
Warhammer: Rogue Trader CYOA Story

=== Author: gothicjedi666 === *Disclaimer* I really liked this fanfiction so I wanted to put it here for easier reading, everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, pls leave a review below. This is where I read it- https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13854108/1/Rogue-Trader-CYOA-Story-1 === Synopsis: I've been asked a few times by reviewers to do a Warhammer 40k story, but it's not a universe I wish to find myself stuck in for any length of time, so I used the Rogue Trader CYOA to come up with a setup that could lead to a ship and people from the 40k universe going to more sane dimensions thanks to a special Dark Age of Technology drive. This drive was created shortly before the AI rebellion and the Warp Storms screwed over the most advanced human civilization that the universe ever knew. It allows the captain of the ship to go anywhere he can envision using some psyker power and cool tech that messes with the Warp. The SI has psykers powers that he doesn't know much about due to Inquisition's meddling, an IOM light cruiser which might as well be unstoppable in some science fiction universes, a Guard Regiment of veteran soldiers who will obey the SI's orders and a warrant telling him that he can pretty much do as he pleases outside of the IOM. No one in the IOM will try to stop him even if they could as long as he brings back nice stuff for the forge world that supports him and cooperates with his allies. He will have to return to the 40k universe for resupply and repair work, but that risk is manageable. Due to his rank, he has a lot more leeway when it comes to dealing with aliens than most IOM humans so he doesn't need to kill all the non-humans as long as he isn't seen to get too friendly with them. He has a battle harem, but they don't have real personalities they are more like bodyguards who can also serve as eye candy. So he might as well recruit skilled females for his crew or clone them if he doesn't mind waiting. He'll also need a few wives to provide him with heirs. Rogue Traders will often gather an entourage of hangers-on and companions, and this may contain alien warriors, mutants, and other undesirables who would normally be unacceptable in polite Imperial society, as such he has options for companions. He can fight in wars, go after space pirates, destroy entire hostile Xenos races, and save humans. He can plunder whole worlds just to make a profit. He just needs to keep his coffers full and bring back some shiny stuff. Should he bring back enough to appease the forge-world and impress his allies I'll give the SI more fun toys taken from the CYOA and maybe even a more powerful starship. Can't say that I'm happy with this first couple of chapters, but they do contain a lot of information that explains who and what Rogue Traders are, as what the Imperials will do, and the story will get more entertaining I promise. Please share some ideas with me either here or on my patron where I am also Gothicjedi666. I post draft chapters on that site you might not have seen here and I don't have many supporters even though I have lots of people reading my stories. To those that do support my writing, I want to say a quick thank you.

DaoistViking · Videojogos
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219 Chs

Chapter One Hundred And Forty-Two

Nos Astra. Illium.

"Well that was fun" I commented as I returned to my pleasure yaught.

It had taken time for it to really sink in before the factions of this galaxy finally started to grasp that I was not just some human who'd stumbled across a super-dreadnaught out in the far reaches of the Terminus Systems. It had taken firing my plasma pistol in front of the diplomats for them to accept that there must be more going on with me than the simplest explanation would suggest.

Now the Imperium of Man had peace treaties of sorts with the Citadel races, thanks to House Thrax and the Ordo Xenos. This might seem odd given the IOM's attitude towards aliens, but even if someone high ranking enough had been willing to declare a crusade against this whole galaxy the amount of resources required to conquer even just Citadel space would be far more than the Imperium can afford to send off to another universe.

Besides I had the backing of an Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos and they had all the authority required to make deals with aliens and so even the treaties didn't sit well with the higher ups it wasn't me who authorised them.

My way of handling this dimension was the best way. I'd used the quarians to help me destroy the Geth, assuming that they ever got around to agreeing to it. Meanwhile I'd acquired technology and resources via trade with the Systems Alliance or by attacking locations in the less regulated parts of this universe. Which was something I'd like to get back to.

"I think it went well" said Dany "No one was killed and the Alliance will buy every last laser rifle you want to sell them".

That would keep me in this system for a few more days at least as Admiral Anderson wanted me to sell more weapons to his people and the humans of this galaxy would likely snap up every microfusion powerful cell they could get their hands on.

To make matters even better for my coffers they wanted laser cannons for fighter craft and I'd not even shown them the Chimera tank that I was willing to sell. I should discuss the tanks with Anderson. No doubt he'd agree to a meeting once we started shipping down the weapons the Alliance wanted. The more lasers out there when the Reapers invaded the better since this would slow down planetary invasions and give me more time to blast them in space.

"I have a few arrangements to make" I told my wife after a quick kiss "So I'll be in my study".

Before going to bed I would need to make contact with the port authorities so as to hire out berths for the ships that would bring down the goods I wished to sell and I would need to rent some warehouses which could be used to store the weapons so that the Alliance could pick them up. I'd rather not have them docking with my cruiser as that would allow them to get a better look at my ship and someone might try to damage it from the inside.

"Very well, my love. I'm going to get some rest," she said to me.

With that we parted ways and I headed for my study. Inside that room I found Miranda and an unexpected guest. Since Miranda was a sort of assistant and also my wife she was allowed to bring people onboard my pleasure craft, but this guest would have been searched before being let into my study. Both of the attractive women were sitting on a couch that I'd picked up from somewhere and enjoying wine which came from Westeros.

As for my office, it has changed a little over the years. It was still lavish what the bookcases made from some rare wood, as was the desk, the carpet was still the height of luxury and on the desk was a Fallout style computer along with a pile of official scrolls, data slates and other stuff. I'd also acquired some art work over the years.

"Max, this is my sister, Oriana," introduced Miranda.

While my wives were allowed to address me informally I couldn't recall Miranda ever using my casual name before now. As for my third wife I couldn't help comparing her to her sister, I noted right away that they were very much alike. Miranda was more filled out, bigger boobs and a fuller butt, she had wider hips, and longer hair. Oriana looked smaller and a much more modest sense of dress.

"So you're my new big brother," said Miranda's twin.

Thanks to the files I had access to, I knew that Oriana was grown by Miranda's father back in 2166 when Miranda was a teenager so there was a bit of an age difference between them. Seeing that her father wanted to replace her in his plans for developing a dynasty, Miranda took Oriana and ran off to Cerberus. She was adopted and was given a normal life, at least until now.

More recently Oriana's father had paid a guy called Niket to find and retrieve her. Niket tracked her here to Illium, and he made use of the Eclipse mercenary group in an attempt to bring Oriana back to her father. In the game Miranda would be accompanied by Commander Shepard and he or she would help Miranda prevent the Eclipse from capturing Oriana. In this version of events I'd sent members of my battle harem with Miranda.

"I guess I am," I replied.

She wasn't my first in-law, Sarah had no siblings but her father was still alive as far as I knew and my brother-in-law should be ruling as King of Westeros.

"I always wanted a big brother," said Oriana with a playful smile on her face.

I'd had siblings in my first life and they hadn't been that great.

"Miranda I was under the impression that you would be relocating your sister and her foster parents" I mentioned "Did something happen?".

The two sisters exchanged looks.

"I don't have Cerberus's resources to call upon anymore" the older twin said "And while I managed to deal with the problem this time I won't be around next time and Cerberus can't watch over her for me".

Well that was my fault since I'd crippled the organisation.

"So it seems best if Ori stays with me" said Miranda "Sorry to spring this on you without warning. It wasn't part of my plans".

I wondered what the foster parents had to say about that, but then I decided that it wouldn't be best to pry.

"Ori wants to work in colony development" my third wife mentioned.

The younger twin decided that she could speak for herself.

"Miri told me that you have some sort of trade deal going on with a couple of colonies" said my new sister-in-law "I was hoping that I could help".

I could give her a role under Miranda who took care of a lot of matters for me.

"Perhaps we should set up a liaison office between House Thrax and the Terminus System colonies that we are allied with" I said to the twin sisters of different ages "Any colony independent from the System Alliance colonies will want to buy from us what the Collectors. I could do with someone to handle those arrangements and you could work together".

The sisters exchanged looks.

"I wouldn't mind having some of my workload taken off my hands" admitted Miranda to her clone "And I'd like us to spend more time together".

Oriana was more expressive with her delight in this matte. The two women began to discuss how they could team up as I poured myself a drink of something strong and sat behind my desk.

"So are you a lot like our father?" the younger of the sisters asked me "I've heard that women are attracted to men that remind them of their fathers".

I wasn't sure if I was being insulted or not.

"Well we are both successful business men with a lot of power who want to ensure our legacy" I said "but other than that I don't know if we have anything in common".

And I had no desire to find out.

"He actually cares about his children" Miranda said coming to my defence "And unlike our father Max isn't going to deny me the right to have any of my own. Not that I'm pregnant yet it might take a couple more months".

Oriana was surprised to hear this.

"You found a solution to what our father did to us?" he asked.

Well I'd not done much.

"The Imperials have some very advanced technology" Miranda answered "And yes we're a little older I'm sure Max will authorise the same treatment if you want children".

I would happily do that for Oriana since it would make her sister very happy

Once the two women had spent some more time chatting, Miranda took her clone to find a bed before returning not long after I'd finished sending some messages to the local port authorities using the native communications technology the Ad-Mech had found time to install in this craft.

They'd even placed a Mass Effect style terminal which displayed information from the extranet in one corner of the room. As one of the Imperial elite I had access to this galaxy's information network, but I was careful not to upload anything and not to look at anything that could get me labelled as a heretic such as alien porn.

Before I could say anything to Miranda she was crawling on the floor and moving around the desk in what I assumed to be a playful manner and then she was kneeling before me. I wondered for a moment if she was going to beg for forgiveness as a way of making amends for not warning me about bringing her sister into my growing family.

Not that I minded as I was sure that with a little mental manipulation I'd be having threesomes with the two of them before too long and they'd be eager to please me. They were clones after all so in a biological sense they were the same person so it wouldn't really be incest, something I disproved of to an extent because of the dangers of inbreeding.

Thinking about it I reasoned it best for Oriana to marry someone else when she decided to have children as I didn't want too many proper heirs just yet and I didn't think having Oriana be the mother of a few bastard children would sit right with Miranda as it would make their children unequal. So I would focus on knocking up Miranda even if both sisters were in bed with me.

Rather than talk about her recent choices, the genetically engineered woman took out my already hard cock, as she'd been able to get it growing by giving me sexy looks, and she gave me a big smile as she brought the head of my shaft to her lips for a few tender kisses. She acted as if my cock were something to be cherished and given that she wanted to get pregnant I could understand why she'd be so caring with the part of my body which would make that possible.

With ease Miranda handled my meaty rod, her fingers were running up and down my pole as I looked down at her pretty face. She soon began to slide her lips down my member, moaning as her lips started with only touching the tip of the long rod before they moved down to the base.

She had no gag relax and again I could help thinking that her father had desgined his daughter with sex on his mind. Not that I should complain since I got to enjoy her features.

"I suppose it is easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask permission" I said.

Miranda was smart so she knew what I was talking about.

"Thank you for accepting it so easily," she replied "I just couldn't leave her for my father to find".

Since she could multitask very well Miranda starts to unzip the bodysuit she'd been wearing since we'd parted ways earlier this evening, one that of course hugs her curves nicely, and she began taking off while she continued to orally pleasure me, but she had to stop part way through so that she could finish undressing as I watched.

She peeled off the rest of her bodysuit, allowing the outfit to drop to her feet. Along the way it was revealed to me that my newest wife wasn't wearing anything else underneath. She stepped out of the bodysuit and for a time she just stood there in front of me, letting me once again take in the sight of her engineered body.

"My lord, I want you inside me" she requested.

I guess she liked calling me that during times such as these.

"I shall grant your request" I said with a sly smirk on my face "Go bend over my desk".

She knew that I enjoyed having her bent over things as it gave me a good look at her ass and the chance to spank that butt.

"Who do you serve?" I demanded to know.

She knew what to say.

"You are my husband and my master" she said "I'll serve you anyway you wish".

Even though that was what I wanted to her to say I spanked her for a while, enjoying the noises she made and the way it left marks on her that became darker shades of red over time, she never once complained only urging me to fuck her.

"Please I want your cum inside me" she begged.

I couldn't resist her any longer, not that I'd really been trying, and soon I was balls deep inside genetically engineered pussy, something that my sexual partner was very happy about, as she proved when she pushed against me, wanting me to deposit my load of baby batter into her as quickly as possible. She didn't care for her own pleasure so she began to talk dirty while doing most of the work despite being bent over the desk.

"Just cum inside me" she pleaded "I want your babies, please fuck me".

I'd not understood just how broody this woman had become and the look in her eyes when she turned her head so as to make eye contact with me was both sexy and a little scary. Lucky for Miranda my biology had its own will and I ended up having my climax, giving her what she wanted far too soon for my taste, but given the smile on her face you'd think that I'd just given her multiple orgasms while she stuffed her face with chocolate.

"Thank you husband," she said once she could stand up and start to dress "I'm going to get some sleep, but I will want more fucking later if that's okay with you. Don't work too late".

I didn't think that I had a problem with that. Not as long as she kept showing me her body and giving me those looks. It seemed to be all she required to get what she wanted from me.