
Chapter 1 - A Nonsensical Invention

"My latest medicine will make the paralyzed walk, the blind see, and even regenerate amputated limbs."

Professor Theo delivered a speech in front of thousands, including royalty, government officials, and ordinary people, at a five-star hotel ballroom. His speech was broadcast on television, live-streamed, and displayed on Videotron screens in buildings.

After explaining his miraculous discoveries for several hours, he exclaimed, "If you all have any questions, please feel free to ask."

An elderly Japanese man stood up, and his team handed him a microphone. "Is it possible to regrow amputated limbs?"

"Of course, Mr. Ryota."

"Can you give us evidence, Professor Theo?" A bearded man seated at the front sensibly inquired. "We can't believe it without proof. As the Presidential Advisor, I cannot allow false promises. Besides, why don't you try it on yourself? Don't you need it too?"

"I wish I could, but regrettably, my medicinal ingredients are scarce and hard to obtain. Thus, I intend to donate them to the youth of America. After all, I'm 66 years old," he chuckled.

The man couldn't answer anymore.

"If you don't believe me, I'll prove it." Professor Theo signaled to his assistant, and a young man in a wheelchair, assisted by another, took the stage. One of his legs had been amputated due to a fatal accident at five.

"Now, I'll demonstrate." Professor Theo took a small bottle from the box and handed it to the young man.

"Drink this."

The young man hesitated for a moment.

"Don't worry. After consuming it, you'll regain your legs. Most importantly, this potion has no side effects." He smiled gently as if he could sense the young man's apprehension.

The worry slowly faded from the young man's face. Without further hesitation, he accepted the medicine and took a sip.

The room fell silent. Every eye in the room was fixed on the young man with anticipation. However, after a few minutes passed, nothing changed.

"I told you from the beginning, it's impossible. Now it's proven!" Someone said firmly.

"Wait a little longer." Professor Theo remained calm and composed.

Someone shouted, "Disperse! Don't listen to his nonsense!"

Ryota, a Japanese scientist, patted his colleague on the shoulder, encouraging him to sit down and follow Professor Theo's request.

Before long, the young man groaned in pain as his legs slowly regrew and became healthy once more.

"My legs?" The young man exclaimed, wide-eyed and beaming. "Amazing!"

"Was it all a setup?"

"Is the old man a miracle worker?"

The entire audience was in awe, with whispers spreading among the thousands of people.

"Now it's been proven that my medicine can cure all diseases, even the impossible ones."

Professional Theo's discovery made him famous worldwide. People from various countries and backgrounds flocked to seek healing or witness the miraculous events.


Deogor watched the event on television with indifference. He had no interest in his uncle's fame.

"Why is he so eager to help others when the world has been so cruel to him?"

"Boring." He turned off the television and returned to his study table to delve into books on mythological creatures in archaeology. 

However, the news of his uncle's success continued to nag at him. 

"Tsk! Why does Uncle Theo never believe that mythological creatures are real? Even though he believes in something that seems impossible to the world, namely the medicine he created."

Knock! Knock! Knock!

He grumbled in annoyance and went to open the apartment door. A man with a cane greeted him with a sweet smile.

"Why do you always come to my apartment?"

"Why are you always so rude to me?" Professor Theo chuckled. "Of course, I wanted to see my handsome nephew." He stroked Deogor's cheek, but the young man immediately brushed it off.

"I'm not a child anymore! Stop caressing my cheek," he grumbled.

Professor Theo laughed even more. "In my eyes, you're still the little boy five years."

Deogor lowered his head sadly. "If my parents were still alive, you wouldn't have to care for me." He returned to the sofa and sat down lethargically.

Professor Theo sighed heavily. "I understand your feelings, Deogor. But your parents' death is not a mystery for you to solve. They died in an accident."

"But I saw it with my own eyes, Uncle!" He shouted angrily, tired of hearing his uncle's denials.

"Back then, you were very young and didn't understand anything. The monster sighting was just your imagination. No monsters exist in this world; they exist only in movies and comics." He sat beside Deogor and rubbed his shoulders to calm him down.

"You're annoying!" He brushed off the older man's hand roughly. "I'll hate you for the rest of my life!"

Deogor stormed into his room and slammed the door. He leaned against the door, and fists clenched tightly. Anger and disappointment welled up, threatening to explode in his heart.

"Asshole! Why doesn't anyone believe me, not even my uncle?" Unbeknownst to him, tears streamed down his face as he relived the horrifying events.