I'm walking, I'm greeted with a sword to my throat.

"So you're the bastard who killed my brother."

It's a girl who looks around my age with teal hair that looks dyed with blue eyes along with a very skinny face that looks like they barely eat with a suit on just like Marc and killed her brother. I haven't killed any brothers in my life in real life at least.

"What do you mean killed your brother?"

She looks at me with pure rage.

"Don't play dumb with me jack*ss"

She tightens her grip on the sword.

"Hey what are your doing to Ji"

Mun-Hee says While walking close with the bat in hand, the sword girl steps back and looks at her. I take this time to run away. You think I'm going to say and watch? I make it back to my tent. I slowly creep in.

"You think you can get away that easy?"

I look up to the sword girl in front of me. Okay, now I'm scared. If she could beat Mun-Hee, I'm in trouble. Is Mun-Hee dead? It is not the time to be asking questions. I run outside the tent to also see the sword girl. Am I dreaming? Can it be happening? I run away from both girls and start to run towards the area Marc was going towards. I made it there and saw Marc. I rushed towards his side and explained to him what was going on. So we took out his gun and aimed it at the two sword girls.

"You should stop." I get it he killed your brother, but he probably had a reason to, right?"

He stares at me awaiting an answer. Lets twist the story because I dont think he stole my dog. It would cut it.

"Yea he stole all my things and kidnapped by bestfriend"

After a while, she calms down and everyone chills out, so Mun-Hee and I return to the tent and call it a day.