
War Act I: Forgotten Planet

Continuation of War Act I: Factory of Heroes

KHOOLA · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

Chapter 5: Revenant

"Hmm.. ya do know 'I love you', right?"

Forgotten City, Beach Front 1821Y 05M01D 0001H

. .

Proving Grounds: Forgotten Planet; Forgotten City, Beach Front

1821Y 05M07D 2000H

Smirf and So'liel made a small cottage outside, to pass the days. Having the same daily routines and adding something insane in between every now and then.

As always Smirf takes a shower before going to bed and Azaleah is always waiting for her...

"Cat, it seems to me you are having less and lesser clothes every time you sleep." Azaleah looking at Smirf wearing Mat's sleeveless shirt then her undergarments. "Am a girl Azi, Ah don't like being uncomfortable when Ah sleep." Starting to prepare the bed.

"I am not an idiot you dumb Cat, but why are you wearing those and sleeping beside Mat?" Raising her eyebrows.

"Ya don't mind, do ya Mat?" Smirf held Mat's head with both hands then shook it. "See Azi, Mat says it is okay," She put the blanket on them then cuddled beside him. Azaleah just rolled her eyes then sat on top of the blanket.

. . .

"Well, took you long enough!"

Mat opened his eyes then took a deep breath.

"So, how was the afterlife?"

"I can't remember anything," He looked down and saw Smirf sleeping soundly on his chest with drool all over, snoring quietly then talking gibberish.

"Well, — anyway, the group left and this stayed." Azaleah sitting on Smirf's head. "Did they properly say goodbye?" He asks.


"Then, all is well... I still can barely move, let us talk in the morning."

"Okay, rest well... and good to have you back."


. . .

Proving Grounds: Forgotten Planet; Forgotten City, Beach Front

1821Y 05M07D 2000H

'Cat, Cat, wake up you lazy...' Smirf heard her calling but as usual, she crawled inside Mat's shirt then said. "Five mo' minutes Azi... is so nice and warm here, Ah t'ink Ah could sleep forever. Hmmm, zzzz..."

"Dumb Cat, he is warm. Right?"

The thought pierced through Smirf's consciousness. Her eyes opened wide and started feeling him out. She laid her ears as close to his chest as possible and hear his heartbeat. Smirf instantly got out of his shirt and threw away the blanket, straddling him — stared. His once dark hair is highlighted by white now, he lost weight and a lot of scars showed up out of nowhere.

He slowly opened his eyes. "What's the commotion?" He asks.

Smirf started bouncing up and down in excitement; she couldn't contain herself. "Y'ar... Y'ar..."

"I am 'undead', have you forgotten? Could you stop — you're making me... uncomfortable." She stopped then hug him instantly, he could feel his shoulder dampening; short muffled cries coming out of her. "I am starting to get worried about your choice of attire."

"T'is okay, just let me stay a little — longer."

He just breathes a little bit slower and put a hand on her waist.

"Cat, cat... It seems like we are missing a burnt fish here somewhere — hmm." Azaleah hovering in the background. Smirf sprung up, then exclaimed. "Ya, hungry right? Ya haven't ate anythin' for a month!" She ran off dashing through kitchen wares, then shouting to So'liel to prepare the griller.

"A month!?" He looked at Azaleah. "Nevermind, so, what is the situation?" Azaleah sat on his shoulder. "I got the coordinates of our next destination, somewhere in the middle of the Arctic Ocean."

"Ocean? That is like finding a needle in a haystack."

"Not quite, we are not finding that needle with only our bare hands — anyway, down south I found us a boat. A really nice boat and some supplies to boot, just need muscles to haul them."

"Good then... where is our first destination?"

"We are going straight to Central Asia, then move our way up looking for clues and anything we could use."

"Are the others going there too?"

"No, their heading to the South East, Japan."

"Why so?"

"Well, with those idiots navigational expertise, getting to the closes landmass is their best shot at getting anywhere. So, its Japan for them then Central — Arctic."

"I see..."

"So, how are you feeling?"

"Weak... but getting better. I guess,"

"Good, let us head out... the weather is good."

"Yeah, I am a bit hungry — have not eaten for a... month!?"

"Hoh ho ho... well then, Cat's burnt surprise fish specialty will be our remedy for that, Hoh ho ho ho"

He smiled.

Smirf shouting outside telling So'liel to watch the fish, while she prepares everything else, running here and there then forgetting what she was to do.