
The Swan


Suddenly, a cold voice stopped them, they both turned around to see who it was.

Her heartbeat rate changed because of gladness.

"Who are you?" Mark frowned.

The man came closer and stopped within two meters away.

"I'm the bodyguard of the woman you're forcing," Gian replied calmly.

Mark smirked in disappointment. "You're just a bodyguard! You are nothing compared to me!"

Then, he dragged the young woman again back inside the room.

"Let me go!"

Without a word, the bodyguard gave a strong kick on his back and Mark instantly fell on the floor.

He immediately stood to attack; he came closer and punched the bodyguard on his face.

But Gian had caught his fist, twisted his arms on his back, then kick the back of his leg that made him kneel on the floor.

Gian turned to Ellah.

"AGGH FUCK!" Mark growled in pain.

Then, he saw an empty glass above the table and immediately threw it to the bodyguard but, in no seconds Gian caught it quickly with full force which no one expected.

Ella was stunned while Mark surprised gritting his teeth.

"Wow!" Ellah exclaimed.

Gian threw it back on the suitor and instantly, Mark ducked to avoid it and the glass hit the wall.

Mark hasn’t recovered yet when a strong punched, hit on his face. He tasted his own blood coming from his lips.

That's when the securities of the hotel came in.

"What's happening here?" Looking at a man lying on the floor that has bruises on the lips and a man standing without a single wound.

"You will pay for this!" Mark stared sharply at the bodyguard while trying to stand.

"Sir, all of you, come to the manager's office."

Silently, they did.

When the manager saw them, Ellah expected the woman to talk to her, but unfortunately, she approached her suitor.

"Sir, are you okay?"

"Do I look like I am?" Mark sarcastically responded.

"Can we settle this in the easiest way? You're both rich and powerful anyway."

They both agreed and paid the damages.

When they were outside Mark faced Gian again.

"I won't slip this! I'll make you pay!" Mark pointing his finger at him.

"We already paid besides, I don’t have any money to pay you," Gian replied coldly.

The man walked out.

Ellah turned to her bodyguard.

"Why'd you do that?"

"What do you want me to do? Just watch?"

"That's not what I mean, but you shouldn't do that, he is influential! He's a president of canning company, don't you know that?"

Of course, he knew that he is the president of a sardine company. It is one of MEDC's clients.

"You already said that. What else? " Gian whispered coldly.


He left the boss and turned the car on.

Gian thought the two will have a relationship.

He did not even think that he would meet her date unexpectedly!

Ellah followed him and went inside.

"You don't get it, do you? He is influential and you are dragging my name in shame with that useless stunt of yours!"

Gian clenched his fist and spoke.

"You're right, I shouldn't help a useless woman humiliated by a worthless man in front of me."

Upon hearing it, Ellah fired up.

"Useless woman? How dare you! You are nothing! You are just a bodyguard! You hear me!"

Ellah emphasized the position as if it was the most worthless job.

And that's him!

Gian cuts his calmness and stares the woman sharply.

"Listen up! Yes, I am nothing, but your life depends on my hands so don't you dare as long as I am your bodyguard! Got it, lady?"


"One more word and you'll see what a bodyguard means."

That made Ellah shut up.

She doesn't know why this jerk can control her!

Fuck this man!



A few days later, Ellah requested to shop at the mall to relieve stress.

Many girls are staring at them, especially at the man on her back three steps behind.

Ellah glanced at his bodyguard who's looking somewhere else not noticing the girls swooning and giggling at him.

One of the girls shouted.

"He's so hot!"

Then, without a word Ellah holds his arm and dragged him away.

She found a black cap and put it on his head enough to cover his face.

"Wear that, you're not hot," Ellah said raising an eyebrow. "Cover your face okay?"

He smiled and shook his head.

While Gian is following the boss' order, he discovered something.

Ellah doesn't hold grudges.

If she's mad at you today, tomorrow it's gone.

That made him, admires her even more.

Then, Gian noticed that they were wearing the same clothes as his boss.

Ellah's outfit is fitted with black jeans and a white blouse with flat rubber shoes, the only difference is his leather jacket.

Wearing like a couple shirts, shopping in a mall will be considered as date, but unfortunately, it's not, because every weekend the lady boss dates different men.

Meanwhile, Ellah is reminiscing those moments with her bodyguards before.

The last days, she's with them.

She missed their jokes and their laughter.

Now, it's different, she has only one bodyguard and is far from being a goon.

He looks like a mafia boss.

'Oh hell! Mafia is rich not this one!'

Until there was one thing that caught her attention.

There was a man holding a handgun and shooting something.

"I like that swan!" She pointed while looking at the glass box where the white thing was.

"Fuck! Why I can't get it!" The man threw the gun at its owner.

"I am sorry, sir, but you got your shots failed three times."

The man cursed before he left.

Ellah approached the owner as Gian observed what this lady was doing.

The seller taught her the mechanics.

"Is that so? It's easy." Ellah said and made him amused.

How could it be so easy when a man before who played here did not get it.

"Madam, there is a line under your feet, do not cross."

Ellah stepped back.

She's excited on getting the black swan in a synthetic fur, it's not ordinary like the white ones.

"The white swans will start moving. Are you ready madam?"


She stood straight and held the handgun tightly.

They heard the man press somewhere and the swans started moving.

Everything moves pretty fast, except the target who's in the middle.

She pulled the trigger and shot.


It took a while to play and two turns in a row, but she did not hit it.

Failed again.

"Ah!" disgusted, she lowered the gun she was holding.

"Can I just buy it how much is that?"

Gian shook his head in disappointment.

"Madam, if you buy this, what's the use of the game? Wouldn't it be more fun if you work hard before you get it?"

"Annoying!" Ellah shouted.

"Don't be upset madam, there is one more left."

Ellah turned to Gian who's leaning on the wall while watching her silently.

"You!" She exclaimed, pointing at him. "Play this!"

Without a choice, Gian did and took the handgun.

The seller started the mechanics again.

"Ready, sir?"

"All right. "

The young man stood without crossing the line.

"I hope you get that, please" the lady boss muttered that Gian could hear.

He turned over his shoulder to look at Ellah.

"Don't worry. I'll get it for you."

One of her eyebrows rose up.

"Show it to me, boy!"

He chuckled.

She doesn't know about him, yet he has no intention of disappointing her.

At least in small things like this, Ellah can see his worth.

"Sir, I'll start now."

He stood up straight and hold the gun calmly.

"Are you the owner?"

"Yes, sir."

He analyzed the movement of the white swans who's like the barrier on the target.

They were in a slant position while all of them were swinging pretty fast, but with two inches distance each.

Half of them swinging to the left and other half were going to the right.

After knowing the strategy of the game.

His gaze deepened on the black swan as if it was a slow motion.

He aimed the gun directly to the black swan while waiting for the white swans pass.

As if on cue, he pulled the trigger and shot.


"Sir, you got it!" announced the seller.

And the swan fell for a moment.

"YEEEEESSS!" Ellah with wide arms open is running in his direction.

Gian expected her to hug him and he made himself ready for that.

But what happened next made his mouth hanging open.

Elllah immediately picked the fallen swan and kissed that thing.

"Yes! Muah! Yes!"

The seller mockingly laughed while looking at him, he glared at the man, but the man laughed even more.

He turned to Ellah.

"I told you, right?" Gian smiled so the disappointment will not be too obvious.

"We are leaving, " he said to the owner.

The seller became serious.

"Sir, can I ask?"

Gian felt something but he nodded.


"You hit the target easily, besides you still wearing a hat covering your face. You did not even close one of your eyes, didn't even blink, it is not just luck, right?"

He can see that the seller is reading his moves.

"It is," he replied before leaving.

"Thank you, sir!"

Ellah, was surprised when the seller salutes his guard before they left.

"Why did he do that?"

Gian shrugged. "Maybe because you didn't buy that stuff."

"Hmp! This is your punishment for making me mad last time." Ellah pouted.

With a low voice, Gian muttered under his breath.

"I'm sorry."

Ellah smiled.

Gian smiled geniunely.

That's when Ellah's phone rings.

"Yes?" She answered. "What do you mean rejected?"

Gian became serious while looking at the lady boss.

"What the hell! Fix that immediately! Do not call me if it's not!" Ellah almost threw her phone in disgust.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

The lady boss turned to him.

"We got rejected by the plant."