
Wanjie Chat Group: Ten Thousand World Chat Group In Mondaiji!

Here, is the world of Little Garden where millions of gods exist! Ye Luo, who came to Little Garden, was just about to work hard to revitalize the power of the community. But he suddenly received an invitation from Wanjie Chat Group Wakaba Hiiro: "You tell the worst god in the universe that she is not bad?" Narutaki: "I need powerful warriors to help me destroy that abominable decade!" Butterfly Ninja: "By the way, are humans really not the opponents of the ghost king?" Since then, new changes have appeared. Established a cooperation with the world of Food Wars to manufacture spirit soup and medicinal diet. In the world of kiva, he gained the power of the dark kiva and the sword of the demon emperor, and was mistaken for the ancient king by the blood-tooth ghosts, who ruled the world. Build an elite kiva series of knight hunters, bear the name of knights, and rebuild the Little Garden knight army! Plant spiritual plants, and cultivate the Qijera flowers in the Tiga world on a large scale to create gift items - life medicine, Featuring: High quality edit and Top-quality grammar! *** Author: Upsetting Editor: Peinace Pat reon: pat reon.com/peinace

Peinace · Anime e quadrinhos
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18 Chs

Damn, Why Can't You Forgive Me?

[Tony Stark: Help, let me go, boss. If I knew this was true, I would never be so arrogant.]

[Tony Stark: I was high before, please forgive me!]

[Tony Stark: It's all my fault. I apologize to everyone. At that time, I will give each group member a luxury car and ten beauties!]

[Tony Stark: As long as others are fine, all satisfied!]

For a time, Tony's attitude seemed very sincere.

No way, as a big man, if you are suddenly turned into a woman, you are not sure if you can change back.

Must be in a state of panic.

So Tony was in a hurry and could say anything.

[Nakiri Erina: Bah! Beauty my ass! I am already a beauty myself! Who wants your luxury cars? I have many of those!]

Those so-called luxury cars, which was nothing for her. As an elite chef, Nakiri Erina was rich.

[Ye Luo:...]

Ye Luo was also stunned by this return. Which of us want your car and beautiful women? There are not many ordinary people in this group.

It's not an ordinary world.

If you come up with some missiles, you might be able to show the ghosts of butterfly tolerance in their world. What are you doing man, times have changed.

Other than that, not much is needed.

[Butterfly Ninja: What is a luxury car, is it a carriage with four wheels like ours?]

[Butterfly Ninja: Does it run fast?]

[Tony Stark:...]

What a four-wheeled carriage, this is the world of the Year of the Monkey, Horse and Moon? Still using something so backward?

This group, wouldn't there still be ancient people?

What the hell, what kind of group did he come to?

As for Ye Luo, he was very curious about what happened. Tony must have been pranked by Wakaba Hiiro's gift, right?

Looking at this performance, it seems rather miserable.

Fortunately, he didn't want it and escaped the catastrophe.

So, what happened to Tony today?

[Ye Luo: Tony, what's wrong with you, say it and let us be happy (crossed it out), no, let us hear it, maybe we can solve it.]

[Tony Stark: Really, really? Then don't laugh!]

After this change, Tony didn't dare to underestimate anyone in this group.

Even if Ye Luo is a rookie like him, maybe he is also a strong man?

After all, it's just the time to join the group, but it doesn't say that in that world, it must be a real newbie to join in.

Maybe a prehistoric crocodile was mixed in.

Looking at Tony's words, Ye Luo was happy.

[Ye Luo: Okay, tell me, we have received professional training, no matter how funny it is, we will never laugh!]

[Nakiri Erina: ...Mmmm.]

[Butterfly forbearance: Then, I want to hear it too, add me, shouldn't it matter?]

After brewing for a while, Tony finally couldn't help pouring bitter water.

Now he, no, it should be she,

It was very inconvenient to even go to the toilet, and I felt very embarrassed and ashamed.

If there is anything you don't understand, you have to ask your assistant, Little Pepper.

Although Little Pepper would tell him, the smile hidden in her eyes made Tony feel that he wanted to find a crack to burrow in.

This day has been too difficult.

He is the chairman of Stark Industries, a genius inventor, and now he has fallen into such a situation.

It was really the man who saw the silence, and the woman who shed crocodile tears when she heard it.

After listening to Tony Stark's complaints, everyone was silent for a while, and then they couldn't help it anymore.

[Ye Luo: Pfft, I didn't expect it to be like this, brother, I sympathize with you so much, pfft!]

[Tony Stark: ???]

[Tony Stark: No, didn't you say that you have been trained professionally, so you can't laugh!]

This makes him very depressed, why is this happening?

Shouldn't everyone be sympathetic and comforting?

[Nakiri Erina: Hahaha, Sister Wakaba is really bad, she really knows how to play.]

[Butterfly Ninja: ...Pfft.]

[Ye Luo: Yeah, no matter how funny it is, we will never laugh.]

[Ye Luo: Unless you can't help it.]

[Tony Stark: You!!!]

Seeing this, Tony's face grimaced and turned black like coal!


At this moment, the main lord also appeared.

[Wakaba Hiiro (Administrator): Ah, the game is over, playing while being chased with weapons, it's really hateful.]

[Wakaba Hiiro: However, in the end, I was not directly bombed to death by myself!]

[Wakaba Hiiro: When the time comes, I'll find another mod to play with, and by the way, play with the lady in Biochemical Series 8.]

Wakaba Hiiro, who was sitting on the gaming chair in the room, stretched out leisurely.

As a leisurely person, she naturally plays games a lot.

If it wasn't for the foolish hero and the demon king who attacked her without authorization, she would have forgotten that she had created a system on that planet.

After all, after all! It has nothing to do with her! It is just a casual work.

And this chat group, because there are not many people, Wakaba Hiiro has not put too much energy into it for the time being.

As for Tony, it was just a random move of hers.


Seeing the appearance of Wakaba Hiiro, Tony Stark seemed to have seen a savior.

Hurry up to speak,

[Tony Stark: Boss, I was wrong, I don't dare to ask for group gifts anymore.]

[Tony Stark: Just take back your magical powers and let me change back.]

[Tony Stark: This made me afraid to go to work. If the media knew that Tony Stark had turned into a woman, it would make headlines in minutes.]

[Tony Stark: Not only can I not raise my head in the company, but I can't even blame those ugly reporters for their stubborn bashing.]

For ordinary people, it doesn't matter.

But Tony, as a well-known playboy billionaire, was often active in the news.

Either he was on the news with this cover girl, or another.

For a time, I don't know how many people hate him.

Stark Industries, which also has countless speculators, hopes to get his support.

Once something unexpected happens, shouldn't the situation be turbulent and the company will be in chaos?

And Wakaba Hiiro just thought it was a little interesting.

Slowly typed out a few words…

[Wakaba Hiiro (Administrator): Why don't you do this? You are limited to researching a few items that are useful to all members of the group in a short period of time.]

[Wakaba Hiiro: If you complete that task, I can consider removing this effect from you.]

[Wakaba Hiiro: By the way, the new Ye Luo little brother, what do you think about my welcome gift? Tony Stark is just too beautiful in it.]

[Wakaba Hiiro: I promise, it's a good thing for you.]

[Ye Luo:...]

Ye Luo, who was still watching the excitement, was suddenly dumbfounded.

Aren't you talking about Tony?

Why she implicated an innocent melon seed eater like me?

This Wakaba Hiiro is too persistent, does she have to give this gift?

Terrible woman!

Damn, he remembered this hatred, and he will find it back sooner or later!

Let her know that when she looks good and triumphant today, it is also a kind of torture!