
Xeno Amblicalius

Xeno Amblicalius: Jokaero (Pongo Indoles)

Threat Level: Salutari-9

Habitable Zones and Behavior: The Jokaero are one of the most curious species in the known galaxy. Imperial adepts long debated the origin of this designed species and its purpose. The common train of thought was they were another of the designed species of the Old Ones. Possibly designed as natural mechanics and inventors. While the curious technopathic abilities displayed seem synonymic with Old One creations. In truth, the Jokaero are a product of Silicon-Age Human technological innovation. Being in truth a modified species of the ancient Terran simian known as an Orang-u-Tan. The mistaking identification as an Old One creation is understandable, however. For the Jokaero were the product of a program to reverse engineer and recreate the Old One's techniques. Over the Milleina mankind quickly learned to fear the mad genius of the Orks and there natural technological proficiency. With generations of science-tests and wise-folk working to unlock the secrets of the Ork. While the full depth and complexity of the Old One's designs escaped mankind. Advents in early psychic technology and A.I. capable of handling the immense data coded within Orkish genetics and Collective-Consciousness. Allowed for primitive reproduction of the Orkish innate technological abilities. Cloned Orang-u-Tans, recreated from the fabled Noach Vaults were used in this process. Creating a new species that possessed an innate technological understanding. With intellect and technical abilities surpassing humans. This "Joke" of an Augmented Experimental Rebuilt Organism. Or A.E.R.O for short was also designed to have deficiencies in critical thinking and other higher-order mental tasks. Ensuring the experiment did not become a threat to humanity and was easily manipulatable. With the average Jokaero being not that much more complicated in its desires than an Orang-u-Tan. With reduced aggression and increased agreeableness, however. Eventually, the project was discontinued. With progress coming to a halt. The secrets of Old One biotech and psitech proved outside the domain of understanding. Thankfully the Jokaero's were saved from euthanization by a mysterious benefactor known as "The Revelator." Who released multiple breeding colonies of the simians into the galactic wilds. These "wild" colonies quickly developed into technologically advanced tribes. That mastered space flight and spread out across the galaxy. Existing as a multitude of Jokaero clans that travel the galaxy. Constantly seeking new technological discoveries and safety.

Description: Matching the appearance of ancient Orang-u-Tans the Jokaero is set apart from this ancient breed by two distinct factors. On inspection, the hands and feet of the Jokaero are far extremely dexterous. The Xeno's (Jokaero's are given this distinction for being sentient species of non-human descent) showing the ability to use its four manipulator limbs simultaneously with skill surpassing trained human professionals. Secondly, Jokaero's are almost always equipped with cybernetics and mechanical equipment. Only infants lacking any form of cybernetics. With more heavily augmented Jokaero usually acting as Patriarch or Matriarch of a clan or tribe. Personality-wise they are insatiably curious and generally friendly. Unless threatened they are more a danger to unintended machinery than humans. However, if the Jokaero feels it is in danger it will not hesitate to unleash its weapons. Usually a collection of digital-weapons that are often built into the Xeno. While lacking the ability to speak Gothic naturally, some Jokaero's undergo augmentation to there throat or brain. Allowing them to speak Gothic. Sign-Language is actually the main form of communication among Jokaero and non-Jokaero's. With the Language being remarkably complicated and requiring minor augments to hands and forelimbs for humans to speak it with mastery. Generally, the Jokaero co-exist within the Imperium as a protected vassal-species. Most Jokaero exist in tight-knit clans aboard a single spacecraft. Traveling the stars looking for resources to complete whatever projects the member Jokaero are working on. The distractable and in many ways simple-minded simians have proven difficult for Imperial diplomats to work with. Even so, a general agreement has been hammered out between the major tribes and the Adeptus Terra and Mars. With Jokaero ships being required to check in with the Imperial government whenever they enter or leave an inhabited system. Allowing for some level of tracking of the Species. As well the Jokaero are forbidden from unregulated trade or resource extraction. With Mechanicum worlds to act as trade-depots for Jokaero. Any resource or item needed by the Jokaero will be provided by the Imperium within reason. In exchange for Jokaero artifacts of similar value. Many Jokaero do choose to leave there communities and settle upon Imperial worlds and are prized by Mechanicum officials and Planetary Governors. Entire tribes or clans setting up residence in Imperial Space or on an Imperial World is not unheard of. With these Jokaero required to pay Imperial Tithe in the form of artifacts or service. In turn, the Jokaero can call upon the aid of the Imperium, gain access to vast stretches of protected void-space, along with satiating curiosity related to human technology without Imperial sanction.

Reproduction and Lifecycle: Being simian mammals the Jokaero reproduce as such. With each clan entering into a mating season roughly every eight solar years. All sexually mature members of the species will enter this state. The clan will seek out another clan undergoing this process and its willing males and females will partner off to produce offspring. Resulting in a new generation of Jokaeros. It is believed this process is meant to diversify genes and provide a predictable mating schedule for the researchers who created the Jokaero. Offspring will go join the Mothers clan and are raised communally. Jokaero naturally live for around sixty solar years but can reach much longer ages due to extensive augments and medical technology. Social rank and desirability as a mate directly correlate to the complexity and ability of a Jokaero's invention. Leading to a primitive technocratic culture. In many ways, this species walks the line of animal and sentient. With it holding a mixture of innate skill and technological genius with a primitive simian outlook on life. Often caring more about satisfying its banal curiosity of how things work. Or tinkering with technology for there own amusement and pleasure. However, they are to never be underestimated. Older Jokaeros are legendarily cunning. With a primal wit mixed wit than an intricate understanding of technology. While thankfully preferring to avoid conflict and escape from dangerous situations. Jokaero are incredibly dangerous if they feel no other option is available. Especially in the lead up to the mating season. Where brash young males will go towards incredible lengths to create works of technological wonder. All in the name of gaining a mate.

Technology: Where the Orks possess an innate understanding of technology and can produce deadly marvels from scrap. Orkish technology is legendarily unreliable and requires the gestalt WAAAGH!!! field to work properly. It is unknown if this is a design feature to combat the C'tan's power to manipulate the laws of physics. Or simply another side effect of the weapon-race degrading without the Old Ones influence. By contrast, the process that created the Jokaero. Relied less on psychic imprinting and more on gene-born instincts. If an Ork Mekboy creates a Gargant it does so from a mix of a psychic fever-dream and snippets of instinctual knowledge. With the process being more akin to human artistry than human innovation. Jokaero could be better compared to an arachnid spinning its web or an avian learning to fly. They do know full well what they are doing and how to do it. Just now why they do it or where they learned to do it. In truth, Jokaero are living deposits of Silicon-Age techno-lore. That provides countless artifacts for mankind to reverse engineer. An organic equivalent to the great repositories of the STC and Akasaka Records. These allied Xenos possess the ability to produce miniaturized weapons and tools of incredible complexity. Intricate devices once only produced by A.I. controlled molecular-forges. Even the starships of the Jokaero are bizarre and powerful. With each clan-craft possessing maneuverability and firepower enough to fight off foes that outnumber and outgun them. Jokaero are capable of creating technological wonders that were only discovered with the use of godlike Artificial Intelligences. That can be recreated by skilled means but would remain lost to mankind when the Age of Strife arrived Unless preserved by a species of idiot-techno-savants with incredible capabilities. It is suiting that a light thrown into the future by near accident would come in the form of such a strange creature.

Xeno Amblicalius: Stellar Dragon/Drake (Stellarex Ouroboroi)

Threat Level: Salutari-3 and SSI-9. *(Sapient and Sentient Index. Used for sapient but not civilization based species. Nonsentient is >1, Nonsapient is >5, Base Human equivalent to 10)

Description: Ancient and incredibly powerful. The Stellar Dragons are an ancient race of guardians. Created by the Old Ones to be the perfect wardens and stewards. Hundreds of feet in length at the smallest. To kilometers long in the most ancient and powerful. Capable of adapting to practically any environment the Stellar Dragons take many forms. Sharing a few abilities and features across the species. Every Dragon is reptilian in appearance. From serpent-like scaled bodies. Or squat armored sauropods, to feathered avian forms. Possessing at least one set of limbs, and often far more. One or more of these sets of limbs are always wings. Which have organic chemical thrusters built into them. Allowing Dragons to navigate in Zero-G, and with sufficient energy, escape most gravity wells. The biology of these beasts is extremely efficient and relies on a psychic element. Producing energy in quantities similar to a nuclear reactor. This energy can be utilized for more than biological functions. Powering flight and letting the Stellar Dragons unleash gouts of plasma as a weapon. Additionally, upon reaching maturity every Stellar Dragon is a powerful psyker. With reserves of psychic potential equivalent to Alpha class humans. However, the design of the Old Ones limits the Stellar Dragon's use of this power. Capable of directing their psychic energy to only a few primitive arts. Such as basic telepathy, emotion projection, pyrokinesis, and telekinesis. The singular unique ability of the Stellar Dragons is the capability of diving into the Warp. This process is known as Doom-Diving. With Stellar Dragons ripping open a warp rift with a mighty roar. Then coating themselves in a layer of plasma and ignited warp-stuff. Finally diving into the Warp itself like a living starship. Protected by flames both physical and spiritual. Breaching from the Warp at the desired location in a corona of fire. The Stellar Dragons are a species of incredible power. Almost rendered extinct by the death of there creators and the galaxies cruelty. Now reborn in the service of mankind.

History- At the height of the Empire of the Slaani, or Old Ones as they came to be known. Powerful relics, tools, and locations of the Old Ones required guardians. Powerful yet loyal beings that could defend these treasures. The Stellar Dragons were created for this purpose. They were designed to be powerful stewards who would instinctively collect and protect things of value, only relinquishing these treasures at the command of a sufficiently powerful psyker or God-called entity. Raised from ancient lizard stock and imbued with divine essence. For millions of years, the Stellar Dragons served as the guardians of the Old One's treasures before ultimately facing the nightmarish threats of the War in Heaven along with the rest of the Old Ones' vassal species. Many of the most dangerous items the Stellar Dragons guarded were used to battle the Necrons and C'tan, freeing up the dragons to fight alongside the Aeldari, Krork, K'nib, Slaanspawn, and other children of the ancients. Millions of dragons and their lesser kin, the drakes, died fighting the Star Gods. Who hungered for the Dragons souls nearly as much as they did the Old Ones. When the War in Heaven reached its dreadful climax where gods of the material were shattered and mad gods of the immaterial were erased. A handful of the Stellar Drakes survived and returned to their duties of guarding the surviving treasures of the Old Ones. Coming into conflict with unworthy heirs to a godlike legacy. Eventually being whittled down to near extinction by the ages and unable to reproduce properly without the Old Ones. Leaving only a few descendent species and maddened survivors behind. Until the fall of Nocturne, were numerous powers converged to rebirth the Stellar Dragons. The Ayidakin Dragons of the Imperium, striving to recapture the ancient glory of there ancestors.

Habitable Zones and Behavior: The Stellar Drakes are an extremely adaptive and hardy species. Capable of surviving nearly anywhere. Adapting to environmental challenges through psychically enhanced genetics. Allowing evolutionary change within a living organism. Resulting in highly varied appearance and attributes. With each fully grown Stellar Dragon being a unique organism. Sharing only a few basic features, oftentimes with divergent purpose. One Dragon's wings might be great sails of skin to soar across a gas giant. Another might use its armored wing-limbs to help steer itself between lava flows. Two things are universal among Stellar Drakes in choice of territory. The species will settle on worlds rich in either rare minerals and substances. Or worlds hosting ancient ruins and relics of the Old Ones and other psyker species. Preferring planets with both if possible. Once settled on these planets the Stellar Dragons will guard the planet zealously. Only sharing the planet and often the entire star system with mates or kin. With the Dragons nesting near places of psychic power, instinctually guarding treasures from all but the mightiest foe.

Reproduction and Lifecycle: Stellar Dragons are beings steeped in both the warp and material. Requiring far less sustenance than their massive bulk would suggest. Capable of using prodigious psychic energy to maintain themselves. However, they still feed on the bounty of their territory. Be it flesh, or plant life. Additionally, Stellar Dragons devour small quantities of rare minerals and other inorganic substances. The volcanic digestive system of the beast processing the materials for use in scales, bones, or rarely eggs. When a female Dragon is well-fed for a significant period of time. She will start to lay eggs and call into the warp. Summoning possible mates. Who will then battle for the right to mate. The victor and the egglaying dragon will mate and produce a clutch equal of varying sizes. Alien genetic and psychic powers will ensure the eggs hatch into Drakes perfectly adapted to the world they were incubated upon. After a few decades, the Drakes will reach full maturity. Existing as unique lifeforms. At this point, the male dragon will depart and the Drakes will leave the mother's nest. Where they can develop into an entirely new species to populate and defend the planet. Drakes only become full-grown Stellar Dragons when exposed to sufficient amounts of psychic power. Experiencing a period where they will gorge themselves and metamorphize into a new Stellar Drake. Departing the world of their birth and seeking territory of its own.

Known Subspecies or Descendants-

Nocturne Fire Drakes- SSI-5. Giant reptilian beasts from the now destroyed death world of Nocturne. Capable of perpetual growth until they reach unsustainable size. Extremely strong, durable, and capable of storing and utilizing heat. The descendant of Stellar Dragons living on Nocturne a few millions of years ago.

Croatalid- SSI-3. Partially aquatic reptilian ambush predators. Large numbers are capable of producing psychic phenomena in the form of producing unstable warp-rifts. Then migrating through random warp travel. An ancient subspecies stripped of nearly all of there ancestors' power and nobility.

Exodite Megadon- SSI-4. Extremely variable breed of domesticated saurian. Found upon Exodite Maiden Worlds and bound to its World Spirit. With traits and behavior of each organism programmed by the Eldar. Originally created from the eggs of Stellar Dragons who served the Aeldari Empire

Draugnirkin SSI-8. Descendants of the ancient Stellar Dragon that guarded the Old One's World Nursery. Highly adaptable and capable of becoming entirely new subspecies within a few generations. Lesser shadows of true Stellar Drakes but still powerful.

Ayidakin SSI-9. The children of Primarch Vulkans tamed Stellar Dragon Ayida. Born as variants of the Nocturne Fire Drake. Gifted energy from Vulkan or his Legions librarians allows them to evolve into full Stellar Dragons. Hatchlings are reared by the elite of the Dragonforged Legion. Starting to repopulate the Stellar Dragon species across the galactic core.

Stellar Wyrms- SSI-6. Feral Stellar Dragons that haunt the farthest reaches of the Galaxy. Reproduce by feeding on psychic artifacts of the Old Ones. Hunted to near extinction by the Aeldari Empire and fellow children of the Ancients. Some were brought out of hiding by the presence of Ayida's children in the core worlds.

Warp Dragons- SSI-? Stellar Drakes corrupted by the fell powers of the warp. Either drowned in Warp Storms during failed doom-dives. Exposed and mutated by agents of Chaos. Or most sinisterly by choice. Nonpossessed or Secondborn Warp Dragons are extremely rare. Most are now merrily shells for the Chaos Gods' power. Corrupted but not daemonically controlled Dragons would be theoretically capable of reproducing by consuming sufficiently powerful chaos artifacts.

Kalgalanokin- SSI-7. Born of the Fire Drakes stolen from Nocturne by the Dark Eldar. Bred and mutated by Haemonculi and Beast Masters into large varieties of reptilian horrors. Most feared of these are the Aelin-Drakes and Flayed Wyrms.

Xeno Amblicalius: Trileen (Rerum Trilobito Sapian)

Threat Level: Salutari-6. Limited to one planet, with intense biological requirements making expansion into Imperial space unlikely and impractical

Description: The Trileen are a species of sapient filter-feeding anthropods who evolved naturally on the world Imperial stellartograpahers refer to as Tragedy. Ranging usually 3-4 meters in length and 2 meters tall. With a squat elongated frame, carried by eight anthropoidal limbs, and four more delicate manipulator limbs near the creatures head and sensory organs. The bulbous head of the Trileen holds a cavernous mouth filled with baffles of baleen-equivalent. This combined with the unique dual breathing system of the Xeno, possessing both Book and Lobe lung systems, allows them to constantly circulate a large quantity of atmosphere through their baleen to feed and breath. The head also holds compound eyes, feelers that respond to chemical and tactile signals, and a powerful auditory system. Overall, the Trileen display convergent evolution similar to ancient Terran aquatic anthropods. Acting as social filter feeders in the early days of civilization. Additionally, the Trileen display very high levels of phenotypical difference between tribal groupings. With vibrant colors, differently shaped shells, and spines marking out different ethnic groups. This is believed to be a curious evolutionary side effect of the abundant and often chemically rich atmosphere plankton the Trileen feed off. With different regional diets resulting in different concentrations of biological markers and dyes. Leading to drastically different phenotypes further enforced by artificial selection. However richer pigments and more elaborate shells seem to be a fairly standard mark of social hierarchy. Since they are marks of a rich and diverse diet. Psychologically the Trileen are on average fairly simple beings, not unintelligent but remarkably passive and calm. Patience, forethought and a lack of the emotion humans call boredom appear to be side effects of evolving from filter-feeding grazer beasts, instead of competitive tree-dwelling primates. Making these fairly long-lived (250-500 SOLY) beings placid and not particularly rushed to make decisions or experiment with new possibilities.

History and Culture- Archeological records indicate the Trileen is a "natural" species, showing no detectable signs of Xeno (or human) influence on their evolutionary development. Instead evolving from a line of larger grazer beasts who worked together to find the best quality air plankton, and eventually cultivate this highly nutritious substance. Demonstrating a markedly slower path of evolution and cultural development the Trileen are 2-3 million years older than mankind and were first discovering wide-scale agriculture when humanity first started walking upright. Eventually developing into a culture of sedentary Clans, each ruling a fief selected for its Plankton crop or other resources. These Clans join together in large nations for trade and mutual defense. Against rival clans coveting prize plankton fields or dangerous wild beasts. By the time of Imperial arrival, the most advanced cultures of the Trileen had started to develop a printed language, translating the old tactile words into a print that could be distributed. Starting the beginnings of a renaissance of ideas and culture. Leading to some social upheaval and questioning of the old Ancestor Cults. The only form of Religion found among the Trileen, who use the shells of the deceased in grim art and craft as memorials. With Shellmounte Nonus worshipped as a kind of "ancestor of ancestors" and ultimate protector spirit. Feudal wars over resources and territory are not common but not unheard of on Tragedy, with the Trileen only moving to such an action when all other possibilities have been exhausted. However, when roused to war the Trileen are notable resilient and stubborn. War being a grinding thing of attrition and cost calculation. The invention of primitive pressure guns has not changed this much, with only the largest caliber weapons capable of piercing a full-grown Trileen's shell.

Homeworld: Tragedy is smaller than Terra, with 0.74 Gravity and an atmosphere many times denser than the Old Earths. Particularly its oxygen concentration is much higher than what humans find comfortable, and its humidity outclasses most Jungle Worlds. Resulting in a thick and wet atmosphere teeming with lifeforms whose analog on other planets dwell in the oceans. Including shoals of buoyant plankton, gelatinous gas-bags the size of clouds and meter-long flat worm-equivalents who can glide on turbulent winds. The surface of the planet and its true Oceans are also home to large varieties of Anthropods, Mammalian and reptilian life not present on the planet. Including a few truly monumental organisims like what Imperial Scouts call "Rockslide Crabs." Boulder-sized crustaceans that travel in large herds across both dry land and the Ocean floor. Spore, polyps, and other microorganisms fill the skies of Tragedy, making it appear a constant heavy haze falls across the planet. Much of them originating in the main form of foliage on Tragedy. Dry-Coral, a family of organisms that produce titanic reef ecosystems that stretch across parts of Tragedy. Creating entire mountains of life that poke into the planet's Upper atmosphere and support huge quantities of life. Large Predators, particularly in the form of cephalopod-equivalents stalk these Dry-Reefs and surrounding lands. Combining incredible strength and venomous barbs to hunt the armored anthropods of Tragedy, including the Trileen. Who fear one of these tentacled predator species in particular. Known to them as the Crawling-Shadow, it is a multi-ton, dozens of meters long mass of tentacles that slide along the ground at incredible speed. Its dark coloration and boneless nature let it slip between shadows with surprising stealth and mobility.

Relevant Technology: Of all the resources and technology available to the Trileen, one thing, in particular, shows potential value to mankind. Their agriculture is semi-unique, with some interesting off-world possibilities. Especially the domestication of Dry-Coral as a self-repairing building material. It acts as a powerful atmospheric filter and replenishing building material. With some modification and genetic splicing, it might have use on Hive Worlds with dense atmospheres. If tweaked to be hardier and more resistant to pollutants it might act as a form of Atmosphere scrubber that builds with what it takes out of smog-choked skies of a Hive. In addition, the cultivation and husbandry of Atmospheric Plankton might be further developed. A noted pre-Old Night research project in the Jovian Moons worked to develop ways to farm inside the atmosphere of Gas Giants. The genetics of this Plankton and the techniques used to farm them might contribute to a resurrection of such a project without the aid of Abominable Intelligence. If compliance fails the Trileen's status as Egg layers with strong exoskeletons would make them excellent menial laborers during slow xenocide by forced sterilization if needed. If they prove compliant their expertise in these forms of agriculture might prove valuable.