
The Ropes (1)

The two arrived at the Mercenary designated building. Lavender opened the door with confidence , and stepped inside.

There were many different people , and the air was very hostile . There was a bar , and many tables filled with food and people to eat it .

Luna led Lavender to a room where a man with a handsome face was sitting down.

" He's our party leader , chat him up a bit and apply for a spot. " Lavender was a bit sluggish but he felt he could make the cut .

He sat right across from the leader . He felt as if that man would kill him any second . " Hey , uh ... can I apply for a spot on your part-"

"Yes ." The man had a sparkle in his eyes , as if he had won the lottery.

" You have no idea how many scrawny kids applied to this position. We had dudes with less meat than the Elves we found dead near a tree . "

Lavender felt as if he made a bad decision.

' for one , it's definitely a comforting thing to hear that they reject kids , can't send kids to a warzone. '

But his expression definitely didn't fit his words. ' Is he , desperate ? Is no one applying to his party?'

The sparkle that was in his eyes vanished , his face suddenly turned pale. It was as if he had his expectations and dreams crushed by a heel .

" Hey , The Suicide King is trying to recruit new blood. Dude , new kid , come here for a second. "

The man standing outside the room was a tall man with an enormous beard. His smile was curved to the right of his cheek . He motioned for me to come closer .

As I walked towards him his face became solemn and cold . He cupped his hand and whispered into my ears .

" That man will get you killed . He has a reputation for losing half his party members every time he accepts an offer from a Guild . He takes his party to the frontline and charge at the enemy , and maybe takes out a soldier or two. "

'An incompetent leader ' , this was Lavender's first impression on the man he was about to call his leader .

" Hey , Reynold . Just give the kid an idea into what he's getting into. "

' So his name is Reynold ' . He looked at Reynold and tried to make out what face he was making.

" Hey , if you need a party , just join anybody but Reynold. The Suicide King lost over 30 men last time he ventured into the Dungeon . That's 75% of his party dead . "

People started to look at the Suicide King with disgust. ' Didn't he lose 4 medics at Fort WestGate ' . ' It's confirmed that he led 25 foot soldiers to the west gate and only 5 came back alive ' . ' he lost 6 trained archers to a simple mistake in formation. '

The crowd had a severe distaste of Reynold. 'He led a group comprised of 6 Medics , 25 soldiers, 8 archers and only 10 came back alive . The 10 of them included The Suicide King , what the fuck happened ? '

He looked at the Suicide King , who did not speak to the crowd or counter the claims .

Lavender was a man who needed money , anyone could that the faded colors on his shirt were from time and that his ripped jacket would be rags if not for the zipper.

So Lavender decided to ask a question that was from the rational side of him .

He sat down and looked at the Suicide King , who could not meet his eyes.

" What are your terms , Reynold."

The buzz died down , and the crowd's attention shifted to the Suicide King.

The eyes of The Suicide King gained it's life back .

The one thing that the Suicide King had was money , he was not skilled or talented. He had the money he inherited from his father , and sold the house his family left behind.

He invested in his Party but 75% were no longer alive . He lost many items , some were half a month salary worth .

But none of that mattered. He needed to sign this man right here . He needed to rebuild starting with new blood .

He pulled out a [Mercenary Acknowledgement Contract] ." I'll offer you 60,000,00 million won yearly salary if you sign now ."

The crowd grew silent , as if the amount of cash was overkill.

But that could only be furthest from the truth .

It was actually small for a Mercenary who looked to be somewhat in shape .

But Lavender did not know this , he only saw A-Yeong eating till she was satisfied and her studying in a first rate college .

And he signed the contract right there and then .

The Suicide King picked up a new sword , and for cheap too !