
Warlock of the Magus World – Redux

Dr. Fang Ming, a scientist in his previous life, reincarnates into a world of sword and magic. Thus, he becomes the new owner of Leylin Farlier's body. The previous Leylin was the useless son of a Viscount and a weak miscreant shunned by the nobilities. But to our protagonist, that is nothing to be concerned about. He always gets what he wants, one way or another. And he craves all the power he can get his hands on. He knows no limit to his ambition; Leylin's final goal is to stand above creation itself. Other people are just pawns on his game board, and relationships are the strings he uses to manipulate events in his favor. Yet, Leylin does not kill exclusively when his plans demand it. He kills for his own sick pleasure. Unattached, ambitious, calculating, and sadistic; such are the qualities of a true villain. Such are the traits defining the new Leylin. |=|=|=|=|=|=|=| **What are the differences compared to the original?** 1.- Fewer exclamation marks and better grammar. 2.- Leylin's character is way darker (his actions reflect his evil nature). Doesn't mean he won't be as dedicated or smart, though. 3.- The Chip has a true A.I. personality. NO ROMANCE AT ALL with the MC, and it won't get a body of its own. It will NEVER disobey the MC either. He basically has Siri/Alexa in his head, nothing more. I do this for fun, I own nothing (cover included ---> shorturl.at/yDGIN)

TunaSandwichAddict · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
132 Chs

Andre Town

Under the cover of night, nestled within the Golden Oasis, the group of six Magi meticulously cleaned up the remnants of their encounter with the formidable Kary Vulture King. They replenished their water supplies from a nearby natural source, a welcome respite in the arid desert landscape. The Seated Lupin Wolves, their presence concealed for an extended period, reveled in the opportunity to cleanse themselves in the refreshing waters of the oasis.

An hour later, within a tent bathed in a soft, inviting glow stood out against the darkness. Inside, Leylin was engrossed in examining a tumor he had procured earlier, his eyes reflecting a spark of curiosity and anticipation.

With a silent incantation, Leylin donned a pair of black laboratory gloves. He extended his thumb, pressing it gently against the tumor. The once fresh blood on the tumor had now dried completely, leaving behind a shriveled mass marked with bloodstains.

The tumor was surprisingly small, with what appeared to be exposed meridians within the air sacs. Leylin's eyes glowed a fiery red as he wielded a scalpel in his other hand, carefully slicing through the surface of the tumor. The internal structure was peculiar, with a scant amount of muscle and blood vessels. Instead, it was primarily composed of small air sacs.

These air sacs were layered over one another, creating a lattice-like structure reminiscent of a beehive. "This kind of composition… fascinating…" Leylin murmured to himself, intrigued by his discovery.

He mentally commanded, 'Aralis, record these images.' The response was immediate and efficient, [Already done.]

Once the experiment was concluded, Leylin meticulously cleaned his makeshift laboratory. He began documenting his observations and findings in his holographic interface. After ensuring all traces of his experiment were erased, he closed the interface.


As dawn broke, the group resumed their journey. The path beyond the Golden Oasis proved to be significantly less treacherous. They encountered no further threats from powerful, high-level life forms such as the Golden Giant.

Eventually, they reached the end of the canyon. Andre Town, a small settlement located on the other side of the Grand Canyon Margaret, awaited them. The town had been mostly deserted and left in a state of desolation due to the Kary Vultures.

However, upon exiting the Grand Canyon, they were greeted by a few individuals who seemed to have been awaiting their arrival. "May I know if you people are Lady Lancey and company?" A man, dressed in the attire of a pub worker, stood by the roadside. Upon sighting Leylin and his party, he bowed respectfully. "The incident with the Kary Vultures has already been relayed to us by a secret imprint. Please follow me back to the pub to collect your rewards, as well as pay for the Seated Lupin Wolves…"

"Very well." Lancey and the old geezer stepped forward from the group, expressing their agreement. Upon reaching the pub, the attendants efficiently unhitched their luggage. At the sound of a whistle, the Seated Lupin Wolves eagerly scampered into their feeding area at the rear of the pub.


"Five hundred magic crystals for a few months' rental? Your boss certainly has a knack for business!" The burly man's voice echoed through the tavern, his complaint drawing curious glances from the other patrons who were engrossed in their meals and drinks.

The pub clerk, with a practiced smile, responded, "In reality, the standard charge for renting a Seated Lupin Wolf is one thousand magic crystals. However, we only levied the minimal maintenance costs this time, considering you gentlemen handled the Kary Vulture King for us…"

As for Leylin, he merely rolled his eyes at the exchange. Nonchalantly, he tossed a small pouch towards the clerk. The man caught it mid-air, ready to interject, but his words died in his throat as his eyes widened in surprise. The pouch, barely the size of a human palm, contained five high-grade magic crystals, each worth a hundred regular crystals.

These rare magic crystals were typically used by high-ranking Magi for large transactions, given the hefty price tag of thousands of crystals. Leylin's casual payment method indicated one thing: he was extraordinarily wealthy. So much so that he could afford to pay for something as trivial as a mount rental with this high denomination of crystal.

As the old man who had led the group joined them inside the tavern, he promptly tossed the skull of the Vulture King onto the counter, announcing, "Mission accomplished. Have a look."

A white-bearded, bespectacled old man in a bartender's uniform emerged from a back room. Despite his mundane appearance, the energy waves radiating from him suggested he was also an official Magus. The old man scrutinized the Vulture King's skull for a considerable time before finally storing it away.

"Indeed, this is the Vulture King's remains. As per our agreement, each of you will receive…" The white-bearded man, nimble for his age, swiftly produced bags filled with magic crystals and magical materials, distributing them to everyone in the group. It appeared he had prepared for this moment in advance.

"In truth, I am a member of the esteemed Dorian family… We would be honored to welcome you all to our proud organization, should you be inclined to. I assure you, there's no better place to nurture your talents." After completing the distribution, the elderly man wore a congenial smile, extending an invitation to Leylin and the others. Large families like the Dorians often recruited foreign magicians to bolster their ranks.

Leylin and his companions were formidable, and since they hailed from the eastern part of the Grand Canyon, it was unlikely they were spies sent by adversaries. As long as they didn't bring any significant issues with them, the local magisteriums would be more than willing to provide shelter for such talents.

Leylin observed the burly man's face, which clearly displayed his intention to accept the offer. The two solitary magicians who had collaborated seemed indecisive. However, Lancey and the elderly man did not hesitate to decline the offer.

As for Leylin, he didn't even entertain the idea. Magicians usually joined large families to gain access to advanced meditation techniques and magical resources. Leylin already possessed meditation techniques, and as for magical resources, he could trade his exquisite potions for them. Moreover, compared to insular families, Leylin would prefer joining an educational institute or a similar organization. Therefore, the olive branch extended by the families held little appeal for him.

"Join me for a drink, why don't you? We've been comrades, after all!" The grizzled leader of the group suggested, his voice echoing in the dimly lit tavern.

Lancey, a woman of few words, declined politely. "I appreciate the offer, but I have other matters to attend to. Let's stay in touch…" She exited the tavern hastily, her hurried steps hinting at some pressing matter.

Leylin, too, declined the invitation with a polite smile and a gentlemanly bow. "I must pass as well. The journey has been exhausting, and all I desire now is a good night's sleep…" His words were courteous, but his eagerness to be alone was palpable.

His alliance with this group had been a temporary arrangement, a means to expedite his journey. There was little to gain from lingering. Moreover, his transgressions in the Poolfield Kingdom were not insignificant; it would be prudent to reach the domain of the Light Magi posthaste.

Taking Leylin's lead, the burly man and the other two magicians also declined the old man's invitation. The old man shrugged helplessly, his gaze lingering on Leylin as he left the tavern.

Outside, narrow streets paved with flagstones stretched into the darkness. The only sources of light were the lanterns hanging outside the tavern, casting soft rays onto the cobblestones.

'It's already dark,' Leylin thought, surveying his surroundings. 'Finding a place to rest would be the wisest course of action…'

Suddenly, Aralis' voice echoed in his mind. [Warning, Doctor! High energy force field convergence detected ahead, determined to be a Rank 1 offensive spell!]

As Leylin stepped out of the tavern, a sense of foreboding washed over him. His scalp tingled, and his blood surged, boiling with anticipation. Simultaneously, Aralis, his AI assistant, projected an image of the surrounding area, highlighting the danger zone.

'So, the ambush is directed at me? How convenient. It's been a while since I've had the chance to kill…' Leylin thought, a dark smirk playing on his lips. His mind raced, and his body blurred as he effortlessly dodged to the side.

Suddenly, powerful blue energy waves exploded next to him. Dozens of weapons, forged from silvery metal, formed a storm of steel, raging at the spot where Leylin had stood moments ago.

The tavern was cleaved in half, its roof shattered, revealing the stunned faces of the magicians inside and the agonized groans of those unfortunate enough to be caught in the attack.

"I have finally found you, you ingrate scum!" Amidst the settling debris, a diminutive figure emerged, his dagger-like eyes fixed on Leylin.

"Ah, a member of the Lilytell family, I presume. I've been expecting you. Your appearance is amusing, though not as much as your terrible aim…" Leylin's smirk turned vicious as he discarded his mask, his eyes flashing red momentarily. "I do hope you brought reinforcements." Leylin dusted off his dark cloak, squaring off against the diminutive figure with an air of calm.

Of all the people and powers he had crossed, only the elder of the Lilytell family harbored such deep enmity and had the capability to track him this far. The spell was reminiscent of Bosain's, but this diminutive figure could wield this power without the need for a magic artifact.

"You're courting death... I'll tear you to pieces!" The diminutive figure's rage was palpable. He waved his hand, and countless metallic fluids rose into the air, forming weapons such as long spears and giant swords. The surface radiated the acute radiation of an energy force field, signaling the start of a fierce battle.

With a swift, decisive motion, the Lilytell elder pointed his finger, and the metallic weapons, gleaming ominously, descended once more upon his target.

"Very well," Leylin responded, his voice laced with feigned reluctance. "If you insist on this foolish course of action, I shall oblige." In an instant, he summoned a small sigil, its purple-black hue stark against the surrounding chaos. "Latent Fireball," he said.

Leylin's incantation was a blur of speed, his words a silent storm. He bypassed the traditional Byron language and seals, and from the sigil, a barrage of bullet-sized black fireballs burst forth. They collided with the metallic weapons in a spectacular display of magic, causing violent explosions that scorched the battlefield and filled the air with the acrid scent of burnt metal.

Aralis, ever the observant companion, analyzed the situation. [Target's magic affinity determined to be Metallic. Degree of attack: 32 degrees.] This information elicited a chuckle from Leylin, a sound of amusement amidst the turmoil.

"I can see you're not without talent," the small man conceded, his voice grudging. "It's no wonder you were able to defeat my subordinates and my grandson."

"So, you're one of the Lilytell family elders, and Bosain's grandfather?" Leylin shot back, his words sharp and indifferent. "Now it's clear where Bosain inherited his incompetence."

From the ruins of the bar, a figure emerged. The old bartender, a man of advanced years with a white beard and glasses, finally stepped forward. "Gentlemen, this establishment is under the protection of the Dorian family. I implore you, cease this madness at once!"

"I'm perfectly aware," the midget retorted, tossing a piece of metal towards the bartender. "I've met your family's elder a few times. This is his keepsake, and it even bears a message."

The bartender caught the metal piece and squinted at it. "So, it is Lord Lilytell, who is here to apprehend a criminal…" He cast a pitying glance at Leylin, then quickly bowed to the midget. "In that case, the Dorian family will remain neutral in this matter."

The midget turned his gaze back to Leylin, his expression a twisted mask of joy. "What's the matter, boy? Did you think the rules of this place would protect you from my wrath?" He spread his hands wide, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "The strong dictate the rules, and the weak can only obey. This is the law of the world."

He paused for dramatic effect, then continued, "Those foolish enough to provoke my Lilytell family will pay the price in blood!"

Suddenly, rays of white metallic light radiated from the midget's body. Within moments, a suit of silvery armor materialized around him. The air was thick with metal energy particles, which orbited the midget in a dazzling display of power.

The onlookers gasped in awe. "This… this kind of power! He's a semi-converted elemental Magus!" The burly man and the leading geezer who had arrived with Leylin hadn't left. They watched, wide-eyed, as Leylin and the midget faced off in the center of the battlefield.

The old leader shook his head, clicking his tongue in disappointment. "No wonder he was so eager to leave. He's gotten himself into quite a predicament… A semi-converted elemental Magus…"

A sadistic glint flashed in the geezer's eyes. In his mind, Leylin's fate was sealed. A semi-converted elemental Magus was a formidable opponent, and Leylin, a mere fledgling Magus, stood no chance. The elder didn't even think Leylin knew what Elemental Essence Conversion was. In his eyes, Leylin was already a dead man walking.

In the world of Magi, a semi-converted elemental Magus was a force to be reckoned with. Their elemental essence conversion rate was higher than 50%, making them a formidable presence in the South Coast. Unless a chairman of a major faction intervened, they could roam the South Coast unchallenged.

Even if all the Magi in Andre Town banded together, they wouldn't stand a chance against this lone midget. As for Leylin, he was but a fledgling Magus, likely ignorant of the concept of Elemental Essence Conversion. The old leader didn't believe Leylin would survive this encounter. The odds were simply too stacked against him.

"Right! There are also these people!" The diminutive figure exclaimed, his voice echoing through the area as he allowed a portion of his formidable Spiritual Force to seep out. He swiveled around, his gaze landing on the geezer and the burly man. "You two, are you acquainted with him?" He inquired, his voice laced with curiosity and a hint of menace.

"Stay away from them, fiend! They are my comrades! I implore you, do not harm them! Your quarrel is with me alone!" Leylin's voice was filled with apparent concern. However, beneath the surface, he was reveling in the unfolding situation.

"My Lord! My Lord, he's weaving a web of deceit!" The elderly man, who was once his group's leader, was now prostrating himself, his forehead nearly grazing the ground. "I was unaware of this criminal's history, and I certainly did not know that he was a fugitive sought by the esteemed Lilytell family! Had I known…"

His plea for mercy was abruptly cut off as the diminutive figure launched a swift and ruthless attack. A barrage of a hundred silver blades rained down from the sky, impaling both the large man and the elderly leader before they could even react.

Leylin's smile was radiant as he suppressed a chuckle, but his demeanor swiftly shifted to one of cold indifference, as if he had flicked a switch in his mind.

"Congratulations, little one. It seems I must not underestimate you if I am to emerge victorious." Leylin's voice deepened, reverberating with his true, formidable tone, as his appearance transformed into his authentic, intimidating form. His demonic eyes were now fully revealed. By this point, any bystanders had already fled the vicinity, their hearts gripped by fear.

Leylin and the diminutive figure charged towards each other, Leylin shrouded in an armor of shadows and the diminutive figure encased in a liquid silver armor, surrounded by his myriad silver weapons. The remnants of what was once the bustling Andre Town center trembled incessantly under their clash.

At this moment, Leylin's body was enveloped in the sleek black Kemoyin's Scales, which even covered his eyes. They emitted a brilliant glow, and his well-defined muscles began to swell. He continued to collide with the silver-armored figure, matching the Lilytell elder's raw power with his superior senses, physical prowess, and by exploiting his Mitotic Regeneration whenever he was wounded by the blades.

The surrounding structures crumbled instantly upon the slightest contact. The two Magi seemed to have transformed into primordial beasts, unabashedly showcasing the brutal strength of their bodies.

The silver-armored figure swung his fist, and a mass of liquid metal automatically adhered to it, morphing the ordinary fist into a spiked gauntlet. Leylin's expression remained stoically detached. His hand radiated a dark red glow as he fiercely countered the spiked fist.

The atmosphere detonated repeatedly, resulting in billowing clouds of dust and mana particles. From within the particle cloud, two figures could be seen being hurled backward.

Several houses on either side were toppled, killing their inhabitants, who were mostly acolytes. Upon witnessing a battle between official Magi, everyone retreated from the conflict, and no one dared to step forward to comment on the fight. This was a battle of epic proportions, and they could not even bear to witness it, for fear of being caught in the crossfire.

"Indeed, in an official Magi duel where both parties are evenly matched, the key lies in the ability to cast formidable magic in the blink of an eye. The adversary will not afford you much time to prepare any spells." Leylin mused aloud. "But what happens when both parties are capable of casting spells almost instantaneously?" Leylin brandished his right hand, which was ablaze with a mix of red Spiritual Force and the black fires of Darkness, and effortlessly deflected a barrage of silver weapons as if they were mere insects.

After executing a series of intricate somersaults in mid-air, the diminutive figure clad in shimmering silver armor stood at the ready, his fatigue evident in his every movement. His armor, unable to maintain its solidity for more than fleeting moments, dripped incessantly, a testament to the disruptive aura emanating from Leylin.

"I must admit, I've underestimated you, young one. You're far from being an ordinary Magus…" The small figure's lips curled into a sinister smile, his intentions clear. "Yet, regardless of your abilities, your fate is sealed here today. I'll personally ensure it."

Leylin, unfazed, responded with a confident smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "I beg to differ. That is, unless you're ready to play your hidden trump card."

Caught off guard, the midget conceded, "You're right. I can't afford to hold back any longer. Witness, young one! This is the manifestation of true power!" With these words, he recited an arcane verse, and his body began to emit a symphony of rattling and crackling sounds.

His face contorted grotesquely, and his muscles swelled, transforming him from a dwarf to a towering giant of three meters, a formidable adversary equal to Leylin in stature.

As his clothes tore apart under the strain of his transformation, an old man's face, adorned with silver hair and metallic ornaments, was revealed on the left side of his chest.

"Today, you're destined to perish by my hand. Your spirit will be condemned to an eternal inferno in the void!"

The ancient face stared intently at Leylin, its mouth opening to chant a foreboding incantation.