

-to the inner demons that sometimes saves us from getting hunted.

The shrill cries of Juniper echoed in Martin's ears as a midwife was trying to get the baby out of her womb. The child who would decide not only their future but the future of all the realms.

Martin Aldine had to shake hands with their rivals and biggest enemies..the Emersons . Only the devil knew how much he hated the mere presence of Juniper Emerson, but if doing this would give the supernatural the upper hand on the human world...it was worth it. It was worth it if his master plan was going to work.

There was sudden silence followed by the cries of a newborn broke the chain of his thoughts.

The midwife came out of the room carrying the future of all supernaturals in her arms. Her eyes were cast on the floor. She knew better than to look directly in her master's eye.

His heart hammered uncontrollably in his chest as he saw the midwife carrying his future towards him. He imagined all his hardships ending soon as the closed portal to the human world would be open again. The child would be capable of it.

"It's -its a girl My Lord." the midwife shattered not taking her eyes off the floor.

"Is Juniper's part of ritual done?" Martin inquired.

"Yes My Lord." the voice of the midwife was barely a whisper.

Martin retracted the knife from his tunic and slit his palm open. The gasp of the midwife was loud when she noticed black liquid flowing out of Demon's palm. Martin casted the midwife a glare which made the her tremble; and glued her eyes back to the floor. He held his bleeding palm near the child's mouth and started chanting in an ancient language with his eyes closed as he forced a few drops in. The midwife started to tremble as she watched the whole scenario. Never in her life had she felt a presence so evil.

Suddenly Martin's evil laughter echoed in the midwife's ears as he snatched the child from her hand and tossed her into the air catching her back safely. He did not even bother to look at the little girl's face. All that mattered to him was the power that this girl could wield. she was bred by combining the two most powerful demon families among the four original demon bloodlines that existed.

The Aldine family was gifted with old and forgotten magic and the Emerson family was gifted with immense power not only physical power but power over elements.

"Girls like her are born in storm, they have lightning in their souls, thunder in their hearts and chaos in their bones." The Demon Announced.

" I Martin Aldine, the ruling member of Aldine dynasty in blood announce her as a heir for both Aldine and Emerson throne. Devlin Alder will rule both the dynasties of demon world and when the time comes she will rule the realms. " Martin's voice echoed all over the place.

" You will be the only human to see my daughter. How does that feel midwife? " Martin hissed.

"I-It's my ho-honour My Lord. " The midwife lied. Truth be told she was terrified. She had felt the evil presence of the child the minute she was born and Martin's blood have seemed to amplify it's evilness.

"Is that so? " Martin smirked. " I'm glad to hear that. I'll reward you for your excellent service. " Martin stated as he examined the midwife who was trembling uncontrollably now.

"Sir? " She asked in a whisper. Already knowing what was going to come.

"Your soul is going to replenish my dear wife. " Martin's echo of laughter was the last thing the midwife heard.


Author's Note:

So here is the first part. hope you all like this concept .

new chapter will come in every Thursday or Friday.

Don't forget the ☆ icon.

  See you with the next update.