
Water of Ruins

War breaks out between the elemental and the only way for one side to gain power is to gain one of the embodiment of a goddesses.

Katie_Novak · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Chapter Nine

"Yes, yes, place that vase over there." Rosabella orders using her close fan to direct the mousey servant girl towards one of the small end tables next to the door entrance.

The small servant girl scurries over and places the ruby red vase half her size on the table. Taking a moment to catch her breath before she turns towards the queen. "Is that all my lady?"

The red queen opens her fan, and gentle fan herself as her lips pursed tightly together. "Did I say that was all?" She asks, her tone curt.

The young lady answers by shaking her head. "No, my lady."

"Well then." The older woman closes her fan with a loud snap. "Go to the storage room and retrieve the other vase." She orders to point towards the servant's door.

"Yes, my lady." The servant bows and hurries away, almost running into Anoi as he enters the foray. "Oh! I am sorry, my lord!" She skids to a stop and bows to him.

The prince raises his hand to stop her. "It's fine; go back to your work."

"Darling!" Rosabella happily calls out to her son as she approaches with her arms wide open.

The servant gives another bow and gets out of the way of the royal family.

"Mother," Anoi greets her with an embrace take in the chaos of the servants running around as they clean, repair, and redecorate the main entrance. He looks back at his mother with his brow raise. "Are you redecorating?"

"Of course, I am; this place is so outdated and falling apart, I just can't allow my family to live in an unlivable condition."

"It's an only unlivable condition to you, mother." Anoi resists the urge to roll his eyes.

"You know what I mean." She huffs, placing her hands on her hips. "This is one of your father's homes, and I want it to be comfortable and relaxing when he comes here for a visit."

"Father wants to visit here? Why?"

"What else is he going to do once the war is over? You boys will be basically taking everything over. After all, his friend lives here."

He lets out a sigh as he moves his books to his other arm. "But why go through this much trouble? By the way, he was exclaiming the other day; it seems he was just as happy as the way it is.

Rosabella look horrified at her son. "What kind of wife and queen would I be if I allow your father to stay in a place that looks like a pauper would live here."

"Alright, mother, you've made your point."

Smiling, the mother examines her boy and almost looks just as a shock to see how filthy he is. "Anoi! My Goddess, you're filthy!"

Looking down at himself, he notices dirt covering his trousers and boots; raising a brow again, he looks back at his mother. "Thats what happens when the streets are made of dirt and walking on them too and from the library."

"This won't do." Rosabella reaches out and grabs one of the passing servants. The male customer from earlier. "Stop whatever you are doing and go prepare the bath for prince Anoi."

Surprise and confuse for a moment until he realizes who is talking to him. Looking at the queen than at the prince. "Of course, my lady." He gives a bit of a bow and heads towards the bathing room.

The queen interlocks her arm around her son and begins to lead him upstairs. "Now, while we are waiting for your bath, why don't you tell me how your trip was. By the look of it, I want to say it was a success?"

"Not only that, I found something better."

"Better? What could be better than finding your books?" The queen tilted her head a little, looking at her son.

Anoi waited to elaborate until they arrive in his bedroom, and he closes his door. He turns to his mother, excitement shining in his eyes. "I found the embodiment of Ekidite."

The mother's amber eyes go wide. "You did? Where? At the monastery's library? I didn't think they had any women there."

"They don't; she's just a farm girl. I met her in the market." The prince explains, walking towards the desk and placing the three books on top.

"The market? How did a farm girl be so bold enough to approach you? Are you sure she's not one of those charlatans?"

"Oh, I'm very sure she's not a charlatan."

"But how?"

"Remember when I told you about the Goddess' symbol?"

Rosabella raises a brow. "Yes, what does that have to do with it?"

"Because on her forearm," Anoi shows his towards his mother. "She has it. It's not too big, but I noticed; I ask her about it, and she said it's a birthmark."

The queen doesn't seem impressed and a bit concerned that's someone is trying to con her son. "How would you know it wasn't a tattoo?"

Anoi chuckles as a smile comes across his face as he remembers how she reacts to every little thing, from crowds to how a panic look comes across her face realizing who he was. "She's not that type of girl mother. Anyway, I would be seeing her tomorrow, so I'll make sure.

Before the queen asks any more questions, a knock on the door interrupted her. "Oh, what is it?!" She storms towards the door, swinging it open. "Yes? What is it?!"

The young man from before jumps a little surprised. "I'm sorry, my lady, but the bath you requested for prince Anoi is ready."

"Already? Did you check the water and make sure the water is hot enough? Go back and check; if it's cold, I'll make sure it will-" A hand is placed on her shoulder, making her stop. Turning to see Anoi standing behind her.

"Mother, please go and inform father and Felix that I will be down shortly."

"But we did not finish our conversation." She slightly pouts.

"We can finish it after dinner if you wish, but I think we should have dinner before it becomes too late."

With a deep sigh, she kisses her son on his cheek. "Alright, my dear, we will talk later. Go wash up."

The second prince waits for his mother to head downstairs before letting a deep annoyed sigh. "I swear that woman is insufferable." He says under his breath as he leaves. Anoi turns to the servant, who was still frozen in place. "Come retrieve me in the bath in an hour, also have my clothes laid out for me, can you handle that?"

"Yes, my lord, you can trust me."

"I hope so. I don't need to look like a fool in front of my family." He grumbles, heading to the bath, leaving his room open.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"If Lanney says it's fine, then there is nothing to worry about, Felix." The king assures his panicked son. It has only been an hour since Felix came bursting into his office while his highness was busy writing a letter.

Felix stops pacing and looks at his father with a look of disbelief. "Nothing to worry about. You cannot be serious, father; have you forgotten what happened? You barely left here alive last time. Are you to pretend that it didn't happen? About mother?

Gabel slams his fist on his desk. "I would never forget your mother. She was my Gaillardia. My one true love. Felix, something you don't know, is when your mother became ill, Lanney tried everything to cure her. But he couldn't, and he took it hard."

"So, because he tried to save my mother and he takes it hard, I should trust him without question? I'm sorry but trusting a man I haven't seen or spoken to in years seems ludicrous. You should also be a little bit suspicious as well; why now send word just to demands us to be here and to create a treaty."

"He didn't demand us to come here; he asks us to come here to stop this war."

"But why? What would he gain in this? It can't be the refugees; Drover been low on citizens for years, so it can't be too many people living here."

"You read the letter that Lanney sends to us; he claims he couldn't stand seeing people losing their homes and families."

The first prince crosses his arms, still not convinced. "I highly doubt that, father. We should leave tonight before that infected man gets worse and Drover falls completely."

"We are not leaving."

"Are you really going to trust him? You're willy to endanger your family just to trust Father Lanney?"

"Felix," The king sighs, showing his son how tired he is. "I reach out to Father Lanney; I ask him to hold this meeting here because I knew this place is neutral, and both sides know what would happen if we attacked here."

"You mean that legend about that powerful mage?"

"It's not a legend Felix; she's real; I've seen her, your mother interacted with her, that's how she fell ill."

Stunned by this sudden information, Felix fell silent. For years his father didn't give too many details about what happened that night or his mother, just the victims of Rabid Banshee attack, destroying the city, almost getting killed by a few when he was cornered, and his mother had fallen ill around that time. "Did this mage killed mother?"

"Not directly, no, she made her sick." Gabel sighs. "This doesn't leave this study, son." he waits for him to nod.

"Father Lanney figure out how to entrap the goddesses into human vessels where they can be controlled. He offered The Galashiels and me a chance to have the power of our goddess."

"You didn't." The young man says in disbelief that his father would even consider it but knowing he travels here. He knows his father did. "What happened?"

"Something went wrong, the mage got upset, and then the plague came. Then the war happened. Both sides know what this mage can do, so I allow drover to be left alone and Father Lanney to handle her. This year he sends word that the war has been invading here, and if it continues, he will lose control of the mage."

"So, this meeting is not to stop the war for the sake of the people but the sake of this out-of-control mage?"

"It's both Felix; if this mage goes out of control now, then it's not just going to be Drover; it's going to be the whole world."

The room fell silent for a moment until the study door open and the second queen enters. She can cut the tension with a knife, looking at both men. "Am I interrupting something?"

Felix rolls his eyes, turning away from the queen to sit back down.

The king puts on a warm smile as he gets up from his desk and approaches his wife. "No, my dear, of course not. What brings you here?" He embraces her and gives her a peck on the cheek.

"I wanted to inform you both that Anoi has come back, and he's cleaning up now, so dinner should be serving soon."

"Perfect timing; I was feeling a bit hungry."

"Then I'll go order the chef to start cooking dinner." She tells him happily.

"Why bother? Once the servants saw him, one of them ran to the chef to tell him to start. They have done it at home; why wouldn't they do it here? After all, you brought the whole castle staff. I'm wondering what kind of state our home will be when we return." The first prince commented, looking back at his queen.

The queen snaps her head towards the first prince, her smile strain as she tries not to glare at him. "I'm sorry, Felix, but what did you say? I couldn't hear you." Rosabella says with a sickly-sweet tone.

Felix grimaces at her tone. "I was saying I'm concern about the state of the castle when we return. Since you brought our entire servant staff here. Tell me, Rosabella, did you really need that many when the council already hired servants for us while we visit?"

"Those servants are useless; the place was still a complete mess when we arrive here. It's a good thing I did bring them along. With them, the place can finally be in livable condition once more."

"Don't lie, Rosabella. I know what you really are doing. You've been doing it since day one."

Rosabella steps out of her husband's arms and approaches her stepson. "Oh? Please tell me what I am doing then, Felix?"

"He just means you've been doing such a wonderful job in keeping the castle in such a cozy home for us." The king interjects, giving his son a not now look.

But the first prince ignores his father and gets up from his chair to stare down at the queen. "No, father is wrong; I mean that since you marry the king you done everything you can, to remove any signs of the late queen presence in the castle, and now this is the last place my father has memories of her, you're trying to get rid of that as well. You're a spoil queen that cannot stand being second."

A flame sparks to life in the queen's hand, burning away the red lace glove. "Say that again." She growls.

Felix didn't back down as a smirk comes on his face knowing he struck a nerve. "What are you going to do, my queen?" He asks, making sure to have a disrespectful tone when he said the queen. Trying to instigate her more. "Tell me, my queen? Have you thought about where all these servants will be sleeping? I notice that they didn't bring any extra supplies, so how do you think we will feed them? Have you ever considered how embarrassing it could be if the King must go ask their host for more supplies because his household couldn't figure out how to manage their supplies?"

"That's enough, you two." The king snaps his fingers and suppresses his queen's fire magic. He gently places his hands on her shoulder and turns her around. "My dear, please go ahead and make sure the chef has started."

"Talk to him." Rosabella snaps, storming out of the room slamming the door behind her.

"Why must you do that?" Gabel asks his son, rubbing his forehead. "It will take me hours to calm her down."

"Why must you calm her down? Father, she's wasting money and resources just to redecorate this place. A place you allow your mother to decorate. Many of the nobles are saying she's been trying to erase the first queen from history, including taking the throne away from me."

"You know that's impossible, and now is not the time to fight. Do we need to allow the enemy to see any weak points. Not to mention I finally have her agree about the arrangement with Anoi."

"You're kidding me. You have her agree to send her precious son away?"

"If she wants to see him on a throne, she will have to agree to it." Gabel sighs, walking to his desk. "Felix, I am no fool what she has been trying to do, but it's not like I can divorce her. I will lose most of the army support from her family, not to mention the nobles that support her."

"They won't care about her; she produces an heir the nobles are focusing on Anoi; with him being away and the war will be over, there will be no excuse to be still married to that cold shrew."

"We will discuss this later, Felix, once we arrive back, but for now, I'm asking you as a ruler to stop provoking your queen. We all need a united front while we are here."

"I'll try, Father, but it's not easy." Felix sighs. "I'm going to wash up before dinner."

"Try to cool off while you're at it." The king says, watching his son leave the study. "Goddess Ekidite, give me strength for this visit.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The bathing room is a small room with a large tub set in the middle. The various shades of orange and brown tiles cover the floors and walls of the humid room. A bench on one side of the wall holds large towels and different soaps and bath oils. The second prince was pleased to see the various options for him. But by the sent in the air, he could tell someone put sandalwood in the steaming water.

It didn't take him long to undress and sink into the hot water. Letting out a sigh of relief as his tense muscles began to relax. 'It's been a day.' He leans his head backrest against the porcelain tub. Anoi stares at a large crack in the ceiling. 'Let's hope she doesn't see this crack. She'll try to repair this room as well.'

A loud crash brought his attention towards the door; after staring at the door for a moment and nothing happen, he turns back to the ceiling, 'It's so noisy here." He sighs as he sinks into the water. His thoughts drift to Moonlight, the young farm girl. 'Alright, what is the plan to have her come with me? Normally a girl in her stature would be thrilled just the offer of traveling with me. But with her father, that could be a problem. If I take both, then he might get involved in what I'm planning to do. But that might not be a choice if I want to take Moonlight with me. I could invite them both to dinner and shows them what I can provide.'

He sinks lower, submerging his head. 'Should I even bother? I don't know what gifts she would have if she has any. I could be wasting my time with this, but she must have a gift; why would the goddess be reborn as a normal human?' As soon as he raises above the water, the prince notices movement in the corner of his eye. He shots his hand out, grabbing the figure and pulling it closer only to realize it's a terrified servant girl.

"I'm sorry, my lord!" She cries out, trying to keep herself from falling in the tub. "I was told to come in here to inform you it has been an hour." the servant tells him as her hand begins to slip.

"Get me a towel," Anoi growls, letting her go and gently pushing her away. He begins to get up from the tub turning his back to her, but still on alert. 'Damn, I let my guard down.'

The servant scurries back, handing him a towel, blushing as she adverts her eyes.

"Are my clothes ready?" He grabs the towel and dries himself as he climbs out of the tub.

"Yes, they are waiting for you in your chambers."

The prince didn't respond as he wrapped a towel around his waist and walk past the blushing girl heading back to his room.

Coming back to his room, the prince is pleased to see the male servant is there and has laid the final piece of clothing on the bed. Approaching the bed, and he's pleased to see what he selected.

"Is there anything else you need, my lord?"

"Just hand me the clothing." The red hair prince says, grabbing the trousers and undoing the towel, and begin to dress. After dressing, Anoi admires himself in the mirror. The short wide sleeve of his dark crimson jacket covers him well below his groin with it completely button close. The sleeves have a single decorative thread line at the edges, with the round and narrow neckline revealing a small part of his burnt amber shirt worn underneath. A slightly decorative dark brown belt hugs loosely around his waist. His trousers are a simple black narrow reaching down to his matching soft leather shoes.

"Hm, impressive," Anoi says, tugging on his sleeves a bit, looks to the servant from the mirror. "What's your name?"

"My lord?"

"Your name. If I need you again, I can't just say send the servant in my room to me. I will have a handful of them arriving in my room."

"My name is Simon."

"Alright, Simon. I would like to have tea brought to my room as soon as I leave the dining hall."

"Yes, my lord."

"If you keep this up, Simon, I might have to hire you as my personal servant." The prince tells him as he turns around and begins to leave his room.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Ah, there is my little brother," Felix announces as his brother enters the dining hall. "Any longer, I would have sent out a search party for you." He continues getting a glare from the queen.

"I'm sorry I've made you all wait," Anoi says, ignoring his brother's teasing as he sits next to his mother.

"No worries, you did not make us wait." The king says, singling for the servants to start serving.

In a fluid motion, servants pour wine and place the first course of the meal.

"Tell me, my sons, how was your day in the market? Were you able to enjoy yourselves?"

"You already know I didn't arrive there," Felix says glumly, grabbing his goblet. "After Anoi and I handle a thief, I took him to the council and came back here."

The queen stops eating and turns to her son. "A thief? Anoi, you fought a thief? Do you know how dangerous that is?"

The second prince sighs, taking a sip from his wine. "I'm not a child mother; I can handle a lowly thief. Besides, I only talk to the man; Felix was the one that handles him."

"Don't be modest, Anoi." The older brother continues turning to his father. "You should have seen him, father, handle that large crowd that surrounds this thief and young woman. He was able to prove this man stole this girl's bag."

A proud smile comes across the king's face. "Really?"

The second prince looks over towards his brother, trying to figure out what he is up to.

The queen claps her hands together in delight. "Oh, my dear, that's amazing."

"Hardly I just ask the girl what was in her bag to make sure it was hers." The second prince shrugs his shoulders and continues to eat.

"Don't forget you escort her to where she needs to be. How did that go, by the way?"

"I bet she swoon once she met you two." The king let out a chuckle before taking a sip of wine.

"No, she didn't know who we were," Anoi tells him as he begins to eat.

Felix frowns. "Really? That's surprising."

"No, it's not when she's from here, from one of the farming communities." The second prince tells him as he begins to eat his first course.

"Well, that's a shame." Felix lets out a disappointed sigh.

The young prince looks up at his brother. "Why is that?"

"Well, no offense, dear brother, but you usually don't waste your time with someone in her social status. But I was hoping you could practice courting her before going away. Since I have never seen you once court any of the ladies back home." The first prince teases.

"Thank you for your concern, but I am much capable of courting a lady," Anoi says, singling a servant to fill his glass.

"I don't think it's wise for him the court this farm girl. We're not going to be here for long; it will be a waste of his time." The king speaks up as three of his family members turn and looks at him.

"Waste of my time? What should I be doing? After all, I won't be going to the treaty meeting. Are you expecting me to stay in the manor waiting for your return with your mother? "Asks the youngest son.

"What if you court this young lady and grow to attach to her? What are you going to do?" The King continues

The queen begins, "Why would it be an issue? If he does, we could easily bring the girl with us."

"What about her family? What is she going to do arriving at our kingdom? I'm sure that girl doesn't want to become a mistress." The red king counters.

"Why not? It would be an honor for a farm girl to have become a mistress for a prince." Rosabella argues

"I am sure his wife won't be please if he brought a mistress with him." The King let slip.

"My wife?" A look of the confusion comes across Anoi's face. "What do you mean, my wife? I haven't asked anyone to be my wife yet."

"You don't have to. I have already done it for you." The red king says, making the entire room fall silent.

Anoi stares at his father in disbelief. "Who?"

Rosabella turn to her son. "You don't have to worry about that, my dear,"

Ignoring his mother, Anoi press on. "Who is it, father?"

"Princess Ishtar Galashiels." Gabel answers.

The second prince lets out a disbelief laugh. "You're joking; Felix is supposed to marry her. She was supposed to come to our kingdom."

"Well, dear, your father and I think it will be a better opportunity for you to become king there than back home." The queen explains, turning to her son.

He looks at his mother in horrified disbelief. "You knew about this? Am I the only one that didn't know about this plan?"

"To be the fair, brother, I was just informed about this change once we arrive," Felix speaks up.

"So, I am the only one that didn't know about this change of plans. and what do you mean a better opportunity for me to become king, Runeswift has a king." The second prince.

"Yes, a king that doesn't have an heir, a king that's not interested in looking for a queen or a mistress," Rosabella explains.

"May I remind you all that Runeswift is our enemy, and I will be living there with no support at all." The second prince argues.

Felix leans back against his chair as a servant hurries over to replace the empty plate with the second course. "Are you telling me you're afraid of this challenge?"

"I'm telling you, I'm not a fool!" Anoi slams his hands on the table. Shaking the tableware and the servants the jump.

"Enough!" Gabel bellows, staring down at his youngest son. "You will be courting Princess Ishtar and marry her. If you do not bother to come home, I have enough of this family always second questioning me. This is the final thing I will say on this subject. If you do not like my choices, too bad, I am king, and that's it. Now shut up and eat."

The second prince stares at his father as the king begin to eat his second course. Without a word, he storms out of the room, slamming the door shut.

"Anoi!" Rosabella calls out to her son, getting up to follow him but pauses as her hand touches a scorch mark in the shape of her son's hands. "Are you happy now?! He burned the table!" The queen storms out.

"Well," Felix finishes his drink and have it refilled. "That went well."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Slamming the door, Anoi begins to pace in his room. "Damn it! I always knew father favor, Felix, a bit more, but I never thought he hated me this much to send me away. How do they expect me to become king in a land of ice and snow?!" He begins to take off his jacket throwing it off to the side. "The nerve that my entire family knew about this and not of them bother to tell me until now. What would happen if father didn't let it slip? Were they planning to just ship me off to that place?!" His anger begins to boil, thinking how much of a fool they think he is. "Damn it! I am not a fool!" He grabs one of the small vases throws it across the room.

The vase barely misses hitting Simon as it smashes right beside him. "Shall I come back, my lord?" He asks, holding the tea tray.

"No, come in." The second prince orders turning his back to the servant. "Place it by the fireplace, and once you're done, go and bring the rest of my meal here; I won't be joining my family for the rest of the night." He orders as he begins to undress.

"Yes, my lord." the servant places the tray on the small table and begins to pour him a cup of tea. "The queen would wish to speak with you. Shall I tell her you will see her in a moment?"

"No, goddess, no, I don't want to hear what she has to say. If she asks you again, tell her, I will speak with her tomorrow." The prince orders putting on a pair of cotton trousers; a sweet, warm smell brought his attention towards Simon. He notices the teapot the servant is using isn't one of the packed ones; It's a white porcelain pot with red mist dancing around it. "What is that?" He asks, approaching him.

"Sir?" The male servant asks, seeing his lord is gesturing towards the teapot. "Um, a teapot, my lord?"

Anoi rolls his eyes, his anger slowly subsiding. "I know what it is; I mean, where did it come from. That's not one of ours."

"Oh, yes, my lord, I purchase this and the tea just this morning. Since the queen wasn't pleased with any of the tea sets or our selections of teas, so I went out to buy a new set. Luckily a young maiden helps me with both selections." Simon tells the prince handing him a matching teacup. "How is it? Is it to your liking?"

Taking a sip of the light brown liquid, Anoi savors the light sweet taste as the rest of his rage extinguishes. 'Amazing how just this tea is calming me down.' "This tea is acceptable."

Simon smiles, oh good; then tomorrow I will retrieve some more and tell the crimson hair maiden with violet eyes that the royal family enjoyed it."

"A crimson hair maiden with violet eye?" Anoi repeated softly, looking down at his tea. "Tell me did she have milky white skin?"

"Yes, she works at a produce stand in between a pottery and a jewelry stand."

"Hm," He takes another sip. "I'll have to come with you tomorrow. I am sure this maiden will be delighted if a member of the royal family come as well and tells her how much we enjoy the tea."

"If that's what my lord wishes, I will be happy to show you where her stand is."