
We are crazy

Mia is a beautiful and intelligent girl. But she is hot temper. her life is only food and she is crazy for it. . . . . . Kai is Smart and handsome, nerdy type. Don't like to talk too much........ Liam is a little physcho , Belongs to a rich family. Easily trust anyone but his heart is pure. . . Maya is a very Shy girl. . . . she want a peaceful life for herself , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . But. . . . what happened when they start to live together in a same house . . . . . . . Well. .. it will start a Rollercoaster ride of comedy , errors , craziness , adventure and friendship. So let's join the journey of laughter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . This story is a pure Comedy, There is no misunderstanding, no revenge , no drama. give it a try I hope you like it . ******Picture credit goes to google********

hfdte · Urbano
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1 Chs

First meeting

" hmm....it is big " Mia think on her mind .

Mia ring the bell on the door of the house , after sometime A middle age lady around her fourties open the door.

" Hello Ms Martha , nice to meet you " Mia greet the lady .

" oh. . hello my dear . . .I saw you last when you were ten years old , you are grown up now...I am so happy to see you again " Martha give Mia a warm hug.

Mia's mother was a childhood friend of Martha. Mia's family were not rich, they died one year ago in a car accident. They lived in a rented apartment in another country. twenty year's ago after marriage Martha shift in this country. They both lost connection. But a year ago Mia's mother and Martha meet online. Martha was worried about Mia after her parent's died . She tells Mia that She can live with them , Mia decline her offer at but at last Agree. But she pressure Martha she have to take rented money from her.

" How is your work going " Martha ask Mia.

" Fine. . . .It is online work from home. So I do it any time ". Mia reply and entering the house.

Enter the house Mia carefully observe the inside of the house. It was big than her imagination .

Martha and Mia sit in a Sofa. " Oh. .when the other housemates are coming " . Mia ask Martha.

" They arrive soon . . . . " before Martha complete her sentence her phone ring , She excuse herself for attending the call.

After Martha left , Mia lost on her thoughts. Martha's husband has to shift foreign for some work related in office. Now Martha also going to shift with her husband. She decided to rent the house. Mia's thoughts interpreted by Martha's voice.

" I am so sorry dear. . . I have to go now , I just got call from the flight airline. The flight take off early than his departure time. . . so I have to go now for airport. . . . " Martha inform Mia everything .

" Oh. . . it's ok . Don't worry about here I manage everything, safe journey " Mia assure Martha.

Before leaving Martha give her a file which contains information about the other housemates.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mia relaxing herself on the sofa and closed her eyes , After some time she check the list of the people . At first Mia rejected Martha's offer but Martha tell her that she and her husband transferred another city so she rented her this house and there are more three housemate join her. She also don't happy in her privious place it reminded her about her parent's memory. So she shifted here .

Mia was on her thoughts when she heard a noise on the door.

" Ah. . . excuse me are you Mia " a girl at her twenties stand by at door.

Mia look at the girl . . she is about her age , wearing a pink colour crop top and blue colour jeans , Her hair tied by a rebon , simple and attractive.

" Ahhh. . . . .yes I am Mia , you are Maya right. why you stand at the door come inside.. " Mia greeted her.

Maya enter to house and Stand infront of Mia. " Nice to meet you . Ms Martha told me about you . I hope we two get well with each other "

" Of course . . . . " Mia reply.

" Excuse me . . . I think I am on right time , My name is Kai . Nice to meet you .

Mia and Maya look at the direction of the voice , A boy around their age stand behind Maya . Mia look at him , he wear a simple jense and full sleeve shirt. His half hair covered her forehead. Wearing a big size glasses. She can tell he is nice guy but no fashion sense .

" Ah..nice to meet you kai , My name is Mia and she is Maya " Mia pointed towards Maya's direction.

" We three are here...only one person remaning " Maya asked.

Before Mia said anything they heard a noise from behind them.

A boy around their age , dyed hair with blue colour , wearing a green colour round neck t shirt with black colour pant and wearing a metal locket. Some how fall on the floor .

" Ah..I am sorry I break you. please forgive me" He held a broken flower vase and talk to it .

Suddenly he saw others and wave at them. " Hi , I am Liam. you all must be my other housemate ". he wink at them.

Mia : " _ " ' why I am here'

Kai : " _ " ' please save me '

Maya : "_ " ' I want to escape '


At the night...In Mia's room. Mia change her cloths and wear something comfortable. And about to go to the bed ...She hear some sound from ground floor. Following the sound Mia reach to Liam's room.

" What are you doing at night " Mia ask Liam, who standing with a guitar.

" I practice singing "


" At late night " Mia rolled her eyes.

" Stop your singing ....I can't sleep you idiot!!!"

Liam ignore Mia and started singing.

" Liam !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "

Mia shouted so loudly that Liam's guitar fall on ground from his hand. He shivers to see Mia's anger.

A horrible smile appear in Mia's lips...." You know on day my pet don't listen to me. You know one day a mosqueto bite me and I catch it. you know what I do to him "

" Ah...you kill that " Liam answer with fear

" No "

" So you release it "

" No....I first separate its legs , the separate it's body...and torture it slowly.....very slowly "

" _ "

" Ah... I am sleepy . You sleep to ok. " Mia leave from there without hear any reply.

" _ " ' how can I sleep now ' Liam thought on her mind.

At a little distance , Two person also see this. And after day they learn a valuable lesson. Don't ever anger Mia Roy . Never!!!!!!!!!!