
Wanted by Two Dynasties

In a world full of mortals and prophecies, the Phoenix, Dark Prince, and Ice Lord have surfaced all at once. Will this be the end of the world or the beginning of a new age? ☆☆☆ The protector of the Forest tribe and betrothed to their leader is taken hostage during their annual hunting festival by a ruthless ice weilder whose reputation precedes him. She struggles to survive the winter in a foreign state and also find her way back to her clan, all while trying to evade marriage with the King in need of an heir as she unlocks her suppressed powers. The prophecy of the Yin and Yang elements clashing with another force becomes reality when the three forces, darkness, fire, and ice clash and disrupt the world's harmony. The Pheonix protector's capture spikes up a deadly war between two powerful Dynasties that drag on for years. With the fate of the world at stake, will the elementals find a common ground of peace or destroy the world in their vengeful duels. Will the Phoenix undo the prophecy by ending the rift she caused. Will her dragon fire be enough to burn through the dangerous darkness and melt the spiking ice.

Chesiire_cat · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

The Great Hunt

THE WIND WHISTLED through the hill of blossoming yellow daisies in hue and tone with the radiating afternoon sunlight.

The pitched buzz of a bumblebee landing unto the center of the pollen producing flowering plant was muted by the louder flutter and hums of the fruit sized humming bird.

The bumblebee buzzing away with the intrusion gave the humming bird an opening to collect much needed nectar from the same daisy, only it was short termed.

A raven haired male stumbled through the daisy path, momentarily frightening the tiny, swift winged bird, his heaved laughter radiating joy as bright as the afternoon and as colorful as the hilltop.

After him, a perfect embodiment of natural beauty sped through, her quick but much more steady movement managing to act as asaunder, separating the winged creature from its sweet nectar.

Her wine-brown hair held up by colorful threads decorated ponytail bounced behind her, occasionally falling unto the sun-kissed skin of her tattoo painted and bruised shoulders.

Thin fingers escaping the brown leather glove enclosing the other parts of the palm and wrist tipped lightly, brushing over the trailing petals of yellow daisies. Her face barely managed to conceal the smile, threatening to stretch over her thin, faded pink lips.

"Xue Yang!" her yell traveled through the daisy field like a hostile wave giving even better speed to the escaping male, his excited giggles plastering irritation over her face and fueling her brewing motivation of claiming a catch.

"Quit running already, Yang!"her strained yell left her in breathless huffs.

"As long as you stop charging after me like a raging bull, love!" he sprints ahead, the distance between them quickly reducing over time.

Exiting the field of taller daisies and nearing the hill's edge overflowing with shorter daisy breeds of yellow and white petals, Xue Yang's sprints reduced to mere jogs, giving a pissed off betrothed an opportunity to happily close the distance, tackling him by slamming her body into his, sending them both hurling down.

Their bodies clashed together, falling and rolling down the slight slope near the hill's edge, the betrothed lovers molded together by tangled limbs and arms.

Their rolls halted with slight grunts escaping both. The Fuelher underneath her betrothed whose arms wedged under her head, protecting it from harsh impact with the ground and the other by her side.

"Did I break your fall, darling ?" The smile playing over his face was washed away by the headbutt delivered by the female underneath him as she rolled over, their positions replaced.

"So much violence I have to put up with from you every day. At this rate, I'm terrified to spend a lifetime with you, " he fakes a frown.

"Bold of you to assume I desire spending one with you," she scoffs. "This betrothal might actually lead us to being tragically separated for life,"

"Not possible love, at least not while I'm alive and breathing." The Fuelhr, Xue Yang relaxes.

"Death may as well claim you then, I am certain you'd be its most prized possession," she sasses.

"Death may come knocking, but I'm not obliged to answer dear, I plan on living as long as I want to" he smiles, leaning up to her face and whispering into her ear "as long as I get to be in this position occasionally, a life of violence with you won't bother me as much and would be worthwhile"

Yin observes her knees straddling him, red flitting down her neck as she smacks him down with the back of her hand, her fists barreling down on his clothed chest, muttering profanities "What in saints' sake has come over you, Xue Yang! At first, you're normal and well, now I can compare you to a dog in heat! Is it a full moon, and did you suddenly turn into a werewolf without me knowing?"

The Fuelhr, Xue Yang flips her over, now hovering over her, he caught her fists, pressing them to her chest with both arms, he sighs "that's enough now don't you think, you might be born protector and better skilled, but I'm still a man now, don't you think that makes me stronger by nature?" He raises his eyebrows in question, smile unfading.

"Does it?" a smile creeped over the Fuelher's face as her petal filled head tilted to the side in mockery just as fast as her booted leg kicked her humorous betrothed off her, catching him off guard and leaving him in an unceremonious and shocked pile on the flowered ground.

She rushes up, sticking a mocking tongue at him. "Who's the man now?" she laughs, sprinting uphill in glee.

She did not make it far when she was lifted up the ground and twirled around, causing her to scream involuntarily as their dizzy figures collapsed over the field and their childish plays continued as they rolled down, dangerously close to the hill's edge.

The slowly setting sun bore witness and was put to shameful jealousy by the romantic fight between the tribe's Leader and their Protector.


The Great Hunt?

More like the Great Honeymoon.

There goes my main leads predicting the future again.


Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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