
Chapter 4 : Catachan Conflict

Within a devastated planet once lush with rich jungles and wildlife, the Catachan 2nd have been deployed to hunt down the reported sightings of Tyranids within the ruined undergrowth.

The tension was thick in the air as the Green Viper fighters were all fully aware of this suicidal task and having all been born and raised on one of the deadliest death worlds within the imperium their instincts warned them all of the imminent conflict.

Led by Colonel Iron Hand Straken and Gunnery Sergeant Harker the squads of Catachan traversed the undergrowth easily.

Straken sensing that something was about to happen orders his men to stop and check their immediate surroundings stopping by a steep gorge.

When the squads of Catachan stopped to inspect the area they found nothing and had no reason to believe they were being stalked, however instead of continuing all of the men readied their weapons.

As they had all survived this long by relying on their gut instincts they were not going to just simply stop because there was no evidence or logic behind their actions.

A number of brave Catachan stepped up to Straken volunteering to go look and scout the nearby area even further.

Straken nodded his head and told Harker to take a few squads and go with them so the rest can continue their mission and investigate the reported area...

While Straken descended the gorge with a majority of the troops following close behind him.

Straken was certain a fire fight would soon erupt after leaving but he trusted Harker enough to take care of whatever was trying to interfere with their task.

Harker watched his friend Straken leave along with the rest of the troops and waited for something to happen as the volunteer scouts went ahead to look around...

There was silence as they disappeared into the jungle and as the seconds turned into minutes Harker deduced that it had been too quiet for too long and immediately ordered his men to open fire at the direction of where the scouts went.

Lifting his massive Heavy Bolter, Harker blasted the surrounding foliage to smithereens.

As the group of Catachan spray and prayed a hail of bullets into the jungle Harker noticed a few strange movements within the debris.

Shouting orders at his men to consecrate fire on the debris, within seconds the devastated jungle seemingly burst with life as a horde of Tyranid swarmed out onto them.

In a matter of seconds the Catachan squads were descended into a frenzied fire fight, as Harker led the counter attack with an inspiring roar.

Not even a week after I start this fanfic off with a joke on GW raising prices and as if to prove my point GW raises the prices again XD

dudes I love the lore but this game is pretty much dead for new players without dummy thick wallets or bad spending habits.

Ultimate_Edgelordcreators' thoughts