
The Responsibility


Ellah, supervises all the laborers on the production site just to make sure they can ship the product on time.

All of them are busy, including him who offered to help.

In a few moments, she went to her bodyguard as his sweat is dripping all over his face.

"That's enough. You might get tired."

"Don't worry."

Ellah walked back to the site office, and he followed.

She gave him a towel. “Here, wipe it.”

'Wow! Had she just handed over a towel to him? The heaven seems to be performing some miracles today'

" Since you helped, I'll give you some information, the target sales, we are eyeing here is one million... or - why?"

He almost choked on what he heard.

"Are you okay?"

"One million! Out of ten trucks?!"

"Yes, but of course, we have to exclude the expenses, so more or less seven hundred thousand. Anyway, I'll go outside."

He nodded.

Now, he sees the other part of this woman's personality, and he must admit, he’s a bit impress.

He might have been gaining a bit of her trust since she told him something confidential about their business.

The young man smiled alone. He doesn't care even if he looked stupid!



" Ladies and gentlemen, our overall sale for this month is three million, less our expenses we got two million five hundred thousand three hundred and fifty-two cents, " the financial manager announced.

They all applauded.

Ellah, together with the officials are sitting around the long table. This is a meeting they hold every month to ensure they are up to date with the company’s progress and sales.

While the staff is still explaining, she is thinking about what to say.

Anyway, she is confident about this meeting as all of them are her staff. Her people.

The marketing manager followed, informing they got the six month contract for GMC plant.

The production manager followed explaining they had enough daily production.

"And that’s all because of our smart and beautiful GM, she was able to manage to trim down a contract with BMG up to three percent!"

She can see the happiness and joy in their faces.


"That's amazing!"

"How did she do that?"

Everyone applauded again.

She smiled and nodded.

Until all officials finished their reports and it is her turn.

"Now, let us hear from our lady boss Ms. Ellah."

The maiden stood up at the front and looked around.

"I know how busy all of us for the last three days.

I'm so grateful for all your cooperation, for the efforts and determination.

Of course, nothing is impossible if we have the same goal. Perseverance and teamwork are what made us achieve this."

Ellah looks the people around her.

The happiness that she can see on their faces make her to strive with confidence. She believes that she can do more than this.

" Ladies and gentlemen, without you... I am nothing! "

All of them applauded.

" I'll treat you to dinner tonight, are you okay with that, guys?"

"Yes Ms.!"



In the evening, they decided to have their dinner at a grill restaurant.

Everybody is enjoying their meal, having a light conversation with their colleagues.

If there is one thing she likes about their employees, that is their teamwork.

These people are one of the reasons why she remains in a lower position and not taking a higher rank.

Higher position means bigger responsibilities.

If there is one thing, she is afraid the most... it’s to fail.

In her world where reasons are not enough, failing is never an excuse.

It is better to remain in lower position where people accept mistakes.

'I belong here.'

Ellah is happy with their achievements.

She's proud that even if she is a woman, she'll be able to handle men's business.

Speaking of a man.

She glances at the man beside her, he is so quiet and shy.

But she noticed that most girls were kept looking at him and giggling silently.

"Guys, listen." Ellah clapped her hands.

All of them looked at her.

"I forgot to tell you that someone helped us to get the three percent on BMG. This idea was not mine."

Gian swallowed upon thinking it's him.

His chest starts beating fast, he knew where this conversation going.

It is him!

Another thing he hates is catching people's attention.

And it starts...

"Yes Ms. Who is she?" curiously ask by one of the employees.

"A woman? Or a man?"

"How did he make it?"

"A brilliant one though!"

"May we know who it is Ms?"

"You won't believe it, but none other than..."

Gian can not help but secretly pinch the arm of the lady boss, and she turned to him.

He automatically shook his head as a signal for her to shut up.

To his dismay, Ellah didn't get it.

"...None other than Gian!" she turned to the young man smiling widely.

Now, he gets everyone's attention.

Everybody appreciated and admired him some said that was a brilliant idea.

He kept on smiling.

"Hey Gian, you're great huh?" a woman named Myra said.

"Not really."

He heard so much appreciation and Ellah noticed he kept his silence.

Maybe he doesn't want to catch attention just like her.

"I knew you're stressed and tired, let's drink cheers!"


All of them held their glasses and tossed up.

They had so much fun.

Ellah stood up when she felt dizzy.

"I think I need to go home. Be careful ladies, gentlemen please accompany them, okay?"

"Yes Ms."

"You too Ms. Be careful!"

One of the officers tapped Gian's shoulder.

"Bro, take care of our boss, huh?"

"You can count on me."

"Ah, Mr. James Valdez, the production manager." Ellah introduced them.

"Gian Villareal, sir."

"I already know you; I can easily remember brilliant people."

The young man smiled.

"We need to go, thank you very much guys, " Ellah said.

"Thank you very much Ms." everyone replied.

As they went out, she closed her eyes.

The young woman almost trips, she leaned on his shoulder as he walked towards the parking lot.

"Ms. Can you walk?"

"I can, but don't leave me."

"That won't happen." Gian assured.

He held her on both shoulders so that she would not fall, until they reached the car.

Gian saw the young woman biting her lips.

"Will you stop that?"


"Stop biting your lips as if you're seducing someone."

"I am not seducing anyone! I feel like I want to throw up!"

Gian almost chuckled. "Outside please?"


When Ellah felt calm, she no longer feel throwing up.

"Mr. Villareal."

Gian glances on her.

"In case you want to work for the company, just say so."

"My job is enough."

Ellah closed her eyes to sleep and didn't hear the last word his bodyguard said.

"Enough to protect you."



A few weeks later Gian did his job and responsibilities.

Somehow, he learned a lot from her.

He remembered what had happened at the restaurant.

For the first time she called his name, and he liked it.

He could not believe that this is how the woman managed the staff, so maybe, she became the General Manager not only because of being the president's granddaughter or as an heiress but because she got the skills to deserve the position.

She now sees Ellah as a great businesswoman!

"Good morning, Ms." greetings from her secretary.

"Good morning, Jen."

"Ms. I’ll just stay outside," he interrupted the conversation.

She turned to him, "Don't you want to come in?"

"Why not?"

The lady smiled and he noticed that.

He looked around inside her private office.


He sat on a sofa in front of the lady boss and watch her busy at work.

"Maybe I can help you just say so."

"No, just don't make any noise," Ellah replied while signing the papers.

The young man still wondering while looking at the glass wall as the vehicles pass by.

He turned to his boss.

"I have to go Ms."


Ellah smiled and nodded.

Gian left the place and went to the rooftop of the building where he could relax and think peacefully as the fresh air welcomed him.

This is the only chance his mind will calm, unlike during his job as an agent where ever he may be relaxation is not in his vocabulary.

After waiting for many hours while watching birds fly, vehicles pass by, finally his stomach grumbled then he texted the lady boss.


Ms. Ellah, time for lunch.

After sending he realized something and made him shook his head as if he was amazed by what he did for the first time he texted a woman which not related on him.

Being a protector or in simple terms as bodyguard it is not his obligation to remind the boss that's it's already time to eat.

But he did, as a matter of fact, he sends it again, hoping to receive a response from her.

And she did. Smiling from ear to ear Gian read the message.

Thank you, I have something to tell you, please come into the office.

Gian immediately stood up run back to the elevator but to his dismay the lift was still on the ground floor, left with no choice he started running down stairs from tenth floor to fifth floor as if it's an emergency, almost panting he came and went straight inside her private office.

"Hi!" he greeted smiling and Ellah was shock.

"H-hi! That was... fast!" she almost exclaimed.

"Yeah," he agreed because in just five minutes he arrived, when in it's normal walk it will took fifteen minutes.

"Where you came from?"

"Roof top."

The lady boss clasped her hand on her mouth obviously she was amazed.

"It seems you're from the back of my office."

"No, I am not lying, what do you want anyway?"

"Oh, this evening at seven o'clock, can you still work for me?"

"Sure Ms. do you have a meeting?"

"No, actually it's a date."

The smile disappeared on his face.

"Y-you have a date?"

Gian chuckled bitterly.

He almost forgot that this woman was searching for a husband!

Just as how much he's excited to run as fast as he can, now he can't even walk.