
Wanjie Chat Group: Ten Thousand World Chat Group In Mondaiji!

Here, is the world of Little Garden where millions of gods exist! Ye Luo, who came to Little Garden, was just about to work hard to revitalize the power of the community. But he suddenly received an invitation from Wanjie Chat Group Wakaba Hiiro: "You tell the worst god in the universe that she is not bad?" Narutaki: "I need powerful warriors to help me destroy that abominable decade!" Butterfly Ninja: "By the way, are humans really not the opponents of the ghost king?" Since then, new changes have appeared. Established a cooperation with the world of Food Wars to manufacture spirit soup and medicinal diet. In the world of kiva, he gained the power of the dark kiva and the sword of the demon emperor, and was mistaken for the ancient king by the blood-tooth ghosts, who ruled the world. Build an elite kiva series of knight hunters, bear the name of knights, and rebuild the Little Garden knight army! Plant spiritual plants, and cultivate the Qijera flowers in the Tiga world on a large scale to create gift items - life medicine, Featuring: High quality edit and Top-quality grammar! *** Author: Upsetting Editor: Peinace Pat reon: pat reon.com/peinace

Peinace · Anime e quadrinhos
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18 Chs

Little Garden World, The Paradise Of Gods!

Little Garden World.

2105380 Outer gate residential area, inside the community residence of "No Name".

A frowning teenager was standing at the window, looking out at the gate.

Seems to be waiting for someone's return.


The young man has a delicate face, clear facial features, and sharp eyes. Anyone who takes a look will be surprised. Where is this handsome young man from?

So handsome and dashing!

His name is Ye Luo, and he was not originally from this world, but was transmigrated.

In his previous life, he had just finished one day's work at 996 Fortune, and was on his way to watch the new movie [Goblin Clan Fierce Battle of the Holy Maiden], when he was suddenly hit and killed by a car.

He was then reincarnated into this world.

This development made him speechless for a long time, almost without a sudden cerebral hemorrhage.

In the words of the anchor he often watches:


{E/N: WDNMD - Wǒ diào nǐ mā de. It means "Fuck you" or "I fuck your mom"}

Obviously he is an ordinary person, why did he come to this world?

If it's the everyday world, it's better. It's not a big problem to marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life.

{E/N: Bai Fu Mei, Literally "Fair, rich, and beautiful" }

But this is Little Garden.

The place where countless gods gather, almost all the gods you can know are here, Buddhism, Taoism, Greek mythology, Norse mythology, Mayan gods, Celtic gods, etc...

Is this a world where ordinary humans can mix? Please, be humane!

I don't want to die a dog's death!

For Ye Luo, he is no longer the anime maniac he used to be.

Because later on you will realize something very important.

If you are not the protagonist, if you don't open it, in these worlds, it is just a trick, even a trick.

This is the beating from the world.

Although he has crossed into this world and granted him a handsome appearance, what is the use of being good-looking?!

It looks good and can be eaten as a meal! Oh please, it can only be used to eat soft rice!

Can you survive in this dangerous world of Hakoniwa with just good looks?

{E/N: Hakoniwa, means miniature garden in japanese. It is what was written on the mtl site. Starting from now, I will change it to Little Garden to remain consistent to Mondaiji.}

Thinking of this, Ye Luo's expression was very sad.

"Don't play with me like this, the original world is so good, I'm still chasing the new spider, Kamen Rider Sacred Blade! I can't even see a hair now."

"I heard that [The Dragon Maid of the Xiaolin Family - Season 2] is also coming out, as well as the new season of King Moe, and the most important thing is that Terriga will also be broadcast! That's what I heard about the benchmark. Tiga's work! I really want to watch it, I don't know if the first episode is wonderful."

"In the end, I actually died! All gone, all gone, blood loss!"

"Goodbye, my Rokka, my Mai-senpai, Rikazo, Nanomiya, Rem, Kato Megumi, Hirasawa Yu, Wugen Ruri, Rimuru, my wife Yu, wait, that's fine. Waifu, farewell to you, I will never see your smiles again."

Looking at the withered trees and the dry land in front of him, Ye Luo could only sigh heavily.

Where he is now is a perfect match for his name, decay, trees wither, the community in a moment of destruction.

Exactly, in the hardest time.


When Ye Luo was standing here looking out, some young figures appeared in the distance, walking slowly towards this side, carrying something.

It was a group of kids.

Carrying wooden barrels filled with clean water, they walked back from outside Hakotei panting, seeing that it was a long journey, and everyone's faces were full of exhaustion.

They are in Little Garden East, which doesn't have as much snowfall as the North, nor does it have a large river flowing through the urban area like the South.

So there is a very serious problem, water shortage!

Although there are water channels in towns, the current situation is that only the middle-level and higher communities who can pay the usage fee can use them.

Therefore, this time the children went out to draw water outside the city to reserve enough water for everyone's daily use.

After returning, everyone poured buckets after buckets of water into a large water tank. The water level in the water tank rose visibly with the naked eye. After seeing this scene, everyone's expressions became better.

One by one, they became cheerful, and the originally deserted place became a little more lively.

Many people greeted Ye Luo enthusiastically after seeing Ye Luo.

"Good morning, Chief."

"Brother Ye, we're back, and the water we brought back this time is enough for us to use for a week. It's great!"

"What's for lunch today, do you want us to catch some beasts to eat?"

"By the way, why isn't Sister Black Rabbit here? Where has she gone?"

The children talked to Ye Luo respectfully about the current situation, because Ye Luo was the leader of "No Name" at this time.

That is, the leader of this force!

Community "NoName"!


In Little Garden World, community is power.

Without joining the community, it is impossible to survive in this world full of gods, Buddhas and gifts.

These are the rules inscribed in this world.

On Ye Luo's side, after the predecessor community [Arcadia] was devastated, the flag and name that represented the community's honor and name were taken away, and those main combat members were not left.

There are only three gifted members left, and these more than a hundred children.

Many are children of previous members.

And those three gift members are Black Rabbit, Jin Russell, and Ye Luo.

The first two are on the bright side, the kind that everyone knows.

Needless to say, the Black Rabbit, the relatives of Emperor Shitian, the Moon Rabbit clan, are known as the "Little Garden Nobles".

No matter which community they go to, the Moon Rabbit clan will receive extraordinary favor. For the community, just owning a rabbit can greatly coat the community with "gold foil".

Not to mention that because of the previous war, there are not many members of the Moon Rabbit clan who are still active in Little Garden.

This makes the black rabbit even more precious.

[Jin Russell]

If Ye Luo hadn't crossed over, Jin Russell would have been the leader of "No Name" at this time. Jin's father used to guard the community treasury, but after the big change, even the son who guarded the treasury could be the leader.

One can imagine how terrifying the decline of "No Name" is.

There are completely few talents available.

It's impossible to count on a bunch of kids, right?

And Ye Luo's time to travel to Little Garden is not too short.

He has lived here for ten years.

When he first crossed to Little Garden, he didn't cross to "No Name", but was struggling outside Little Garden, struggling to survive until he met that woman.


"If you are desperate, let me be your hope."

The blonde woman's eyes were full of confidence and sunshine, as if all the difficulties in this world were ignored by her, she said this to Ye Luo with a smile.

From that day on, Ye Luo came to Arcadia, this huge and famous community, and joined it.

And he, after the black rabbit, was another child adopted by the canary.

Although Ye Luo really wanted to complain about this sentence, did it appear anywhere?

However, he didn't have a good time yet.

Disaster had come.

Overnight, just overnight.

Arcadia was destroyed!

Countless members died in battle, most of them disappeared, and their flags and names were taken away by the demon Wang Qiang!

The originally prosperous community has suddenly declined and is about to perish. Without a name, it has become a "No Name" existence!

This is a situation that no one expected.

Including Ye Luo.

Even he didn't expect that it was this day.

The day Arcadia was buried. It was so close that he couldn't react at all!

The coldness and cruelty of this world appeared in front of him again, making Ye Luo feel it clearly.

This is Little Garden World!

The Amusement Park of the Gods!


E/N: "Translator" here, or what I call myself as "Editor". I don't know chinese, let alone translate it. So I'll refer myself as "Editor".

Anyways, I got tired of reading MTL novels in this site from those so-called "Translators". But in truth, they are just a bunch of copy pasters who took from MTL site and placed it on their pat reon.

Of course, I am no different from them. I also took from MTL site. But instead of just blatantly copy pasting it, I edited them with effort.

And because of that, I can guarantee high-quality edits and top-quality grammar (No mistaken gender pronouns, readable english, etc.).

So if you want to support my work, either send powerstones or add this novel into your library. Or, visit my pa treon site where you can have early access to chapters.

Patreon Link: pat reon.com/peinace

(Remove the " " in pat" "reon)

Also, do know that chinese names or terms might not likely be edited. I am helpless in that regard. And, I will often retain the chinese writing style in the novel such as the use of third person, then first person which is followed by second person (the unusual writing style of chinese novels).