
The Leaving


"So who’ll go first?" Ellah asked as she watched the quiet beach with him.

"You go first," he said.

Ellah heaved a sigh. "Is that bad news or what?"

Gian shook his head softly, knowing the answer for sure.

"Ah, so it’s bad news.”

"And yours?" He asked, hoping to hear something good from the woman he's protecting before he finally leaves.

"It depends on how you’ll take it.”

Gian exhaled a sigh. "Just say it.”

Instead of getting to the point, she suddenly changed the topic. "I’m hungry. Shall we eat?”

His jaw tightened. "Sure," he said and Ellah held his arm.

They approached a street food stall.

Ellah was excited as she chose a variety of snacks.

Meanwhile, Gian had no appetite. He just stared at his boss. Her smile was obvious as she picked her food.

He only had a few hours left before he finally leaves her. Few hours left and he couldn’t be with her anymore nor have the chance to protect her.

Gian's gaze was fixed on the heiress. A heiress who had no right to inherit anything. A woman who even just her right still has to be fought for.

"Hmm, delicious!" Ellah said which brought Gian back to his senses. "Try it. It’s good.”

He shook his head. There’s no room for him to enjoy anything since he’s almost leaving.

"Say ah!"

Gian was surprised when she tried to feed the barbecue to him, he took it and then put it in his mouth. He chewed his food as he stared at Ellah who seemed so happy.

He didn’t like this type of food but there’s no room for rejection when it comes to her. Seeing her look so happy makes him happy too.

"Let's go?" She asked.

He nodded. "Should we take a seat first?" He asked.

"Sure!" Ellah said excitedly.

Gian heaved a deep sigh when they were seated. "You wanted to say something, right?" He asked.

Ellah paused. She almost forgot about it. "Ah, it’s nothing." She chose not to say it and instead, she’ll just be the one to avoid him. "What about you?”

Gian remained silent and instead, he bowed his head, covering his face with his hands.

He sighed again.

Ellah felt nervous as she anticipated what he had to say. "Gian, tell me, what’s wrong? You can tell me. I can help-"

She was cut off when Gian suddenly hugged her. She was stunned, weakened, and surprised. Her heart raced from his presence. Of all that she feels, she just finally let herself be embraced by him.

She couldn’t understand how and why she could tolerate everything when it comes to him. She came back to her senses when he hugged her tighter. She pushed him away.

"Gian, what’s the problem? You’re acting so strange," Ellah said, obviously worried about him.

Gian turned to her. "Did your grandpa say anything about me?”

She frowned, shaking her head. "He told me nothing. Why?”

He shook his head in response which Ellah found irritating. "It’s nothing. We just had a misunderstanding.”

"Tell me, I know there’s something going on with you. What is it? Should I not know about it? Do you think I don't have the right to know?"

"It’s just between your grandpa and me." He said which made Ellah mad.

She didn’t like him to keep things from her. "COME ON GIAN, I’M YOUR BOSS!”

Gian looked at him. "Yes, you are, and you should've known," he said before standing up.

Ellah got mad at his response. "Whatever it is that you’re keeping from me, just make sure I’m not involved!” she exclaimed before turning at him and making her way to the vehicle.

Gian went after her.

Silence lingered when they got in the car.

Gian silently drove the car away while Ellah still remained frustrated.

"Wear your seatbelt," he said grabbing the seat belt to buckle it for her. She moved away, brushing him off.

"I’ll do it myself, " she said.

He shook his head as his jaw tightened. "Are you mad?" He asked her calmly. He knew that she’s displeased.

She remained silent.

"I’m sorry but please be aware that there are things that only concern your grandpa and me and that it should be just between us.”

She’s still silent.

He tried to touch her which she quickly brushed off.

"I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say it.”

"But you did!"

"That’s why I’m apologizing."

"Mr. Villareal," Ellah said sharply, which made Gian feel nervous to hear her authoritative and sharp tone. "I want everything to come back to normal where you were my subject and I was the boss.”

He closed his eyes firmly. Ellah still saying hurtful words but everything will be nothing since he’s leaving anyway. She's trying to erase all their memories while he appreciates every piece of it.

He sighed deeply. "Fine, if that's what you want, Ms. Ellah. "

She fell silent.

His grip on the steering wheel tightened. If that’s what she wants, he has no choice but to give it to her. She’s right after all. He’s just her bodyguard and she’s his boss.

He suddenly had no intention to tell her about his plan to leave. He’ll let Don Jaime take care of it.



They arrived at the mansion. It’s the last time that he’ll be there.

He opened the door and when they were about to have contact, she quickly avoided it.

She hopped off the car and Gian spoke right then.

"I have something to tell you," he said hoping to tell her for the last time.

"Just go home," Ellah responded without even looking at him.

Gian felt really bad at what had happened that he wasn’t able to accompany her inside. He watched her as she walked away, walked away from his life.

He was about to leave when he noticed Don Jaime on his wheelchair with his right- hand man, Alex.

"Don Jaime..."

"Did you say goodbye?"

He exhaled a sigh.He wasn’t able to and he didn’t want to.

She had caused him a lot of pain yet this was had the most impact on him.

She showed him how high her status and level are and how unreachable she is to him. And it’s his fault for even dreaming about something that he can’t have.

He sighed bitterly as he prepared himself to say something even more bitter.

"It was over."

"What did you tell her?"

"We had a misunderstanding which made it the right time for me to leave.”

"Then good!"

"About the favor that you asked for, it’s almost done.”

Don Jaime paused. He almost forgot about it. "Nevermind that," he said.

"Don Jaime, you can ask anyone to do it, but remember that no one else can do as I did.”

The don stared at him, this time he resisted the looks of his judgment.

"If that’s what you want, I won’t stop you.”

The don held out his hand to Alex and the right-hand man placed something in his palm.

"It’s your salary. Thank you for your service.” Don Jaime gave it to Gian.

Gian nodded before receiving the envelope. "Thank you."

Don Jaime tapped his shoulder. "Take care."

He nodded before he left. As he leaves the mansion, he crosses paths with the maids in the residence.

"Sir Gian, be careful."

"Sir Gian, thank you for everything."

He nodded, giving them a strained smile.

It will be his last time in the mansion.

He was already outside when he glanced at Ellah’s room.

'Goodbye, Ms. Ellah.'

Ellah kept rolling and turning on her bed but she could not sleep. She looked at her cell phone that was on the side table.

"Should I call him?" She asked herself. "He must be sleeping," she said before putting his phone back to the table.

But then she quickly grabbed it back to find Gian’s name in his contact.

"Where’s his number?" She mumbled as she looked for his number.

She paused to see his contact, staring at his picture.

She didn’t even realize that she touched his face on the screen.

She even took that picture of him when he was leaning against the car while wearing a sunglasses.

She suddenly felt guilty for turning her back to him that she promised herself to make it up to him tomorrow.

She glanced at the clock.

"It’s two in the morning? And I’m still up?”

Ellah went back to her bed. She closed her eyes but she couldn’t sleep. She thought that she needed to take some sleeping pills just so she could fall asleep.

But she also thought that taking some might make her sleep too much.

Until she finally closed her eyes.

'My God! I can’t believe I can’t sleep just because of a guy!’

She couldn’t believe what was happening to her.

Is that still you, Ellah?

This is the first time that she acted like this in her twenty-eight years of her existence.



Gian arrived at his place with a heavy heart.

He felt weak as he sat on the couch. He closed his eyes as he leaned against the headrest.

He winced when his phone rang but he didn’t even bother to check who it was.

His phone rang again. She glanced at it and it was Vince.

He ignored it.

He had nothing to say, because of his heavy heart, his jokes would not resonate and no matter what Vince would say, he wouldn't be able to understand.

A few moments later, it was finally the head chief who was calling him but he still ignored it. No matter how important it is that they wanted to say, it won’t matter to him anymore.

He suddenly lost interest.

He’s like a computer that suddenly shuts down.

And he’s hard to repair, no type of technician can repair him except for Ellah!

He’s trying to keep his guard up.

He tried to sleep but he couldn’t. All his memories with Ellah flashed in his mind and she’s all that he thinks of.

Everything’s just a memory now?

It’s just a memory now that he’s trying to slowly forget.



The next morning, Ellah was already in the hallway waiting for her driver-bodyguard.

She decided to talk to him even though they were ignoring each other last time.

She couldn’t take not to talk to him.

But then she thought it was immature.

Right then, Don Jaime came out.

"Hija, your bodyguard will be a little late."

"It’s okay grandpa. But why is that?”

"It’s because you have a new bodyguard. Wait a minute, didn’t Gian tell you? He resigned last night.”

Ellah was stunned. Her mind fell blank.

He resigned last night?