
Peace is calling for help

a message to the queen of war

in and land far away there is a kingdom called the kingdom of peace, ruled by the queen of peace called Sillavana Dorna, under her, she has thousands upon thousands of people of peace living in her kingdom of peace, some that hate her want to kill her and her people, war of darkness she needs a war kingdom of light, and also far away there is a kingdom of war, ruled by the queen of war called Seldanna Dayra, she has thousands upon thousands of female knights under her, who also is getting ready to go on a rally of wars, back in the kingdom of Peace in the chamber room, Sillavana is having a meeting of minds, " any minute an army is going to be outside our doorsteps, we have to protect our people. said. Jhaan Neribalar, " we are not knights here we are a colony of peace Jhann. said, Allynna Leora. " to fight darkness you need light, war of Light that is twenty miles away, send a message to her asking her to meet to talk Sillavana. said, Hubys Royra, " she probably already left on rally Hubys. said, Jhaan, "It's worth a try my queen of Peace, may buy us the time we need, said. Allynna, she heard all three of them, and time for her to decide to do, let fate happen, or send a message to the queen of war, " send her a messenger quick, ordered. Sillavana sends out a message to the queen of war and hope that she will agree to meet with the queen of peace, the messenger makes it just that they were riding out of the gates, and they point their arrows at him. " I come with peace, queen Sillavana has a message for the queen of war, they walked up. " she is not challenging me to attack, so she has nothing to worry about, said. Seldanna, he begins to read the message to her, " She wants a sanction with you Seldanna, said. Alea Orirona, " what does your queen of peace want, " to meet with you? we attack by a war of darkness, will you concern and meet with her? he asked, " I on a seven-day rally, can she hold seven days? asked. Seldanna, "No, they are almost on our doorsteps now. he cried, " safe your tears we clear them off your walls, and to help you I send my castle guards to defend you until I return from the rally, she waved them to come off her walls, they jump off and land on their feet and walked up to them, " don't worry our walls, none would dare to be stupid to attack, go with him back to his castle and defend it until we return. they got on their horse, and they left heading back to the kingdom of peace, as they rode down the trail, they entered the gates, they walked up to them. " this is the army? asked, Hubys, " no sir the guards she sent to guard us, said. the Messenger, " The war queen Seldanna is on a seven-day rally, we are the best castle guards, said. Kali Fenydark. " she is on her way up this way, she said that they will clear them off your walls for you, we will guard you until they return, you should be grateful it is only seven this time, said. Alais Herric, " Why is that? asked, Jhaan. " because it is usually a monthly rally, she fights long other war of light kingdoms, she not the only kingdom of war out here you know, said, Jastira Yinnala. " how good is she, we need a skilled warrior my queen Sillavana, said. Hubys. " you are going to find out how good she is, she is a knight, not a warrior, here she is. said, Caeda Waesgella. they stop at the wall, as the war of dark is heading up the trail, she waves her archers into position, the arrow wheel, they ride into the woods and load their crossbows, " the arrow wheels the arrows they spin their bows around continuous firing, no never survive it, said. Kali, " her warning dies entering for a turn in life, she is a genius, said. Alais, as they enter arrows spawn around like a wheel hitting each target, they fall on the ground bleeding to death, she waves them to stop, and they raise their crossbows, she signals her army to double attack, and they pull out their weapons and ride at them full force, " double attack by both sides no are lift an life, you would want her legions then other, they got in position upon the walls and pulled out their weapons, Seldanna rides up as every dark knight is dead, except for one, her guards walked up and got off their horse and help her off, see hands her helmet, and pulled out her sword, they bring him to her. " why you on my trail, asked. Seldanna, "answered the queen of war. said, Kania. " the queen of war herself, we after the peace freak, he said. " your home is on the way to my rally is it not, your king should know better to not come with his army, as we both war, but I am light, I do not attack kingdoms of peace, but those that prey of none threat, non-challenge kingdoms for sport is fair game and challenge, send out a scout to see how many are in his kingdom, guarded, gated. ordered, Seldanna, Darshee rides out with her scouting army, "One thing I do not do is prey on the dead, mount up move out. they got on their horse and the Calvery archers rode up, they galloped down the pathway, and he fell on the guard and died, as they rode by, they clapped and cheered for them. " magnificent she is quite a skilled knight what is her name? asked. Sillavana, " queen of war Seldanna Roran, answered, Allyuna, day 1 of the rally on the way they are in the valley of winter, the scouting ride up to them." my war queen Seldanna it is empty, only the king of war, said. Darshee, " it could be a trap Seldanna to draw you in to say he got the queen of war, said.Jaonos Keyzumin, Seldannatakes her helmet off. " then let's not give him the change then, set it on fire, so they burn his castle to the ground, she puts her helmet on they ride past the burning castle. back at the kingdom of peace, they were getting to celebrate, the four looked at each other. "