
Wanted To Be Loved

I should have, I should have had her sooner . I should have devoured her, making every piece of her mine . She dares to run away, this time when I catch my sweet wife, I will tell her what it means to be married to the King of Werewolves.

Jannat_876 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs


"I should have, I should have had her sooner .

I should have devoured her, making every piece of her mine!

She dares to run away, this time when I catch my sweet wife, I will tell her what it means to be married to the King of Werewolves"

It was hundreds of years ago when the first Werewolves species was born and founded by a tourist couple near a remote village far in the mountains covered with forest, who went there after their retirements, they wanted to spend the time they had left in peace .

Unfortunately, they didn't have any children and were first quite pleased and happy at the sight of an abandoned newborn child that looked to be a day or so old.

They decided to adopt the child and raised him for years , he was a strange child from the beginning but at the age of eight, he started showing strange signs, like a voice in his head speaking to him, advanced abilities, monstrous strength and vice versa.

They called many doctors and psychotherapists but the results were always disappointing.

Then on his eighteenth birthday that child turned into a wolf .

That scared his parents but they didn't want to let anyone harm him.

Their old age perhaps scared them of the loneliness and the malice of people to those they don't understand.

So, they hid him and also the fact that he was a new species.

They, with their son went deep in the forest to live and from there on the life of Werewolves started.

Just like this couple many more people had done the same, they hid them and raised them but later when this species grew undeniably in number, the fact was no longer hidden and werewolves were made human slaves.

They were quite beautiful and handsome, there strength and stamina was enormous.

And the government feared them going on a rampage.

They were used in many ways, nobles and royalties often used them for the purpose of personal pleasure and violation.

This slavery went on for ages and then a rebel party started conquering the small towns of the empire.

This marked the start of the werewolves era.

The Emperor who was a very extravagant and useless person, who loved only luxury and women, was a very tactful person .

He was ruthless to even his court people and everyone was a slave to him .

When werewolves started conquering and the whole empire raised their flags in submission, he had no choice but to send a negotiation party but the leader of Werewolves killed everyone and presented their heads in a platter .

As the threat of Werewolves rose neighbouring countries also joined in this war from the side of the humans and for once , everyone decided to work together against the rising forces of Werewolves but the result was disappointing.

It was clear that if this war goes on werewolves would be victorious.

Both parties were suffering and casualties increased ten folds with every passing day.

At this point to stop this war both werewolves and humans agreed to negotiate and the papers of peace treaty were signed under the condition that the King of Werewolves will marry the princess of the country from which the war broke out, to show that werewolves and humans are equal and both parties hold no resentment.

Unfortunately that princess was just ten years old at the moment and as soon as the treaty was signed she was confined in a tower.

After years and for many years when everything seemed to be settled and werewolves and humans started their lives again, this time as equals.

On The princess seventeenth birthday, King Howled loud enough for the whole capital to know, he howled to everyone as he had found his mate.

Fellow werewolves also howled in happiness and the wind of happiness flew in the whole empire.

Both humans and werewolves enjoyed and celebrated the night the King found his mate .

But, what about the princess ?

No one even remembered her to even think of that question.

The princess that was confined after her parents and every single relative was killed?

Just when she thought that it was her chance to escape,

the upper council still remembered the treaty term and the story of "Wanted To be Loved" started.