
Entry 3


<i>September 8, 2017</i>

Today is the 8th right? Yeah, it is. Today, I start school again. This time it's different. I'm going to a new school, a private school. Private schools sound so fancy to me, I've never been to one before.

I used to attend a public school, if it was my choice I wouldn't ever step into school. I find it quite useless and something I most definitely do not need. Sitting in a class all day listening to a teacher talk hours on end, that's become the systematic way of learning. How can someone ever learn in such an unengaging bland environment.

I don't like the teachers, subjects, pupils, or the exams. I have always been naturally intelligent without trying, so revising or listening in lessons was never a big thing for me. I liked to just sit and wait until 3:30 when I'd hear the bell and that would be out signal to leave. I never bothered to stay after school for "extracurricular activities" what's the point? During lunch I'd go to the library and watch the clock tick and tick and tick till it was time to head back to class. It was a repetitive cycle that drove me insane. So stupid! So irritating.

Why do I go, I bet you're asking. I could easily skip. I don't go to school necessarily to learn, I go to examine. It's interesting to see the way everyone acts. I examine everything and everyone. The first thing I noticed was how different everyone was from me. They seemed to enjoy school, if that's even possible. They laughed and joked around during lunch. They stayed after school to do clubs and sports. I don't understand them. I don't understand what's so enjoyable. I stay so I can find out. Maybe I can find the secret potion that will allow me to see the world through their lenses.

The teachers told me I was academically skilled and could make it far if I just "fixed" my personality. I remember that teacher. I punched her. Yeah, I know. Anger issues. I don't care. I never liked her and then she comes and tells me to fix my personality. So I punched her. Three times to be exact. They were going to expel me, that was the plan. Then I was told some fancy private school was interested in me because of my academic excellence as they put it. At that point, I had already decided that I was not going to go and was quitting school for good. Apparently I was not allowed to do that or the government would take action? I have no idea.

Well jump to now. I'm in my room wearing my uniform. Uniform! We have to wear these ugly uniforms and I think this school is sexist because tell me why they don't have pants for girls. Only skirts. Is this how private schools work? In my old school I got to wear whatever I pleased. I came into school with sweats the whole entire school year. Now I'm wearing a blazer and a skirt. I really really don't want to go.

I came back from school. It was interesting, shall I tell you?

I came into the classroom and I could instantly feel the vibe was different from my old school, it was a lot more quiet. When I stepped into the classroom I had to stand at the front and introduce myself. How stupid. I didn't introduce myself. I stood there and stared at them and they stared back.

"Go ahead Veruna," the teacher urged me to speak.

"Where's my seat?" I asked, clearly ignoring her words of encouragement.

"Please introduce yourself, Veruna," the teacher said, her tone turning more serious. Was I irritating her? I smirked and decided to irk her even more.

"You already said my name...twice. Now can you tell me where to sit teacher," I said "teacher" nice and slow and made sure to glare at her.

I heard a very small gasp escape her mouth. "I won't tolerate dis-"

"My God! Where the hell do I sit?" I just intended to irritate her a bit, I didn't necessarily mean to be rude. But this wasn't my fault, ok? She could've easily just let me sit down but kept on stalling. I got mad. It was not my fault.

"Ms. Williams!"

"Now you said my last name. Veruna Williams. Great! Can I sit now?"

"No you can not! But you can head to the principal's office!" She pointed at the door and told me to get out.

I looked at the students and they were still staring at me, not moving in the slightest. Just sitting there. These people are weird, and that's crazy coming from me.

I rolled my eyes and headed for the principal's office. Yeah right. Like I was going there. My first day, do you think I wanted to spend it having a chat with the principal. I headed to the yard and hid behind a bush.

I sat there and stared at the sky for about 40 minutes. I think that's when I realized something. As I sat there, I thought of my mom and how I hurt her. I thought of Ms. Mandy and how I loved her, yet I wanted to hurt her. I thought of the teacher and how I most definitely wanted to hurt her and all those robotic like students. I wanted to hurt them all, every single one of them. Not because I loved fighting, I just absolutely loved that face. The face my mom has whenever I hurt her, I love it so so much. I only ever got to see it from my mom, but I wanted to see it from other people too.

That face. I desired it. I wanted to see it more and more and more.

I heard the bell and knew that first period was over. It was time for me to go back to class.

I entered the classroom and twitched as I saw all the students' heads turn to look at me. All their eyes on me drove crazy, I wanted to break all their necks so they wouldn't look at me anymore. Their eyes looked soulless, expressionless, examining every part of me. I felt exposed, I started to itch and clenched my fists. What the hell are they looking at? Stop it!

"Oh Ms. Williams," the teacher said with a fake smile spread across her face. Was something amusing? Why was she smiling at me? Is this...was she mocking me?

"How was the principal's office?" She asked.

"Where's my seat?"

She sighed. I guess she finally realized there was no point in attempting to have a conversation with me.

"Sit by the window at the back," she mumbled as she turned away.

I guess I can skip this part. It's like any other school. Sitting down and listening to that annoying teacher's monotone voice for about 2 more hours till the bell for lunch suddenly rang. Oh! This is where it gets interesting.

I'm sure you've already figured out I'm not the sociable type. I'm more conserved. I was that person that grabbed their lunch and sat at a table by herself with no one to talk to. That was my goal and that was my plan. Well, that was until some boy came to sit next to me. He obviously wasn't the antisocial type. Several girls came up to him and asked him why he was sitting there. I think they meant with me, but they said there. He either ignored them or told them he wanted to be left alone. One girl even sat next to him and he moved a seat away from her, a seat closer to me.

I sighed. I just wanted to be left alone, yet I have this popular weirdo who, for some reason, came next to me. No. Nope. Uh uh. I was leaving. I had no interest in partaking in whatever antics this guy was doing. I grabbed my plate and got up.

"You have pretty eyes," he said. I turned to him and he wasn't looking at me he was just stuffing his face with food.

I'm not one to necessarily care, but this guy was pretty handsome. I could tell why he was popular with the girls. His skin was clear and a beautiful caramel color, it closely resembled my tanned skin tone. had tousled dark brown hair, which was thick and lustrous. His eyes were a mesmerising deep ocean blue, flecks of silvery light performed ballets throughout. His face was strong and defined. Mixed was he mixed. Tanned skin and blue eyes. He looked unique, I liked that. Oh I believe I'm getting off track.

I guess I stared at him for too long because he looked up at me. "Is there something on my face?"

I gasped and then quickly covered my mouth. I pray he didn't hear that. It's just his eyes really did shock me. From the angle he was sitting, I could only see his blue eye. When he turned I saw his green eye. His eyes were more than plain old green. They were the green the brings the earth back to life after an unforgiving cold. The green that revives grass from the harsh conditions of winter.

"Wow," I said unconsciously and quickly covered my mouth.

I heard him chuckle. "Wow?"

"Oh, sorry. It's just...your eyes...they're pretty."

"Mhmm heterochromia."

"It's cool," I smiled slightly. This wasn't a fake smile. I actually did think they were cool. I've always been told I have pretty eyes, but his eyes exceed mine.

"Not as cool as your gold eyes."

"Ah, but they aren't really gold. They're amber. It's just from certain angles that they appear gold. They've been called gold a lot but in truth it's an illusio-" I covered my mouth. Wow, my gosh I was never so chatty. I've never talked this much to a stranger, never in my life. For some reason, I couldn't help but continue talking. I needed to leave. I didn't like this. I don't know what I didn't like but, I didn't like something.

"Hah," he chuckled again. "You're a lot different from this morning. Veruna right? I'm Mekhi."

I stared at him for a while. I didn't know what to say. Was I supposed to say "nice name?" I've never had a conversation like this with someone and I had no idea how to continue. I didn't even realize I was nodding my head, I was nodding my head for like 30 seconds. I seriously wanted to die right there, I hate awkward situations. Hate them with a passion.

"You're interesting," Mekhi said as he stood up with his tray, "I'll see you around Veruna."

I stared at him as he walked away. I'm interesting? I should be telling him that. I found someone. Someone that I wanted to watch, I wanted to spectate him. He was different. Interesting.

I wanna see that face.