
War of the realms : A gamer's Tale

When gamer Alex discovers that the soldier he's been controlling in a virtual game is actually a real soldier in a real war, he's thrown into a dangerous and deadly battle for survival. With the help of a band of soldiers, Alex must navigate a world he never thought possible, fighting for his life and trying to uncover the truth behind this twisted game. Will he make it out alive, or will he become just another casualty of war?

Loveish · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

"The First Battle"

As the sun began to rise, Alex and the rest of the soldiers were up and moving. They had a long day ahead of them, and the tension in the air was palpable. Alex tried to keep his mind focused on the task at hand, but he couldn't shake the feeling of dread that crept over him.

They had received intel that an enemy stronghold was nearby, and they were to engage in their first battle of the war. Alex had never fought in a war before, let alone a real one. He had only ever played games that simulated war scenarios. This was a whole different ball game.

As they approached the enemy stronghold, Alex could see the fear in the eyes of some of the other soldiers. He couldn't blame them - they were about to risk their lives. He took a deep breath and tried to steady his nerves.

The sound of gunfire shattered the silence, and Alex knew the battle had begun. He followed the lead of the other soldiers, moving from cover to cover, firing at the enemy when he could. The noise was deafening, and Alex struggled to keep his focus.

As the battle raged on, Alex saw some of his fellow soldiers fall. He felt a sense of grief and guilt wash over him, as if he should have been able to do more to help them. He wondered if this was what real soldiers felt like every day - the weight of responsibility for their comrades.

Eventually, the enemy stronghold was taken, but at a great cost. Alex and the rest of the soldiers were exhausted and battered, but they had done their duty. As they gathered to take stock of their losses, Alex felt a sense of pride in what they had accomplished. But he couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning.

As they regrouped and prepared to move out, Alex overheard a conversation between two soldiers. They were discussing the enemy's tactics and how they seemed to have an almost supernatural ability to predict the soldiers' movements. Alex felt a chill run down his spine - was it possible that there was more to this war than met the eye?

The thought stayed with him as they made their way back to their base. He tried to push it to the back of his mind, but it nagged at him. As he lay down to rest that night, he knew that this war was far from over, and he was just starting to understand the true nature of the conflict.

The next day, they were briefed on their next mission. They were to infiltrate an enemy stronghold and gather intel on their movements. Alex knew that this would be a dangerous mission, but he also knew that it was necessary if they were to have any chance of winning the war.

As they made their way to the stronghold, Alex couldn't shake the feeling that they were being watched. He tried to focus on the mission at hand, but his mind kept drifting back to the conversation he had overheard the night before. Could there really be something supernatural at play in this war?

As they approached the stronghold, Alex and the rest of the soldiers prepared for battle. But this time, they were met with a surprise - the enemy was nowhere to be found. The stronghold was empty, as if the enemy had known they were coming.

Alex's mind raced with possibilities. Had they been set up? Or was there something more sinister at play? He knew that they needed to report back to their superiors and find out what was going on.

As they made their way back to their base, Alex couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the air. He knew that this war was far from over and that they were only just beginning to understand the true nature of the conflict.

Alex's heart raced as he heard the sound of approaching footsteps. He held his breath, hoping whoever was coming wouldn't discover him hiding behind the crates. Suddenly, a hand reached out and grabbed him by the collar, pulling him roughly to his feet.

"What are you doing here?" barked a gruff voice. It belonged to a tall, muscular soldier with a scar on his cheek and a fierce look in his eyes.

"I was just looking for somewhere to hide," Alex stammered, trying to sound convincing.

The soldier eyed him suspiciously. "You don't look like one of us. What unit are you with?"

Alex swallowed hard. He knew he had to come up with a convincing story or risk being turned over to the enemy. "I'm with the 23rd Infantry," he said, hoping he had picked a real unit.

The soldier narrowed his eyes. "I don't recognize you. What's your name?"

"Uh, Alex," he replied, realizing he had forgotten to come up with a fake name.

The soldier didn't look convinced, but before he could say anything else, a commotion broke out across the room. Alex heard the sound of gunfire and shouting, and he knew the battle had begun.

The soldier cursed and shoved Alex towards the door. "Get out of here, kid. And don't let anyone see you."

Alex didn't need to be told twice. He bolted out of the room and down the hallway, trying to avoid the chaos around him. He could hear the sounds of battle getting louder as he ran, and he knew he had to find a way out of the building before it was too late.

As he turned a corner, he almost ran right into a group of enemy soldiers. They spotted him immediately and started shouting in their own language. Alex didn't understand what they were saying, but he knew it couldn't be good.

He turned and ran in the other direction, trying to find another way out. But it seemed like every door was locked or blocked, and he was quickly running out of options.

Just as he was about to give up, he spotted a ventilation shaft high up on the wall. It was small, but he thought he might be able to squeeze through. Without hesitating, he jumped up and grabbed onto the edge of the shaft, pulling himself up with all his strength.

As he wriggled through the tight space, he could hear the sounds of the battle fading behind him. He didn't know where he was going or what he would find, but he knew he had to keep moving if he wanted to survive.

Finally, he emerged from the ventilation shaft and found himself in a dark, musty room. He could hear voices coming from somewhere nearby, and he knew he wasn't alone.

Slowly and cautiously, he made his way toward the voices. As he rounded a corner, he saw a group of soldiers huddled together, talking in hushed tones.

At first, they didn't notice him. But then one of them looked up and saw him standing there. "Who are you?" he demanded, raising his gun.

Alex raised his hands in surrender. "I'm a friend," he said, hoping they would believe him.

The soldiers exchanged wary glances, but then one of them stepped forward. "We could use all the friends we can get right now," he said.

Alex breathed a sigh of relief as the soldiers lowered their guns. He knew he still had a lot to learn about this strange new world he had found himself in, but for now, he was just grateful to be alive.

The soldiers started talking to him, telling him more about the war and the enemy they were fighting.

As they made their way back to base, Alex couldn't help but feel like they were being watched. Every rustle in the bushes, every snap of a twig, made him jump. He tried to shrug it off as just his imagination, but the feeling persisted.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of them, blocking their path. It was a woman, dressed in tattered clothes and carrying a bow. She had an air of danger about her, and her eyes were filled with a mixture of fear and defiance.

"Who are you?" Alex demanded, his hand reaching for his weapon.

The woman didn't answer, but instead raised her bow and took aim at them. Alex and the other soldiers raised their weapons in response, ready for whatever may come next.

The tension in the air was palpable as they stood there, weapons at the ready, waiting for the other to make a move. Alex couldn't shake the feeling that this encounter was just the beginning of something much bigger and more dangerous.

With a flicker of uncertainty in her eyes, the woman finally lowered her bow and disappeared into the forest, leaving Alex and the soldiers to wonder what was to come next.