

Juliet is revealed to be incredibly brilliant. She is a very confident person who believes strongly in her talents and does not want to be treated lightly or looked down on by opponents. Juliet appears to be capable of controlling and predicting every movement, particularly their reaction. She is also an excellent violinist. When she was five years old, she decided to ask his father to teach her how to play the violin because she aspired to be like his father. Juliet was described to be a quiet and reticent girl, however, she is occasionally spotted smiling when she manages to engage in a conversation with someone who has a similar taste in literature as her. Despite the fact that she was perfectly content to be alone.

She is said to admire his Papa and her Mama. Juliet's father told her about "Shizuku Suzuki," her first love, who was also her childhood buddy when they were both 7 years old. Juliet was shocked after hearing his dad narrate the narrative of her youth, and tears sprang into his golden eyes, and he informed her that she died from a heart attack. She chose to embrace his father after learning about his experience.

Her mother unexpectedly hugs his husband to comfort him after hearing his story about her childhood buddy, and she also chose to inform her that her childhood friend was none other than "Eiichiro Matsuo." She mentions that she died by suicide as a result of his sadness and mental health issues, and she becomes heartbroken when she mentions his name. She decided to forget since she had already moved on because he had Kiyotaka, the one who managed to save her from the horrific dilemma. Tsubasa also remembered the words that Kiyotaka had given to her. "You don't have to be positive all the time. It's perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, scared, and anxious. Having feelings doesn't make you a negative person. It makes you human."