

Far above the great seas of Titan lies a Glamorous city laying high up in the clouds. The city itself is powered by the very clouds it sits up upon as it costumes them for fuel. The city itself is the Jewel of the King of Titan skies Hj Wind.

E_N_Macey · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1 Titan

Far above the great seas of Titan lies a Glamorous city lying high up in the clouds. The city itself is powered by the very clouds it sits up upon as it costumes them for fuel. The city itself is the Jewel of the King of Titan skies Hj Wind.

We start our great tale following Hj having dinner with his mother and 4 council members of his city. Hj looks at the council members opposite him and asks them "What is the urgent news you wanted to see us for?"

The council members look at each other and the one Opposite Hj then says "The Hellraisers sent us another message, Their commander Sabre wishes to meet you."

Hj looks at his council members and asks "So what did you tell them?"

The council member opposite Hj says "We told them you weren't interested but then they sent a ship to our harbour and said" "This isn't a request, Sabre will see your king tomorrow he will be waiting in his flag ship which will be stationed above Titan."

Hj looks at everyone and says "Looks like I have a dictator to annoy. But fear not. I will never join them. I would much rather start a revolution. If that's what I have to do."

His councillors look at him and one of them says "Perhaps we should negotiate and join forces with some of the other factions yet to join them. We need allies if we wish to resist them. They will invade us if we keep declining their requests for us to join the New Order."

Hj stands up and says "send a message to Hydref ask her if she's willing to meet." Hj then walks over to the door and says "Good night everyone, Come and get me when you need me for the meeting." Hj then walks through the door and then goes upstairs through the corridors of the palace and up stairs towards his room.

Hj soon reaches his room and opens the door and walks inside and closes the door behind him. He heads straight for the balcony and slides open the Glassdoor to the balcony and walks outside and rests his arms onto the balcony and looks out across the city. The White and Gold aesthetic. The City was covered in Towers and buildings. But the City was on a slope with the Palace stationed exactly in the middle. Every level holds Homes, Towers and Buildings of all sorts.

The sky burning Orange as Hj looks up and sees a neighbouring moon implode with an orange explosion as Rock and dust fly towards the city. Soon the First meteorite hits an energy dome around the city and crumbles down the edge of the dome. Soon one of the Councillors, followed by some Guards, runs into Hj's room and the councillor asks "Are you alright my lord?"

Hj looks behind him and waves for the Councillor to come to him. Soon the Councillor steps out onto the balcony and Hj says "I watched that explode" as points towards the aftermath of the explosion where the moon used to be. The Councillor in shock asks "What happened?"

Hj looks up towards the councillor leaning against the bannister "I think the Hellraisers were sending a warning. Trying to scare us. Because that moon exploded. They're trying to intimidate us. Make us more likely to sign their contract."

The Councillor, horrified, looks towards Hj who's just leaning there with a calm expression on his face "What are you going to do sir?" Hj looks towards the Guards and then towards the councillor and says "I'm going to have to go to war, I fear. We need allies and we need time. The Hellraisers aren't the most patient of people. Once they discover our intentions they will come for us, And Titans fate will be the same as that Moon."

Hj then looks out towards the city and says to the Counsellor "Go check on the people and send some people to check on the shield generators, I want to know the extent of the damage we might have endured from the explosion and the debris shower."

The councillor looks at Hj and says "Right away my lord." The councillor rushes out of Hj's room and the Guards quickly follow him and close the door behind them. Hj continues to look out across the city but then he looks up at the sky and notices a odd spec so he walks inside and grabs a advanced telescope he had laying on a side table inside and heads back out to the balcony and uses it and looks up towards the odd spec and he sees ships flying back away from recently destroyed moon heading towards a massive ship located next to Saturn and heading towards them.

Hj pulls down his Telescope and snarls heading back inside his room. He places the Telescope back down onto the table and closes the Glass sliding door to the balcony and locks it. He then pulls the curtain shut. He walks through the only other door in his main lounge and heads into his Bedroom and sees his double bed in front of him and walks to the right of it and heads through a door to the side and heads into his toilet. A couple of minutes later he walks out again and gets changed and collapses asleep on the bed.

The next morning Hj wakes up and gets changed and heads out towards the Balcony. He looks out towards the city and sees his beautiful city thriving full of life. Soon Hj looks up and sees the enormity of the Hellraisers flag ship stationed in orbit above the city. The presence of the red paint job on the ship. The whole design screamed death. But Hj was not shaken by this. Hj soon walks back inside and heads out of his room and down towards the Councillors chambers.

Hj walks into the Councillors main hall and sits down at a chair upon the grand table located in the middle of the room and pours himself a drink as the Councillors start to arrive. Shocked to see the young king, one of the councillors asks "My lord what brings you down here?"

Hj looks up at them and says "The events of last night and the events that I have to endure today." The Councillor who saw Hj last night then walks in and stops in shock and says "My lord, I had people go and check all across this Station and across the city but there was no signs of damage or wear to any of our systems, The only thing of concern is the fact we need to replace some of the filters for the gas mining. Because of all the dust and rock particles from last night's events."

Hj looks at the councillor and says "That's good news, Please could you send someone to refresh the filters, Do you know what time my meeting with the Hellraisers is?" The Counsellor looks at Hj and says "I believe it is at Lunch sir in about 2 hours. But I would recommend you leave within the hour and you go in one of the armour suits."

Hj looks at the councillors and says "Come on everyone sit, you don't need to stand there all day." The Councillors walk over towards the table and sit down across the table. One of the other Councillors asks Hj "My lord what is your plan with the Hellraisers?"

Hj looks towards her and says "My plan is to remain neutral but I believe last night was a clear example of what the Hellraisers will do if we continue to refuse their invitation. But be reassured I will do everything I possibly can to keep our people out of their hands. I would rather raise an army and go to war than sign that treaty they probably have waiting for me up there."

Hj then looks towards the councillors and asks "Did we hear back from Hydref in the end?" One of the councillors from the meeting last night says "Yes my lord we did, She's willing to meet you and she would like to come here." Hj looks at the Councillor and says "That's perfect, Tell her we agree and we would like to see her today if she isn't busy handling what happened last night."

Hj reaches out for his drink and takes a sip and one of his councillors asks him "My lord would resisting the Hellraisers and the New order be a wise course of action, Perhaps we should consider joining them. They are the most advanced civilisation in the known Galaxy on Necron and The new order is the most powerful empire since the the fall of your Grandfather's empire. I guess what I'm saying is, are you sure your judgment on this matter is clear and you're not letting your personal feelings cloud your judgment?"

Most of the councillors look at this one in shock as they could not believe in what they had just heard whilst she sat there in fear of what could be Hj's wrath. Instead Hj leaned forward and looks towards her and says "You know I appreciate what you just said. I like it when you question me from time to time rather than just sucker up and say yes to everything I say and suggest. Well done you. But I will say this, My Grandfather by the end of his rule was an insane man drunk on power. I've seen the things he did. Even for a god he was heartless towards the people below him. When Axis overthrew him and most of the other gods of the time he was doing something no one else could. But Axis soon found himself slave to the same curse that befell my Grandfather, Greed. I will not join the New Order because I do not like the idea of what Axis would do to me if he found out I was alive and if he ever did I can't imagine what sorts of horrors he'd put me and all you threw to get to me. In the eyes of Axis I am a road block for him to have true rule. But to many Factions that are part of the Empire I am the true air to that throne and even to some Factions that split like our own I am the true ruler that deserves to be sat upon that throne. That is why I do not want to join. So I am Sorry for you all to have to pay the toll for my existence if that's where our future leads."|

One of the councillors stands up and says "My lord, Your existence is not a burden to us, It is a gift and one should not have to pay for the sins of their grandfather's mistakes. You are not your Grandfather neither is your mother her father. We love you for everything you have done for us and for our families. Without your leadership and your wisdom we would have fallen years ago. So do not think of yourself as a liability my lord, To us you are our saviour the fact you are a god isn't anything to do with why we put you on that throne. It's your calmness even in the most horrifying of situations like last night. You took the lead and from what he's told us you were calm and weren't even terrified. So please sir, do what you believe is right for us, We will follow your lead into Hell as we know we will see a new dawn with you leading us."

Hj looks towards this councillor and says "Thank you, all of you. I will continue to make the best decision I can whilst I remain your leader, I promise you. But if you would all please excuse me I must go and prepare." Hj chugs the rest of his drink and heads out the door and heads back up towards his room.

Hj soon arrives at his room and opens the door to walk inside, He heads over towards a table and picks up his smartwatch and places it on his wrist. Hj then heads into his bathroom and combs his hair and starts to put on his Protective armour and grabs his suit's helmet and walks out of his room.

Hj starts to head towards the main hall walking through corridors of Golden ceilings and white floors. Wide open windows looking out towards the Grand city. Hj continues to wander through the corridors heading down towards the bottom floor of the palace. Soon Hj reaches the bottom of the palace and heads through a grand golden door way into his Throne room and as he walks through he walks over to his white and Gold throne and strokes the armrest of the throne and says to himself quietly "I will continue what you started dad." Hj then walks towards the front door to the palace and opens the White and gold door and steps outside and sees the grand architecture of the city. Statues made of Gold and White materials scattered around the grand stair way down through the city and circling the palace.

Hj Starts to walk down the star case with his Helmet in one hand as his hand slides down a handlebar to the side of the stairs. As he arrived at every new level he waved to people walking by, Soon he came to the lowest level of the city and walked along the edge of the city towards a Harbour. He soon arrived at the Harbour and walked up to a shuttle waiting for him.

Hj begins to walk up the ramp into the Black and Brown shuttle and sits down on a seat inside. He reaches up and puts on his seat belt and slots on his helmet. Soon the Ship begins to shake as someone over the ship's intercom says "Shuttle 237 now departing Aeron station, Heading for Black Sabre. The estimated flight time is 12 minutes."

A roaring sound came from the ship's engines as the shuttle began to take off. The sound of the engines roar was scaring away all forms of wildlife that were flying outside the shuttle. Birds of all sizes Big and Small were flying away from the Shuttle.

The Shuttle soon arrives at The Black sabre. The Black Sabre is the flagship of the Hellraisers, It's a type 3 Attack cruiser capable of carrying 10,000 troops onboard and 50 New order shuttles and 1 mining drill. 20 tanks and over 30 land transporters and 1 portable base. The ship's hull looked like it was made from black steel and Black Rock with Blood red paint scattered across the hull. Whilst the engines produced a black cloud of smoke behind them. The Ship had 2 Red Sabres crossed with a Demon's head in between them painted on the side of the ship in blood red paint as the symbol for the Hellraisers.

Hj's shuttle started to fly into an open hanger in the side of the Cruiser. The shuttle looked like a small Frisbee next to a 2 story house. As the Shuttle landed in the open hanger in a landing spot the Hanger door began to close slowly and once the door closed the room began to re pressurise and the Shuttles ramp began to open up. Hj unplugged himself and began walking down the ramp with his suit still on.

The floor of the hanger was full of sand and small rocks, The walls were stained with what looked like blood or badly done paint job. The Darkness swallowed the room hiding whatever dark secrets lurked within the room. Hj looks up and sees nothing but darkness. Hj breathes heavily as he looks around the room for the exit. Suddenly light began to shine into the Hanger as a doorway began to open. 2 solid metal doors began to slide open. Hj begins to walk towards the light.

2 figures covered in black armour with the Hellraisers logo on their shoulders and their Demon figure painted onto their helmets in Blood red paint arrive in the light on the other side of the doorway. Hj stands still on the other side of the door and stairs towards them. After a few moments of tense silence another figure arrives but this time it seems to be a woman arriving wearing similar Hellraiser armour but she wasn't wearing any helmet. The other figures turn to the side and solute her as she walks past them. She stands there and looks at Hj and asks "Are you the one they call Hj?"

Hj looks at her and says through his helmet "I am". The woman looks at Hj and says "We're so glad you came, My names commander Anna of the Hellraisers, Please could you follow me." Hj steps forward and walks through the doorway and starts to follow Commander Anna through the Ships corridors. The walls covered in Dents and scars, The Paint job is battered, discoloured and stained. As they walk through the ship they pass more and more of the figures in the black Hellraiser Armour and Hj asks Anna "Who are they?".

Anna continues walking but glasses back at Hj and says "Some are Necromians, Some are humans from Earth and Some are Cybers but they are all Hellraisers and proud soldiers in the New Order army." Hj looks towards one of the passing soldiers and sees their rough Black armour which was covered in stone like material painted black, Their arms had a rough Hellraisers logo on it and their helmets were all black with the Red demon face paint on the front.

Hj soon stops and sees Anna Press a button which calls an Elevator. The Pair step inside whilst the 2 soldiers who have followed Hj from the hanger wait outside. Soon the elevator started to go and Hj started to watch as the light kept flashing as they passed every new floor until they seemed to have reached the top and the elevator stopped and the Doors began to open and Anna said "This is it, Come on."

Hj walks out of the Elevator and follows Anna's lead. This floor seems to be a lot more clean Hj thought to himself as they walk through Corridors where the paint on the walls have got zero signs of deterioration and the floors are clean. Hj and Anna soon stop outside a door in the corridor and Anna says "In here." Hj pushed open the door and walked inside. As he steps inside he looks towards the left and sees a big horse shoe shaped table and at the top end of it lies a being in dark red armour and a dark red helmet but he has a black Hellraiser symbol on his chest and two unfamiliar symbols on his arms. The man in Dark red looks towards Hj and says "Please take a seat. Our other guests should be arriving soon"