
100. Crocoduel

Scene: Liberty. Kitty Section is performing I Love Unicorns on stage.


I see their faces everywhere I go

Dreaming about them in the night!

You know I love unicorns

And nothing makes me feel better!

(Finishing off their song, the band members throw their masks in the air as Zoé, Mylène, Alix, Alya and Nino cheer for them. Rose and Juleka hug each other. Luka looks around sadly.)

Luka: Marinette hasn't come around here for a while. Is she okay?

Alya: (nervously) Oh, yeah! Yeah! She's fine. It's just that she... she... she's got a lot of stuff going on.

Luka: You can be honest with me, you know? She's stopped showing up because she knows I'm in love with her, right?

"Is that true?" Marinette asked Angel, as well as everyone else in curiosity.

"Yeah. Ever since you and Luka broke up, you've been trying to avoid him as much as possible. You think that you being around Luka would be emotionally painful for him and would somehow get him akumatized again. However, the irony is that you avoiding Luka is what's really hurting him," Angel explained with a slight frown towards Marinette while everybody else nodded in understanding. Marinette then gave a guilty look towards Luka that said she's sorry and Luka softly smiled back at her indicating that she's forgiven.

Rose: Of course not, Luka! Marinette stopped coming because the rehearsals are the exact same time as her Aqua Pony classes with Pom-Pony, her favorite pony! Pom-Pony is so cute, with his golden mane that's so brush-able, but he's also super-sensitive and everytime Marinette misses Aqua Pony, Pom-Pony gets depressed! (pouts)

Everybody in the audience stared at the blushing-red Rose with cringed faces of disbelief and exasperation in long silence before Chloe broke it. "No one? OK. Utterly ridiculous, Rose! Just because the boy dyes his hair a weird shade of blue doesn't mean he's stupid!" Though they all frowned at Chloe for being somewhat insulting, everyone else murmured in agreement.

"Thanks, Chloe. I think," Luka said with a frown as he touched his hair since she somewhat insulted his hairstyle.

"Don't listen to Chloe. Your hair with that color fits the entire "rock star" motif, so it clearly suits you," Kagami whispered to Luka with a flirting smile and he smiled back.

Luka: I get it, Rose. Thanks. (walks away)

Alya: (claps sarcastically) Wow, Rose.

Rose: I know, but we couldn't tell him that Marinette is too embarrassed to see him. It would have broken his heart! We've gotta find a way to patch things up between them so they can see each other and be buddies again! We can all be buddies, right? Oh, I know! Luka could go to Aqua Pony class with Marinette!

Everyone in the audience (including the still-blushing Rose herself) groaned and facepalmed in exasperation that Rose momentarily believed her own lie to Luka on-screen.

Mylène: You know that "Aqua Pony" is not real, don't you?

Rose: (cups her face) Oh. Yeah, right!

Mylène: I'm sure we can figure out a way to get Luka and Marinette together!

Zoé: Something that Marinette has to come to.

Ivan: Where they'll talk to each other!

Nino: And be buddies again!

Alya: Hey, aren't we all going to see the Rock and Monster Party Parade together this Saturday? What if, instead of going to the movies, we had a party right here on the houseboat?! For Juleka's birthday... and Luka's!

Mylène: Of course! Since they're twins, it's Luka's birthday, too, which means he'll be there!

"You two are twins? I thought you were older," Kagami asked Luka with a confused look on her face.

"Juleka and I really are twins. But, Juleka was held a year back in school which kind of embarrassed her, so we'd like to pretend that I'm her older brother. At least to acquaintances, but our closest friends know that we're twins. And technically, I am older but just by ten minutes," Luka explained to the Japanese girl who chuckled at the last sentence.

Zoé: And Marinette!

Nino: Wait a sec, Adrien can't come this Saturday! He's got a fashion show.

Alya: Perfect! If Adrien shows up, Marinette wouldn't be able to take her eyes off him.

Alix: And she might act... well, you know?

Zoé: I'll help set up!

Nino: I'm on music!

Alya: And I'll take care of Marinette! (All of them face Juleka.)

Mylène: What do you think, Juleka? Awesome idea, right?

Juleka: I... yeah. (The rest of them high-five each other. Rose approaches Juleka.)

Rose: Thanks, Jule. You're the best! (kisses Juleka's cheek)

Scene: Marinette's room. Marinette is sewing with the kwamis around her.

Marinette: A party on the houseboat for Juleka's birthday? Okay. (Alya and Trixx high-five behind her. She becomes suspicious and stops sewing.) Oh! Wait a minute, Alya Césaire. We were supposed to go to the movies for Juleka's birthday, but now we're having a party on the houseboat and since Luka is Juleka's twin, it's also his birthday, which means he'll be there! But you thought I'd never figure that out and would end up on the houseboat with him, and since the houseboat is on the river, I'd have no way of leaving, and I'd be forced to talk to him! It's a trap!

"Girl, for once, can you not be suspicious about something?!" Alya jokingly asked her best friend in exasperation with everyone else laughing hard.

"Sorry, Alya. It comes with being Ladybug," Marinette jokingly answered back in which everyone else laughed harder in agreement.

Alya: Okay, girl. You're really good. No wonder you're Ladybug.

Marinette: Alya, you can't do this to me!

Alya: No, you can't do this to Luka! You've been avoiding him for too long. You have to talk to him. Just because you're not together doesn't mean you can't still be friends.

Marinette: But it'll be so awkward! You know that Luka's in love with me, but I'm in love with Adrien, and every time we see each other, he just ends up getting hurt all over again because he knows I'll never feel the same.

Alya: Overdoing it a little?

Marinette: He got akumatized twice because of me.

"Well, technically, Silencer was Bob's and XY's fault. I mean not only did they threaten you, they also stole our music and your costumes," Luka pointed out in which Marinette nodded in agreement along with everyone else after thinking about it.

Alya: Yeah, but things are different this time! If that happens, once you— I mean, Ladybug, saves him and gives him the magical charm, he'll never get akumatized again! And then you guys can try to be friends again! You can't say no to that. (softly) It's your duty!

Marinette: Uh... okay.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont courtyard. Marinette hides behind a trash can while entering the school's main door. Juleka is all alone, leaning on a wall.

Marinette: (off-screen) Juleka! Hey! (Juleka looks over the school grounds, corners, until she sets her eyes on the trash can.) Psst! Psst! Psssst! Juleka!

Juleka: Talking garbage can? Awesome!

Marinette: (peeks her head over the trash can) No, Juleka, it's me! I'm really sorry. I told Alya I'd come to your birthday and I thought there'll be no problems with Luka but... I really hate to ask this; but do you think you could arrange for Luka to, like, not go?

Juleka: Uhh...

Marinette: I know, it's his birthday, too, but it wouldn't exactly be a great birthday if the girl who broke his heart were there, right? I'd totally miss it if I could but Alya just won't drop it. You know, I feel terrible that I made Luka unhappy and that he got akumatized because of me. I don't think I could ever look him in the eyes again, and... and...

Juleka: (sighs) I'll see what I can do.

Marinette: Really! You'll talk to him? Oh, Juleka, you're the best! (She hugs Juleka and immediately goes back behind the trash can. Marinette makes her escape as she bumps on the walls and trips on the stairs.)

"I should've known that you would try to find a way to get out of seeing Luka again," Alya deadpanned as she groaned in exasperation at both herself and her best friend. Meanwhile, everyone else chuckled at Marinette hiding behind the garbage can on-screen while the blue-haired girl blushed pink in embarrassment.

Scene: Under the deck of Liberty. Juleka enters their bedroom while Luka is playing his electric guitar.

Juleka: (sighs) Hey, I'd like to have a party here with the gang on Saturday after all.

Luka: (stops playing his guitar) Great idea!

Juleka: And actually, um... well... Marinette...

Luka: Marinette will be there? Woah, I'm so relieved. I really thought she was avoiding me. (continues playing his guitar) That's cool, really! Super cool! (Juleka looks down sadly. Luka notices her.)

Luka: Was there something else?

Juleka: No. (looks away) No.

Luka: (stands up from the bed and approaches her) Juleka, I know that look. You're holding back something in there. That needs to come out. (A knock on the window was heard and startled them both.) Dad? (opens the window for Jagged Stone to enter)

Jagged Stone: Luka! Hey, son! How's it strumming? (swings in the window and fist bumps with Luka)

"We're calling Jagged "Dad" now?" Luka asked in surprise as well as everyone else and Angel confirmed it with a nod.

Luka and Jagged: Rock and roll!

Juleka: (behind the open window) Hi. (looks down as she gets unnoticed)

Jagged Stone: Ready for the chord of the day, my boy? The diminished D7. I use it in all my tear-jerking ballads.

Anarka: (furiously) Jagged Stone, you scallywag! No stowaways on my ship! Disembark my house right this instant!

Jagged Stone: (nervously) Hey, Anarka! Rock and roll! How'd you know I was here? I was being so sneaky!

Anarka: Sneaky? Your tour bus is parked on the dock, you one-hit wonder!

Jagged Stone: Nanarky, you can't keep me from teaching the diminished D7 to my son!

Anarka: I appreciate you trying to create a bond with your children, Jagged. But no one sets foot on my houseboat without the captain's permission, and that captain is me!

Luka: Well then, Mom, uh, with your permission, could Dad come to our birthday on Saturday? Juleka wants to throw a party. (Jagged turns around and sees Juleka behind the open window and hugs Anarka, much to his surprise. Juleka looks down once again.)

Jagged Stone: (lets go of Anarka) Hey, Juleka! Rock and roll! I didn't see you there.

Anarka: Juleka, you really want this old pirate to be at your birthday?

Juleka: I— um... (pulls the window door closer to her) Yes.

Jagged Stone: (laughs triumphantly) Awesome! See you on Saturday then! (jumps out the window only to hit the wall, whimpering...) Rock and roll! (...and falls on the river. Anarka exits the room, leaving Luka and Juleka in shock. Juleka's phone buzzes with an incoming phone call.)

"Good thing we inherited his musical talents and not his brains," Luka noted to both himself and Juleka about their father in which everybody else nodded in agreement with cringed faces towards that awkward moment with Jagged Stone on-screen.

Alya: (on the phone) So, Juleka, everything good? Luka will be there, right? (Juleka's phone buzzes again with an incoming phone call.)

Marinette: (on the phone) Hey, Juleka! Everything good? Luka won't be there, right?

Luka: (plays his guitar) I'm so happy that everyone will be there! (Juleka becomes hesitant, placing a palm on her face.)

"Wow, that's a lot of pressure on Juleka!" Angel noted to her audience as the teens involved on-screen looked at Juleka with apologetic looks as she smiled at them in forgiveness.

Scene: On the deck of Liberty. Juleka paces back and forth. The gang arrives, climbing down the stairs to the houseboat.

Alya: Marinette, I have to say that I'm really impressed with you. I never thought you'd be so chill about seeing Luka again. (walks to Juleka's side) See how brave Marinette's being, Juleka?

Marinette: It's nothing. You gotta get over things in life. Grow up a bit. (leans closer to Juleka, whispering) Sorry again. We're asking to do this but thanks for getting Luka out of here, Juleka. I couldn't handle this otherwise. Is he okay, by the way? I hope he didn't take it too hard— AHHH! (sees Luka playing his guitar on the other side of the boat)

Luka: Hey, Marinette!

Marinette: (panics and runs away) Excuse me! Sorry! I've got something to do! It's super urgent! Yep! Bye! (falls on the stairs that leads below the deck) I'm okay!

"Well, that was more squirrelly than you usually are with Adrien," Angel noted, breaking the awkward silence in response to Marinette trying to avoid Luka on-screen with everyone else murmuring in agreement. Marinette once again gave an apologetic look to Luka who gave a forgiving smile back.

Luka: (to Juleka) Is something wrong with Marinette?

Rose: What's going on, Jule?

Alya: Where is she going?

Nino: Is there a problem?

Alix: Is she okay?

Ivan: What's wrong with her?

Juleka: (pressured) It's just that... I— um— oh...! (cries as she runs away from the gang)

Rose: Jule!

Luka: (sighs) I knew it. Marinette doesn't want to have anything to do with me, and Juleka didn't have the heart to tell me. (walks away and sits to play a sad tune on his guitar)

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair.

Shadow Moth: The cruel disillusion of a young man who hoped that a friendship with a faded love could be rekindled. (corrupts a butterfly) Fly away, my little akuma! Go evilize that heart! (The akuma flies out of the window.)

"So, the akuma is originally meant for me?" Luka asked curiously as well as everyone else.

"Yeah. But, everyone else managed to calm you down before that could happen. The akuma spent most of the party fluttering around and looking for other negative emotions," Angel explained after confirming it with a nod.

"And you thought avoiding Luka was going to keep him from attracting an akuma," Alya said to her sheepish and guilty best friend with a slight frown.

Scene: On the deck of Liberty. Luka continues to play his guitar dejectedly. The gang approaches him.

Alya: Luka, come on. It's not like that!

Nino: You know how she gets around awkward situations.

Zoé: She doesn't hate you. She's just... Marinette.

Rose: And she wouldn't say anything because she didn't want to hurt you.

Ivan: She was trying to protect you.

Alix: Everyone loves you here! (The whole gang embraces Luka as he smiles.)

Luka: Thanks, guys, for everything. (The akuma halts in the air.)

Shadow Moth: (in his lair) How strange. The negative feelings have disappeared. But stay where you are, my little akuma. The party with teenagers always makes for a party of strong emotions.

Scene: Under the deck of Liberty. Juleka wanders unhappily in the room.

Marinette: (peeking behind the counter) Juleka! (As Juleka notices her, Marinette hides behind the counter once again. Juleka walks to the counter to see Marinette.) Why is he here? (Juleka shies away) You couldn't tell him, could you?

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) A young girl disappointed in herself and wracked with guilt! (The akuma flies below the deck and heads towards Juleka.)

"Now, the akuma is after Juleka," Angel narrated as everyone else looked at the screen with worry.

Marinette: Of course, you couldn't tell him. I asked you to do the impossible. I'm so sorry, Juleka. (embraces Juleka as she hugs her back. The akuma halts for the second time and flies away.)

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Again? What's going on?

Scene: On the deck of Liberty. Jagged Stone with his crocodile Fang arrives at the party.

Jagged Stone: Hey, kids! Everything jammin'? (The others start to murmur upon his arrival.)

Luka: Hi, Dad!

Jagged Stone: Sorry I'm tardy to the party, son. You have any wrapping paper I could borrow? (The party music stops.)

Alya: Hang on. Jagged Stone...

Nino: ...is the father of...

Rose: ...Luka and Juleka?

"I thought we already knew that?" Nino asked in shock as well as everyone else in which Angel answered with a shrug as she doesn't know herself.

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) A group of friends surprised to find out that two of them have been keeping secrets. (The akuma returns to the deck and heads towards Ivan.)

"Now, the akuma is after one of you guys," Angel said as she pointed to the akuma on-screen as everyone else began groaning as the akuma kept fluttering around.

Ivan: That's... so... awesome! (The party resumes, and the akuma flies away for the third time.)

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Yes, well, I should've guessed.

"So, why don't you just give up already?!" Alix loudly asked Shadow Moth on-screen in exasperation as everyone else murmured in agreement, similarly exasperated.

Scene: Under the deck of Liberty. Juleka and Marinette continue to talk.

Juleka: Oh, yeah. He's my dad.

Marinette: What? Jagged Stone is your father? (Juleka looks away from her) Why would you think he doesn't love you and likes your brother better? (Footsteps are heard coming towards them as Luka and Jagged enter the room.)

Jagged Stone: You'll see, she's a real beauty! A sound that'll make your head spin. (Marinette and Juleka peek over the counter) So you better hide it, okay? (hands over a guitar case to Luka) And not a word to your sister! (Hearing this, Juleka becomes dejected and starts crying again.)

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Ah, a young girl whose biggest fears have come true! (The akuma heads to the bottom of the deck and targets Juleka for the second time.) And what could be worse than not being loved by your own father.

"And now back to Juleka again," Angel narrated about the akuma on-screen and everyone else once again groaned in exasperation and annoyance.

Marinette: Hang on, Juleka. I'm sure this is just a misunderstanding. You need to talk to your dad. That's how problems get solved. (stands up angrily from behind the counter to confront Jagged.) Jagged!

Jagged Stone: (shuffling his feet, shocked by Marinette's sudden appearance) Marinette!

Marinette: (notices Luka beside Jagged) Hi, Luka! Yes, I know we need to talk, and we will, but don't worry. But right now, I need to talk to your dad! Jagged, you can't just give an amazing electric guitar to your son and nothing... (struggles to pull Juleka from behind the counter) ...nothing... (grunts as she successfully pulls out Juleka beside her) ...and nothing to your daughter!

Jagged Stone: (sighs, sarcastic) Hey, thanks a lot for your incredible discretion, Marinette. Rock and roll. Actually, this was supposed to be a surprise gift for Juleka. Juleka plays bass for Kitty Section, right? So I thought it'd be cool if I gave her the very first bass I ever owned. (pulls out a bass guitar from the guitar case and hands it to Juleka) Happy birthday, Juleka.

"Oh," Marinette said as she sunk into her seat in embarrassment as everyone else snickered at her. Meanwhile, Juleka became touched that her father gave her such a meaningful birthday gift on-screen.

Juleka: Thank you! (Jagged smiles fondly at Juleka. Shadow Moth groans and face palms in his lair.)

Everyone in the audience snickered that Shadow Moth has once again failed to akumatize someone during the party on-screen.

Jagged Stone: And of course, I've got a present for my two kids. My gift for Luka was this original edition of the first LP from Crocoduo, the group I had with their mom. (blows the dust away from the vinyl and hands it to Luka) Happy birthday, Luka.

Anarka: Jagged Stone, you really are a shipwrecker. How dare you come here and give my son the album that caused our break-up?!

Jagged Stone: "Caused our break-up"? You mean the album to help me get my life back after you left me!

Anarka: (stomps her way towards Jagged) You got a lot of nerve, pirate! You were the one who left me! (pulls the vinyl from his hands)

Jagged Stone: No, you were!

"UH-OH!" Everyone in the audience loudly exclaimed as the akuma has finally managed to find victims on-screen.

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Finally! Two fractured lovers full of resentment and anger! (The akuma flies in the room, heading towards the vinyl Anarka and Jagged are tugging at each other. As the akuma lands on the vinyl, the disc breaks in two, causing Anarka and Jagged to fall on the ground, now possessed by the akuma. Luka, Juleka (who accidentally drops the bass) and Marinette gasp in fear. Shadow Moth says from his lair) Crocoduel, I am Shadow Moth. I'm giving you the power to get back together, to better tear each other apart! You finally have the chance to prove to the other that you were right. All I ask in return is that one of you bring me Ladybug and Cat Noir's Miraculous. May the best rocker win! (Anarka and Jagged, as well as the whole houseboat are now being engulfed by the akuma's power, turning them into Captain Hardrock and Guitar Villain, respectively. Marinette, Luka and Juleka run to the top of the boat.)

Marinette: Everybody, get out of the boat! Quick! (The others step out to the docks and gasp in horror as the houseboat is completely engulfed by the akuma. Captain Hardrock and Guitar Villain are now floating in the sky, facing off against each other.)

Captain Hardrock: Ye selfish sea dog, ye sailed off on your own cruise leaving two little mateys behind!

Guitar Villain: I had to go solo after you destroyed our duo!

Captain Hardrock: Liberty, (brings out her cutlass) fire! (Liberty begins to fire cannonballs at Guitar Villain, who dodges.)

Guitar Villain: Ultimate Solo! (Powerful ripples from his guitar pushes Captain Hardrock back, as well as the vehicles on the ground.)

Juleka: (softly, from below) Stop arguing, start talking!

Marinette: (to Alya) You-know-who needs a little help to slip away! (Alya nods)

Alya: (kneeling down) Ow! Ouch! I think I just sprained my ankle! (As Alya gets the attention of the others, Marinette makes her escape behind a wall. She unlocks her purse and Tikki comes out of it.)

Marinette: (to Tikki) Time to transform! (Marinette transforms into Ladybug and swings away. Nino and Ivan help Alya climb up the stairs. Luka and Juleka watch Crocoduel fight.)

Captain Hardrock: (growls) Come back here, you scallywag!

Guitar Villain: You have to catch me! (Ladybug hurls her yo-yo at the top of the Eiffel Tower, taking a closer look at Captain Hardrock and Guitar Villain's battle. She lassoes her yo-yo once again, this time at Guitar Villain, but misses.)

Guitar Villain: Ha ha ha! Your powers are off-key, Ladybug!

Captain Hardrock: You shouldn't venture into deep waters if you don't know how to swim!

Shadow Moth: (from his lair) Now, Crocoduel! Seize their Miraculous!

Guitar Villain: Ladybug's Miraculous is mine!

Captain Hardrock: No, mine! (Crocoduel flies toward Ladybug as she dives from the Eiffel Tower)

Ladybug: Whenever you're ready, Cat Noir! The show's already started! (swings around the Eiffel Tower as she is being chased by Crocoduel)

Scene: Interior, Grand Palais, inside a dressing room. A stylist is applying make-up on Adrien. As a loud rumbling was heard, he and his stylist stepped out of the dressing room to see Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock flying above the place.

Stylist: Quick, Monsieur Adrien! We better seek shelter while Ladybug and Cat Noir deal with this!

Adrien: The show must go on! Find safety. I'll finish putting on my make-up myself. (closes the dressing room door)

Stylist: Oh! What a pro! (runs away)

Adrien: Plagg, claws out! (transforms into Cat Noir)

Scene: Parisian rooftops. Ladybug is being chased by Crocoduel. Captain Hardrock shoots cannonballs in her direction. Ladybug continues to dodge them until she gets hit by one of the cannonballs, crashing and tumbling on the rooftop.

Captain Hardrock: Unless you want to be crushed by my cannonballs, Ladybug, give your Miraculous!

Guitar Villain: No! You're going to give your jewels to me, or my Awesome Solo will destroy Par— (Before he could continue, Cat Noir jumps on top of him and throws his baton at Captain Hardrock, knocking her down from Liberty's wheel. He then lands beside Ladybug.)

Cat Noir: Bugaboo, promise me that we won't be like them when we're an old couple.

Ladybug: For that to happen, we'd have to be a couple first, kitty cat! (Ladybug lassoes her yo-yo in the air while Cat Noir vaults upward with his baton.)

Guitar Villain: Hey! Where do you think you're going? (Crocoduel begins to chase them on the rooftops. Cat Noir uses his stick to knock off Guitar Villain on top of his dragon, but his dragon is able to catch him from falling.)

Captain Hardrock: Don't tell me you're gonna let those two house pets beat us?! (laughs maniacally, then searches for Ladybug who is now right behind her) Huh? Where did she go?

Guitar Villain: I'm the only one who gets to shipwreck you, Captain Hardrock!

(He flies towards Captain Hardrock. Ladybug tries to capture him but fails to do so. She swings to the ground as Cat Noir joins her.)

Captain Hardrock: Come on, Guitar Villain! We've got a duel to finish!

Guitar Villain: You stay here! We'll be back for you!

Captain Hardrock: Steer a course to the sky! (laughs. Crocoduel flies upward, toward the clouds.)

Cat Noir: Hey, no fair! We don't have any wings or a flying pirate ship!

Scene: Above the clouds. Captain Hardrock and Guitar Villain continue their face-off.

Guitar Villain: So, where were we?

Captain Hardrock: The only thing you've ever cared about is your music!

Guitar Villain: Our music!

Captain Hardrock: Liberty, (extends her cutlass) fire at will! (Cannons began firing again at Guitar Villain. He dodges every single cannon flying at him.)

Guitar Villain: Awesome Solo! (sends power ripples from his guitar at Captain Hardrock and dodges them too)

Shadow Moth: (from his lair, sighing) They'll tire of this eventually.

"Well, you never know after so many years of being apart and resenting each other," Angel said and everybody else nodded in agreement as they looked at the screen with worry.

Scene: Back at the ground, Ladybug and Cat Noir see Captain Hardrock's cannons flying above them and crashing on a building. They run to that direction, saving civilians from the raining cannons. At the docks, a cannon is headed towards Luka and Juleka, but Ladybug and Cat Noir are able to save them.

Ladybug: To think that they were in love once...

Luka: Looks like those feelings are long gone.

Ladybug: (detaches her yo-yo from her waist) Still, it's no reason to stop talking to each other. Lucky Charm! (As she summons her power, a tape roll lands on her hands.)

"TAPE?!" Everyone in the audience (including the two heroes) loudly asked in exasperation and confusion towards the Lucky Charm given.

Cat Noir: Not sure if that's gonna be strong enough to patch things up between them, m'lady.

Ladybug: We need someone to listen to! (Ladybug hurls her yo-yo away and holds Juleka beside her. She turns her head around to see Luka.) Luka, don't stay here. We'll talk later. I-I mean, it's not safe. (swings away with Juleka)

Cat Noir: Where's she going? Eh, I'll just protect Paris on my own. (vaults away, leaving Luka behind)

"Looks like you're getting a Miraculous, Juleka," Rose excitedly said to her best friend as everyone else began to get excited as well to see a new Miraculous superhero. Just like Mylene from earlier, Juleka looks at the screen, conflicted between excitement and fear of becoming a superhero.

Scene: In the alleys. Ladybug and Juleka land softly.

Ladybug: You okay? (Juleka nods. Ladybug does a swipe on her yo-yo, taking out the Tiger Miraculous and hands it over to her.) Juleka Couffaine, here is the Miraculous of the Tiger, which gives the power of clout. You will use it for the greater good. (As Juleka grabs the Tiger Miraculous from Ladybug, the paw on the center begins to glow, summoning the Tiger Kwami, Roaar.)

"So, you're gonna be my new holder. Nice to meet you, Juleka!" Roaar said as she approached her new holder as everyone else began congratulating her.

"Nice to meet you too," Juleka said to her kwami very quietly that everyone else could barely hear her (including Roaar).

"Can you speak a little louder, please? I can hardly hear you!" Roaar said as she tried to encourage Juleka to speak up.

"Nice to meet you," Juleka said, a little louder but still quietly, much to Roaar's mild annoyance.

"We'll work on that! I know you can do it" Roaar said and Juleka nodded in response with a smile towards her kwami.

Roaar: (roars, which scares Juleka) Let's cause some havoc!

Ladybug: Once the job is done, you will return the Miraculous to me. Can I trust you?

"So, what does the Tiger Miraculous do?" Alya asked curiously as well as everyone else about the superpowers of other Miraculouses.

"The Tiger Miraculous gives its holder the power of clout in which the holder can push someone or something with great force," Master Fu explained, though most of the others still feel confused.

"To put it simply, Juleka will literally pack a powerful punch," Angel explained further and everyone else finally started to understand.

Juleka: (weakly) Yes.

Roaar: What? I can't hear you!

Juleka: (hesitates, softly) ...Yes.

Roaar: (flies toward Juleka as she steps back) I still can't hear you! Come on, is that all you got?

Juleka: I said... YES! (Juleka's yell pushes Roaar onto the wall)

Roaar: Ooohh! You are good! You and I are gonna get along just fine! All you gotta say now is, "Roaar, stripes on!"

[Transformation Sequence]

Juleka: Roaar, stripes on!

Roaar: Here you gooooo! (Juleka transforms into Purple Tigress.)

"WHOA!" Everyone in the audience said as they looked in amazement and awe of Juleka's transformation into Purple Tigress, especially Juleka herself who couldn't believe herself how attractive she looks as a superhero.

"Wow, kitty! Juleka makes a better-looking cat than you do," Marinette half-jokingly said to her boyfriend and everyone else (including Adrien) murmured in agreement.

Scene: Back on the streets, near a fountain. Cat Noir lands with a civilian in his arms.

Random Civilian: Thank you, Cat Noir! (runs off. Ladybug arrives on the scene with Purple Tigress.)

Ladybug: Hey, kitty cat! You're gonna throw us up as high as you can! Can you do that?

Cat Noir: I can sure try! (to Purple Tigress) Hey there! I'm Cat Noir, and you are?

Purple Tigress: I'm... uhh... Purple Tigress!

Cat Noir: Purple Tigress? (goes beside her and snuggles her) Meow! That makes us practically family! (Ladybug hits her face with her palm in annoyance. Cat Noir extends his baton on the ground, long enough for Ladybug and Purple Tigress to vault up through the clouds. Ladybug and Purple Tigress grab onto the baton.) Here we go! (launches Ladybug and Purple Tigress up to the sky. Ladybug and Purple Tigress soar in the air, reaching Captain Hardrock and Guitar Villain.)

Ladybug: (upon landing on Liberty) Ahoy, Captain Hardrock!

Purple Tigress: (upon landing on Guitar Villain's dragon) Time to turn the volume down, Da— uh— Guitar Villain! (Guitar Villain is about to swing his guitar at Purple Tigress as she also pulls her Bolas out from her waist. Guitar Villain and Purple Tigress begin their battle, as well as Ladybug and Captain Hardrock on Liberty. Ladybug grabs the broken half of the akumatized vinyl from Captain Hardrock's back and jumps at a distance from her.)

Captain Hardrock: Give that back, Ladybug! (Purple Tigress also manages to grab the other broken piece of the akumatized vinyl from Guitar Villain.)

Guitar Villain: Hey, come back! You're ruining the music! (Purple Tigress joins Ladybug by Liberty and together, they break the broken halves of the vinyl, only with no akuma emerging from it.)

Ladybug: Where's the akuma?

Purple Tigress: I'm sure I saw it go in there!

"Yeah! Why isn't it working?!" Kim asked, very confused as well as everyone else, on why the akuma still hasn't emerged after breaking the infected vinyl record.

Captain Hardrock: I'll make ye walk the plank, vermin!

Guitar Villain: (laughs) Not in the top 10 now, are we? (Crocoduel corners Ladybug and Purple Tigress at Liberty.) Rockin' Riff, baby! (produces powerful ripples from his guitar. Ladybug and Purple Tigress jump off Liberty, now falling from the sky. Cat Noir extends his stick to catch them as Ladybug and Purple Tigress slide down on it.)

Cat Noir: It didn't work? (returns his baton behind him)

Ladybug: I don't get it!

Purple Tigress: The akuma entered these objects before they were torn and separated.

Ladybug: Oh! (She uses her Lucky Vision, eyeing the tape roll and the broken pieces of the akumatized vinyl that she and Purple Tigress are holding, and Purple Tigress herself.) We broke them separately, so we should actually join them together to break them together again! (Crocoduel is now flying towards them.)

"So, you have to tape the vinyl record back together, so you can break it again to release the akuma?! That makes no sense whatsoever!" Max said in exasperation.

"Unfortunately, I think that's the only solution there is. And Max, when do akumas ever make sense?" Marinette rhetorically asked in which everyone else both shrugged and murmured in agreement.

Captain Hardrock: Full speed ahead!

Guitar Villain: Awesome Solo! (The three heroes run off as Crocoduel chases them through the streets. They are now hiding beside a building. Captain Hardrock laughs evilly) Rockin' Riff, baby! (Purple Tigress growls)

"And now, Purple Tigress will finally use her superpower!" Angel explained in which everyone else looked at the screen in excitement.

Ladybug: Go ahead, Purple Tigress! Keep them at bay! (Purple Tigress jumps away. Ladybug places the broken pieces of the akumatized vinyl on the ground as Purple Tigress runs to the top of a monument. She then activates her power as Crocoduel flies in her direction.)

[Superpower Sequence]

Purple Tigress: Clout! (A powerful orb of energy now wraps around Purple Tigress' right fist.) Mom, Dad, I'm sorry, but... talk it over instead of arguing! (She jumps towards Captain Hardrock as her power collides with Liberty, sending it flying up in the sky and bringing Guitar Villain with them. Purple Tigress joins Ladybug and Cat Noir.)

"WHOA!" Everyone in the audience exclaimed in jaw-dropping shock on how Purple Tigress literally packed a powerful punch against the two supervillains.

Ladybug: (now holding the tape-wrapped akumatized vinyl) It's up to you, kitty!

Cat Noir: Cataclysm! (disintegrates the akumatized vinyl. The akuma finally emerges from the broken pieces of the akumatized object.)

Ladybug: (swipes open her yo-yo) No more evil-doing for you, little akuma! Time to de-evilize! (captures the akuma inside her yo-yo) Gotcha! (releases the purified butterfly) Bye-bye, little butterfly! (Captain Hardrock and Guitar Villain have been de-akumatized back into Anarka and Jagged in mid-air, and now are falling from the sky.) Miraculous Ladybug! (throws the tape roll in the air. The houseboat is about to crash on two civilians until the magical ladybugs have brought it safely back to the Seine.)

Ladybug, Cat Noir, & Purple Tigress: Pound it! (The three of them land on Liberty. Ladybug swipes her yo-yo open and grabs two magical charms and gives it to Anarka and Jagged.)

"Pound it!" Marinette, Adrien, and Juleka did a 3-way fist bump before the main couple kissed in victory while everyone else cheered at Juleka's debut as Purple Tigress.

Ladybug: (grabs Anarka's hand and gives her her charm) Anarka, (grabs Jagged's hand and gives him his charm) Jagged, I wish I could help you work things out but that's beyond my powers. However, these magical charms will protect you from Shadow Moth in the future.

Cat Noir: Nice right hook, Purple Tigress. (his ring begins to chime and bows) I hope we'll see you again! (jumps away. Ladybug reaches out her hand to Purple Tigress. She takes it as Ladybug hurls her yo-yo and the superheroines swing away from the houseboat.)

Scene: Shadow Moth's lair.

Shadow Moth: Ladybug, you and your friends always manage to create harmony. But one day, someone will hit a wrong note, and then I'll be the one making music! (The lair window closes shut.)

Scene: In the alleys. Juleka gives back the Tiger Miraculous to Ladybug.

Juleka: Thanks for trusting me, Ladybug.

Ladybug: I knew you'd make yourself heard. And don't hesitate to speak your mind loud and clear, even without your suit, if you need to! (swings away, leaving Juleka, who is smiling at her departure)

Scene: On the deck of Liberty. Anarka and Jagged Stone are arguing again.

Anarka: You shipwrecker! It's your fault we've got akumatized!

Jagged Stone: Are you kidding? You were the one who was completely off-key!

Juleka: STOP! Now you are going to apologize and make up by talking. Not yelling!

"Well, Jules, it looks like you've found your voice," Luka said towards his sister as they and everyone else had shocked looks on their faces of Juleka managing to speak up.

Anarka: (points her finger at Jagged) But he was the one who...

Jagged Stone: It was her...

Juleka: No one cares! The past is the past. (Nervous silence ensued between Jagged and Anarka, until they hugged each other.)

Jagged Stone: I'm sorry, Nanarky. I was wrong.

Anarka: No, you old pirate. It was me.

Jagged Stone: (off-screen) No, it's my fault.

Marinette: (to Juleka) Juleka, you rock! (Marinette, Juleka, and their friends notice that Jagged Stone and Anarka end up bickering over whose fault it is.)

Jagged Stone: No, really, it was me!

Anarka: No, me!

"NOT AGAIN!" Everyone in the audience groaned in exasperation towards Jagged Stone and Ms. Couffaine arguing once again on-screen.

Jagged Stone: I was telling you it's my fault!

Anarka: My fault!

Jagged Stone: No, it's mine!

Anarka: Mine!

Jagged Stone: Mine!

Scene: Night, on the deck of Liberty. The birthday party resumes as party lights are shining over the Seine. Jagged and Juleka are playing the guitar together.

Jagged Stone: Juleka, I know I haven't been playing to your tune; but you know, whatever you wanna say to me, I'm all ears.

Juleka: (smiles and hugs Jagged) I love you, Dad!

Jagged Stone: You rock my world, too. (Meanwhile, Luka and Marinette are sitting on the other side of the boat, watching the others party at the center.)

"Awwww!" Everyone in the audience gushed at the hug between father and daughter.

Luka: What about you, Marinette? When are you going to finally tell Adrien how you feel?

Marinette: Oh, uh... Adrien?

Luka: If Juleka was able to make her voice heard, I'm sure you'll be able to someday, too.

Marinette: I'm sorry I've been avoiding you. I...

Luka: You know, it hurts more not seeing you than seeing you, Marinette. (looks down sadly)

Marinette: (puts her hand on Luka's shoulder) Buddies?

Luka: Buddies. (The two smile fondly at one another.)

"I knew you'd be able to speak up, Juleka!" Rose said as she hugged her best friend who hugged her back with everyone else softly murmuring in agreement.

"Told you so!" Roaar said excitedly as she and Juleka also cuddled each other.

"All right, one episode left for today which is Optigami," Angel announced to her audience.

"Akuma or sentimonster?" Marinette asked curiously as well as everyone else.

"Sentimonster. But, it wasn't created by Shadow Moth. It was actually created by Mayura after the Miracle Queen battle," Angel explained, which got the audience confused.

"Then, how come we couldn't see it all throughout since then?" Adrien asked.

"Because the sentimonster's meant to be secretive and hidden. You'll see why. By the way, the akuma in this episode is Chloe's mother Audrey Bourgeois as Style Queen again," Angel answered and everyone else groaned in annoyance at another re-akumatization, especially Chloe since it's her mother.