
Wandering Intruder

I was suddenly transferred in another world without realizing, I thought I could return to my former world when I asked Syldrya but turns out to be impossible. After a very long time, she revealed to me that I was a former god of this world, she also said that I once sacrificed myself to save this world from it's destruction. I don't if she tries to prank me or what, suddenly talking that I'm a god, that's just ridiculous. I still don't believe it since I always have this thought in my mind that tells me that she's just joking. Welp, let's just pretend to accept it, she's a goddess who can't afford to be kept in the dark. A notorious goddess since ancient times, she helped me adjusting in this new world for my everyday life. She's a very important person in my life that's why I would sacrifice everything even myself just to save her and what she holds dear.

RDA · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
35 Chs

Plan to Escape

Chapter 29: Plan to Escape

(Roujo's POV)

What is this monster?

I've never seen such monster like this before!

Even our team captain is quivering in fear, that only means that we can't just simply attack it carelessly.

I hope that girl finds the other team quickly and bring them back here when we are still alive.

The other members of the team were nailed to where they stand, they can't even make a single step.


The one that was ignoring our captain's order managed to keep his calm?!

What is he thinking?!

He's marching towards the monster without any hesitation, is he that dumb enough to not think about the differences between him and the monster?!

"What are you quivering there? Are you that scared enough for you to cower when you face this pipsqueak? It's not even worth bragging when I kill this one, it's just a simple cockatrice with a black feathers, what's the big deal with it?"(Man)

"What are you doing Fillis? Are you out of your mind?!"(Team Captain)

"What is it this time captain? Don't tell me you're still afraid of this thing here? Don't be offended but you don't have any rights to call yourself a knight if you're like that! You know, anytime I could kill this thing here without relying on the help from any of you here!"(Fillis)

He faces the monster without any care in the world while he confidently went near it's feet.

Fillis draws his sword from his scabbard which is still soaked with other monsters bloods from our previous battles.

The monster looks at him as it recognises his presence.

As the monster lowers it's head, Fillis didn't let the chance he got, he quickly attacked the monster all of the sudden.

Bloods fell on the ground as he flew with his sword that was still points upward.

"See? What could you say about my skills just now? You can still see these fresh bloods on my sword, that monster is nothing but an insect infront of me! That's a very effortless execution, and here you're still cowering in fear! Ahahahaha!!"(Fillis)

"You're wrong!.."(Team Captain)

"What's wrong about me, eh? Are you frustrated to accept the reality that I'm much more stronger than you?"(Fillis)

Team Captain ignored his statements and boastings, instead he continues to declare his words.

"You didn't killed that monster you idiot! Run!!!! Everyone, escape for your lives!! We can't kill this monster!"(Team Captain)

The blood he thought was the monster's blood was a mistake since it's was the blood from his scabbard to begin with.

Fillis slowly turned his eyes on the monster while shaking, his eyes bulged when he noticed the monster he thought he killed just a while ago was still standing behind him unscathed.

"What is this?!!! How could you be still standing?!!! Arrgh!!"(Fillis)

He recklessly started to attack the monster again, he didn't stopped when he drops on the ground, he still attacked the monster until it began to make it's move.

"Gahack!! Oguck..guhookk.. gasp..gasp.."(Fillis)

Bloods came out of his mouth and nose after he flew towards the big tree when the monster attacked him.

The monster began to emitt some ominous aura as it moves towards Fillis.

Everyone who felt the aura stopped moving as if it was the very last resort they have to survive from the monster's tyranny.

Our Team Captain shakes like crazy he didn't have any strength to make any order for us to get away from our situation.

We only watched Fillis in the corner while he was dying for his life, welp he's so fool enough to underestimate the foe infront of him.

"He..help me.."(Fillis)

His voice is so faint you can't even hear it, his clinging for his life, even in the deepest part of my heart, I at least found even the tiniest bit of sympathy for him.

Yes, he's fool enough to make that reckless actions, but I can't stand it when I saw someone dying and begging for their lives in front of my eyes.

I know it's not a good idea and is a dumb plan to help him but I can't just let him die when I could help him in exchange for my life.


"Nngg..we wanted to help you but we can't just do it.."(Team Captain)

"Heh.. pathetic..and you.. call yourself.. a captain of..this.. oguh..oguck..team.."(Fillis)

Despite of his situation, he still wants to maintain his arrogant attitude which also makes me hate him.

He threw more blood which made the girl beside me scream out of fear from the monster's terror.


The monster stopped it's movement, it slowly turned towards our direction, it's eyes were locked to the girl who let out the scream earlier.

"Hick..help me..!!!"

She said to me bearing the fear for her life, she's shaking so much she can't even utter the words properly.

I was stunned in my position as I saw the monster marched over us, it's eyes were full of killing intent, it looks like it didn't want to let any of us survive.

(What is this killing intent that it emitt?!!)(Roujo)

"It's coming!! Run!!!!"(Team Captain)

He continues to scream until the monster reached us.

It moves faster than I think it would, this is clearly not a joke anymore, thankfully I managed to saved the girl.

Unfortunately for me, I was hit by it's claw in my left foot which stopped me from leaping.

"Run!! All of you, run now!! Leave me alone and run!"(Roujo)

I scream with all my might just to save them if that's the only thing I could do to prove myself.

Team Captain were shocked after he realized what I wanted to do, he then bowed his head and uttered something.

"I'm really sorry!!!"(Team Captain)

"Don't worry about it.. just promise me to save every one okay??"(Roujo)

"Leave it to me, I promise to let everyone live according to your wish! Everyone run for your life and don't ever look back!"(Team Captain)

They start moving after they got his order, crying for their life and sympathy, they run without looking back.

"I'm sorry!!"

The girl I saved gave her last words huh?

What a shame, I didn't even get to know what he name is, but all's left without any worry.

I just needed to settle my score with this guy here, Fillis is in a far corner so he's good as long as he's still breathing.


"I completely forgot that you're still behind me little guy, you really had me a while back. What do you eat to grow that big huh?"(Roujo)


"Suddenly attacking me while I'm still talking to you, you're such a rude guy you know?"(Roujo)


He's speed is a top-notch, I barely evade some of it's attacks, on top of it, have this wound on my foot which restrict my movements.

It's so clever for a monster, or more like a divine beast, I heard from Aribal-san that divine beasts are clever beings to be classified as a monster whom can't even tell someone's attack.

But this guy's not just clever, it can even read and predict my movements and counter them.

"If that's the case, then that means I'm fighting a divine beast huh? How cruel...I need to prepare for it's magic and skills then, just to be safe."(Roujo)


That's a very nasty sound, I almost fainted when it let that scream, I honestly didn't think about that kind of attack.

After the monster let out the scream, it began to transform into another feature, it's black feathers began to radiate some black smoke like thing, it's normally uninterested eyes began to glow in red, it's claws are now sharper and harder than before.

How can I get out of this situation?!

If only I could do magics like that goddess, but I can't do some teleportation or transfer magics like Aribal-san and others, it's a shame but I need to do something about the current situation.

It's transformation had finally finished, but it looks like it also stopped moving.

Better to be careful about it's next move since it's a well known fact that if you're opponent doesn't do anything, it only means that it's preparing for a great launch.


"What is this? Why am I disappearing?! I can't evade such attack like this!!"(Roujo)

My body was slowly engulfed by the monster's black smoke, it's painless yet agonizing at the same time, I don't know how to describe this feeling but all I could say is that it felt like I was being played by the death itself.

After a while, my whole body were completely engulfed by the black smoke, and after that, I lost my consciousness.