
The Price


The three of them sat on a table and no one dared to talk.

"I’ll go straight to the point, sir, why did you double your price?" Ellah started.

This is the main reason why she is mad at him.

"I thought you could do that because others can afford."

Money is not the problem here, but they won't do it just because this supplier said so.

They are a multi billion company compared to this small time business.

"What if we can't?"

"Can we just cancel the contract?"

" You know that isn’t possible. I can't do that Mr. Garcia. ” She said. “I must admit that your product is what we need.” She added then raise her chin again and look at the man straight in his eyes and asked, “Is that the reason why all of sudden you doubled the price?"

"Let's stops arguing, look for someone else!"

"I can accept if you lower it down to eight percent, but you want twelve, and I can't do that. That’s just an unreasonable increase."

"Eight? Are you kidding Ms. Lopez. Funny!

Then, I think this meeting is over! " The man stands up.

"Mr. Garcia!"

"I have another appointment I can’t be stuck here. We have no contract at all so you either accept or this is over and that's final! "

Her heartbeat raises in madness.

"I'm going to file a complaint!"

"Double the price or nothing?"

Ellah was stunned.

This man is trying to control the situation and want her to succumb to him. If she can't close this deal, surely, they'll lose.

She can spend her own money, but it will become a big slap on her part. Spending on her own just to close a deal.

'What a shame!'

Maybe, nobody can understand her, she is rich after all. But it's her dignity.

This simply only means she doesn’t have the capacity or capability to decide for the company if she let this man win in this situation.

She glances on her bodyguard who’s busy on his phone.

"I am waiting Ms. Lopez!"

'My God!'

"Then, I'm leaving," Mr. Garcia said then turned to walk out.

She quickly stood up.

"Mr. Garcia! Sir!"

She chased after him, but he kept going.

This is a big blow on their part when it happens!

A Multi-billion company cannot close a deal with a start up company! This is just bullshit!

She'll do everything, even if she begs!

She's about to kneel down when someone pulls her arm, causing her to stop.

"Is that all you can do?"

She tried to let go of his grip, but he held her tightly and said. "You won't do it," his cold eyes stared as if telling her to stop and let the opportunity slipped away!

The man left, and here she is talking on a mere bodyguard!

She's just holding a little hope as her reputation is at stake and now it is gone!

"What did you do!" Ellah shouted in desperation when she realized the transaction failed and she will be blamed again.

Gian looked at her straight in the eyes.

"Trust me, I'll bring him back here."

Left with no choice, she kept her silence as if it was an approval and the bodyguard left her.

She couldn't understand why she allowed him.

But she hopes to win otherwise this is another failure on her part.

Many company officials do not trust her ability because she is a woman and happens to be the owner's granddaughter.

They'll use the opportunity to overthrow her.

So, up until now had proven herself to everyone that she deserves the position.

She was just a child when her parents died in a car accident.

Since then, her grandfather has taken care of her. She has no one to rely on but him.

She loved his grandfather the most, devoted her time to him and his company.

She remembered once she's still in college when she first visited the company.

"Is that the president's granddaughter?"

"Yes, what does a woman know about mining?"

She didn’t notice that she has been working so hard to gain everyone’s respect.

And now here she is again, proving herself, afraid to lose that respect she already earned.

Now, she realized one thing.

Desperate people tend to do desperate things like her.

She was about to stand when she saw her guard came in.

"Ms. Ellah!"

Her face lit up upon seeing the supplier back.

She scrutinized the man if he had wounds or something, but none except for his sweat all of over his face.

"I'll stick to the old prize Ms. Lopez," Mr. Garcia said as they entered.

She would have agreed, but Gian cut her off.

"Three percent, sir!" declared the young man.

Ellah's mouth dropped open.

She cannot imagine from 6% to 3!

"Mr. Garcia, here are the papers." She handed the documents with a smile on her face.

Silently, Mr. Garcia signed immediately and so did she.

"Thank you for this Mr. Garcia."

"You have to thank your bodyguard Ms. Lopez!" staring sharply at his bodyguard before leaving.

The two came out with the new contract!



They are walking on a hallway to her office when Ellah asks on her bodyguard.

"What did you tell him? I mean what did you do?"

"Let's just say, I have connections," Gian replied while keeping his distance three steps away.

"Why? Are you rich?"

Gian laughed.

"If not, influential? Were you a politician before?"

It made him laughed even more.

"Do I look like one?"

"You can tell because I don't want guessing, another thing I hate the most is leaving me hanging! Now, tell me what you told him!"

Gian sighed deeply.

He doesn't want to explain things, but having a conversation with this woman in a short moment, he will.

"This is what I said..."

He remembered their last conversation with the supplier in the parking lot.

"Mr. Romulo Garcia just a moment, sir."

"Who are you?" Mr. Garcia turned to see who's calling him.

"I know I don't have any valid reason to interrupt, but you are intimidating my boss."

"Then, you shouldn't." He is disappointed upon seeing only a bodyguard.

"Mr. Garcia, do you know how famous you are? Even me, I know you. I know you inside and out!"

He frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Let's just say, circulation of permit. Ten people are holding your permit right? You know very well that it's illegal.

If you're the owner, and you alone should be using it, besides, your papers had been paid by others."

"What? That's not true!"

"Come on Mr. Garcia, the best thing you can do is go back and grant our request."

"Are you blackmailing me?"

"No, I am negotiating with you. "

"I don't have time with your nonsense!" Mr. Garcia opens the door of his car.

"You should see this."

He turned again to see the image on the phone screen and saw his wife taking a coffee break in the office.

" What's her name again? Beverly?"

Then another slide, this time with his two children inside the room.

Fear slowly appearing on his face and starts sweating as he understood what it means.

"I'm afraid you're family can't go home safely today." The young man said calmly.

"H-how did you know!"

Then, Gian put the phone on his pocket, took a step forward and whispered.

"Now, I am blackmailing you," and he left the man.

"You have your day!" The supplier responded before returning.

"Then, how did you find out about that thing?" Ellah asked after hearing Gian's explanation.

Gian remembered what he did.

While Ellah and the supplier argued, he sent a message to his friend asking for information about the supplier and his family.

After a few moments he received it with photos.


Name: Romulo S. Garcia

Address: Sta. Maria Subdivision, ZC

Occupation: BMG Manager

Wife: Beverly T. Garcia

Occupation: City Treasurer

Children: Christopher 16 years old and Christine 12

School: St. Mary, ZC


Illegal mining permit circulation.

Because of that information he made a contact on the local authorities by giving hoaxed information that there was a drug suspect inside those premises.

Being a Police, he had copies and send the data of the two real drug suspect which nowhere to be found. The authorities immediately went to the area and finally he got a copy of CCTV footages from City Treasurer's Office and in the school.

Thanks to those diligent officials he had recent pictures of the wife and children of that supplier.

That's the perks of being an agent.

Instead of telling it to Ellah, he said.

"I told you I had connections."

"Then, who are you?" she stared at the young man.

"Ms. I'm sorry to tell you this, but you're not in the position to ask."

Hearing it makes Ellah mad.

"You're an employee, and I am your boss, so it's natural for me to know you more! What if you are a criminal!"

Gian sighed.

"About that thing, do you not trust your grandfather? Do you think he will get someone to harm his beloved granddaughter?"


She was speechless because he had a point.

"I'll tell you everything if you become my girlfriend."

Instantly, she stopped walking and turned around, only to see him smirking.

"What?! No way!" She turned around and walk again.

The young man laughed.

Ellah cannot imagine him to be her boyfriend.

Yes, he has a good-looking aura, as if you want to stare him more.

'But to be my boyfriend this retard, never!'

She glanced at him before entering in the office.

"Thank you for saving me. I thought I can't get through that mess."

"I didn't help you."

Ellah's mouth dropped open.

"W-what do you mean?"

"I just don't want to see a failure in front of me." Gian said before turning his back on her.

It shuts her whole being and without a word she entered in the office.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Ellah can't help but shout desperately.

But, Gian whispered before he left.

" I am willing to help you at all costs."