
Bamboo Slips that Changes Fate

Mayeux did not say anything

He is nervous, his heart is beating wildly , his forehead is sweating but he tries toc lam himself down by closing his eyes for three second and then opening it back.

Took a small deep breath and then the calmness come again to him.

The Kan killing intent is unmistakable.

Even though the voice of the Kan is gentle, even though there is no indication at all that he is angry, how could someone like Mayeux not hear between the lines.

He paused and then added

For talent that I could use I treat them as heavily as I treat the Heavenly Mountain and as for talents I could not use..." he paused for a second and his eyes turns cold

"Why should I let them live and harm my great cause?!"

He shouted and Mayeux started but he did not dare say anything.

Belarion startled and look at his sworn brother. He narrowed his eyes and then slowly he dozed off again.