
The Invitation


With a full on headgear, masks and other body protection, Ellah and Gian walked towards the inside of the tunnel slowly.

They were both wearing jeans, rubber shoes and a t-shirt so they were feeling comfortable as they entered the tunnel.

The smell of chemicals and minerals welcomed them as they arrived yet the heiress did not bear it.

As a General Manager, it is her duty to find out what is happening at the operation site.

Gian looked at the broad tunnel and his eyes landed at the machinery and personnels that were working at a far distance.

While the officer was reporting to the lady.

"We can already load up to twenty metric tons daily,” The Operation Manager said.

"Good," She said as she read the documents in her hands.

Ellah noticed that he looked back.

"Ah, Mr. Malvar, Gian Villareal, my bodyguard, " She introduced.

They exchanged nods as acknowledgment.

Ellah opened up about the flood issue and found out that the dam embankment broke which has caused the flash flood.

"The area is not always prone to flood but this past few days the place has been affected by the lack of action to repair the dam. That’s why the dam always overflows whenever it rains,” the officer explained.

Ellah nodded as he spoke.

When the discussion reached the operation of the tunnel, that’s when the officer began to feel nervous.

"Does the operation get affected whenever it floods?”

"Ah, not all the time, but yes if the flood is intense. Sometimes we halt the operation when it gets terrible.”

"Can you think of a solution, Mr. Malvar?”

"It’s already in the plan, Miss.”

"I want to see your plan then," The lady said which caused the Operation Manager to take a gulp.

He was anxious as he thought of an excuse.

"Actually, we don’t have a fixed plan yet. We’re still trying to think of an intricate plan…”

"If the operation is often stopped, every hour without production goes to waste which only delays our supply. That’s why we couldn’t supply the BMG plant.” Ellah explained.

"We’re working and thinking of a way for the operation not to stop.”

"Just like yesterday, we couldn’t operate,” Ellah. “It’s the company’s loss.”

The officer went silent.

"What kind of plan are you scheming anyway, sir?” Gian asked which made the manager feel nervous again.

Why does he have to answer the guard when he was even able to escape the heiressʼ question?

"You said you have a plan. So what is it then?" The guard asked again.

The manager scratched the back of his head as he thought. He felt like he’s being interrogated because of the atmosphere. He felt like he’s being criticised by the two. One clueless heiress and a mere guard.

The officer fell silent.

"We will be installing drainages and put cement everything that surrounds the tunnel. We will also place huge and prosy walls around the area for security.”

Ellah nodded.

After strolling through the area, they decided to leave.

The tunnel itself is not affected by flood but only the whole site is so it has to be surrounded with walls.

"Mr. Malvar, once the plan is done, let me know immediately. I want the plan fixed by next week, okay?” She asked, tapping his shoulder which made the manager feel more nervous.

"Yes Ms. I apologize for yesterday Ms. I wasn’t able to ask for permission.”

"It's okay. We won’t be staying for long Mr. Malvar. "

She looked around. “It’s not like there’s a big problem here, right?”

"There’s nothing, thank you Ms. Ellah."

"Please do a great job, I trust you Mr. Malvar, you know that.”

"Yes ma’am, take care on your way.”

A few moments later, they left the place.

The young lady heaved a deep sigh as she thought.

She thought that his guard was suspicious, it seems like he really knew something about any aspect of their business, yet he still kept silent about it.

"Gian, I would like to get some fresh air."

"I know a good place," he smiled and said.

She closed her eyes, especially when he grinned.

Shee felt annoyed as she remembered what happened last night.

She was about to go to sleep when the guard spoke.

"There is a vacant room at the end. I can go there,” hee said while he was sitting at the edge of the bed.

"No, you can’t! I said no!" She exclaimed.

Gian’s jaw tightened at her remark.

"If you prohibit it, I’ll kiss you then.” He challenged.

Her heart pounded fast at what he just said.

She then kicked him out of frustration which the guard only laughed off in return.


She was afraid to sleep alone in such an unfamiliar place but she also didn’t want her and the bodyguard to share the same room.

In the end, the young lady slept the entire trip.



Gian brought her to the mountains.

She just kept following his lead.

"Gian, what are we doing here?"

"I’m sure you’ll like it. Just relax."

Ellah looked around and there was a sight of vast mountains beneath and a clear view of the sea.

She estimated it to be fifty feet deep.

She flashed a smile, she seemed to be amused at the sight of it.

Until they got to a crowded place.

"What’s happening?"

"Just stay still. " The guard held her hand before dragging her to the flock of people.

A few moments later, Ellahʼ eyes widened to see an approaching object hanging on the cables that looked like a box made of steel.

"Let's go?" Gian asked.

"Gian, what’s this?"

"A cable car. It’ll be fun. Shall we?”

Ellah backed away as her knees trembled.

She knew about it, but she had never experienced it before! Especially in this place where the ride seems so dangerous that it feels like it would fall into the forest.

"Actually, I have a m-meeting," She stuttered as she backed away.

Gian chuckled.

He talked to the operator for a moment before going back with her.

"Come on, don’t be afraid. I’ll just be right behind you.”

She shook her head.

"Let’s go. I need to be in my meeting. I shouldn’t cancel it.”

"Ms. Ellah, this doesn’t happen everyday. I suggest we give it a try.”

Gian held her hand before dragging her with him inside.

It was just the two of them inside which made the situation better for her.

"I can’t d-do this. I’m scared.”

"Don’t worry."

A few moments later, the cable car started to move.

"Holy shit!"

She held Gian’s arm tighter as she closed her eyes firmly.

Ellah felt very nervous to think that they don’t even have any rope nor support inside the cable car.

What happens if it breaks down? Or if it falls?

She felt a cold knot of dread in the stomach as she thought of the worst case scenario.

While Gian was obviously happy about the view from the ride, he noticed that his boss looked like a scaredy cat clinging into his arms.

"Open your eyes. Look at the view waiting for you,” he told her.

"I can’t."

"Just trust me. You can dodge bullets but you can’t handle this?”

Ellah took her time as she opened her eyes. She slowly opened her eyes at the sight of the tremendous view that awaits her.

"Wow!" She said, obviously amused.

"I told you."

"It’s so beautiful! Go and take a picture of it!"

He chuckled softly before doing so.

Ellah looked down which had her stunned so she quickly held into Gian’s arm again as support.



"It’s scary. I can’t look down."

"Then don’t."

Ellah exhaled deeply as she took the beautiful view of the forest and the sea into her heart and memory.

She then noticed that they’re going back.

"I’d like to ride again."


"I didn’t really enjoyed the view earlier. I wanna try it again,” she said.

Gian chuckled as they got off the ride.

When they looked at their side, they noticed the long line of people waiting to ride the cable car.

"Let’s do it next time," he said but his boss insisted.

"No! You know that I won’t get a chance to come back here again. You know how my job works. Just grant me this request for once.”

He exhaled a sigh.

"So we have to fall in line then?"


Gian fell nervous. He knows how she usually gets and what she can do.

"Ms. Ellah, you can’t cut in the line. That’s prohibited and they’ll be mad at you.”

"Who told you that I’ll cut in the line?"

Ellah approached the operator of the ride before turning to the flock of people.

"Everyone, listen to me!" Ellah yelled which caught everyone’s attention.

Gian's eyes widened to hear her loud voice.

"I will pay for your rides if you let me go first!"

They all murmured indistinctly, discussing how much the sudden offer made them happy.

Ellah’s lips slowly formed into a smile to see that everyone’s in her favour.

Gian felt calm to see what was happening.

Fortunately, she did not think of buying the cable car as what happened in the arcade back then.

Right then he noticed that a Chinese woman and an American-looking man seemed to be arguing at the very end of the line.

"No! I won't let that fucking girl win!"

Gian heard the woman shout.

He stared at the two intently when he suddenly received a text message. He opened it immediately to see that it was from the boss.

His eyes widened upon reading the message.