
Sorcerers of Baldur

Word about the assassination attempt quickly spread throughout the capital, causing a large number of individuals to look into the matter. 

One thing about Knight Planets was that the people were deeply loyal, especially the Knight Households. Loyalty to the one that they have sworn themselves to was absolute and these men and women would follow their lords to hell and back. 

Even without word from the king, many of the Knight Households began to investigate the matter, looking for whatever clues they could find in order to catch the criminal.

But to their dismay, none of those that tried to help were able to find a clue. The only people that could hide so well were the highest of nobility. 

A crack had formed between old allies. A silent one. One that none could truly see. But a crack was indeed there. 

But while each panicked, Baldur was the calmest of them all. He understood that he was a threat. He was an outsider that had gained the status of a royal. 

If one did not try to attack him, then he would truly believe that the world was a paradise. 

Baldur did not let this attempt stop him. He continued to act as he had done before, training and learning as much as he could, adding social interactions to his routine. 

And this continued for 2 more years as he rapidly grew from boy to man. In those 2 years, he had aged rapidly.

Going from a boy that looked to be needing protection, to a young man that was ready for the battlefield. His muscles had ripened, his height towering over those that had previously loomed over him. The curly hair his mother loved was cut off, leaving just enough to keep his head warm from a cool breeze. 

Thanks to his impressive growth, Baldur was able to gain even more respect from the nobles of Feluc for he was able to join the battlefield. 

Leading many crusades against bandits that plagued the planet, Baldur had killed thousands with his blade and bow. Those that fought by his side saw how he entered the battlefield and killed all his enemies with ruthless efficiency. 

Unlike most, he was no warrior. He was a soldier. He fought not for glory or honor but simply because there were enemies that needed to be defeated. 

Some called his tactics cowardly but those were the minority. Unlike most that would rush up to face their enemies in close combat, Baldur would have his men fire at range and use ambushes and kill zones to kill as many men as possible without losing one of his own. 

The people saw how many of their loved ones returned from battle that they had previously expected to fall. 

Even without Jendi having to try too hard, the populace had already fallen in love with Baldur just from that. 

But there was one thing that Baldur had done that had threatened his position. It was something that he needed to do in order to ensure his rise. 

His personal guard was composed of Psykers or, as they were better known as on Feluc, Witches. 

Many Knights had a backwards logic on Psykers, condemning them for their powers. Many were killed immediately while the few that lived were usually sent off world. 

Those that had survived and that did not leave the planet had gone into hiding. But to Baldur, that was unacceptable. Not because he was a Psyker himself but because that was a waste of potential. 

In his eyes, they posed just as much danger to him as an Knight House that had rebelled. So Baldur made an edict, one that was given to him for his achievements. 

He made Witches legal and made the killing or purging of them illegal. 

Soon after the edict was issued, he made a call for Witches that would serve him. To join his personal forces. 

At first, none showed up. But Baldur was patient. He knew that with their persecution for so long, many would think it was a trap. That his edict was false. That in their hiding, it would take time for the information to reach them. 

But he also knew that eventually, one would come. For they even if they were called Witches, they were still human. And they possessed the one thing that all living humans had. They had hope. 

And that hope would bring them to him. 

And just like he thought, one month after he asked for a Witch, one came to him. It was a young man in his teens, around the same age as Edward. His eyes couldn't even reach him, stuck to the ground. 

"Show me your magic," Baldur told the teen who stood before him. He knew that the boy was consumed by fear. That he regretted his choice. But he could also tell that a small part of him had the hope that wanted him to be of service to Baldur. 

The boy nodded but was too afraid to say a word. He held both of his hands in front of him, having them face one another. A spark appeared between them that soon turned into a small flame. 

"Is that the largest you can create?" Baldur asked with no emotion in his voice, causing the boy to become worried that he had failed the test and would soon join the countless Witches that had shown themselves before

"Yes, your highness. I apologize! I will-" but he was cut off when Baldur held up one of his hands, instantly silencing the boy

The knights and soldiers around them all held their breaths, not sure what their leader would do next. Although they had all loved Baldur, few understood what was going on in his mind. 

"That flame…" the words slowly slipped out of Baldur's lips. "That flame is your courage. That is your resolve. It is small and pathetic. Barely more than a candle."

Each word struck the boy deeply. His eyes glazed over and he felt the strength leave his body. 

The teen fell to his knees, only able to stop himself from collapsing completely to the ground at the last moment with his hands.

Everyone else held their breath, thinking that Baldur was going to kill the boy for being too weak. Many felt sorry for him and were ready to plead on his behalf when Baldur continued to speak. 

"If you wish to truly become of use to me, you must at least create something comparable to a torch," Baldur told him, confusing everyone. 

"Stand up. I have no use for men and women who have such soft legs. I need those that can stand before an enemy and make them pay for every step that they take. Is that you?"

The boy looked up with tears in his eyes. The fear that had consumed him had turned into courage and devotion. 

"Yes! I promise that I can fight properly. I am willing to die for you, your highness!" the boy swore

"I also have no use for the dead. Only the living have any worth to me," Baldur helped him to stand. Even then, he still had to look down on the boy from his impressive height. "Tell me your name."

"Dogan, your highness," the boy quickly spoke his name, afraid he would lose the chance that was before him

"Dogan? So that is the name of my first Sorcerer? Interesting," Baldur muttered before turning around and heading to the training arena. "Grimes brothers! Let's spar!"

Everyone looked on and were puzzled, not sure what exactly had happened. But there was one thing that they knew for sure, Dogan had just become their fellow soldier and, as Baldur had called him, their first Sorcerer. 

After word of Dogan spread, more followed. In 6 months, their number of Sorcerers had swelled from zero to twenty-four. 

Each one was personally taught by Baldur who had learned everything he could from the hidden library in the castle. They were taught various spells, meditation methods, and also traditional combat as they were expected to be able to fight just as well as any other soldier. 

This intense regimen would make many run away normally but these men and women would never do so. Baldur had become their savior and they would do anything for him. 

It was after these 6 months that they would enter their first battle, and show the rest of Feluc that Baldur had not made a mistake. 

And they proved it with an impressive display of Psyker talent. Flames and thunder descended on the fort while the earth tore apart beneath their foes. 

The 24 were able to fight with the same level of strength as the rest of Baldur's personal army, easily defeating the entire fort number over 200.

Their prowess and skill had spread around, causing many to see Witches in a new light. While there were still many that feared them and used the power they displayed as a reason for them to be hunted but they couldn't outweigh the majority who supported Baldur. 

He had yet to fail so they believed in his decision until he gave them a reason not to. 

With this achievement, Jendi called Baldur to her room. She thought it was time to let him know the full scope of her plan.