
War, War Never Changes…

A great and ridiculously smart general gone to another world with op powers and intellect. What can go wrong?

Daoisthl7Bcn · Guerra
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 9: Powerful Magic?

(ADVICE: I used some strong language on the description of the terms of surrender. If you don't want to see it, I recommend you just pass over it. It was all in a single cohesive paragraph, for easier jumping over. Nevertheless, I thought it would fit in, and I wanted to try it. Again, It is rather precise and unsettling for some people, so, If you doesn't like this type of thing, you don't need to read. I want this novel to be an enjoyable experience, not something unsettling. I might try using this resource again, but, for this idea, I would like the opinion of the readers, so, please leave a comment saying if you think I can use it at a later date or not.)

Viscount Draken Salwors was a mage with no more than 32 born from a noble lineage in the Duchy of Swor. His family had some recognition thanks to already have generated some mages from within their ranks, but they never thought that one of their own would once achieve the rank of highest ringed mage in the Duchy.

He was someone very powerful, the likes of burning a small city on his own if he had enough time, and somewhat greedy, but normally didn't take part in politics and under the table dealings. That is why he was still a Viscount. If he had one problem, it was that he was a man of pleasures. He would drink whenever he wanted and sleep with whoever he wanted, etc. Actually, the only reason he didn't liked getting his nose on politics was because he was afraid of getting on the bad side of the wrong person.

Anyway, when he was called upon by the military about an invasive army, he thought they were overreacting, but still followed his orders. He assembled the other 74 mages from the Magical Corp of Swor and waited until it was time to get on the battlefield. As they were flying, the unit passed through a rather large cloud. The time it took them to cross it was just enough so that the Duchy's army would be annihilated.

As soon as the Corp descended on the battlefield, Draken became increasingly worried. Even he wouldn't be able to take on an army of that size easily. And yet, this enemy took care of them in seconds?

At the same time, the other mages started to become increasingly anxious. How can an army of that size be taken care of in such a short span, without even bodies to tell the story?

While they had an extremely fearful reaction to their first encounter to te opposite foe, this reaction wasn't mutual.

"Are they going to do something or not" Isaac complained. "Order a marksman to fire a round in the head of one of the 1st ring mages. Let's see how they react."

"Of course, sir." Josiah answered.

Soon enough, a bang resounded through the battlefield and one of mages fell to he ground headless. The power of a Barrett.

Seeing the body, Draken reacted quickly and ordered " Everyone! Start casting your most powerful spells!"

Seeing this development, Isaac started to smirk in a rather dark way. "Let them cast the spells. I want to see their power…"

Not long after, spells of all kinds started flying through the scenery. All the classical ones, you know, Water ball, Fire ball, etc etc. there were also some weird ones like one that seemed to make a greenish goo that spilled through the floor and seemed to eat away biomass. The most powerful one was the one summoned by Draken. It was a ray of condensed light and was very hot, but not enough to melt metal. More than enough to burn skin, for sure.

After all the spells were casted, Isaac said, "How many casualties we had?"

"32 units destroyed, 73 damaged. Of the 73, only 20 need more than basic repairs."

"Has enough data been collected?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then, fire at will. Leave one alive, though. I have plans for him."

Soon enough, the sounds of machine guns started and blood and bodies started piling and pooling in the ground. Draken was one of the first to go, and, in his final moments, he could only be terrified, as he saw the roar of steel coming from the enemy side. Soon enough, only one man was left alive in the midst of this gory scenery. This was way worse than the bombardment, because the bombardment didn't left the bodies, only the craters. This left the flesh and bone.

Isaac and Josiah soon approached the man, who was a 1st ring mage, and, as soon as he saw the pair, he got on his knees and slammed his head on the ground, while saying "Please, don't kill. Please, PLease!! Please, PLEASE!!!!" While screaming, he started crying and pissed himself, leaving a clear mark on his white tunic.

Seeing the he was able to understand everything the man said, Isaac looked to Josiah and asked "I can understand the language?"

"Yes, sir, since day one."

"Why I didn't got to know this?"

"You never asked, sir. I though you knew."

"Meh, it doesn't matter anymore. It helps me, anyway."

Then, Isaac looked at the horrified mage and said in a slow, but very clear and awkwardly unsettling tone. "You are going to the capital, and you are going to met the Duke. When you meet him, I want you to say exactly this, EXACTLY this: you have 2 days to surrender. If you don't, I will raise your capital to the ground, I will kill every son, father, mother, every single living soul in your capital. I will burn them, roast them alive. And you will watch, as every single one of them becomes like a campfire. You will listen to the screams. And I will kill your family as the last ones, if you have any. If you do, I will gut them, grill their bodies and have you eat them. And Lastly, I will slaughter you, like the pig you are!"

The man pissed himself again while he listened to this threat.

"Also, Say to him that I will show that I have the power to do that in a day, even if he agrees to surrender." Isaac said with a smile. "Have you memorized what you need to say?"

The man nodded.

"Then Why are you still here?"

Hearing this, the man got on his feet in a flash and ran like a madman in the direction of the capital.

Watching this, Isaac asked to Josiah "Fuel the bombers. I want small Napalm incendiary bombs as the payload. Not enough to kill a city, just harm some neighborhoods."

"It will be done, Sir."

Heyyyy, everyone. Sorry for the delay. I had that problem I mentioned in the last author's thought, and it lasted a little longer than what I expected, but it is now solved. I think I will launch another chapter tomorrow and maybe one on the 31st. If not on the 31st, then on 1st of January. Thank you alll for the support on the comments and the gifts, and I'm sorry my problems affected the reading of you all. Have a nice New Year's Eve.

Daoisthl7Bcncreators' thoughts