
The Reputation


The lady boss walked straight fast to her office followed by her bodyguard and everyone who passed by greeted them.

"Good morning Ms. Ellah!" The lady boss did not respond while talking on the phone.

His guard answered and greeted the employees as well.

She, in turn, is disgusted with the person she is talking to.

"What do you mean reject Mr. Guevara?"

"Ms. Lopez, I'm sorry to say but what you delivered here didn't even catch fire it was full of soil."


"I have to go Ms. Lopez, I'm sorry," it turned off the line.

She talked to the Marketing manager and he said the ten trucks was rejected.

If you sum up the amount it was almost more than half a million.

Ellah almost faints when she arrives at her private office and was greeted by the secretary.

"Ms. We have a problem ..."

"Jen, call the Production Manager, I'll talk to him."

"Yes Ms."

She looked at his bodyguard.

"Mr. Villareal, you can go," she ordered and sat down.

Gian left quietly.

Most problem of rich people is about losing money, but this woman is different.

He remembered what she said when he asked.

"Reputation. I am afraid I lost my reputation. They will use it against me to throw out in the company. I guess you're right, I am a useless woman."

Gian shook his head.

He won't let this woman becomes useless.

'Not now.'

Ellah leaned on the swilvel chair.

She got a headached because of certain losses.

Losing million is just a small amount for them, but not when it comes to her reputation.

Not her reputation!

A few moments the production manager came.

She stands immediately.

"Mr. Valdez, do you know

what you've done to me?"

"I am sorry Ms..."

"Seven hundred thousand is worth for your separation pay. "

" Just a moment Ms. Don’t be like that, it’s not fair! ”

"You ruined my reputation. The contract on GMC is at stake! I am on the verge of failure and we lost almost a million do you think it's not fair?"

"I... I am sorry Ms." The man head down.

“ Yes Mr. Valdez! Now I'll ask you, can you bring back the lost?"

The man didn't answer.

" N-no but I'll investigate what happened someone did ... "

" You don't have the right to investigate because as of this moment you are FIRED! "

" Wait a minute Ms.! You didn't even give me a chance to explain! I can file a case against you! "

Her hand clenched.

He had the right to complain but she has the right to kick him out.

" Alright! Explain! "

He sighed.

" How come you didn't know the soil mixed with the product? Are you blind or just plain stupid!"

"Ms. There was an emergency on our house, I told the Supervisor and I don't know anything about this. "

" Is that a valid reason Mr. Valdez?"

He was about to answer but she cut him off.

" How come you didn't know what your staffs are doing!"

"This is the first time ever happened Ms. during my absence!"

"Are you telling me it's the supervisor's fault?"


"You and Mr. Santos are both old employees here, but I trusted you more than him."

“I am sorry Ms. But it's just not me who's to blame here. There's a rumor that Santos would get my position so he did this! This is his plan!"

" This is your responsiblity! They are your staff. You didn't manage well and this is the result! "

" I am sorry."

" Can your apology pay for the loss? "

" No. B-but why don't you investigate them too! This is unfair! "

She hit the table with her bare hand.

"You have no right to tell me what to do!"

The man bowed.

" You can go Mr. Valdez, don't worry you'll receive a separation from four years in service. "

" Ms. Have mercy on me, have mercy on me! " The employee knelt in front of her but she stood firmly.

"I'm sorry Mr. Valdez but I don't give second chances."

She pressed the intercom directly to the security guards.

"Get Mr. Valdez out of here."

The man was alarmed and his eyes widened in fear.

"Ms. Ellah! I'm sorry ..."

"I'm sorry too, but you broke my trust."

The two guards entered and held the Manager by both arms.

"Ms. Please! Give me one more chance!"

"You're done explaining Mr. Valdez!"

"I'll tell this to the chairman!"

The man cried as he was dragged.

Her grandfather won't interfere as long as she can handle.

Her next move is to interrogate the Supervisor.

"Mr. Santos, what happened and you don't know what your staff did?"

"Ms. Ellah, honestly, I've checked it carefully before delivering so I'm surprised it was rejected."

"You did not do your job well."

"I did Ms. But I know that Valdez planned all this."

"What do you mean?"

"There's a rumor that he would like to get back at you."


"Getting the contract with three percent made him humiliated by President Go. There is a negotiation between the production manager of BMG company and him, but you interfere and that made him mad on you Ms."

"Is that true?"

"Yes Ms. Didn't you ask him? But please keep it to your self, I am afraid of President Go."

"But you're not afraid of me?"

"I-it's not what I mean."

" I've removed Mr. Valdez.

In the meantime, you replace him while there are no new applicants."

" Huh? But Ms. shouldn't I really be the replacement? "

" I'm not sure who will replace you as a Supervisor Mr. Santos, you are the only one I trust.

But anyway, I’ll think about that. ”

" Thank you Ms. Ellah! "

The young maiden took a deep breath.

She knew one of them lied.

Both of her trusted men lied to her and she won't stop finding until she will know who's telling the truth.

But retaining the manager who's responsible for this is not acceptable.

The news that the Production Manager had been fired automatically spread.

The Supervisor replaced the Production Manager.

The new Production manager is facing the old one inside his office.

"Do you think you can get away with this!" Mr. Valdez shouted that made him mad.

"Why don't you accept your faith? This is the consequences of your negligence!"

"You planned this!" He slammed his hand on the table.

"Don't turned the table here! This is all your fault! Do not act as if you're innocent! I did my job well but you ruined it thinking the President will help you!"


"Get out in my office Mr. Valdez before the security dragged you." He pointed the door.

"Remember this Santos!" He pointed him straight on his face. "I'll get my position back no matter what!" he exclaimed before leaving.

The new Production Manager is smiling happily while walking on the hallway to go home.

"Congratulations Mr. Santos, you deserved it, " one of the staff greeted him.

"Thank you."

When he reached the parking area, he opened his car and was about to go inside when he realized something.

"Shit, I forgot my phone."

He runs back to his office to get it.

He was about to insert the key on the doorknob but when he turned it the door is open.

He frowned. "Did I forgot to lock this?" he murmured.

But after a few moments he was sure he did not.

He started to fear that someone is inside.

He entered.

The place is so silent and clean.

"Did I forgot to lock the door?"

He turned around to leave when somebody pressed his neck and in a few seconds he collapsed.

Mr. Santos slowly opened his eyes.

"You're awake sir."

He faced his staff. "Where am I?"

"You're in the clinic sir, I saw you in your office lying on the floor and I brought you here."

"I know who did this!" He turned his head up. "Agh!" he still felt the pain.

"What happened sir?"

"Someone hit me inside my office and I know who that hell was!"


He remembered what the former manager said.

"Remember this Santos!" He pointed him straight on his face. "I'll get my position back no matter what!" he exclaimed before leaving.

"That fucking Valdez, he wants to get revenged!"

"Do you want to get back on him sir?"

"I'll let this slip for once but not next time. He just can't accept the truth, besides I have the trust of Ms. Lopez."

Ellah, and the company officials are on the conference room interrogating her.

"This is one of the disadvantages of a woman who knows nothing about the operation." The Chief Operating Officer said.

"How can we get back the contract on GMC plant? You can't manage well the business because you're a woman. There are things that only men can do." The Vice President.

Ellah closed her eyes tightly just to keep her calm and composed.

This is not new everytime she makes mistakes, good thing is the chairman won't attend if she called for a meeting.

Don Jaime trusted her that she can handle the situation.

"We've lost almost a million. You ruined the company's name. You need to step down in your position!" The Chief Financial Officer pointing at her.

Upon hearing it, Ellah opened her eyes and stared everyone sharply.

"I can pay for the lost amount, but you cannot pay for ruining my reputation." Then she look at and pointed him.

"Listen! If you don't have good words to say shut the hell up!"

"Huh! You are the one ruining the company's reputation!" The CFO loses his necktie as if he can't breath. "The chairman should know this!"

Ellah held her head up high and declared. "In case you forgot, I am the heiress!"