
Wanjie Chat Group: Ten Thousand World Chat Group In Mondaiji!

Here, is the world of Little Garden where millions of gods exist! Ye Luo, who came to Little Garden, was just about to work hard to revitalize the power of the community. But he suddenly received an invitation from Wanjie Chat Group Wakaba Hiiro: "You tell the worst god in the universe that she is not bad?" Narutaki: "I need powerful warriors to help me destroy that abominable decade!" Butterfly Ninja: "By the way, are humans really not the opponents of the ghost king?" Since then, new changes have appeared. Established a cooperation with the world of Food Wars to manufacture spirit soup and medicinal diet. In the world of kiva, he gained the power of the dark kiva and the sword of the demon emperor, and was mistaken for the ancient king by the blood-tooth ghosts, who ruled the world. Build an elite kiva series of knight hunters, bear the name of knights, and rebuild the Little Garden knight army! Plant spiritual plants, and cultivate the Qijera flowers in the Tiga world on a large scale to create gift items - life medicine, Featuring: High quality edit and Top-quality grammar! *** Author: Upsetting Editor: Peinace Pat reon: pat reon.com/peinace

Peinace · Anime e quadrinhos
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18 Chs

It's A Pity, You Don't Have The Ultimate Power

In just one click, the female fanfire directly grabbed Tsukasa Kadoya's hand and hid behind him.

It's like grabbing a life-saving straw.

In a pitiful and frightened tone, she said to Tsukasa Kadoya, "Help!"

"He's going to kill me!"


Tsukasa Kadoya, who had just passed by here, didn't realize what was going on, but saw a female human being constantly running for her life, and behind her was a ferocious fanfire (tooth blood ghost) chasing her constantly.

What are you doing!

Don't you mean that this is an environment where humans and blood-tooth demons coexist peacefully?

Why is it still openly attacking human beings, so arrogant, there is no law!

It is unreasonable to even do such a thing in front of his presence!

A bit angry, Tsukasa Kadoya directly accused the law enforcer, "What is peaceful coexistence here? Is that what you guys are like?"

The law enforcement officer who was already very angry, seeing that there is still a fool human to stop him from arresting, his mood is even worse.

Do these humans have the ability to distinguish?

He even protects a blood-toothed female ghost with many lives on her hands!

How stupid.

You'll be the one to eat next time.

So he scolded directly: "Get out of the way!"

"That woman broke the rules!"

This made Tsukasa Kadoya hesitate a bit, but he didn't think much about it, but directly contradicted him very hard.

He was already in a very bad mood, and this monster in front of him dared to scold him directly, which was really annoying.

"Although I don't know what's going on, I'm very upset!"

Saying that, Tsukasa Kadoya took out his white driver and fixed it on his waist.

He took out his card from the other side, inserted it directly into the drive, and closed it directly with both hands.


The driver made an electronic sound mechanically, and there were phantoms all around.

Nine illusory figures came together, and a set of armor with a basic tone of magenta and green eyes appeared on him.

Kamen Rider—decade! Appear!

Twisting his neck, decade went straight up, and walked faster and faster, attacking the law enforcer.

{E/N: Btw, Narutaki is the main villain in Kamen Rider Decade. It's quite unusual to see a main villain in chat group where the MC who knows about it is still supporting him. But it seems that original author didn't like decade and preferred Narutaki. And at least what was portrayed in this fanfic, I support Narutaki since from his words, he is saving the world from decade (And you guys know that he is right, since decade's existence brings trouble due to his identity as protagonist). Or its possible that the author has bias hate to decade, but who knows? I am just an editor, not the translator nor the author.}

The law enforcement officer on the opposite side was also violent. Seeing that this human being not only made trouble, he even know how to conjure up a pair of armor to attack him!

Even more angry, he also punched him.

The two directly started a close battle. The situation was chaotic for a while, and the others did not dare to watch the fun, so they left here quickly.

Only the handsome young man who had avoided the female blood-toothed ghost was still standing there, motionless.

And still watching the battle here with gusto.

"However, the battle should be over."

After a few rounds with this enforcer, decade firmly gained the upper hand, and he felt that his level was just like that, and he was ready to solve it directly.

In the card box, he directly took out a skill card and stuffed it into his drive,

The drive also responded with a mechanical sound.


After doing this step, decade turned his weapon, the sword weapon, into the sword mode.

At this moment, the body of his sword was covered with purple rays of light, which were constantly converging and slashed directly at the law enforcer.

As long as he hits, the law enforcer will surely die.

As a result, the next moment, decade's face suddenly changed greatly, and he was surprised to find that his attack was blocked!

The sword that was chopped out was actually firmly grasped by one hand, unable to move at all.

No matter how hard Tsukasa Kadoya pulled out, it still didn't budge.

What, are you kidding?

The other party is flesh and blood!

And he didn't wear any armor.

When Tsukasa Kadoya looked at him, he saw that the other party was a young man even younger than him, handsome and dashing, with sword eyebrows and star eyes.

He couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Damn, he's even more handsome than me!

However, in the face of this situation, Tsukasa Kadoya was still a little angry.

"You bastard! What do you want to do!"

The one who appeared here was Ye Luo, who was watching the play just now. The enforcer is responsible for maintaining the peaceful coexistence of humans and the Tooth Vampire.

It belongs to the party that guards the order.

As a result, Tsukasa Kadoya didn't understand the situation when he came up, and wanted to kill the opponent.

Only then did Ye Luo shoot directly, blocking the attack of Tsukasa Kadoya.

In the face of Tsukasa Kadoya's questioning, Ye Luo didn't care, and looked at the long enforcer who was almost the same as one of the four chess leaders in the main time and space!

Then he said:

"Go and keep chasing that girl. Don't worry about this here."

Although Ye Luo's identity is not clear, the law enforcer knows that the presence of the other party saved his life.

So thank you very much.

Then he left here and chased after the woman.

Seeing this scene, Tsukasa Kadoya was completely restless, so anxious that he glared at Ye Luo fiercely.

said directly:

"You guys! Are you chasing and killing a human woman like this!"

"This is also called peaceful coexistence with human beings!!!"

"It's just a bunch of disgusting monsters."

Faced with the situation that the sword could not be drawn out, the decade that Tsukasa Kadoya transformed into decisively gave up the sword and took a few steps back.

He attacked Ye Luo again. He knew very well that if he didn't defeat this guy, he wouldn't be able to leave at all!

According to his performance. It is very likely that the other party is one of the strongest in this group of monsters.

Absolutely not human!

How could a human being catch his sword with his bare hands and still not move at all?

Therefore, the heart of Tsukasa Kadoya is also very heavy, I hope that the woman can still have time!

"What a madman!"

Seeing that decade gave up, Ye Luo took his spear and sword in his hand and waved it easily, and two sparks exploded on decade's body.

Directly smashed him out.

This exquisite swordsmanship moves so fast that even the decade doesn't react for a while!

"Compared to the experienced you in the future, the current you is still far behind, Tsukasa Kadoya."

Looking at the decade that fell to the ground, Ye Luo, who was calmly speaking the truth, remained motionless.

"Damn! You bastard!"

"In that case, use this against you!"

The angry Tsukasa Kadoya took out a card directly from the card box, which was the power that the previous world got from Yusuke Onodera's friendship!

Super ancient warrior! Empty me!


"kamen.Rider.Kuuga! (Kamen Rider Kuga)"

The decade at this time has been transformed into another stance, the body is as crimson as flames, and another warrior with red compound eyes.

It's just that Ye Luo doesn't care about the empty me at this time, those years in Little Garden were not in vain!

An empty self in a basic form.

With a funny tone, Ye Luo shook his head a little.

"If it's that black stance with ultimate power, that would make me jealous!"