
Warrior's Promise: Double Take

Su Mo went from the pride of his clan to becoming the butt end of a joke in a matter of minutes. The former King of Mercenaries from Earth was reborn in a boy's body in a foreign world. But To his dismay, another anomaly brought a soul from Earth that took over. He used skills of the mercenary life to rise to the top among his peers. However, that training only took him so far. The next step in the martial arts dominated world was to awaken one’s Martial Soul. The awakening ceremony ended in Su Mo's disaster as he awoke a Martial Soul of the lowest level. A prodigy was now worse than useless as his Martial Soul was too weak! After becoming the clan's embarrassment, he discovered that his Martial Soul was unique: it could level up! This individual martial soul could shake the heavens. At this time, Su Mo met the love of his life. Soon, the situation may have deteriorated if Su Mo followed the script. Still, Su Mo must rise from the lowest of the low and reach the pinnacle of power to save the love of his life within five years, or she will forever be out of his reach. Hey everyone, RG1400 here. It's my first fanfic, so don't mind the mistakes, please. Those who have read Warrior's Promise may find it a bit tiring, but I believe you would enjoy it. If someone hasn't read it, you would surely love it. It's a double-take, so the story would follow the original to the bone with a twist.

rg1400 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

9. Looking down on others

The martial practice field of the Su Clan, Sunnywood City.

Dozens of Su children were gathered in the big martial practice field.

A middle-aged man in a grey robe sat at the centre, describing his martial arts experience to them.

He was Su Tai, the Fourth Elder of the Su.

All the children present had awakened their Martial Souls this month.

They had just reached the Qi Cultivation Realm. They lacked cultivation experiences, so the Su arranged for elders to speak to them.

As one of the three major clans in the city, the Su had many more disciples than the ones present. Some of the older disciples had awakened their Martial Souls two years ago, even reaching Lv 7 or 8 Qi Cultivation Realm.

Those disciples with high cultivations would not attend these lectures.

After returning, Su Mo spotted the Fourth Elder in the field and walked over to him.

"Su Mo, all the other disciples who awakened their Martial Souls with you arrived a long time ago. Why are you only showing up now?"

The Fourth Elder, Su Tai, paused his lesson and sullenly asked the unhurried Su Mo.

Su Tai felt that it was a great honour to attend a lecture given by him. All the other disciples came early to wait for him, so Su Mo's late arrival didn't sit well with him. Su Mo was not a genius anymore, so his actions disrespected his authority as the clan's elder.

Many disciples were eager to see Su Mo get into trouble.

Su Mo never expected the Fourth Elder to scold him for being late. Elders' lectures were utterly optional. Hence Su Tai had no right to criticise him.

All the younger generation's leading and talented members were already instructed individually and rarely showed up for these lectures. Being the Young Master of the Clan, Su Mo was not obliged to attend Su Tai's classes.

"Fourth Elder, I just returned from an expedition." Su Mo respectfully replied. He did not want to aggravate the situation. His Martial Soul's low rank may have taken away a reason from people to fawn over him, but he still was the Young Master of the Clan.


Su Tai smirked and said, "With your crappy Martial Soul? You won't achieve anything great in your lifetime. You have nothing to experience!"

Su Mo's expression instantly became cold. Su Mo understood that the gears of rebellion against his father have begun turning in the family.

Su Mo harshly spoke, "Fourth Elder, I respect you because you're an elder, but you should know that an elder without good qualities isn't worthy of respect!"

"What? Are you saying I'm unworthy of respect?"

Su Tai was fuming. How dare a useless fool, a piece of trash, provoke him?

"Doesn't calling me trash as an elder make you unworthy of respect?"

Su Mo was infuriated. He had been tolerant towards his peers, but that did not mean anyone could run over him. Though he was not eligible to speak among the elders, Su Mo had already mellowed out the clan's contempt towards the less-talented people with his father's influence.

This time it was not about him being less-talented but about his dignity as the Young Master of the Su Clan. It was about safeguarding his father's pride as the Master of Su Clan.

It seemed that his time to jump in the limelight had arrived.

"How dare you!"

Su Tai shouted in rage. "Am I wrong? You are trash and useless with your Rank 1 Human Class Martial Soul. Is there anyone else in the city with such a crappy martial soul?"

"That's right! You're nothing but trash! You're a disgrace to our clan!"

One of the disciples yelled.

Su Mo turned his head and saw that it was Su Heng who had spoken.

With Su Heng's words, other disciples followed suit.

"Right! Rank 1 Human Class! You're a good-for-nothing!"

"That's right! Shame on you!"


Su Heng laughed as many disciples echoed behind him. He looked at Su Mo and said, "Su Mo, so many people are calling you a good-for-nothing. Do you understand your place now?"

The Fourth Elder laughed and joined in, "Su Mo, remember your place from now on!"

Su Mo was seething in anger. He walked up to Su Heng, "Su Heng, you better reign in your tongue before someone cuts it off. You do not know what you are stepping into. So better keep mum. Understood?"

"Oh, still believe you could run over our heads with your past genius tag. Su Mo, stand down before I beat you to the ground." Su Heng stepped forward, not willing to be pulled down by Su Mo's momentum.

Su Mo smiled. His cold eyes scanned the crowd and stopped on Su Tai.

"Fourth Elder, I believe Su Heng is the best you have got here. Why don't you and I bet whether he could beat me in a duel? Let's just say, how about a thousand taels of gold?"

His words silenced everyone.

They all looked at Su Mo in disbelief.

Su Mo actually challenged Su Heng?

He even bet a thousand taels on it.

Su Heng was also stunned. After he awakened a Martial Soul of the Rank 4 Human Class, his position in the clan improved significantly. The family awarded him with many resources, which allowed him to reach Lv 3 Qi Cultivation Realm.

Yet, this good-for-nothing Su Mo, with his pathetic Rank 1 Martial Soul, still dared to challenge him?

Su Mo was the first to respond. A thousand taels were not much for him, and Su Mo challenged his dignity. He ordered Su Heng in an unforgiving tone, "Su Heng, you better beat him to dust, or you can forget about receiving even an ounce of help from the clan."

Su Mo's provocation had angered Su Tai. As an elder, he could not directly punish a junior, let alone the young master. Still, luckily, Su Mo presented the opportunity himself.

"Haha! Don't worry, Fourth Elder! I definitely won't disappoint you!"

Su Heng smiled and walked towards Su Mo, his eyes flickering with malice.

Ever since he crossed Su Mo in the Book Collection Pavilion, he had been looking for an opportunity to humiliate him. He had awakened a Rank 4 Human Class Martial Soul, but still, he had to beg others for resources and guidance. At the same time, this useless fool could get everything with a wave of his hand.

This unexpected opportunity greatly excited Su Heng.

"Su Mo, how many moves of mine can you endure? Three? Or just one?"

Now that he was about to beat up Su Mo, he was in an excellent mood.

Su Mo shook his head.

"Haha! It's no use now. You should have thought before challenging me." Su Heng chuckled.

"Hai! No, I was thinking about how many of your bones shall I break before the Fourth Elder realises his mistake." Su Mo calmly unhooked his ruler from his belt.

Su Mo was not being cocky. He was a martial artist of Level 4 Qi Cultivation Realm, though nobody seemed to notice.

"Break Su Heng's Bones!"

Everyone was shocked by Su Mo's words and thought he was a retard.

It was very unusual that one could defeat someone at a higher cultivation realm. Never mind Su Mo, who talked about breaking Su Heng's bones.

'Su Mo defeating Su Heng!' The idea was absurd to their brains. They really could not decide if Su Mo was conceited or idiotic for claiming to break his bones!

"Break my bones?"

Su Heng expression became unpleasant. He did not think a piece of trash like Su Mo would dare look down on him like this.

"If I don't cripple you today, my name won't be Su Heng!"


Su Heng immediately released his Martial Soul with a roar, and four yellow halos shined behind him.

Rank 4 Human Class Martial Soul!

Su Heng's Martial Soul was a majestic goshawk with sharp eyes.

After he released his Martial Soul, Su Heng's aura rose sharply.

His cultivation completely exploded.

"Die, Su Mo!"

Su Heng roared and was the first to strike, clawing at Su Mo's chest.

Su Heng used his mightiest skill to defeat Su Mo in one move and let Su Mo know the gap between them.

He also wanted Su Mo to know what a joke his earlier pride was!

Su Mo iterated the same method he had used to beat Wei Shan.

Side-Step and then blow to the wrist.

Except for this time, he had better control over his strength. This strike was incisive.

Su Heng sneered. He saw Su Mo pull back the ruler after the slightest contact with his wrist. This good-for-nothing was so arrogant before but now didn't even dare to strike him. Break his bones! Impossible.

"Why are you running now, Su Mo!"

Genuine Qi swiftly covered Su Heng's hands as he clenched his fists. Su Heng wanted to punch the daylights out of Su Mo.

What happened next was utterly unexpected.

When his fist hit Su Mo's chest, Su Heng felt excruciating pain. Su Heng stepped back, holding his wrist. His palm hung on his arm like a pendulum.


Su Mo did not stop. The ruler in his hand squarely landed on Su Heng's arm. The impact broke the bones in Su Heng's arm. Another blow broke Su Hen's leg. Su Heng buckled down in pain while Su Mo continued to rain blows.

The ferocious Su Mo silenced the audience. All eyes fixated on Su Mo.

Su Mo beat Su Heng like a ragdoll?

The Fourth Elder looked at Su Heng, who was suffering on the ground in a daze.

"Stop… Please stop! I beg you! Please!"

Su Heng lamented. He could not even think straight due to pain.

"A good dog should know where to wag his tail, or else he won't even know where it would end up the next moment."

Su Mo mockingly said as he stopped beating Su Heng. He crouched down as he checked for any visible injuries.

"You… " Su Heng looked livid, ashamed, and resentful. Su Mo was verifying the extent of his expertise in using [Punishment Ruler]

"Oh, Fourth Elder. Do remember to deposit a thousand taels of gold in my account."

Su Mo looked at the seething Fourth Elder.

"You only won through sheer luck. You have nothing to be smug about!"

The Fourth Elder's expression was crooked. "The year-end clan meeting is in two months. When that time comes, you'll realise the true abilities of the outstanding talents in our clan. You're nothing compared to them!"

"Through sheer luck?" Su Mo said with a smile, "Yeah, I am quite lucky. No one stronger than me ever challenged me."

After giving the Fourth Elder a piece of his mind, Su Mo left.

"'Beating up people without the care of the world.' This is the biggest plus of transmigration. Now it's time to crush this super famous {Rebellion of the Grand Elder Trope}."