
Warrior's Promise

Su Mo went from the pride of his clan to becoming the butt end of a joke in a matter of minutes. The former King of Mercenaries from Earth was reborn in the body of a boy in a foreign world and had used skills in his previous life to rise to the top among his peers, however, his previous training could only take him so far. The next step in this martial arts dominated world was to awaken one’s Martial Soul. The awakening ceremony ends in disaster for Su Mo as he awoke a Martial Soul of the lowest level. Such a prodigy is now considered worse than useless as his Martial Soul is far too weak! After becoming the embarrassment of the clan, he discovers that his Martial Soul has a unique property: it could level up! This unique martial soul could shake the heavens. It was at this time that Su Mo meets the love of his life but the situation quickly deteriorates when she is taken by one of the most powerful forces in the world. Su Mo must rise from the lowest of the low and reach the pinnacle of power in order to save the love of his live within five years or she will forever be out of his reach.

Baili Longxia · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
3336 Chs

Young master liuyun's guess

In the secret room, su mo slowly opened his eyes. Flames were dancing in his eyes.

"I've finally reached the upper level lower tier!" Su mo took a deep breath. The increase in his strength did not make him happy. His current strength was still not considered strong in the entire cloudbillow world. Only when he reached the fate realm would he be able to protect himself.

"He should be here soon!" Su mo calculated the time. With Lu yuanding's speed, he would be back soon, regardless of whether he went to tianlan or Guyun.

If the other party had gone to Tian Lan to look for help, he wouldn't have cared at all. However, if he went to Gu Yun to look for help, then he had to be careful.

Su mo then walked out of the palace.

Outside the palace, there were disciples all over the mountain, and everyone was looking at him with burning eyes.