
The Date


Gian got home and laid down on the bed in his rented apartment.

This is one of the privileges of being on a higher rank in his job.

As a captain, he had his own car and apartment.

Ellah said he must go home to prepare.

What to prepare when it's not his date?

"He's the President of a hotel." Ellah's calmed voice echoed in his ear.

"She really wants to go on that date! If only I am rich!"

Then suddenly he stopped.

He knew he was attracted to the lady boss, but it's just an admiration.

He admires her beauty, being smart in handling a business.

"Why am I acting like this?" Gian scratched his head.

He's here to be a bodyguard, a protector, not to become a boyfriend nor a suitor.

His cell phone rang, and it was Vince.

"Why? Is there a problem in the office?"

"Nothing, I just want to ask, are you in love?"

"What?" He gets up and starts to prepare.

"Oh! Bro, with the tone of your voice, tell me you're in love, aren't you?" Vince's voice is really teasing him.

"Crazy!" he said, smiling while shaking his head.

"Admit it."

He just laughed.

"Bro, don't let her go, if you win her, it's like winning in the lottery without betting."

"Bastard, " he laughed again. "I am a bodyguard nothing else. My job is to protect her at all costs."

"Is blackmailing someone, a part of that job?"

He took a deep breath.

"Here were go again, doing your own version of interrogation."

Vince chuckled. "You know brother, I'm an expert on this so there’s no sense of denying."

Yes, he knew it.

Now he is thinking about what he will say.

If he said yes, it's a part of his job as a bodyguard. Why would it be?

If he said no, then why he did it?

What's the reason behind his intention?

He won't stop interrogating until he caught him by his own words.

This man on the phone was the one who helped him in threatening the supplier.

And this man is his friend!

Gian is breathing deeply, while Vince on the other hand is smiling inside his office, waiting for an honest answer from his friend.

"Look, what I did is to minimalize crimes, and permit circulation is illegal."

"Yeah brother, explain further," Vince laughed. "Just tell me, you're in love with that woman. "

Gian blew his hair to keep calm.


"That's right. Make sure bro. Falling with that kind of woman is dangerous.

They are the kind of people who are good at playing games.

And I don’t want you to be a part of that game."

"Wait, you said earlier, I won't let her go, and now you're telling me these things. What exactly are you saying?"

"Winning her is like winning a lottery without betting. But what if you lose?

You won't just experience heartaches bro.

I know you're an expert on dealing criminals, but not this kind of people."

"Thanks for the advice bro. Don't worry, I'm not in love alright? I'm still busy." He is about to hang up when Vince said.

"Just remember, you are just a bodyguard of that heiress, nothing more. You are the captain of Alpha Team."

"Yes, I'll keep that in mind."

"All right bro, keep up the good the work. "

Gian prepared even though he is not in the mood.

For two weeks in service, this is the first date of his boss he's about to witness.

He faces the mirror while looking at his outfit.

T-shirt and jeans, rubber shoes with a leather black jacket.

A perfect suit for just a bodyguard.

"You're handsome, but you are nothing!"

The lady he admires is unreachable, she's flying while he crawls.



Ellah frowned when Gian arrived. They were almost late!

She is wearing one of her favorite clothes. A black silk dress tube above the knee with a slit at the side. Her curves were exposed.

She just let her wavy hair down.

While going downstairs, she caught a glimpse of her bodyguard who was staring at her intently.

She would almost smirk if she hadn't just thought they're late.

"My dear, you are so beautiful!" his grandfather smiled widely upon seeing her.

"I have to go, Grandpa," she said and kissed the old man on the cheek.

"We're leaving sir."

“All right, maybe my friend's son is already waiting, be careful.

Gian, take care of my gorgeous baby, huh?"

"Yes, sir."

"Grandpa?"she reprimanded.

"Yes, sir, I'll take care of your beautiful granddaughter."

"Thank you, Gian," the don replied.

When they get in the car, she said.

"I told you not to compliment."

"I didn't."

"You told I am beautiful!"

The young man chuckled, "I never told you that, you just heard."

Ellah shut her mouth. She's already annoyed because they're late.

"Where are we Ms.?"

"HG hotel. Can you drive faster? We'll reach there in an hour, can you do it for thirty minutes?"

"It's just a date, he can wait." He replied coldly.

"I know. But can't you see we're late! I hate being late!"

"Then, next time tell him he must be late so you're the first to come."


Gian clenched his jaw, stared sharply on the road, and hold tightly on the steering wheel.

Without a word, he steps on the gas until the speedometer reaches its limit and pulls the gear.

In just a matter of seconds, they are flying.


Ellah holds on tight on the back seat because the word "faster" for his bodyguard means death!

He didn't slow down even they encountered some vehicles, did not stop at traffic lights.

Luckily, no law enforcer is in that area.

All he did is to overtake and overtake!

"Stop!" Ellah shouted and slapped his shoulder.

But the young man pretends as if he never heard.

It is what she wants, after all, he'll give her the prize she deserved.

He is about to overtake again when suddenly a car is coming on his way!

"STOOOPPPP!" Ellah shouted at the top of her lungs and close her eyes tightly as if accepted her faith.

Fortunately, his skills in driving are good.

Finally, they arrived at their destination within fifteen minutes.

The car stopped.

Ellah open her eyes.

Thanking God in heaven is enough for she is still alive, but when she opens her mouth she is ready to fire as hell.

"Fuck you!" she kicks his chair out of frustration.

"Yeah, fuck me," Gian replied coldly.

"I almost died asshole!"

"But you're not."

She opens the door and was ready to get out when Gian said.

"Too excited? Fix yourself first, you're ugly."

She faces the mirror and shock is an understatement.

She looks like had been raped by ten demons!

Quickly she finds her makeup set and retouched. She just combed her hair through her hands.

"Shall I go with you?"


She walks fast as she could just to get rid of him.

'That bastard almost killed me! And what he's said? I am ugly? Huh! Really? me?'

"This way please madam," the waiter guided her to the VIP room.

She arrived on the room where a man sitting calmly at a table for two.

"Hi!" he smiled and pulled a chair.

"Thanks," she said and sat down.

The man is good-looking and seems respectable.

"Anyway, I'm Mark Leandro and you are?"

"Are you sure you don't know me?"

"Of course, I know you, anyway can we eat first?"

"Are you hungry?"

"Ha? Ah, I just came from a meeting, and then I went straight here. I just don't want to come late."

Upon hearing the word late, she calms herself down.

"Let's eat," she said and began eating.

Soon, she was full while the man was only halfway there, he moves faster.

"It's all right, just eat, " she commanded.

"I'm full."

While Ellah is eating, Mark is observing his date.

He is thankful at least this very busy woman came.

The word "beautiful" is not enough to describe this woman in front of him.

He opens a conversation.

"What's your passion?"


Mark smiled.

"How about hobbies?"


He chuckled.

This woman is getting his attention.

"You should read good books because I do, you can learn a lot from reading, I love it."

"It's you."


"Then, you are knowledgeable enough right?"

"No, just a little."

Suddenly, Ellah stop eating.

"But, you just said that you learn a lot in reading and now you're saying you aren't knowledgeable enough, are you lying? Do you know what kind of people I hate the most?" She said and looked at the man in front of her intently, "a liar," her voice barely rose.

"Just a moment, calm down."

"You're talking nonsense, you didn't even prepare for this date. Just go and work! After all, you're still in an office attire!"

Mark nodded. This woman is getting into his nerves.

"It looks like you're the only one who's forced here, remember that I am not just the one who wants this but also Don Jaime, so don't act like that!" His voice also rose.

"That's my point! You're scared of my grandfather yet I can't see any effort from your side! "

"I explained, didn't I?"

"I don't care! Tell that to my grandpa!" Ellah shouted and walk out.


But she did not stop.

So, he chased up in the corridor.

"You don't need to do this! No woman has ever done this to me!" Mark pulled her by the arm.

"Let me go! You punk!"

She tries to get out of his grip.

"No way! You have embarrassed me so much!"

"What! You're hurting me!" She is already kicking him, but to her dismay, this man is not affected.

He grabbed her by both hands and pulled her inside.

Ellah starts crying in frustration.

"Let me go, you Neanderthal!"

Suddenly, he stopped and the man glared at her.

"What did you say!"


Mark raised his hand to slap her when a loud voice echoed in the hallway.