

Warlords: Will they choose to rule or bring havoc to the world? - An Overlord Inspired Work - AN: Cover was taken from the internet

Kiikuro_Shichigo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

[Prologue] Remnants of the Past

In the year 20XX, MMORPGs' have raised themselves into the poles of popularity. The concept of the games made with its genre has been so normalized that it started to be treated with the same height as real sports, and if put into the extreme, even with the radius of politics. The world has never been the same, and without them, it wouldn't function the same as it was again.

There were many names of MMORPG that have been sold since the one first came out, many of which have made deep connections to the world and have affected the way people lived their lives. But out of all these titles, there was one which stood above all...

Kingdom has been the most popular MMORPG since the day it came out. It stood above the rest and none was able to compete against it. It was the largest and most sophisticated of its genre. With unknown creators, the game was a mystery, but with all the incredible features and mechanics put into it, no one questioned its validity.

However, the world of Kingdom isn't exactly completed yet. Not completed in terms of its creation, but incomplete to the fact that no player has reached its end yet. There have been many players and guilds who challenged themselves to reveal the entirety of the game and complete it, but so far, no one has succeeded. Many theories have been presented to both estimate the entire landmass of the game and to overall explain what it was about. There wasn't really any kind of tutorial or backstory provided for the game so players have desperately tried to understand the game for themselves.

So many have tried to reveal all of the mysteries, but as said, no one was able to. However, after years of defeat, the players were presented with a rare opportunity - a competition to know who was the strongest guild. And its reward was...


In a tall hallway adorned with detailed designs, two figures could be seen walking. The entities were both tall and has the shape of a humanoid creature, but if one tries to observe them with clear eyes, they would be able to tell that these two were not human at all, but in fact, were both mystical creatures that only exist in fairytales.

An angel and a demon -

Who would have expected the two will come together to stroll on the same path? They were legendary creatures, both to be admired and feared. But these two weren't exactly the creatures they appear to be. Behind their disguises, they are both just ordinary people, playing the same game to meet at the same place.

"By the way, Jin, it's been another year since you've become our leader, how about we celebrate tonight? I heard the others might come back online again." The demon spoke. Under its voice was the crack of echoes, but it was obvious that the one speaking was a female. Contradictory to its gruesome appearance of a tall, armored winged demon, was the gentle tone of a girl who was neither evil nor wicked.

It was clear what her character's race is, but she was not simply just a demon. Gaining the max level inside the game, she was able to morph herself up to become one of the strongest classes of demons: a High Demon Priestess. She is one of the 54 Guardians that exists in this place. Titled as "The Unveiled Demon of Altair", her name was Kira~Kira~Kira, or simply, Kira.

"Is that so? Well, I wouldn't mind. It's also been a while since we've gathered the other members. It would be great if we can have a little reunion. But... I think there would still be a reunion even if we don't plan one." It didn't take long before the angel had noticed the blabbering of the demon. Though it looked as if it wasn't looking, it was clear that he was listening; his answer was immediate. And with a carefree voice, he gave his answer.

Jin, that was the angel's name. Under the service of the Fifty Four Guardians, he was the king of Altair - a guild that has its own map.

Just like any other guild in the game, Altair has its own map and personalized setting. It wasn't the oldest guild, but it's definitely one - if not the strongest. Only having an exact amount of 54 members, it was able to climb to the leaderboards with just over a year of competing against the other guilds. The guild has made many records throughout its run, and all of it was because of the person who became its leader: Jin.

Just like the appearance of his character, Jin's race is the race of angels. Like the demons, there are many variations in it, but with Jin, he has chosen the most simple.

With the flow of the conversation, the two of them continue to walk into the long hallway which doesn't seem to end. The feeling of closeness is sensed in their tone and it was easy to guess that they have known each other long enough to not feel any awkwardness.

"Right?" Kira tilted her head as she responds.

"Un, if they will really come, then it would be a wish come true. And who knows? If we are able to gather enough members, then our guild would also be able to compete in that event."

"Well, even if only a few will come, we could possibly still do that. You're one of the strongest players in the game, so it really wouldn't be hard." Kira continues, "Hmm... now that I think about it, we still have at least five top-ranking members that are still active. You're close with them so it would be easy to ask them, right?"

"They're members, it's obvious they would come. But that isn't the issue... competing against the strongest guilds would require us to at least get 30 members online... Right now, I could only guarantee 20..."

"I-I know that...! Then, we just have to wish many will come later, right? It's a celebration so they definitely will!" It was hidden under the mask of a demon's face, but the pout on Kira's face was obvious, even if it was invisible.

To Jin, Kira is always like this - and seeing it always makes him smile and laugh internally. He hasn't really met her IRL yet, but by witnessing how she talk and act for so long, he could at least get a glimpse of what she would be like in the real world.

"Fufu...! I know. They will definitely come." Jin said only to satisfy Kira. It was clear what his intention was, and forcing it, it came out fake. But the quiet laugh that escaped his mouth wasn't exactly the same, opposite to his words, it was genuine and true.

"Actually... before we're able to talk about it like this... I've already invited some of them. Like I said earlier, I guarantee 20 of them. We're meeting them in the throne room." He said as he scratches his head. Of course, the expression that was formed in Kira's face was just as he expected.

"Eeh!? Why didn't you tell me?"

"The ones I've invited aren't really the ones you're thinking. I thought I should get my friends for this"

"Wait... do you mean... you've invited the founding members!?"

"That's right... Most of them have already quit because of their jobs, but I tried my best to convince them to come. Well, the event that will happen is actually enough for them to consider, but I don't think even half of them would come."

"Ohho~! Really!? Then...!"

"Yes, we'll find that out now. We're here, Kira."

Stopping in their tracks, both of them stares into the tall gates that suddenly appeared and blocked their way. And so slowly, it opens to let them enter.

"Yo, Jin! It has been a long time, isn't it?"

After entering the gates, Jin could barely hold his breath after seeing all the characters that were revealed to him. The 'Og' members. The Founders of his guild. He wasn't expecting many of them would come.

"The mystery of this game. They will finally reveal it, huh? I'm a little curious; I'm just interested to find out its secrets."

"Who cares who were the creators of this game were! I'm just here to get those exclusive items! I heard they will be the strongest sets!"

The noise immediately pierced Jin's ears. Usually, the noise would annoy him, but this time, he didn't mind. He just couldn't hate the friends he hasn't seen for so long.


A few years have already passed since the game Kingdom has come out. Like any other MMORPGs' that came out after the first one, it was cheap and people swarm into it without limit. It was said that it was able to gain an uncountable amount of money, but because its creators and production were unknown, not an exact estimate of it ever came out in public.

Jin was just a teenager when it first came out, but because it was so cheap, he was able to buy it with his own pocket money. And like him and many others who first tried the game, they were all shocked to see just how the game was a step-up compared to any other MMORPGs' that were released before and after it. The game has a sense of reality in it. If it wasn't for the sense of touch, smell, and taste, then it would overcome the reality Jin lives in. It would even be better.

After playing it, Jin loved the game more than anything else. It has no limitations to its character creations, so Jin made multiple accounts to play with. He ventured into its world using different forms and identities. Playing alone as he does, he became one of its most experienced players.

Many guild invitations were able to find their way into his accounts, but none has really piqued his interest. None... until one player was able to beat all of his accounts in multiple duels. That person tried to convince him to join his supposedly newly created guild, being defeated hopelessly, he had no other choice but to accept.

After that, Jin decided to delete all his other created characters and settle with a single one. At first, he was reluctant to play with other players, but soon, friendship was able to bloom between him and the other members of his new guild.

Years have passed, and the friendship he created with the other members slowly withers as he was left alone. It was then that he started to recruit new members while also strengthening his guild as its new leader. Everything was tough when he was the only senior that was left, but he didn't mind it at all. Without his previous friends, he became more motivated to improve his guild, as he wanted them to see what he had achieved after all the years they were gone. Luckily enough, that thought was not for naught, as for one last time, he again sees both the present and past generation of his guild come together.

There, in front of him, stood again the old friends he created, and the newer ones he recruited and trained.

"Yo, Jin, let me just say this: I didn't come here because I miss you or anything, I just heard what's going on and decided to come back for it." One of the many odd characters spoke. Like his appearance of a grey werewolf, his voice was barbaric and his words were sharp. One of the original members that came before Jin's recruits, his name was Howling Badger.

Inside their guild, he was simply called Badger, but outside, he was nicknamed, the Dangerous Badger. With his unmatched tenacity and vicious tendencies, he challenges any players who catch his attention, and in guild battles and raids, he was the one who rushes first into the lines of the enemies. Because of that reason, he has the most number of players killed and deaths in all of their guild.

"Hmph! Anyway, yeah... It's been a while; it feels weird to suddenly come back into this game again." Leaning himself against one of the pillars of the room, he said.

(I see... He hasn't changed a bit, huh?) Jin could only think as he hears his familiar tsundere tone.

Back then, he and Badger treated each other as rivals, but as much as he hates to admit it, the two of them are good friends and a better duo. After such a long time of not seeing each other, Jin wanted to say his own words to him and reply, but before he could open his mouth, another familiar voice echoes creepily into the tall ceilings of the throne room they are currently inside of.

"I know what you mean... Work's been kinda' tough lately, so I haven't really got the chance to enjoy myself... Coming back, it just suddenly feels refreshing."

"Chinigami." Jin unintentionally whispers the speaker's name for himself.

Chinigami Kuro - like Badger, he was one of Jin's old friend and teammate. His personality was meek and sometimes weird and creepy. But if their guild was pushed into a tough and difficult time, he was always there to comfort and help to their aid. He was the exact opposite of Badger.

But though he had a meek personality, his class tells the opposite thing -

The class of Necromancy isn't really rare in Kingdom, but Chinigami's appearance and hybrid classes would probably stand out against the rest of his kin resurrectors of the dead. Adorning a caped, black robe and having green flames of helpless souls surrounding his skeleton head and his body, he looked cooler than most characters in the room.

Just on appearance, it was obvious to see that he had the mental disorder, Chunibiyou. He was able to get rid of it midway after he played the game, but because Jin had the same disorder as him, being close and becoming friends with him was actually much easier than he thought. They can just relate to each other more than anyone else.

"Jin... it's been a while. It's nice to meet you again..."

"I could say the same thing to you, Chinigami. I heard you've got a job since then and was busy, so I didn't expect you to actually come...! It's a bit of a surprise."

"Umu... I actually needed this. I don't think I would be able to go on anymore if I continue being a slave worker all the time... I need a little time for myself."

"O-Oh...! Is that so?"

(It's been years so it's not a surprise there would be some changes. But then again... Chinigami turned from being meek to being depressed... He doesn't even care what the reactions of the others are...!) Forming a fake smile, Jin listens to his downing claims.

"*Cough...! Anyway... Badger, Chinigami, It's nice for you to accept my invitation. Of course, I also meant that for the others..." Looking all around to see and count everyone, Jin speaks again. His feelings were genuine and it was obvious from his voice and the way he talks. In such seriousness, the others stand quiet, and no one said a word to interrupt him. Just from the way they act, it's clear that they all respect him, despite what some of them say outside.

"Umu! It seems we have enough members to guarantee our success in this event. This is an opportunity to show the game what we've got!" Nodding and raising an arm, he again became his guild's true master.


It took a week before the event has ended. Despite having jobs and busy lives to come back to, the members of Altair did their best to stay active to be able to compete in the fights. Most of the guilds who joined in the event had at least a total of 50 members, but Altair participated with only a total of 31 members. But despite all the odds, in the end, they were the ones who remained victorious.

And finally, the reward which wasn't told was finally in their grasp.

{Congratulations! Altair! You and your 31 participants won the tournament! You are the strongest!}

Looking at the text they received when they won the game, they all revealed their confused and impatient faces. There was only silence in the room they were in, and they have been like that for hours already.

"Is this a joke!?"

They were all expecting that there would be a much grander reward, but that doesn't seem to be the case. They already waited for almost half a day for the rewards, but that text was the only thing they got so far. They already finished celebrating, and the only thing they were really waiting for was the rewards that were promised in the rumors.

"Was that all of it!? What does that even mean!?"

"Calm down... let's check our menus... we might find something in them..." Some tried to calm the others down, but they all failed one way or another.

"I already checked mine... there's no change to it at all..."

As everyone heard the claim, panic began to spread.

"What the heck!? I almost lost my job because of this event! Don't tell me!"

"Tsk... We won't be able to get help from this... there are no GMs..."

What was said was true. There was not a single game master who was assigned to supervise the game. A few groups were created with the purpose of punishing and helping anyone who has troubles in the game, but it was obvious that they will be of no help for their current situation. Calling them might even agitate some of them more.

"It's said that we'll meet the creators if we win, right? Jin, what do you think?"

After a bunch of questions and complaints, the focus turns to Jin again.

As the guild's leader, it was his responsibility to control his members, so it was natural he was the one who would be called out for this. But even he doesn't have anything to say about the situation in front of him. He remained silent and did not say anything else. The feeling of frustration and regret is swelling inside him. This was supposed to be their reunion; everything was supposed to turn in a positive direction, but its end shifts the opposite way.

He couldn't disappoint his friends. They came here to get something, but if they will receive nothing, then all that they do was waste their time. Some of them even almost got fired, which makes things more ridiculous. That's why he will not sit here and do nothing.

"Our guild's win will be put into the internet... I'll look outside and see what's going on... I might be able to find something out." Mustering up his courage, he spoke. There wasn't really anything else he could say. Even he finds that what he just said was something stupid, but compared to not having anything to work with, it would be much better and will be more than enough.

"Tha-That's right! I heard about something like this, too! This must one of those rewards we need to claim on the internet! I... I mean! We should at least get individual recognition for this, right? Not just that stupid text!" Soon, voices followed.

They were all still clinging to the hope that they will get something other than the message that popped into their windows. They became positive, but it did not take long before they went back to their previous state... no, the situation became even more difficult.

"Jin-san... I already tried that idea, but... the logout option... it's missing. I'm sure that's the case for all of you, too..."

That couldn't be possible. Jin wanted to yell. Like the others, hearing what he just heard, even he started to panic. Jin's calm composure disappears and it left him looking desperate. "Menu!" in rush, he shouted the word. Immediately, the game responded to his voice and a window popped up. He scrolled into it, but... despite how many times he looks at the options included in the window, he wasn't able to find the logout option he was looking for.