

Those who wanders at night looking for a prey aren't meant to be the dark one. Those who believe in light shall perish by their own judgment. The world is waiting at the verge of revolution but at what cost. Wanderers who has seen the both day and night will decide what the future hold for all of us.

Ku_Curious · Urbano
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1 Chs

Ch1.The Savior

"Is it wrong? Wanting to be strong. Strong enough to protect our own people. I wonder where did things went wrong. I just wanted to stop the bloodshed nothing more" Zaiden was standing in front of the stone tablets fixed onto the wall. It was a closed room full of artifacts and many human and wolf skull. Bavuma who was standing next to Zaiden bent his knee after hearing the masters word. He replied while bowing his head "No Master. You did what needed to be done. You became strong as you promised . You restored our lost pride. You gave us a name. A lower servant like me don't have any right to question your choices" with this Bavuma bowed his head further. Zaiden, A tall muscled middle aged man with clean shave was wearing cloths off middle century mix with taste of modern composure. On the other hand Bavuma, short, dark and bulky wearing cloths of modern day.

Suddenly a person ran into the room and started explaining the situation "Enemy is at the throne sir. All captains were defeated. It just matter of time. We need to hurry...". "Haha. Hurry for what" Zaiden interrupted the foot soilder. "So you guys want me to run and hide. Do you guys even forget who am I" Zaiden shouted with anger on his face. Bavuma tried to calm Zaiden "Master We don't doubt your strength but with the throne has fallen it seems impossible for us to win at moment. If we can escape we will regroup...". "Don't make me repeat my word slave. I escape then what happens. More and more bloodshed. Unless one side completely defeated the cycle continue" Zaiden looked more angry as the time passed. "This slave only want to see his master live and rule what he has achieved so far by his strength and hard work. But if Master think of surrender ..." Bavuma was stopped again in middle of his conversation by Zaiden "Surrender you say. I will die before that happens. Isn't this war all about me . Me ruling on throne. Just like I wanted I became strong. I achieved everything I wanted . I became a ruler. But if my blood can end this bloodshed then let it be" Zaiden turned to Bavuma and lift him up from his position. "But Master if something were happen to you what of us few survivors" Bavuma tried to stopped Zaiden . Zaiden replied "How long will I fight Bavuma? A warrior dies on battlefield but the war continues. I seek peace". Tears were coming out from Bavuma's eyes "Master . You don't intend to do it right. Don't leave us Master". Zaiden seemed calmed . He smiled and said "Once you have spilled enough blood you will come to know peace never existed in first place in this mortal world. We all are on battlefield from the moment we came to this earth". Bavuma raised his hand and with tears on his eyes and started shouting" I am honor to have chance to serve under the King of Wolf, The Undefeated Zaiden".

In the middle their conversation a girl dragged a kid into the room. The kids hands were locked with broken shackle and he was wearing dirty and old cloth. "The enemy is at the door. We need to hurry" The girl kept dragging the kid to near Zaiden. Bavuma asked "why did you bring this little prisoner to the Master's chamber. He may be a spy or something?". The face that we already lost there is no need for them to send a half naked kid as spy. Tell me girl why did you bring this kid here?" Zaiden asked the girl about the boy. The girl replied "After the prison break all of the prisoners escaped but this little one remained. The enemy kept slaying who ever appears in front of them. I had no choice to bring him with me". Zaiden smiled and said" I see. That's the case you did the right thing girl. Look at those eyes so cold yet calm except the face that there is a storm going on out side . He is going to make a perfect wolf. Zaiden again smiled and asked the boy " Tell me boy why didn't you ran when you had the chance. If you ran there were a chance of meeting your family. So why did you escape". The boy gave a cold stare to Zaiden and said "Those who abandoned their own can never became family. They came yet they started praying on their own kind. I have forsaken them." Zaiden laughed and said " Hahahaah. You are sure one to talk . Even if you didn't ran you are still an enemy child. Did you really expect we would really spare you?" Suddenly a dark aura appeared surrounding Zaiden. In the blink of and eye Zaiden lift the kid on his neck and changed to rage mood where his eyes turned red and fangs were coming out from his mouth. Zaiden asked with an angry voice while pressuring the kids neck "Tell me again kid. Why didn't you run. Did you think were so soft then we would allowed you to live?" The Kid started crying and then said "Without anything to eat I was rotten anyway. I already considered myself as a dead. So you are looking at dead meat sir. I won't make an tasty meal sir". Suddenly the dark aura disappeared. Zaiden put the kid down and started smiling.

He said " Bavuma , this kid, He will be the savior. He will bring the doom to enemy empire . They will go down by their own blood. So Bavuma escape with the kid and live". Bavuma disagreed and said "But Master he is just a kid . What if he will turn against us in future". Zaiden replied with a confidence "Its a good side of you that you always stay precautious but look at his eyes. People can lie but there eyes can't. So go and live. Raise this kid as my son".Bavuma disagreed "but Master I've always wanted to stay by your side". The noises of enemy army become louder and louder. "Master, looks like they found us" The girls warned everyone. Zaiden said "There is no time Bavuma. They enemy almost onto us. You never disobeyed my command. This shall be my last command. Take the kid and go. Let him wander around the world and bring him to my grave when the time comes. Foot soldiers do your duty and show them the way". The foot soldier bowed and started running towards Bavuma "That way sir". He raised he finger to the backside of the room. Some of enemy soilders broke into the room but the girl hold them off. Bavuma grabbed the kid on his shoulder and turn back to master. He saw enemy shoulder and started shouting "Master...". A person with black sword entered the room . As the dark aura appeared again around Zaiden and he shouted "You shall live kid. Now here he come" Zaiden went charged towards that person. As Bavuma ran from the war following the foot soldier. The kids eye caught only a black sword with white pattern on it afterwards he closed his eyes and lost his sense.

Well. This is my first novel afterall. I hope everone will like it. Please support my story and help me writting better conten with everyone's valuable suggestion.

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