
Wandering Knight Too Angry to Die

In the shadowy depths of an ancient forest in Heian Japan, a nameless European knight finds himself inexplicably transported from his homeland to a realm unknown, hundreds of kilometers away from the familiar landscapes of Europe. Lost and bewildered, he stands amidst the towering trees of a foreign land, his armor gleaming like a beacon in this distant time period. As the knight grapples with the enigma of his sudden displacement, he soon discovers that this world is teeming with malevolent forces, demons, and spirits drawn from the rich tapestry of Japanese folklore. They torment him, as if toying with the interloper who has unwittingly stumbled into their domain. Each encounter with these supernatural entities becomes a harrowing battle, his sword clashing against the eerie, otherworldly forms that emerge from the shadows. Yet amidst the chaos and danger, a ray of hope emerges in the form of a mysterious shrine maiden. She becomes his guide in this realm, her gentle presence a lifeline in a sea of unfamiliar customs and an impenetrable language barrier. Together, they embark on a quest, not only to confront the demons that have ensnared him but also to decipher the ancient mysteries of Heian Japan. Their journey takes them through a world of vividly painted landscapes, from the bustling streets of Heian-era Kyoto to the serene tranquility of remote mountain shrines. Along the way, the knight gains a deep appreciation for the life of the common folk in this ancient East Asian society, as he witnesses the delicate interplay between Shinto and Buddhist practices and becomes entwined in the cultural tapestry of the time. As the battles against the malevolent spirits intensify, the knight's quest for a way back to his European homeland becomes deeply personal. The demons have not only transported him across time and space but have also tampered with his very existence. Determined to reclaim his lost identity and return home, he must muster every ounce of courage and determination, forging an unbreakable bond with the shrine maiden.

Clocktower_Lucil · História
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Chapter Thirty-three: Escapee

The nameless knight pressed forward, his determined steps leading him northward toward the looming village on the horizon. Perspiration clung to his skin, a testament to the oppressive heat that accompanied his journey. His body responded to the exertion, beads of sweat forming and trickling down his forehead, his clothing sticking uncomfortably to his frame.

As the scenery gradually transformed from the expansive beaches to the dense embrace of the forest, the knight quickened his pace. The surroundings shifted from the open expanse of the beach to the sheltered sanctuary of towering trees. The forest enveloped him in a cocoon of verdant greenery, the air cooler under the lush canopy. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, casting dappled patterns on the ground beneath his hurried stroll.

The dirt road meandered through the woodland, flanked by outcrops that presented obstacles for the nameless knight. He deftly maneuvered between them, his nimble movements a dance with nature's obstacles. The terrain, a mixture of soft earth and fallen leaves, crunched beneath his every step, the sound blending with the chorus of the forest.

Unbeknownst to him, an uninvited companion had been tailing him since the journey's inception. Annoyed and in a hurry, he quickened his pace, each step echoing with urgency. The rhythm of his escape mimicked a jolly Slavic dance, the staccato beats resonating through the forest.

A glance backward revealed a mysterious figure emerging from the curvature of the path. A young woman, her dark hair cascading like a waterfall and her tan skin kissed by the sun, donned a brown cloth that resembled a rag. She appeared both mysterious and alluring, a beautiful enigma dwelling in the rural seaside.

Caught between escape and curiosity, the nameless knight hesitated. The distance between them was a mere fraction of a meter, and as he observed her closely, he couldn't ignore the bruises marring her delicate skin. An intricate dance unfolded within him, the rhythm shifting from evasion to concern.

A gasp escaped him as he noticed a red substance oozing from her left arm. Panic surged through him like a tempest, his heart pounding against the confines of his chest. The lady muttered words toward him, her voice carrying a plea for assistance. In that moment, he realized he had turned a blind eye to someone in need.

Guilt, heavy and suffocating, rushed in like a relentless tide. Curses filled his thoughts as he berated himself for ignoring a wounded soul who had followed him, traversing a long distance in pursuit. Betrayed by his own actions, he grappled with the realization that he had forsaken the principles of chivalry.

Clicking his tongue in frustration, the nameless knight abandoned his flight and sprinted toward the injured woman. As her body began to collapse from exhaustion, he caught her in his arms, his touch a blend of strength and gentleness. The forest watched in silence as the knight, burdened by remorse, became the reluctant guardian of a stranger in need.