
The Bodyguard


The Don took him to their very home.

He could have done nothing but agree, besides, it was their head who pleaded.

"Don't think of his granddaughter, just think of what Don Jaime did to us. We are indebted to him. This is the time we can pay his good will.

Remember he saved your life, you owe one."

If there is one thing, he hates the most, is indebtedness.

A debt that cannot paid with money!

While sitting on a luxurious sofa, he looked around on the grand hall.

The wealth of Lopez's is very clear, just like the image of the glamorous mansion.

But while looking the whole place he keeps thinking on his new job.

Protecting a spoiled brat never came to his mind not until now.

Being a bodyguard of a woman is the lowest part of being a protector.

A protector without mission is worthless.

He hates it.

Then a woman in a distant caught his eyes, and instantly they stare at each other until he decided to stand-up.

The woman in maid uniform seems weak but she has a strong personality.

There's something on her that he can't tell.

"Mr. Villareal, I am glad to see you!" A voice from a far was like a curse on a spell.

They broke the eye contact and he turned around to see an old man sitting in a wheelchair with his right-hand man at the back.

Gian took a deep breath.

"Yes, Don Jaime."

"Julia, tell my granddaughter to come here."

He glances again on that woman named Julia.

"Yes, Don Jaime," she said before leaving.

Don Jaime turned to him.

"Just wait a little, have a sit, did you breakfast already?"

"Yes." He takes a sit.


Then the old man kept on looking at him.

He knew he is being observed.

"Relax," the Don tapped his shoulder and he smiled.

Moments later, a woman in a messy bun came down the stairs.

His eyes were fixed on her aristocrat face.

The woman has a strong aura that can make anyone obeys her!

Though she doesn't have lipstick and make-up, just wearing shorts and sleeveless intended for a household outfit but still look sophisticated!

He swallowed up unconsciously.

He rarely appreciates the beauty of a woman.

An authoritative woman.

"Gian, it just looks like a sheep but be careful, she's a tiger," the old man whispered.

Laughing, the young man shook his head and then secretly glanced on her.

He remembered that this woman is finding a husband.

When she finally got closer, the old man spoke.

"Gian, this is my granddaughter Ellah. My dear, Gian Villareal, he's the best I've ever had."

He bowed as a sign of respect.

"Good morning, Madam," he said formally.

She stared at him from head to foot and said,

"Is this the man from the television?"

Gian frowned and stand up straight.

"Yes, hija," Don Jaime answered.

"Do not call me that, address me as miss," she said firmly.

Gian shut his mouth, thinking he was found by them only on television.


"I remember you, a woman in an audition," he interrupted the conversation.

"What?" The heiress frowned.

"Ah, hija, Gian Villareal is the best, he is the equivalent of your four bodyguards."

Gian stood up straight to prove that everything don Jaime stated was right.

"It's okay grandpa, he looks like a human, though." Ellah sit on the couch.

Don Jaime whispered, "Ah, Gian, please have patience with my granddaughter, that's really straightforward."

'Sweet voice, but sharp tongue.'

"It's fine sir," he responded respectfully.

But the truth is he wants to punch her straight.

The don sits beside on that woman.

His attraction towards her is gone.

"Okay, this is the set-up here," Don Jaime explained.

"You're a bodyguard and driver at the same time during work, after it you can go home, but if you want, there's a room in a guard house-"

"No thank you."

"We will also provide your uniform."

He turned to the Don.


"Yes, because here, all bodyguards must be presentable, don't worry, just a tuxedo."

"Okay, sir."

"Okay," Don Jaime glances on his granddaughter.

"My dear, talk to him, I'll just go outside."

"All right, " Ellah responded.

When the old man left, the woman moved the chair in front of him and her long legs were exposed, but she doesn't care as well as him.

The woman stares at him straight in the eyes.

"Mr. Villareal, how old are you?"







"Ex. "

She took a deep breath, then examined him thoroughly.

"Perfect! You're hired."

"Thanks. "

"You can start tomorrow. I need you to be here by seven a.m. sharp. " The woman said and stood up.

He also stood up, she walked first, and he could see her voluptuous body.

"Mr. Villareal," said the woman and suddenly stopped.

Gian abruptly stopped when he almost collided with her back.

"Yes, Ms.?"

Ellah turned slightly, but not looking at him.

"Are you watching my back?"


"I don't want a liar; how can I trust you with the big things if you are lying with the little ones?

So, I'll ask you again, are you watching my back?"

Gian's heartbeat skipped a bit.

'Alright, I might taste a slap now! '

"Yes" he muttered.


He stood up straight wondering.


"At least you tell the truth! But next time, do not do that or else I'll fire you, understand?"

"Yes... Ms."

When he was outside and alone, he finally felt relief.

"Hooh! What the hell? "

The young man drove his car annoyed.

He almost forgot that he hates this job.

Gian left, and Ellah, laid down on her queen size bed and starts thinking on her new upcoming bodyguard.

He's seemed a man that can depend on.

He has a strong body, chiseled face.

A real example of a tall, dark, and handsome.

'Handsome? Really Ellah?'

"Tall, dark and..." she smiled before closing her eyes to sleep.

She knew Don Jaime won't disappoint her.

But suddenly she opened her eyes upon realizing that her soon to be protector saw her audition on searching for a husband!



The next day.

At exactly 7:00 AM Gian Villareal came.

Though he hated this job, he needs to do it for the sake of indebtedness to Don Jaime Lopez.

"Good morning Ms., " he greeted the woman warmly.

The young man was surprised because she was wearing thick eyeglasses, she looked old, while he was in shades of black he looked young.

"You're on time," she glanced at his face.

"Gian, you're here!" Don Jaime smiled at him.

"Good morning sir," he answered formally.

Ellah turned to his grandfather and kiss him on the cheek.

"I have to go grandpa."

"Alright, take care you two."

Both of them left.

"You looked more human, than last night you looked like a province boy, " said the woman when they reached the car.

"I woke up like this," he replied before opening the door of the passenger seat.

"I'll sit at the back. I'm your boss remember."

Silently he opened the back seat.

He looked like a real driver which again, he hated.

"Where are we?"

"MG Restaurant."

While on their way he said.

"You, Ms... also look good. "

"I don't need any flattering words; I know that for a long time!"

The young man almost laughed.

'What an arrogant witch!'

Someone called her later.

"Yes, Mr. Garcia, I'll be there in thirty minutes."

Ellah called someone on the phone.

"What? Why would they reject us without a valid reason?"

He glances at her.

"Tell the client to wait. We'll supply as they ask, stop them from canceling the contract! I'll find a way!" the woman's voice rose.

After a while she calmed down and closed her eyes.

Gian glances at her again.

'She has so many obligations after all, women tsk.'

Soon, they arrived at the restaurant.

And now, he is obliged to wake her up.

But he saw that her eyeglasses were twisting, so he adjusted it but, she woke up.

"What are you doing?" she said while pushing him hard and opened the door and walked out while talking to him.

"You must three steps away behind me, without watching my back, just talk if I ask, no comments, no suggestions, no questions!"

Gian did not utter a word.

"I don't want any physical attachment between us and-"

"Fix your eyeglasses first," he cut her off.

Ellah instantly fixed it.

They were about to enter the restaurant while his boss was talking on the cellphone, when suddenly she tripped and almost fell.

"Ah! Shit!"

"Watch out!"

He quickly grabbed the woman by the arm immediately before she fell.

Her gaze landed on his hand, so he released it quickly.

"It's not my fault," Gian clarified.

"I know!"

He doesn't want to touch her, but he also doesn't want to see her fall just because of her own rules.

'Clumsy rules!'

But he couldn't deny that he still feels the softness of the woman's skin.

'This is not good.'

Now, he regrets saving her.

"This way please," the waitress giuded them to the VIP room.



Ellah waited for the client while drinking juice.

"Anything you want madam?" the waitress asked.

"No," she said coldly, then the waitress left them.

Twenty minutes later, she is disgusted.

She was even more annoyed when the marketing manager said on the phone earlier, that the plant will withdraw if they could not supply the target amount.

And now she is chasing the supplier.

Ellah turned to her bodyguard who's busy on his phone while sipping coffee in the distance.

Gian keep looking on this authoritative woman every minute.

She just used her authority so the supplier will obey.

He knew that the supplier would come.

Then, a man enters and goes straight to where they are.

"Ms. Lopez!"