

"I hate my life, why can't I be happy" Natrine Kana is a loving and caring lady who is always challenging and strong in any situation. She lost her father at a very young age and became depressed because life had never been easy for her. She came from a middle class family and as the only daughter and child, her only job was to keep her mom happy. She met Dylan some weeks after her father's death and since then he had became her backbone always showing her love, compassion and care. Dylan was the definition of a perfect boyfriend, whose only job was to see a smile crawl to the lips of Natrine. He was the romantic type who loved Natrine compassionately. Their love kept blossoming for three years till Dylan demanded for a break up. Once again she had to lose a loved one and this time it was her one and only Dylan which made her heart shatter into pieces. She decided to never fall in love again and just concentrate on her work. But all that ended when she had a night stand with a stranger which she later found out to be her boss, the CEO of the top companies in ten different countries. An eligible bachelor, successful tycoon, a sinfully handsome man and also rumoured to be a devil at work. Since then her entire life became a fairy tale. WARNING: Explicit mature content and the book is also a work of fiction. Image by freepik.com Read my other works in order not to miss out of a world of fantasy.

Derin_Asha · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

The business trip (2)

( Don't forget to drop a ♥️♥️♥️ for your faves in the comments)

I sat quietly in the jet, plane or whatever it is trying hard to avoid Hayden and his gaze. I felt he had become more quiet and reserved around me which was unlike him but I liked it trying to brush off the fact that I disliked his new behavior. Perhaps I was too worried or had been thinking too much lately that I didn't know when I fell asleep and notice the cold, manly hands of Hayden lifting me up. He placed me gently on the bed and had his eyes glued to my face.

" I really love you Natrine and I don't want you to feel hurt or bad. I am sorry for forcing myself on you when you were drunk and even sorry for making you go through lot of pain" Gosh...hhhh, he cursed . He hated the way this woman made him feel, she made him feel like nothing and something at the same time. She made me feel like ...it was just something I couldn't understand. I turned to see the beautiful thin and fragile figure sleeping innocently. She was the definition of pure innocence and I felt guilt fill my heart.

I opened my eyes slowly and found myself laying on the bed in the plane. How did I get here, that was the question in my head but what mattered the most was that I slept peacefully after all this long days of torment, guilt, fear and pain. All those words couldn't explain how I felt. I looked outside the window and noticed that everywhere was dark which meant we had to halt and also meant I have been asleep for a long time.

I went to the passanger's seat in the plane and soon I found him. He had a void expression on his face and as soon as he noticed me, I could see the flush of excitement in his captivating eyes sapphire eyes or should I say hazel eyes kept me glued to him. This man looked so beautiful..... beautiful was an understatement to describe his beauty.

"I am sorry for my incompetence recently sir, I said still wanting to keep the formalities intact. I didn't know how I slept or when."

Why does this girl have to be too stubborn, she pretends as if she does not want to have anything to do with me but her expression said opposite.

" It's okay, it's a normal thing to be worn out", I replied coldly trying to hide all my feelings and emotions.

"Perhaps this trip won't seem as pleasant as I thought."

We logged at a five star hotel as expected and I and Hayden's room was opposite each other. I cursed the porters, receptionist or whoever it was that made this happen cause I didnät want to have anything to do with that man anymore, I stressed.

__To be updated soon 😜😜